Isekai Nonbiri Nouka

Chapter 363

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka Chapter 363


at 3rd of January 2021 10:30:19 AM

Chapter 363

It has been three days since we entered the Gullgald n.o.ble Academy .

Recalling the teachers" lessons, there won"t be any problem .

I thought that it would be difficult here because of the difference in status but we did not encounter any problem . Thanks for the teachings of Frau-sensei and Yuri-sensei .

The only problem was living in the dormitory .

Sil, Bron, and I shared a three-person room .

The room is small but neat .

However, the bed is hard .

It is probably because under the sheet is only a board .

Can this even be called a bed?

When I first saw it, I didn"t recognize it as a bed until I saw something like a pillow .

The food here too .

Those who live in the dormitory must eat in the dormitory"s cafeteria in the morning and evening .

As for the reason, the attendance of the students is determined by receiving food .

When you receive food, you must eat it all .

Not because of rule but manners .

I also think that manners are important .

But the food here is unpalatable .

In addition to that, the number of dishes is small .

The only good thing is the quant.i.ty .

I heard that it"s okay to get a second serving but I never had any second serving .

I remember the horrifying sight when other students get a second serving .

What"s more, there"s no bath in this school dormitory .

How are we supposed to clean our body?

My question was answered by a basin and a towel .

It seems like you can get hot water in the cafeteria of the dormitory at a fixed time .

We were told to use them to wipe our bodies… . .

Finally, toilet .

Instead of being cleaned every day, it is cleaned every few hours .

As expected of a dormitory used by n.o.bles .

It is very beautiful too .

But that"s pointless .

The leaves used in the toilet are too hard to be used .

However, there"s nothing else to use so it can"t be helped .

I"ve reached my limit .

It might sound pathetic but I"m homesick .

I want to go back to the village .

The enthusiasm I had when we left the village is already broken .

Sil and Bron are probably the same .

I"m so frustrated that I walk around the room for no reason .

「I can"t take it anymore . 」

Sil said that . It looks like he has made up his mind .

Bron nods too .

… . there"s no other way .

「Let"s leave the dorm . 」

Of course, we did not leave the school .

We only want to leave the dormitory .

Only then will we be free from those unpalatable foods .

However, students of the school must reside in the school .

I heard that no one"s allowed to live outside the school .

Because of that, after leaving the dormitory, we asked for a rented house for students who don"t want to live in the dormitory like what the guard who guided us has said .

We checked if there"s any place available .

「To our regret, the reservation is full . 」

It"s over .

But there"s still hope .

「If you really want to, you can build it yourself in a vacant lot . 」

The receptionist oneesan just said words of salvation .

「Is it okay if we build one ourselves?」

「Yes, but I will have to specify the location… . shall I guide you?」

「Please . 」

After pa.s.sing through an area lined with houses, we arrived at a large open area that is uniformly divided by stakes and ropes .

「This is the place where you can build a house . There is no land rental fee but you are required to pay one silver coin annually as a joint management fee . 」

「Joint management fee?」

「Usage fee for the well, cleaning fee, and allowance for night patrols . 」

「I see . 」

「There are also other detailed arrangements…do you know how to read?」

I took a look at the doc.u.ments presented by the receptionist oneesan and handed them to Bron .

Bron is good at contracts .

After leaving the doc.u.ments to Bron, I asked the receptionist oneesan .

「This place is divided by ropes but, are we limited by the rope too?」

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A plot of land divided by the rope is approximately 10 meters square .

Each of those squares is called block by the receptionist oneesan .

「Yes . Please don"t intrude other blocks . 」

「Do you mean we can only rent one?」

「No, that"s not what I mean . You can use as many blocks as you want . However, the joint management fee I mentioned earlier is calculated by the number of blocks…」

「If we use ten blocks, the joint management fee will be 10 silver coins per year . 」


When I was asking a lot of questions, Bron called me .

「How is it?」

「It"s mostly okay but I"m a bit anxious about the rights of the building being transferred to the school after we graduate . 」

「Is that so?」

I confirmed it with the receptionist oneesan .

「He"s right . Upon graduation, the rights to the building will be transferred to the school . Therefore, it is customary for the graduating student to look for someone who"ll accept the rights of the house before graduating . 」

「Is that alright?」

「It"s already a tradition . However, the rights of the building cannot be transferred to anyone other than to the people involved in the school . 」

「I see . We"ll do it . 」

We want to leave the dormitory after all .

