Haa…… magic is difficult, isn’t it? I intended to do it as I have been taught before, though. What do I have to do to change magical power into『Heal』?

While I was troubled in various ways, the carriage has stopped.
Yes, it appears that we have arrived at the village. The sun is still high, though……
Everyone seems to be acting rashly…… is it because of me?

「Koyu-sama, we have arrived at the Konna Village. There’s a small inn so let’s stay there today」

Ah, we have arrived after all. I wonder whether everyone is not tired?

「Yes. May I go down already?」

「Ah~ could you wait until we reach the inn?」

「I understand. I will prepare」

It’s preparations to get off. First, I take out the sweater from the cushion that is in the carriage. After that, a messy wrapping cloth and scarf, a half-made cushion, cloth, scissors and sewing tools……
I have made quite a mess…… well, there wasn’t anything to do. I have made an embroidered cushion cover for everyone.
I only neatly sewed it. I have to look for something to put inside.

Well, after tidying up and storing it in the carry-on, I tossed it into the pocket, which is the Infinite Storage. Like this, only one bag hangs around my shoulder. Un, the carriage’s interior is tidy. Let’s clean it properly one day…… there are dirty footprints everywhere except where I sleep……
Ara, which reminds me, I didn’t care when I went to sleep. I wonder why?

「We have arrived in front of the inn」

「Yees. I’m going down at once」

Ah, I was called after the stairs were properly attached.
Ivar is waiting next to the stairs. I wonder why I feel like I see a wagging tail behind him.

「Ivar, can you lend me a hand?」

Un, he incredibly quickly presented his hand…… he seems happy, so it’s okay, I guess……

「Elm, about the formalities inside……」

「Sapin is already at it. Does Koyu-sama mind sharing a room with Iris?」

「Of course not, she’s a guard, isn’t she?」

「Thank you for understanding」

「Fufufu. I have considered that」

「Anyhow, let’s go inside first」


Elm guides me inside. After getting off the stairs with Ivar lending me his hand…… he didn’t remove it…… it’s fine. He’s like a grandchild to me.

「h.e.l.lo, welcome」

「We will be in your care」

「Koyu-sama. We will stay for two nights. Is that alright with you?」


「We have taken Koyu-sama’s condition in consideration」

「I understand. Well, Ivar is after injury too」

「Will you be resting in the room?」

「Let’s see…… rather than taking a rest, I would like to take a walk. I was shaken in the carriage all the while, after all」

「I understand. Is the dinner at the inn okay?」

「Of course. I’m looking forward to it. Iris, let’s take a short rest in the room」


「Ivar, let’s take a walk later, okay?」

「N. Walk later together」

「Rrest for a little bit, okay? You are after an injury, after all」

「N. Will rest for a bit」

「Well then」


Now then, let’s go to the room. You see Ivar, it will be fine even if you don’t watch me all the time, you know? You go to your room as well.

The room is on the second floor. Iris and I in the center. Sapin and Elm on the right side. Ivar together with Shien on the left. Which reminds me, I have not seen Sapin and Shien since a while ago…… I wonder where they went?

When I enter the room, it was mostly empty. A little desk between two beds…… a longish desk? alongisde the wall and a small chest of drawers? Yes, I can put the bag in there.

But, I only have a small bag…… Iris has a cloth bag the size of a Boston bag…… aren’t we lacking in options?

Well, I have plenty? of pockets, so it’s fine.

Come to think of it, I have left the pans and tableware in the carriage, didn’t I…… blanket too…… it’s not something I have prepared myself…… Iris also didn’t prepare anything. SO it should be fine like this, isn’t it? I should have noticed earlier. I could ask.

After sitting on the bed and absentmindedly staring for a while…… thinking became boring.
The scenery from the window…… l, let’s move after asking.

「Iris, I would like to see the outside scenery. Can I open the window?」

「That’s fine. Shall I open it?」

A gentle breeze floats in…… it’s a pleasant wind. Un, it somehow calms me down. Let’s enjoy the wind.

I watch the village scenery from the window. It’s a village made out of wood. The highest buildings are…… three houses including this inn……
Far in the distance, I can see a forest? I see trees after a long time. During the travel, it was mostly bushes and plains.

Let’s have an enjoyable walk after.
I wonder what do they have here?

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