Chapter 46

After the envoy of the demon king and the dragon, the next guests are a group of beastmen wearing armor .

Because of the terrain on the way here, it is impossible to use wagons .

Though not as much as Daga’s group when they arrived, the beastmen are carrying big baggage .

There are 10 of them .

Looking at their ragged equipments, they are definitely experienced warriors .

Though their faces look like human, they have ears on their heads, and tails on their b.u.t.ts .

The hairiness of their arm varies individually .

There are some who has animal-like arms but there are some who has human-like arms too .

「I am Gulf . We came from the Howling village which is located in the middle of the mountain in the east . We want to establish friendly relation with this village . 」

A representative from the group stepped forward . By the way, Kuudel was the one who guides them .

When I was about to step forward too, Loo appeared before me .

「Welcome . The Big Tree village welcome you . 」

Something’s wrong, Loo seems sarcastic .

「Thank you . 」

「I would like to guide you to a place to rest but… . is this all of you?」

「Yes, is there a problem?」

「Really? Then, we will consider the rest as enemies . 」

Loo said that forcefully .

What do you mean?

While I was thinking about it, two beastmen came out of the forest .

It seems that they are wearing camouflage clothes .

When I was thinking about what had happened, the kuros showed up behind the two .

「… . I’m sorry . It seems like they were separated from us . 」

「That’s dangerous . You should have checked before entering the village . Also, refrain from doing anything unruly in the village . Any citizen of the village can take care of you if anything happens . 」

「… . I understand . We will not do anything unruly . We promise . 」

With Loo on the lead, the beastmen entered the recently built guest house .

That guest house, I proposed that it should be enough for it to house four individuals luxuriously .

However, it was rejected because the others said that it was too small .

To come to this village, one needs to cross the mountain and pa.s.s through the forest .

Unlike the demon king envoy and the dragon, normal people will need to travel in a group .

Depending on the circ.u.mstances, it is said that to travel here, a group of 30 is the minimum .

Thinking about it, I was convinced so we built a big one .

There are 12 visitors this time .

It is more than enough for them .

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The guest house was built at the south side extension of the southwest area where the houses of Ria and Flora was built .

Though it is only a one-story house, it is as large as my house .

Since it will be used by guests, we made the furnitures more showy and the facilities have good functionalities .

In fact, the decorations are far more elaborate than those in my house .

It might seem that this is only a slightly good inn but this is the best we can provide in our village .

Therefore, I decided to call it an inn rather than a guest house .

That name fits it the best .

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The inn has a backyard and it is fully enclosed by a fence .

「What is the purpose of the fence?」

Purpose you ask?

Well… . .

「You can’t cross this fence unless you have permission . 」

What kind of purpose is that?

Though it was actually used at a later time… . .

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The fence is not a simple log fence . It is a high-quality fence with elaborate design .

Since we don’t have paint, it is of wooden color but if I managed to get paint, I’ll paint it white .

After building the inn, I looked around and noticed something .

Crude .

I see Ria’s group’s house from a distance .

It is an open area I plowed without any obstacle .

I don’t necessarily

necessarily need significant obstacle but I want to have some cover at least .

Something like a tree .

So I decided to plant a fruit tree near Ria’s house .

I want to be a little practical so it’s a fruit tree .

I planted apples, pears, and persimmons .

How many cherries should I plant?

Maa, it will be covered with trees after a while… .

After that, I made a field like a home garden and planted strawberries and watermelon .

I made the same thing to the other houses too .

In the vicinity of the inn, I put importance on appearance . I thought of cherry blossom so I planted cherries .

And, I also planted fence-like-plants inside the fence that surrounds the inn .

I don’t know the name of that plant but I imagined how they look like in my previous world . It will become another fence .

TN: Probably similar to this .

… . How do I trim them?

Let’s think about it after they grow up .

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After that, I also planted trees in each area .

The fruits outside the fields are free for all moreover, I planted fruit trees they requested .

Everyone loves it .

When I expanded the southwest area for the construction of the inn, the name changed to residential area .

I didn’t think much about it but since that name was recognized by the ones living there, everyone called it such .

By the way, the place where my house and the big tree are located is called big tree area .

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「Are we really welcoming our guests? Or are we confining them… . ?」

I feel doubtful of Loo’s action .

Tier answered my question .

「Husband, usually, an amba.s.sador who seeks friendship will prepare some present . Even that dragon brought one . 」

「…so their purpose is not friendship?」

「That might be the case so we should not do the usual procedure that we should have followed . 」

「Indeed . That’s true . 」

「Besides, they obviously hid two soldiers .

soldiers . Loo-san is already being courteous . 」

「Is that so… . ? Kuudel guide them here, she did not notice those who were hiding?」

「She noticed them but let them be because they are not a threat . I’ll scold her later . 」

「Be gentle . They are certainly not a threat . 」

「…right . I’ll keep that in mind . 」

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That night, we invited our beastmen guest to a welcome banquet .

The venue is the inn .

Loo, Tier, and I partic.i.p.ated in that banquet .

