Isekai Nonbiri Nouka

Chapter 317

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka Chapter 317


at 24th of November 2020 10:47:14 AM

Chapter 317

When the crops I planted during the spring are about to be harvested, I was working hard with woodworks in the workshop .

What I"m making is a medicine rack .

I"m doing my best because it was Loo who requested me .

Even though I said medicine rack, it is a shelf full of drawers . Because of that, it is not difficult to make since there won"t be mistakes in sizes .

The size of the drawers is what Loo requested .

Height is 20 centimeters, width is 20 centimeters, and depth is 60 centimeters .

The shelf that will hold the drawer will be 10 drawers in width and 10 drawers in height .

It looks like a square in front view .

I"m going to make the shelf first before making the drawers .

Shelves are simple .

I have a lot of experience in making one .

I calculated and measured the size with ease .

Of course, I also considered the thickness of the wood .

You shouldn"t make drawers too tight when you"re making one .

It won"t move .

There should be some s.p.a.ces to consider .

Yeah, I"m glad that I noticed that when I was making my first drawer .

But what happened?

Actually, all the parts of the drawer were cut out at the beginning .

I should be on my way to a.s.semble it… .

Who would have thought that I would make something so tight?

Should I shave it?

No, let"s just make a new shelf .

That would be faster .

There are only a few parts to prepare .

I made a new shelf .

The drawer moves smoothly .

Not too loose, not too tight .

Perfect .

Then, I"ll do my best to make all the remaining drawers .

The drawers have decorative metal fitting at the four corners and a k.n.o.b .

The decorative metal fittings were made by Gutt"s disciples .

They are for 100 drawers and 10 spares .

They are stunningly the same shapes and sizes .

I"m charmed .

However, it is difficult to a.s.semble everything alone .

I"ll ask the spiderlings to help me .

It will already be helpful if they can hand over the decorative fittings or even the .

It took some time but the medicine shelf was completed .

I made it myself and it looks good .

Let"s bring it to Loo .

When carrying a shelf, it is dangerous since the drawers are not fixed .

When I was thinking about what to do, the spiderlings tied them with web .

Thank you .

As for how to transport it…

About 30 spiderlings lift the shelf and start moving .

The other spiderlings lead, guide, and open and close the door .

Honestly, thank you .

We managed to carry it to Loo"s laboratory .

Loo"s reaction upon seeing the medicine rack was excellent .

「Thank you . I"ll take good care of it . 」

When I was thinking of what she"ll put in it, she put the same herb in every drawer .


Could it be that what you really wanted is a cabinet?

「That"s not the case . This is a magical amulet for medicine shelf . I think it is okay to leave it now . With that, the quality of the medicinal herb won"t change . 」

Could it be some sort of sterilization?

Well, that"s Loo"s specialty .

She won"t make a mistake .

「If there"s a problem, just let me know . 」

I told her that and went back to the workshop with the spiderlings .

In the workshop, the first shelf I made is still there .

What should I do with this?

It will be a waste to dismantle it .

How about I make drawers for this shelf?

Or maybe, this shelf should be used as it is .

I feel like I"ve seen something like this before . Ah, a s...o...b..x… . but it"s too narrow to be used as one .

When I was thinking what to do, the spiderlings entered the shelf .

A slightly s.p.a.cious private room for fist-size spiderlings .

For magazine size spiderlings, it will be a narrow private room .

Will this make you feel better?


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Then, let"s make this the rooms for spiderlings .

The question is, where to put this shelf……

Should I bring it outside?

Or should I put it in an empty room of the mansion?

You want inside?

Understood .

I"ll ask Ann"s permission .

「This mansion belongs to my lord . Please feel free to do what pleases you . 」

Though you looked confused about why I"m asking permission, that face won"t fool me .

I remember you being in a bad mood for a while when I remodeled one of the vacant rooms before .

「The matter before, it is because there"s soil all over the room . 」

I did not intentionally spread them .

I only brought a wooden box filled with soil there .

And my purpose is not to plant anything there but for Ursa"s clay dolls .

I wondered if the clay dolls, who are Ursa"s room keeper, can"t settle down because of the environment .

I had no choice but to use trial-and-error method to figure out the environment where they could settle down .

Well, as a result, I heard that the clay dolls have no problem with the current environment .

The reason why they seem struggling is because Ursa throws her clothes all over .

Anyway .

I got permission to use an empty room in the mansion .

I immediately installed it .

Yeah, looks great… . .

Given the numbers of spiderlings, there is clearly not enough room in the shelf .

The spiderlings who failed to get a room are staring at me .

Alright .

Let"s work hard together .

Drawer is not needed .

This is easy .

In three days, we made a total of eight shelves .

The vacant room in the mansion became a shelf room .

Given the total numbers of spiderlings, these are still insufficient but it seems like they can share rooms and even use it in turn .

This is heartwarming .

Though this is heartwarming, I wonder what I should call this .

I feel like I"m a beekeeper or bug raiser .


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At my feet is a spiderling which is one level bigger than the magazine size spiderling, a half tatami mat spiderling .

I understand .

I"ll build a larger shelf and find another vacant room .

As expected, I think the two-tatami mat big spiderlings should use an empty room instead of a shelf .

If that is the case, we"ll run out of vacant rooms .

I know .

I"m not sure if I should make a shelf for one… . . okay, I"ll make something that can hold some of you .

I"ll need another vacant room .

Maa, you guys helped me a lot in various ways .

You don"t have to worry about it .

And so, the shelf rooms are recognized as the resting rooms of the spiderlings .

A few days later .

An incident happened with a fist-size spiderling staying on the center part of the first shelf .

Its room was blocked with webs .

I"ve never seen them doing this before .

What"s this?


Or molting?

You"re not collecting nectar like bees, are you?

A spiderling next door from the blocked room says that it"s okay… . I"m worried but I"ll trust you and leave it alone .

From that day on, the number of small closed rooms on the shelves have increased .

There are 21 of them .

A few more days later .

It is around the beginning of spring harvest .

The first closed room opened .

A spiderling has come out .

It looks like something I"ve never seen before .

However, it raises one of its legs to greet me like usual .

Yeah, some things never change .

All right, all right .

Did you molt?

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You"re shiny now .

No, since it changed its appearance, it"s metamorphosis .

Or evolution?

Maa, let"s just say you molted .

From the other small room, another new kind of spiderling came out .

The pattern on your back looks pretty cool .

Oh, the first one also looks cool .

Hahaha, don"t get angry .

When I showed them to Loo and the others, their faces twitched .

It"s not that scary .

Well, they"re girls so they are probably not fans of spiders .

No, they usually interact with spiderlings .

Maybe they are not used to it since it looks strange .

Look, Alfred and Ursa greeted it energetically .

They"re not scared .

Good .

Since then, the shelf room has become a room for molting for the spiderlings .

Could it be that you were in pain till now?

You can only do it in hole of trees… .

I should have made it sooner .

I"m sorry .

Digression .

A kitten slept in a small shelf room .

Why do you even have to go in such a narrow place… . .

Spiderlings, sorry .

I"ll take it out immediately .


You don"t mind if it stays here?

Thank you… .

You should help each other?

You guys are kind .

I"ll do what I can to be that kind too .

To me who decided to do so, the sleeping cat meows as if protesting for troubling its sleep .

Good grief .

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