Isekai Nonbiri Nouka

Chapter 306

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka Chapter 306


at 10th of November 2020 09:12:57 PM

Chapter 306

There are various types of dragons .

The first one is the one who reigns all dragons, the ancient dragons .

Created by G.o.d, lived during the age of G.o.ds, and up to now, their bloodline lives .

All dragons from this lineage appear in various myths .

The ancient dragons have 12 pedigrees but only half of them remain .

It is said that there are no more than 50 that survive up to this day, Hiichirou and Rananon are already included in that number .

「Moreover, most of them are old men and old women who are either hiding somewhere to sleep . 」

The one explaining is the chief of the ancient dragons, Dors .

He"s holding Hiichirou with a happy face .

Under the ancient dragons are the impure dragons .

They are dragons who were created after the age of G.o.ds .

The famous tribes are flame dragon tribe, water dragon tribe, ice dragon tribe, wind dragon tribe, and earth dragon tribe .

Each tribe has its own strengths and weaknesses and they are highly territorial .

Moreover, strong impure dragons are comparable to ancient dragons but weak impure dragons are indeed weak .

Their brain also varies depending on the individual . There are wise and mild and there are also violent and stupid .

There are about 200 impure dragons in the world .

Majority of impure dragons are under the ancient dragons .

To be precise, to an individual and not to pedigree .

For example, the flame dragons are followers of Hakuren"s younger sister, Sekiren .

Therefore, even if it is Dors" order, they will not follow .

They will only take orders from Sekiren .

Maa, I heard that they are willing to do it even if it is a request and not an order .

In addition, the water dragons, ice dragons, and wind dragons are under Raimeiren .

The earth dragons, on the other hand, are following Hakuren"s younger sister"s, Suiren, husband, Maxbergak .

I see .

Dors doesn"t have followers?

「Hiichirou is enough for me . 」

He told me that while snorting .

Even if all the impure dragons work together, they won"t be able to beat Dors so they don"t matter .

The one who informs me is Doraim who"s beside me .

The ancient dragons that are being followed by impure dragons are basically caring dragons .

Raimeiren, Sekiren, Maxbergak… .

So that"s how it is .

In addition to ancient dragons and impure dragons, there"s also the famous color dragons .

Red dragons, blue dragons, yellow dragons, green dragons, black dragons, etc . fall into this category .

They are innumerable .

To be precise, they are not innumerable because of their number but because no one bothers to count them all .

Dors and the others are not interested in them so they don"t know the details .

It seems like their power only amounts to that .

For the time being, it is said that there are about 10,000 to 20,000 of them in the world .

They act in various ways . Some are forming groups while some prefer to move alone .

Some of them also follow ancient dragons while some are hostile .

In short, you can"t describe the color dragons as a whole .

When talking about dragons, it is often referred to the three, the ancient dragons, the impure dragons, and the color dragons .

However, the word dragon is a symbol of power thus, it is often attached to strong races .

Stone dragons, rock dragons, needle dragons, circle dragons, sea dragons… .

Those are sample races that were mistaken for being dragons .

Even the dungeon walkers of Big Tree Dungeon are being called earth dragons in some place .

Even I mistakenly thought that the wyvern who attacked the village was a dragon .

Maa, the dragons don"t care if the dragon name is used by other races .

They really don"t care .

It seems like their style is that if there is an actual harm, destroy it .

On the other hand, if there is no actual harm, leave it alone .

However, there are people in the world who care .

It is not any of the dragons but dragon worshippers .

Perhaps it will be troublesome if they were worshipped by other races and took some action without permission .

That kind of extremist act almost destroyed a fake dragon race .

Usually, the dragons wouldn"t even bother about worshipping but this time, it was different .

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The origin of this matter is the under dragons .

As you can see from the flow of the story, these under dragons are not related to dragons .

In a nutsh.e.l.l, they are a kind of demi-humans . They are lizardmen with few scales .

They are a violent and hated race .

This under dragons kidnapped a young red dragon .

As for their purpose, it is to make that young dragon their object of faith .

They want to take advantage of the strength of the dragons .

The red dragons and the red dragon worshippers" race have gone berserk because of that .

