Isekai Nonbiri Nouka

Chapter 267

Publishedat 31st of May 2020 12:16:47 PM
Chapter 267

Raimeiren came over .

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She often visits Hiichiro so it doesn’t feel like she hasn’t been here for a long time .

As for her purpose, she’s always been visiting for Hiichiro so it is rare for her to come here for me .

「The wyverns want to reconcile . 」


Why is she telling me that? The only wyverns I know are the wyvern that attacked the village before and the small wyverns we are taking care of to send messages .

By the way, we’ve eaten the wyvern that attacked the village so the only ones that remained here are the small wyverns… .

「Reconciliate is it? Did we even quarrel? Are they somewhat dissatisfied with something?」

「What are you saying?」

It seems like there is some sort of misunderstanding .

An elder wyvern seems to have proposed to reconcile .

They are apologizing for the matter of the previous wyvern attack . It looks like they want to be friends with the village .

「Ehto… . first question is… . About wyverns’ intelligence… . 」

「Though not comparable to us dragons, a wyvern that has lived for a long time has high intelligence . 」

It seems like when the raging wyvern was subjugated, the long-lived wyverns have become timid .

Because of that, they have always been wanting to apologize to the village for causing trouble but can’t find the right timing so they consulted Raimeiren .

「Then we must apologize too since I killed and ate the wyvern… . . 」

Sounds like I really have to apologize .

「I heard from Doraim that you were so angry that time that you might kill one if you see one . 」

「What a stupid thing to say… . 」

I look back at what I’ve done back then .

I only attacked that wyvern since it is an enemy .

Certainly, I don’t have any good vibes for wyverns but I’m not some homicidal maniac that would kill one as soon as I see one .

Also, I never killed even one of the small wyverns .

They’re safe .

What he said is a groundless accusation .

But how could Doraim conclude that and even report it to Raimeiren… . .

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That reminds me, Doraim asked me about wyverns several times .

「Village chief, what do you think about wyverns?」

「I’ll kill one as soon as I see one . 」

Ah… . .

I did .

I did say that .

No, whenever I speak with Doraim, we’re almost always under the influence of alcohol so I’m sure it’s the same when he asked me that .

I answered instinctively without thinking deeply about it .

So that’s how it is .

Doraim is probably already been consulted by the wyverns at that time about reconciliation .

I said something wrong .

I decided to receive the apology from the elder wyvern .

By the way, is there some sort of etiquette that needs to be observed?

It is unnecessary since the wyverns are the ones apologizing .

We’re going to meet outside the forest of death .


Why am I being called out to receive an apology?

According to Raimeiren, the wyverns can’t fly over the forest of death .

It is not a curse or restriction but a limitation of their ability .

What about that wyvern that attacked the village?

According to her, that wyvern has the power to rival a dragon .

Is that so?

Maa, it can’t be helped if there are these circ.u.mstances .

The place we’re going to meet was in the mountain where Doraim’s nest lies .

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Given that, it looks like this meeting is arranged by Doraim .

That helps a lot .

While they are contacting the wyvern, I can wait comfortably at his place .

I made a box for the kittens .

Cats like boxes .

Considering safety, it doesn’t use nails and is fully made of wood .

It looks great .

I’ll make one for each kitten .

Compared to the past, my skills have improved .

Come on kittens .

How’s this!

… . .

They didn’t even look at it .


Is the size not to their liking?

Is it the material?

Is it better to make it using a paper bag?

But paper is a valuable item .

Ah, cat .

You don’t have to worry about it .

It’s too small for you .

Okay okay .

I’ll make a box for you .

Is this the right size?

It’s not relaxing and a bit cramped?

Got it .

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The kittens went to the box I made for cat .


It will still take time for the wyvern to arrive so I’ll look around at Doraim’s nest first .

My companions are Loo, Tier, and a lamia .

Aside from Loo and Tier, a lamia, who’s working in the Big Tree Dungeon, came with me .

She heard it from somewhere that I will speak with the elder wyvern so she offered to come with me .

I’m not troubled with her request at all so I let her accompany me… . .

Could it be that she wants to say something to the wyvern?

The elder wyvern is big .

It is as big as a dragon .

There are similar sized wyverns behind it and they are all in a face-down pose .

It looks like they can’t transform into humans .

「To trouble yourself to meet us, we wish to express our grat.i.tude . Moreover, we apologize for taking time to apologize . 」

The apologizing elder wyvern can’t be more polite .

However, he speaks in a long winding manner .

To summarize, they are sorry for the wyvern’s attack on the village .

The wyvern that attacked the village is a variant wyvern that they even consider as a hooligan .

They are not resentful in any way when I killed the wyvern that attacked the village . If possible, they even want us to establish friendship with the wyverns in the future .

I also don’t want to make enemies for no reason so I received their apology .

And of course, the wyverns are not going to harm the village in the future .

「This is a token of our apology . This might be unsatisfactory since you are trading with the dragons but this is all we have . Please accept it . 」

There is a pile of stones placed at the place where the wyvern points out .

Ah, gemstone ores .

Even Loo and Tier are surprised so they might have considerable value .

I’m glad that they apologized but they don’t have to overdo it… .

However, if I don’t accept it, they might think that I’m hostile .

It was noted by Loo and Tier beforehand so I received them .

With this, reconciliation is complete .

Doraim acted as our witness .

The wyverns’ faces have an obvious expression of relief .

After that, the lamia that accompanied us started talking with the wyverns .

Honestly, I don’t think that this set up is necessary for a simple apology .

After the wyverns left, I spoke with Doraim .

「No, they view you as the feudal lord so everything must be organized . The whole wyvern race was really troubled . 」

「Really? 」

「Yes . The places where they can live are not large . Especially in the south of Iron Forest… . They can’t live near the suburbs of Shashaato City . Since they troubled you, the place they can live in was further restricted . 」

「Ah, so that’s how it is . However, why does it looks like the wyvern knows what I’m doing?」

「The small wyverns you used to send messages . They report what you’re doing to them . You can consider them as followers of the elder wyvern . 」

……small wyvern, they’re smart .

As for me .

I won’t say anything strange in front of a small wyvern from now on .


Yeah, I think everything’s fine now .

However, I think that the cause of the wyverns’ fear of me was how Doraim told them my answer .

If possible, ask me when I’m sober .

Doraim said that he asked me several times and he’s sure that I’m sober .


Is that so?

… . .

I’m sorry .

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