Isekai Onsen e Youkoso!

Chapter 16 – Nanase Iori 2 – Part 2

Chapter 16 – Nanase Iori 2 – Part 2

「Ouch that hurts…… As expected, I may have been overenthusiastic」

The sun is about to go down.

I am walking around the town by myself.

I’m looking for fatigue relieving medicine.

I would get medicine in the castle if I requested for it, but I’d rather buy medicine by myself.

There’s also the benefit of aimlessly walking around a town which is one of my hobbies.

「Yes, your change! Thank you as always, Ojouchan!」
「Nono, it’s I who should be thanking」

I purchased the article I aimed for.

I say bye to the shopkeeper who already became my acquaintance and leave.

After that, I aimlessly walked around the town.

The town is lined up with wooden houses that can’t be compared with j.a.pan.

A road which neither cars nor bicycles drive on.

Some of the pa.s.sersby on the road are not human, this reminds me that this world is a different world.

I have already become used to this town, but I still feel that there are many inconveniences.

(It would be nice if there at least were outdoor lamps~ I’m scared to walk outside in the night)

While thinking such, at that moment,

「Ara, what’s that?」

I suddenly caught an interesting scene at the edge of my eyes.

There’s a long line formed in front of the general store which I sometimes visit.

A young man is shouting in front of that store.

「A new card game revolution! A large quant.i.ties『Playing cards』available! Saa, saa, everyone, stop by and look for yourself! From children to adults, you will surely forget about the time while playing!!」
「Playing cards?」

I mutter unintentionally.

Since coming to this world, I was killing the time by walking around the stores, and as expected, compared to our world, this world is quite undeveloped.

I was discouraged when I found out that even playing cards did not exist here.

「A sale at this time…… no matter how you look at it isn’t the timing to good?」

I became interested so I decided to call out to the young man.

「Excuse me, could I talk to you a for a bit?」
「Yes, yes! What would you……」

The young man who turns towards me stops breathing and stares at me.

「Do you know the one who made these playing cards?」

The young man answers after little to no consideration.

「Umm, the one selling them is Lisbeth, a famous merchant in the town, but there’s a rumor that the one who created them is actually a person from a different world……」
「A person from a different world……」

No way.

No, but, there’s only single person who could do something like this.

Only him, who was driven out of the castle for being useless……

「Maa, it’s just a groundless rumor! But, the person who came up with this must be a genius! I have not played such interesting and fun card game before!」

I nod in understanding at the somewhat excited young man and mutter.

「…… I see. So it is so successful in this world」
「No, it’s nothing. I appreciate you talked with me, during such busy time」

──H, hey, wait!? Are you seriously going to drive me away!?

The scene where he was driven away plays in my mind.

When I recall me who couldn’t do anything to help him, my heart aches.


「I’m really glad, that you are safe……」

I mutter lightly in relief.

I became interested in him at the same time.

It seems that he who was thrown out, pushed down to the very bottom of the abyss of despair is working harder than me.

I wonder where his source of energy and the nerves of steel come from?

「To use modern knowledge to make money, huh…… you are doing something quite interesting, Kamijou-kun」

An approach that is taken from the fantasy novels I read before.

To think there would be someone who would really do it.

My cla.s.smate Kamijou who brought the fiction into the reality.

I wonder what you are doing right now?

I’d like to meet him again, I thought.

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