Isekai Nonbiri Nouka

Chapter 265

Publishedat 30th of March 2020 10:54:26 PM
Chapter 265
Chapter 265 – West Dungeon Survey Corps, Depart
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When I sat down on a legless chair to read a letter, a kitten… . Miel came over and began climbing up to me .

Foot, belly, chest… . the claws are painful .

I thought that it would settle down my shoulder but it climbed to my head .

You want to stay there?

I don’t mind but be sure to not fall .

… . . I’m wrong .

It put out its claws and started scratching my head .

It’s painful, stop .

Yes, that’s it .

Oh, Uel .

You’re here too .

Seeing Miel, it looks like it wants to go to my head too .

However, it seems to be poor at climbing .

Why did I say that? Because my belly is already b.l.o.o.d.y .

I know .

Get on my hand .

I’ll put you on my head too… . . hey, stop fighting .

I played with the kittens until cat came .

「Village chief can get injured?」

「Sorry . 」

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……hearing that, is it the first time I got injured?

But they are just scratch wounds by the kittens .

The oni maid Ann crushed a medical herb and put it on my wound .

「This one is the worst . 」

「Miel fell from my head and caught my chest on the way down . It’s painful . 」

I know that it is just an instinctive move of a cat .

At least it is not on a weak part of my body .

For example, between my toes .

The kittens are playful but what they are doing is painful . They should learn the right level of fun .

The kittens do that to the spiderlings and the kuros too… . good thing they are patient .

Let’s try better next time .

「It is good that you love them but discipline is important too . 」

「Can cats even be disciplined?」

「They were able to learn how to use toilet, they can . 」

Right, how can I forget?

I had Ann train them how to use the toilet .

「Then, I’ll leave it to you… . ah, wait . Be kind . Don’t be too strict . 」

「… . . I understand . 」

Later .

Whenever Ann shows up, the kittens will disappear .

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Farming at Village One, Village Two, and Village Three are going well . They don’t have any particular problem .

However, there’s a report that the harvest in Village Two will diminish because of repeated cultivation .

I did not notice .

When you plant the same crop in the same place, it will continuously absorb nourishment from the soil that will lead to malnutrition .

Big Tree Village has the AFT so no matter how many times we raise the same crop in the same place, nothing will happen .

As a measure for diminishing crop return, another crop should be planted .

Or the field should rest from farming .

The land here is still wide so we decided to let the current field rest for a year and plant in another place .

I also brought up raising dungeon potato under sunlight and use it to make fertilizer .

I don’t know if it’s effective since I never received any report from the demon king’s kingdom when they tried doing it last year .

If it is effective in the demon king’s kingdom, I would like to hand over the dungeon potato to the human countries .

But given the present situation, it will be a headache on how to give it to them .

I thought of just handing it to them normally but pa.s.sing support goods to a hostile country is a problem .

In addition, how can the country who picked war instead of anything else just receive something from the country they are attacking normally?

What a troublesome situation .

…… .

But what if they are being sold by a merchant?

Should I really have this smuggled?

Though the dungeon potato is great, if the country that received it did not manage it correctly, it is dangerous .

Right .

Then, how about making it look like an important supply and have the other party take it?

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Beezel had an enlightened look .

It was speculated that there might be a dungeon in the west so a survey corps was formed .

Kuros, 30 .

Spiderlings, 60 .

The style is to have the spiderlings ride on the kuros’ back .

Are you fine with that arrangement?

Are you sure?

Their reply is happy faces so I can only give them my support .

Do your best .

We give them bags made for them and fill them with food .

Ah……wait a moment .

Yes, that kuro over there, come here .

Excuse me .

From the bag on his back, I took out a kitten .

How mischievous?

The others are not inside another bag, right?

…… . .

Though there’s no other kittens discovered, Ursa and Guraru were caught trying to tail the survey corps .

Secured .

This might not be the end of today’s work .

Kuh, make sure to be strict to everyone .

Good .

Give up following the survey corps since I’ll take you somewhere else .

Though there were various distractions, the survey corps finally departed .

I turn over the captured kitten to Jewel and ride the balloon with Ursa and Guraru .

As for our destination, it is Village Four, the Sun Castle .

I want to discuss the transportation and installation of the teleportation gate .

Though the place to connect to has yet to be decided, we can already set up the first one on Big Tree Dungeon .

I want to confirm the procedure of setting up the teleportation gate .

Ah, shake shake(sfx) .

Don’t horseplay in the basket .

I don’t want to fall .

Guraru can fly so she doesn’t care much .

What are you touching?


That’s a parachute .

You want to prepare for an emergency?

…… . what are you even planning?


I’m serious! Stop it!

I’m as serious a mother from my previous world .

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