Isekai Onsen e Youkoso!

Chapter 4 – The Thing Which I Dug Up – Part 1

Chapter 4 – The Thing Which I Dug Up – Part 1

I dug up various holes.

Column type, Quadrangular type, Crater type……

I dug about 10 holes with various depths and the sizes.

「Fuu…… As expected, I got tired」

I look around the hole filled courtyard and wipe the sweat off my forehead.

It seems that stamina is consumed while using skills.


I turn around and see Tina returning with her both hands full of colorful stones.

「Oo! So these are Magic Stones!」
「Wa, yes nanodesu. I haven’t seen some of them before though……」
「Are they perhaps rare?」
「It would be better to consult with a specialist……」
「Right. Ah, then, do you know the use of Magic Stones?」
「Etto…… Magic Stones are primarily used in daily life. Each Magic Stone causes a characteristic phenomenon when you pour Magic Power inside them」
「Eh, Magic Power? Does a person from a different world like me even have that?」
「Yes, undoubtedly nodesu. Being able to use a skill is the proof that there’s a Magic Power flowing inside you, nodesu」
「Ho~. So I became a wizard without being aware of it. As expected of a different world」

Certainly, causing such an unthinkable supernatural phenomenon can be only the work of Magic.

「Magic Stones usually have different properties depending on the color. A red Magic Stone is fire…… white Magic Stone is a light, etc」
「You can heat the bath water with fire stone and illuminate the dark room. I see, I see」

While nodding my head in understanding, Tina inclines her head to the side.

「That, What is this『bath』you speak of?」

Tina asked something inexcusable.

「Weiweiwei, wait a moment, Tina. Does this world not have baths by any chance?」
「Bat, h……?」
「See, that thing with warm water you relax in!」
「Are you perhaps talking about the spa?」
「Right, that!」

Thank goodness!

Although the name is different, at least this world knows the concept of bathing……

「It’s a special privilege of wealthy n.o.bles-san’s and King-sama nanodesu. I would like to try it once nodesu」

What the!?

「They are not available to common houses!?」
「S, spas, are really expensive nodesu, therefore……」

Tina answers my threating att.i.tude while averting her eyes.

「Th, then, usually, how do common people wash their bodies?」
「Um, quickly with the water Magic Stone, like that, I guess?」

I’m at my wits end.

「Ah, but, you can bathe in public s.p.a.ce of the river, nodesu yo? Although it’s very cold in the winter, it’s really comfortable in the summer nodesu」

It’s a blind spot.

I love baths.

No matter what happened during the day, everything would be forgotten once I enter the bath.

Occasionally, I would just sit absentmindedly in the bath for two or three hours.

The bath that would take away all my sweat and fatigue.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that bath is the strongest relaxation article among the daily necessities.

To think that I have to live a life without a bath…… to live without a bath.

「Yosh, let’s make it」

If there’s no bath, I should make it myself.

「If you think about it, a bathtub is just a slightly larger drum filled with warm water. Yosh, it’s decided. I will definitely make a bath. I will make it by all means!」

I tightly clench my fists and the flame of determination flares up on my back.

「T, thatー」

Tina pulls on the sleeve of my s.h.i.+rt awkwardly.

「S, sorry. I became slightly overpa.s.sionate」
「N, no. That, bath? is really important to was thoroughly transmitted to me nodesu」
「Once it’s completed I want Tina to enter by all means! You will definitely like it!」
「Wa, yes nanodesu」

In the meantime, the sky became reddish.

While I was playing with my skill, Tina was gathering Magic Stones.

I don’t know the market value, but it should be a considerate amount of money once sold.

「You have picked so much huh~ You worked hard, Tina」
「That…… I was just, picking them up…… au……」

Tina blushes and casts down her eyes while I gently stroke her head.

I’m starting to faint from the excessive cuteness.

「Yosh. Let’s try digging a super deep hole last!」

I dug only shallow holes so far in order to collect Magic Stones.

Let’s try digging the deepest hole yet on the occasion.

I operate the skill.

Depth 2000m

Shape Column Type

Scope 50cm in diameter

I don’t know the thickness of this world’s earth crust, so let’s leave it at 2km deep for now.

If I dig a hole with 100km depth, it may become a catastrophe.

「Wanjiang oil or something may come out!」

Aim to be the Oil Magnate!

I press the confirmation b.u.t.ton.

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