Isekai Nonbiri Nouka

Chapter 220

Publishedat 16th of August 2019 10:06:44 PMChapter 220

My name is Goldie .

I take pride in being famous at the backstreet of Shashaato City .

However, I’m not really the main man behind the scene .

You can call me a subcontractor .

However, even though I’m only a subcontractor, I have more than 50 subordinates .

If you include my not official subordinates… . it will be 200… . . no, it might even be 300 .

Because of that, I’m thinking that it’s time for me to take over a higher position .

While I was thinking like that, a report came .

It is about a large number of girls under my protection were employed by someone .

What does that report mean?

I’m glad that they are hired but it is my job to give them jobs .

If I don’t know anything, how am I supposed to handle it?

No one in Shashaato City breaks that rule .

Since they broke the rule, it means they are outsiders who knew nothing about the rule .

I see . I’ll have to teach them about it .

I don’t care if it will end up in a fight, my prestige is on the line here .

I’ll need to flex my muscles .

I want to meet them now but they are staying in an expensive inn .

Their guards are also skilled .

I will not be able to meet them even if I go .

After that, the other party wanders around the city . Why are they doing that?

I sent several of my subordinates to track them .

…… .

They came back immediately .

They said they were threatened by a scary person .

…… .

Oi oi, you!

No matter how gentle I am, I will get angry .

Is that guy who threatened them not scared of me?


He’s here?

I, though he’s already before me, why can’t I feel his presence?

I’ll surely get hurt if I do anything .

Ah, this guy’s level is beyond scary .

I see .

I understand it now .

Let’s rest for today .

It’s okay .

I’m not angry .

I’m only here to ask about what job are you going to make them do, my bad .


Okay, let’s forget about this matter .

The next day .

One of them came to visit me .

I was surprised .

I totally let my guard down .

I hurriedly called my subordinates . However, I remember that almost all of my subordinates were hired that morning in utmost urgency .

It seems like a building needs to be built immediately .

Not only my men were hired but from all over this place too .

What remains are about 5 10-year old girls… .

Yeah, I know that you are trying to protect me but stop… .

I still have something on me .

Even if you’re not here, I still have my guard dog .


Taking a stroll?

…… .

I-it can’t be helped .

Let’s buy time for now .

How long will it be out?

… . .

Hah .

I was not able to partic.i.p.ate in the urgent hiring earlier this morning because I was worried about the girls hired by the man before me, so I looked for them all night long .

Though I wanted to forget about that matter, I just can’t .

After finding them and confirming that they are not mistreated, I went back and took a nap… .

After that, I woke up .

Okay .

Let’s think first .

What is he doing here?

Did he hear about what we’ve done yesterday?

Is he here for revenge?

Then, why did he came here in a dignified manner?

Does this guy know what he’s doing?

If he doesn’t know……then I can only intimidate him .

If he comes to fear me, he won’t do anything strange .

I checked my face using a polished iron plate as a mirror .

Good, scary enough .

「You have come . 」

I lowered my voice to the lowest possible .

Fufufu .

The other party looks like a normal person in all angles .

He’s probably shivering now .

…… .

What the… .

He replied to my greeting like it was nothing .

Am I not scary?


He’s here to talk about them hiring the girls from the backstreet .

Ah, he politely said that… . .

I can check the condition of the girls they hired… .

But before that, how about my face?

Were you not scared?

I won’t be happy if you flatter me .

… .

He’s really not scared .

No way, this guy .

Could he be strong?


Let’s verify it .

If he is a registered adventurer, I can judge that by his rank but I already confirmed yesterday that he is not a registered adventurer .

In that case, I have no choice but to use the strength judgment method that I have been using recently before I employ someone .

It is asking a specific question . That much can already determine the other party’s strength .

I have avoided offending strong individuals using it many times .

This has been my method of defending myself until now and I have absolute confidence in it .

「By the way, do you know that there’s a martial arts tournament here in Shashaato City?」


He doesn’t know about the martial arts tournament .

In other words, he takes no pride in battle .

No, I mustn’t take that as the matter of fact .

He just got here in this city .

「If you have ever fought with monsters outside the city, you can try partic.i.p.ating . 」

「Ah… . . fought a monster, is it? But I still can’t fight one alone . 」

… . . can’t fight alone?

In other words, he’s weak?

Great great, an ordinary person .

He’s probably a normal person who has just risen from being a normal commoner .

