Isekai Onsen e Youkoso!

Chapter 12 – Mixed Bathing – Part 1

Chapter 12 – Mixed Bathing – Part 1

「Ah…… This is was.h.i.+ng my body and soul」
「Desudesu yo~…… fuah……」
「How did this happen?」

I look at Tina and Eiri in the new drum bath (quite larger than the one before) and sigh.

This development, it’s somehow a terrible Déjà vu.

The details are as follows.

『Speaking of Onsen in Yamato, nothing is better than the『Mixed Bathing』』

Wait a second.

Eiri who has decided to enter the Onsen dropped a bomb.

『Men and women of all ages in their birthday dress, that’s the first step towards a deep affection』

No, wait a second.

『Eiri, mixed bathing means showing your nude body to someone you just first met, you know? I’m good (rather, I welcome it very much), but are you okay with that, Eiri?』
『I don’t mind? Onsen’s fundamentals are for everyone to get alone, right?』
Why are you objecting like it’s natural?

A power of culture, how terrifying.

In Eiri’s country, they probably give towels as a welcome gift to their new neighbors.

It would be an unthinkable custom in j.a.pan.

However, when in Rome, do as Romans do our predecessors said.

I forgot about my shy heart and obediently accepted without further questioning, un, un.

Therefore, I purchased a bigger drum at once.

I poured in the hot water and entered the Onsen together with Tina and Eiri.

I entered, but.

(What is this…… so dangerous…… there’s no place to rest my eyes at……!!)

It should be a moment every man dreamt about, but I feel like I’m experiencing a living h.e.l.l.

Eiri’s smooth, milky skin and picture-like body line is s.h.i.+ning way too charmingly.

There are many tall women who have small b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but Eiri doesn’t follow such common sense.

The two melon-like soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s are like two unpopulated islands floating in the middle of a sea.

This scene is indeed, a Utopia.

It’s man’s utopia, but for me, right now it’s a dystopia.

I feel like a carnivore being lured by a poisonous prey.

(Dangerous….. This is extremely dangerous……)

Tina who is high spirits playing around at the side because of the large s.p.a.ce and Eiri who I’m trying to look away from right in front of me.

Although Tina arouses my desire to protect her, her body is a complete opposite of nice body, therefore, it’s only natural that I’m conscious of Eiri’s charm.

But, to have my mind blown on the day of our meeting.

I certainly have to be cautious around Eiri.

Or I will turn into a dangerous beast hungry for love.

My dream of making Onsen will be over before I start.

I absolutely don’t want such ending.

Do your best, my reasoning!

「Mu, what is this? It doesn’t seem like something to wipe your body with, but……」

Eiri tilts her head while holding a blue towel in her hands.

「Ah, this is a soap pocket towel has bought! When you put a soap in it and scrub your body with it, it feels really good nodesu yo!」

I have a bad feeling!

「Hou, I see. However, I won’t be able to scrub my back」
「It’s alright nanodesu! always scrubs the places I can’t reach nodesu!」

Tina, you fool!

「Hou, I see……」

Eiri’s looks at me with sparkling eyes.

The feelings reflecting in those eyes, antic.i.p.ation.

No, impossible, impossible, it’s impossible.

Any more stimulation will put me into life and death situation.

This is a battle my fickle reasoning can’t win……


Eiri stands up and turns her white back in front of me.

「I’m sorry, Could you please scrub my back please?」
「Yes, with pleasure!」

A man who declines such bewitching request is not a man.

A lion which wouldn’t jump on a meat served in front it doesn’t exist.

If you think about it, it’s not like I’m touching her directly, it’s only back, so to say, it’s a father-daughter level skins.h.i.+p, there is no problem!

While making various excuses in my head, I take the towel in my hand and start scrubbing Eiri’s back.

Scrub scrub.

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