Though Ria and Ann came with us, they dedicated their time monitoring things behind the scenes .

The dishes served were the thing we normally eat . We just made them look a little luxurious .

The fruits are displayed as they are and are neither peeled nor cut .

During the banquet for Doraim, we had a big party and the fruits were all garnished .

It is not realistic to make the same reception to everyone who comes .

When a king comes, when a n.o.ble comes, when a merchant comes, when a friend comes, and when a stranger comes, it is natural for the reception to change .

I fully understand that but since this is our first meeting, I will serve them wine .

Though I’m like the outcast of this group, I have to blend in .

I don’t know their purpose for coming here .

I’ll be humble until the time it is clear whether they are an enemy or not .

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「My apologies for this poor meal . 」

I brought the wine out but only a limited amount .

About 2 per person .

After drinking all the wine, the drinks become water .

It is already a plus α that I served them wine and regular food .

Even so, Loo still looks dissatisfied .

In the middle of the banquet, I already plan to hear what is their purpose by questioning them .

That time, they probably already have their guards down .

That is my goal so when we began eating, I receive them hospitably .

Let’s begin.

Let’s begin .

「My apologies for my ignorance but, what kind of place is Howling village?」

I already asked the citizen of my village but none of them know .

「Howling village is located at the mountain east from here . It is said to have been founded 1000 years ago but in reality, it is probably about 500 years ago . The elderly loves to boast in the strangest things . 」

Gulf speaks nonchalantly . Could it be the effect of wine?

The population of the Howling village is about 500 people .

It is a gathering of five settlements that have 100 people each .

So it is basically a coalition of mountain settlements .

TN: A mountain settlement needs your help village chief, I’ll mark it on your map .

All of them are beastkins and most of them are dogkin .

They make a living by hunting, mining, and trading with the human village on the other side of the mountain .

However, there has been trouble with the human village so their trade stopped . They took a hard hit because of it and has no choice but to look for another place to trade with .

They recently learned the existence of our village .

It seems like it is because of the subordination notice from the demon king .

The Howling village and the human village they are trading with are both parts of the demon king’s territory so they are also subjects of the demon king .

I see .

I roughly understood their purpose .

Afterwards, I listened to the hardship Gulf’s group faced to come here .

The others are making agreeable responses while eating .

Looking around, it seems like the other beastkins are enjoying their food .

I’m relieved .

「If we kept hiding, I might have never had the chance of eating this . It’s a good thing we were found out . 」

「By the way, why did you hide?」

「Well, it is the first time we come to this village . It is necessary to be vigilant and if something happens, they will go back to the village to report . 」

Loo and Tier seem to be focused on information gathering .

How reliable .

