Chapter 175

Huge Animals Dungeon 1

With Allen and Elena in the lead, we stepped onto the first floor .

“”Meat~ meat~♪ —— Ah!””

While the children were walking happily, a frog monster immediately appeared in front of them .

Then, the children charged at it without any hesitation .

“Ah~ geez…”

“T, Tak.u.mi, the children are running towards the Big Frog, you know!?”

Al-sama panicked after seeing the children run towards the monster .

“… Sorry . We came here as your guards yet we are acting on our own . ”

“Nono, that’s not what I meant, Tak.u.mi!”

“You don’t need to worry about the two, you know?”

“Even if you tell me that…”

While Al-sama was worried about the children, Allen and Elena who closed on the Big Frog used the momentum and fly kicked it .

“”Take this~””

The Big Frog who received the two’s kick got blown away, bounced and rolled several times and finally stopped moving . Then, it disappeared and turned into loot .


The spoils of war Allen and Elena returned with were two frog legs . Moreover, they were so large they the children could hide their faces behind them .

Furthermore, a leaf which disappeared after the children picked up the meat politely spread itself under the meat so it wouldn’t touch the floor . The mysteries of dungeons keep increasing, don’t they~

“What a big meat right from the start~ If you can get your hands on meat like this on the first floor, then I totally understand just how easily adventurers can make income from this dungeon . ”

“Nonono, there’s no way that it works like that! Loot like this don’t normally appear on the first floor, you know!”

“That’s right . It’s weird for a Big Frog to appear here in the first place! Normally, it begins with small animal-like monsters!”

While admiring the fantastic meat, Kevin-sama and Claudio-sama jumped to interject .

“Rather, isn’t this weird! Big Frog is a D-ranked monster, you know! How come the kids defeated it easily in one strike!”

“I certainly heard that they can fight, but! I certainly heard that, but don’t you think that this is not normal!?”

They have been shocked by Allen and Elena, so their calmness disappeared since a while ago .

“Now, now, calm down you two . We are in a dungeon after all . ”

“No, however!”

“I know . However! Not being shocked after seeing that is not possible!”

“… Well, to be frank, I also didn’t think it was to such extent . ”

“Indeed . I have realized that Aunt and Elder brother Wald were really telling the truth . ”

Al-sama and Najack-sama were shocked too, although not to such extent as Kevin-sama and Claudio-sama .

“Onii~chan . ”


Allen and Elena were presenting their spoils of war to me . They are probably telling me to store it in my Infinite Storage .


“Excuse me . We have not talked about this before, but how do guards deal with loot? Do we give it to Al-sama?”

It’s my first time doing the work of a guard, so I don’t know how is the loot obtained during the work treated . Leaving it behind is unthinkable, so would it be reasonable for the employer that is Al-sama to collect it? That’s what I thought, so I asked .

“”… Meaaat~””

Looking at Allen and Elena, their expressions got obviously clouded with gloominess .

“No, I won’t take it from you, okay! I won’t take it, so don’t make such expressions!”

Seeing the children’s expressions, Al-sama swiftly denied .

That moment, the children’s faces instantly lit up with “Paa~”

“I just have to obtain the Flamesaurus meat . Therefore, it’s not a problem if you keep that which you obtain from defeating monsters on the way . Therefore, that meat belongs to you two . ”


“Of course . It’s just because of the unique nature of t his dungeon, the food we brought is less than in any other regular dungeon, so it would really help if you used that which you obtain for our meals . Ah, of course, we will pay an appropriate fee for it . ”

“”Yeah, got it~””

Allen and Elena were joyous from hearing Al-sama’s generous words .

“Thank you very much, Al-sama . But, I will be providing the meat for the meals . Rather, I would be happy if you let us prepare the meals for you . ”

“Allen will make yummies!”

“Elena too, will work hard!”

“Ohh! Is that really fine? I’ve heard that your cooking is delicious, so I was actually antic.i.p.ating it!”

I have no problems with cooking Al-sama’s group meals as well . Rather, if I don’t I won’t be able to feed the children either, so it would be better to leave it to me .

However, somehow… isn’t the hurdle too high?

“I will be troubled if you expect so much, you know? I can’t make things like they do in the castle . ”

“It’s fine, Tak.u.mi! I have eaten your recipes from the bakery and all of them were delicious! You are famed for delicious cooking too!”

Whoa~ Al-sama has some excessive expectations from me~

Rather, who was it? Who was the one who leaked his impressions to His Highness!!

… Well, there are only a few people who could have said it . There are only a few people who ate my cooking after all .

It should be all right if I provide dishes that I found delicious myself, I think?


“N? What is it? What’s happened?”

“Ah~ it’s a monster . Two Wood Rabbits . ”

Allen and Elena found Wood Rabbits and quickly dashed towards them .

At that time, Allen and Elena shouted all of sudden, so Al-sama was startled .


They kicked once again and defeated them in one hit .

“”… So sma~ll”

When the Wood Rabbits changed into loot, the two returned with meat smaller than their hands, feeling disappointed .

“This is only the first floor after all . Wouldn’t this be the normalcy here?”


“But, even this meat would be plenty for the two of you, no?”


“Not enough . ”

“For everyone . ”

Allen and Elena were seemingly dejected because there wasn’t enough meat for everyone .

“You will surely be able to get larger meat when we advance through the floors . ”


“Probably? Why not ask?”

When I suggested asking the three who already experienced this dungeon, Allen and Elena jii~ stared at the three knights .


“… Err, correct . There is a tendency of the meat loot getting bigger as you descend lower . ”

“Yes . The quality also gets better…”


When Kevin-sama and Claudio-sama who were overwhelmed by the gazes of Allen and Elena replied, the two let out voices of admiration .

“… Oy, Claudio . I am weak against honestly sparkling eyes like those…”

“Yes, you would be . However, I don’t hate it, you know?”

“I thought so! You might act all serious, but you are a guy who puts on clothes while walking after all!”


Kevin-sama and Claudio-sama were whispering to each other at first, but when Kevin-sama raised his voice, Allen and Elena looked at Kevin-sama wonderingly .

“N, no, it’s not like I was shouting at you guys or anything, okay!?”

Seeing the children’s state, Kevin-sama panicked .

I don’t think that Allen and Elena felt that they were being shouted at or anything, but it seems that Kevin-sama has misunderstood the two’s puzzled state .

“You guys . ”



“It’s Allenmon!”

“It’s Elenamon!”

“… Ou, indeed . It was Allen and Elena . ”

However, it seems that Allen and Elena didn’t mind Kevin-sama raising his voice, but calling them “You guys” instead .

“It’s unusual for Kevin who always treats with women of all ages cleverly to be played with instead . ”

“Your Highness, please let me off . These children are too different from the people I am usually in contact with, it’s unlikely for me to be able to deal with them . ”

Kevin-sama hung his head down in dejection .

Apparently, Allen and Elena have successfully entrapped Kevin-sama .

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