「Eh? Ano, there"s no house built yet . 」

「Will there be a problem if we build it ourselves?」

「No, but, no way you"re… . 」

「We"ll build it ourselves . 」

For the time being, we rented a 2X2 block which is four in total .

They are going to build a house in the middle of that house that is about as big as a block .

The joint management fee is high but we are taught that keeping appearance is important .

It shouldn"t be a problem if it is only this much .

Oh, that"s right .

I gave the receptionist oneesan a silver coin as a tip .

This is not a mistake .

I think that"s the right amount .

Village chief always gives priority to toilets before anything else .

In accordance to that, the first thing to build will be a toilet .

After digging up a hole, we took a slime from the school office .

I prepared a chair with a hole on the top and surrounded it with a tent . It"s now complete .

「The soil here is soft . It is easy to dig . 」

「Building a house won"t be a problem . 」

「There won"t be a problem if we hit it to harden it, right?」

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Next is a well but there is a common use well nearby .

It seems like digging a well without permission is prohibited .

Because of that, we can only rely on a tank to store water .

I want two . One for drinking and one for everyday use .

For those, we bought large barrels .

「How about a small barrel for the toilet?」

「Of course, I bought one for that too . 」

Bath .

A large barrel is also needed for that .

We bought a size that even an adult can soak in .

There won"t be a problem with this .

Oh, we have to cover this area with a curtain .

As for the place to change clothes, let"s put a board over there in order to not get dirty .


Let"s think about it later .

Finally, bed .

For the time being, a tent will be enough .

Uncle Gulf gave it to us before we went to school .

We"ll just have to a.s.semble it . It uses wooden frame and clothes as cover .

I thought it was a piece of useless baggage at first . I"m sorry .

It"s really useful .

Just bring in blankets and now we have a bed .

These blankets have defended us from hard beds up to now .

We have to take good care of it .

When our work was over, the sun was about to set .

This is bad .

I asked Sil and Bron for water .

I"ll cook our food today .

The ingredients were purchased along with the barrels .

Leave it to me .

There are no cooking utensils .

I rented cooking utensils from the dormitory"s cafeteria .

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I shouldn"t forget to buy it tomorrow .

I"m confident with the taste of my dish .

It was because Uncle Gulf has hidden seasonings in the tent .

Thank you so much, Uncle Gulf .

Though only a little time has pa.s.sed since we left the village, the flavor from the village is enough for me to tear up .

Sil and Bron are crying too .

I feel like my homesickness has reduced a little .

When I was washing the utensils, Sil helped me .

「Gol, I was happy to be able to taste soy sauce again but the meat was not good enough . 」

「You"re right . However, that"s already moderately expensive… . 」

「Could it be that they don"t know how to properly dismantle it after killing it?」

「They should have done so given the price . If not, that"s a rip-off . 」

「Can we enter the forest on the north side of the school? I"ll hunt tomorrow . 」

「Don"t have fun alone . I want to go too . 」

「Then, shall we go together?」

「Bron will get angry . 」

Bron is checking the formal version of the contract of the land we built our house in .

Though we already started building, we are still under a temporary contract .

Tomorrow, he"ll sign a formal contract with the school .

If we left out Bron and went hunting with just the two of us, he"ll be mad .

Bron rarely gets angry but it"s troublesome when he gets angry .

Even Ursa doesn"t want to anger Bron .

「I also have to deliver a letter from Uncle Michael to his store after buying cooking utensils . 」


「Uncle Michael said it himself . If we use the branch in the capital, he"d like us to deliver this letter . 」

I never thought of using it before but I"m likely to shop a lot from now on so I"d like to deliver this letter .

Actually, when I went out to buy barrels and ingredients, I already looked for his store but I couldn"t find it .

I asked the local residents but they don"t know .

Uncle Michael"s store might be smaller than I imagined .

「Anyway, tomorrow, Bron and I will be busy . 」

「Then, I"ll go alone in the forest after all . 」

「How about staying here and try to improve our living environment or go to cla.s.s?」

「But I want to eat good meat . 」

「Kuh, then do as you please . 」

When I"m done with my task, I"ll go to the forest .

I"ll absolutely go there .

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