After the envoy of the demon king and the dragon, the next guests are a group of beastmen wearing armor . Because of the terrain on the way here, it is impossible to use wagons . Though not as much as Daga s group when they arrived, the beastmen are carrying big baggage . There are 10 of them . Looking at their ragged equipments, they are definitely experienced warriors . Though their faces look like human, they have ears on their heads, and tails on their b.u.t.ts . The hairiness of their arm varies individually . There are some who has animal like arms but there are some who has human like arms too . I am Gulf . We came from the Howling village which is located in the middle of the mountain in the east . We want to establish friendly relation with this village . A representative from the group stepped forward . By the way, Kuudel was the one who guides them . When I was about to step forward too, Loo appeared before me . Welcome . The Big Tree village welcome you . Something s wrong, Loo seems sarcastic . Thank you . I would like to guide you to a place to rest but . is this all of you Yes, is there a problem Really Then, we will consider the rest as enemies . Loo said that forcefully . What do you mean While I was thinking about it, two beastmen came out of the forest . It seems that they are wearing camouflage clothes . When I was thinking about what had happened, the kuros showed up behind the two . . I m sorry . It seems like they were separated from us . That s dangerous . You should have checked before entering the village . Also, refrain from doing anything unruly in the village . Any citizen of the village can take care of you if anything happens . . I understand . We will not do anything unruly . We promise . With Loo on the lead, the beastmen entered the recently built guest house . That guest house, I proposed that it should be enough for it to house four individuals luxuriously . However, it was rejected because the others said that it was too small . To come to this village, one needs to cross the mountain and pa.s.s through the forest . Unlike the demon king envoy and the dragon, normal people will need to travel in a group . Depending on the circ.u.mstances, it is said that to travel here, a group of 30 is the minimum . Thinking about it, I was convinced so we built a big one . There are 12 visitors this time . It is more than enough for them . Please support the translator by reading at shmtranslations . com Read at SHMTranslations dot com The guest house was built at the south side extension of the southwest area where the houses of Ria and Flora was built . Though it is only a one story house, it is as large as my house . Since it will be used by guests, we made the furnitures more showy and the facilities have good functionalities . In fact, the decorations are far more elaborate than those in my house . It might seem that this is only a slightly good inn but this is the best we can provide in our village . Therefore, I decided to call it an inn rather than a guest house . That name fits it the best . Please support the translator by reading at shmtranslations . com Read at SHMTranslations dot com The inn has a backyard and it is fully enclosed by a fence . What is the purpose of the fence Purpose you ask Well . . You can t cross this fence unless you have permission . What kind of purpose is that Though it was actually used at a later time . . Please support the translator by reading at shmtranslations . com Read at SHMTranslations dot com The fence is not a simple log fence . It is a high quality fence with elaborate design . Since we don t have paint, it is of wooden color but if I managed to get paint, I ll paint it white . After building the inn, I looked around and noticed something . Crude . I see Ria s group s house from a distance . It is an open area I plowed without any obstacle . I don t necessarily need significant obstacle but I want to have some cover at least . Something like a tree . So I decided to plant a fruit tree near Ria s house . I want to be a little practical so it s a fruit tree . I planted apples, pears, and persimmons . How many cherries should I plant Maa, it will be covered with trees after a while . After that, I made a field like a home garden and planted strawberries and watermelon . I made the same thing to the other houses too . In the vicinity of the inn, I put importance on appearance . I thought of cherry blossom so I planted cherries . And, I also planted fence like plants inside the fence that surrounds the inn . I don t know the name of that plant but I imagined how they look like in my previous world . It will become another fence . TN Probably similar to this . . How do I trim them Let s think about it after they grow up . Please support the translator by reading at shmtranslations . com Read at SHMTranslations dot com After that, I also planted trees in each area . The fruits outside the fields are free for all moreover, I planted fruit trees they requested . Everyone loves it . When I expanded the southwest area for the construction of the inn, the name changed to residential area . I didn t think much about it but since that name was recognized by the ones living there, everyone called it such . By the way, the place where my house and the big tree are located is called big tree area . Please support the translator by reading at shmtranslations . com Read at SHMTranslations dot com Are we really welcoming our guests Or are we confining them . I feel doubtful of Loo s action . Tier answered my question . Husband, usually, an amba.s.sador who seeks friendship will prepare some present . Even that dragon brought one . so their purpose is not friendship That might be the case so we should not do the usual procedure that we should have followed . Indeed . That s true . Besides, they obviously hid two soldiers . Loo san is already being courteous . Is that so . Kuudel guide them here, she did not notice those who were hiding She noticed them but let them be because they are not a threat . I ll scold her later . Be gentle . They are certainly not a threat . right . I ll keep that in mind . Please support the translator by reading at shmtranslations . com Read at SHMTranslations dot com That night, we invited our beastmen guest to a welcome banquet . The venue is the inn . Loo, Tier, and I partic.i.p.ated in that banquet . Though Ria and Ann came with us, they dedicated their time monitoring things behind the scenes . The dishes served were the thing we normally eat . We just made them look a little luxurious . The fruits are displayed as they are and are neither peeled nor cut . During the banquet for Doraim, we had a big party and the fruits were all garnished . It is not realistic to make the same reception to everyone who comes . When a king comes, when a n.o.ble comes, when a merchant comes, when a friend comes, and when a stranger comes, it is natural for the reception to change . I fully understand that but since this is our first meeting, I will serve them wine . Though I m like the outcast of this group, I have to blend in . I don t know their purpose for coming here . I ll be humble until the time it is clear whether they are an enemy or not . Please support the translator by reading at shmtranslations . com Read at SHMTranslations dot com My apologies for this poor meal . I brought the wine out but only a limited amount . About 2 per person . After drinking all the wine, the drinks become water . It is already a plus that I served them wine and regular food . Even so, Loo still looks dissatisfied . In the middle of the banquet, I already plan to hear what is their purpose by questioning them . That time, they probably already have their guards down . That is my goal so when we began eating, I receive them hospitably . Let s begin . My apologies for my ignorance but, what kind of place is Howling village I already asked the citizen of my village but none of them know . Howling village is located at the mountain east from here . It is said to have been founded 1000 years ago but in reality, it is probably about 500 years ago . The elderly loves to boast in the strangest things . Gulf speaks nonchalantly . Could it be the effect of wine The population of the Howling village is about 500 people . It is a gathering of five settlements that have 100 people each . So it is basically a coalition of mountain settlements . TN A mountain settlement needs your help village chief, I ll mark it on your map . All of them are beastkins and most of them are dogkin . They make a living by hunting, mining, and trading with the human village on the other side of the mountain . However, there has been trouble with the human village so their trade stopped . They took a hard hit because of it and has no choice but to look for another place to trade with . They recently learned the existence of our village . It seems like it is because of the subordination notice from the demon king . The Howling village and the human village they are trading with are both parts of the demon king s territory so they are also subjects of the demon king . I see . I roughly understood their purpose . Afterwards, I listened to the hardship Gulf s group faced to come here . The others are making agreeable responses while eating . Looking around, it seems like the other beastkins are enjoying their food . I m relieved . If we kept hiding, I might have never had the chance of eating this . It s a good thing we were found out . By the way, why did you hide Well, it is the first time we come to this village . It is necessary to be vigilant and if something happens, they will go back to the village to report . Loo and Tier seem to be focused on information gathering . How reliable .

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