The red dragon worshippers, using their large number, attacked the under dragon settlement and rescued the young red dragon .

That"s the good news .

The bad news is, the young red dragon was injured during the rescue .

The red dragons have even flown into a rage when they found out that the kidnapped young red dragon was injured .

At that moment, the red dragons and the red dragon worshippers who rescued the young red dragon decided to destroy the under dragons .

However, one wind dragon that happened to be nearby stopped them .

But the enraged red dragons are unlikely to give way .

As a wind dragon, it can easily destroy the red dragons and end it there but given what happened, it only thought of having measures to stop them .

As a result, it called for Raimeiren .

The method of communication is a message game .

The final messenger is the devil Gucci .

For Raimeiren, Hiichirou is more important than that so she ignored it… .

Gucci did his best .

He really tried .

「When Hiichirou-sama grows up, wouldn"t he want to hear about Raimeiren-sama"s adventures?」

「I have hundreds of adventures I can tell him . 」

「Will he listen? It will be difficult for Hiichirou to imagine something that happened before he was born . Rather than that, I think Hiichirou will be pleased if he was told about something that happened when he was one year old . 」

I managed to persuade her .

However, Raimeiren only departed after the father and son she summoned, Dors and Doraim, arrived to protect Hiichirou .

Ehto… . Isn"t her biological mother, Hakuren, nearby?

Maa, I guess it"s okay since Dors is happy .

As for Doraim, he"s more anxious about Rananon and Rasuti .

Thus, instead of Raimeiren, we have Dors and Doraim here .

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Though Dors is spoiling Hiichirou quite a bit… .

When Raimeiren comes back, I hope there won"t be trouble .

Please .

Ah, I forgot .

I have a request for Dors, if you don"t mind .

Actually, for a while, when Raimeiren is taking care of Hiichirou, she looks very young .

I know that you can freely change your age appearance .

I"m no longer surprised at that aspect .

When I first saw her, I wondered who she was .

However, it seems like she"s teaching him to call her “mom” instead of “grandma” .

Can you tell her to stop before Hakuren notices… . . why do you look like you suddenly had a good idea?

Hey, don"t make yourself look younger!

Come on, you"re annoyingly handsome!

I don"t want to be called “gramps” by Hiichirou!

As a digression, the general public doesn"t know that the flame dragons are Sekiren"s followers .

Because of that, the general public recognizes Sekiren as the highest-ranking flame dragon .

Hence, Sekiren is said to be called flame dragon .

By the way, the dragon in question doesn"t care what she"s called .

Another digression .

There"s no white dragon among the color dragons .

A long time ago, they were destroyed by a white ancient dragon .

The last living bloodline of the white ancient dragons is Grafaloon, Doraim"s wife .

She seems to be called white dragon princess .

After Raimeiren returned, she had a fight with Dors .

I asked them to be peaceful so there"s only a small damage .

However, Ursa and Guraru were very pleased with the battle .

They"re a bad influence .

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And don"t get too excited .

Let"s go back home .

It"s almost dinner .

If you two want some battle practice, ask Gulf or Daga tomorrow .


I"ll partic.i.p.ate too .

Let"s go home quietly today .

If you resist any further, I"ll call Hakuren… .

When I said Hakuren"s name, they became obedient .

I feel complicated .

After dinner .

I had to take care of things between Rasuti, Rananon, and Doraim while calming Dors .

If I request her to, Rasuti will be willing to leave Rananon to Doraim .

… . . wait, Doraim .

Do you know how to hold her?

Are you sure?

Have you held Rasuti when she"s this small?

You were not allowed to until she grew up to a certain age… . .

I see .

It is probably why Rasuti treated Doraim as a nuisance when it is related to Rananon .

Ah… . . don"t be too intimidating . What you are about to hold is a baby… .

It was a good family bonding .


Dors wants to hold Rananon on his arms too?

I don"t mind but you"re not as obsessed with Rananon as Hiichirou, right?

You don"t keep your distance from your grandchild but you hesitate a little with your great-grandchild?

So that"s how it is .

Also, are you scared of Rasuti?

Even though she"s so cute?

When I said that, Rasuti hit me .

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