Just a little might and he will surely be frightened .

「Is that so? That’s regrettable . 」

「Hahaha . The reason I came here in this city is purely for business . 」

Good, confirmed .

He is an ordinary person .

Now then… . I’ll only have to beat him a little .

But if the strong bodyguard is around, it will be a problem .

「You probably know of some guys who know how to fight, right? If they are confident in their skill, you should encourage them to partic.i.p.ate . In fact, gathering partic.i.p.ants for the tournament is also my job . 」

Perfect .

Perfect storytelling .

Now, what will be his answer?

「No, they are in the village . I’ll tell them when they come to this city . 」

「Really? That’s too bad . 」

Yeeess, yes .

There’s absolutely no problem .

Ah, there’s a problem .

The Goroun Company has said that he is their guest and no one should lay hands on him .

…… . .

So, he’s untouchable?

No, I’m not the one who started this .

It’s the other party that has come to me first so there’s no problem .

…… . .


Yesterday, isn’t there a scary person who threatened us?

Ah, could it be that he’s guarding the woman?

「Martial arts tournament . Dagsan and Gulf-san will surely be happy to partic.i.p.ate . 」



「Hnn? You know Gulf-san?」

「Are you talking about a beastkin? A dog beastkin?」

「Ah right . Gulf-san told me that he had traveled to Shashaato City before . During that time, he partic.i.p.ated in a martial arts tournament . 」

……… .

Gulf, that Gulf?

It was said that the strongest and most domineering men of the city were kicked by him one by one with a single slash of his wooden sword when he partic.i.p.ated in the martial arts tournament… . .

The living swordG.o.d, Gulf?


The details are uncertain but it was rumored that he is the fifth person of the four heavenly kings of the demon king’s kingdom .

And he’s this man’s acquaintance… .

「Have you ever fought Gulf?」

「Me? Of course, we practice from time to time but I always get creamed . 」


There’s a mountain of people who wants to learn swordsmanship from Gulf including n.o.bles… . .

He can’t fight a monster alone but he’s using Gulf’s standard .

No, my instinct is tingling!

The man before me is dangerous!

He’s someone who should never be an enemy!

From beginning to end, I have to smile during our conversation!

And, I won’t meet with you anymore!

For hiring those girls, my best regards!

Before he leaves, my demon guard dog returned from taking a stroll .

s.h.i.t .

This demon dog barks at strangers .

In some cases, it even bites .

A girl is leading the man out so the dog surely won’t do anything, good… .

Nothing to worry about .

Something funny happened .

This demon dog who never shows its belly to anyone immediately shows its belly .

Is it in heat?

It has never shown its belly even to me .

「A cute dog . Before I came to this city, I get along with my dog… . . no, it’s a wolf . 」

Wolf is it? Is its face scarier than this demon dog?

Let’s not think about it .

The name of that visitor is Marcos .

That man happily wins the number one spot of my ranking of risky person .

I must absolutely not get involved with him .

That’s what I decided to do but we met again 10 days later .

Ah, yeah, they hired girls in the backstreet without going through me again .

No no, I don’t mind even if you don’t come here to inform me .

Hahaha .

The condition of the employees is the same as before .

Ano, are you only going to hire girls?

We have boys too .

Just the other day, the big construction project we’re working has been completed… . .

Ah, that huge building is Marcos’ shop?

Hahaha .

If you have any requests, just let me know .

That’s only a lip service of course .

I said it’s only a lip service .

Why are you here again?

You want to hire more?

All right .

Males this time .

Now, how many?

… . . if you hire that much, there’s no need for me to control the manpower in the backstreet .

Thank you very much .

I’ll do what I can for you .

This is not a lip service .

I was called .

Though I said that I’ll do what I can for him, he really didn’t hesitate to ask for me .

I went to his store obediently because I won’t dare to defy him .

This huge store is now the hottest topic in Shashaato City .

Everyone is crazy about the food called curry .

Because of that, it’s crowded .

This place has been like a seamstress that sewed the backstreet people who are now looking clean in their uniform .

I’m working hard too .

I was called to organize the crowd .

To put it simply, I’m here to arrange queues and stop people from fighting .

Because of that, I’ve became a famous person in Shashaato City .

Well, work is work .

Ah, can I also bring my demon dog here?

All of us are hired so there’s no one to take care of my demon dog and I can’t leave it alone in our hideout .

By the way, I’ll be able to eat curry later .

It really smells good .

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