Chapter 285

Steel Hawks

Today, we are going to take on a request with Evan-san and Scott-san’s adventuring party, the Steel Hawks . It seems that the Steel Hawks are a B-rank party, which makes them a higher rank than our C-rank party, the White Wings .

“How about Luminescent Mushrooms?”

“Oh, that sounds good . ”

“Indeed . How about this one as well?”

“That’s nice, too . ”

“”This one~?””

“Kraken material… Allen, Elena, let’s not do that one for now . ”

“”Can’t~? Then, this one~””

“Lemme see… Flare Tortoise? This one should be okay, I guess?”

“Right . I think that one is good . ”


After meeting at the Adventurer’s Guild, we first examined the requests on the request board . The plan was to get two requests for monster materials, and one for medicinal plants .

“Alright, it’s decided then . ”

“Let’s finish at the reception then . ”

“Alright . ”

“”We leaving~?””

“Yes, we are~ Allen, Elena, are you prepared?”

“”Yeah . ””

After we finished at the reception, we immediately left the town .

“Mountains or the coast, which direction to you want to go first?”

“Let’s see~ Let’s go to the mountains first and look for the Jumbo Elks and Luminescent Mushrooms . When we are done with that, we will go along the coast and look for the Flare Tortoises . ”

“That sounds good . ”

“”Mountains~ let’s go, let’s go!””

When we decided on the destination, Allen and Elena were ready to break into a run .

“Now, now! Allen, Elena, you can’t go on your own . ”


“Come on, I will hold your hands . ”

It’s been a long time since I have held the hands of Allen and Elena, since they always run off when I’m not careful enough .


However, once we were holding hands, the children happily waved their hands back and forth .

“You get along so well~”

“Indeed . It’s heartwarming . ”

“I feel like we are going to let our guards down~ Isn’t that bad?”

“Let’s be careful . ”

Evan-san and Scott-san looked at each other with a smile but seemed to focus at the task at hand .

“”Ah . ””

“N? What is it?”

“Herbs found~”

“Will get it~”

The twins who found some herbs and wanted to go to pick them up .

“Tak.u.mi, you can let the kids loose . Right, Scott?”

“Yes, I don’t mind . ”

“Are you sure? These children love to move about a lot, you know?”

“As long as they don’t go somewhere and don’t return… that won’t happen, right?”

“You don’t have to worry about that . ”

If they get separated, I will be able to locate them . But I can’t imagine the children getting lost, you know?

“There’s no problem then . ”

“I will take you up on your offer then . Allen, Elena, you can go but don’t disappear from our sight, alright?”


Evan-san and Scott-san gave their permission, so I let go of the children’s hands and they started running happily .

“It was a Lilie~”

“There was Clen, too~”

The children came back happily with the herbs they had collected in their hands .

“”There’s more~””

“So much in such a short time…”

“That’s amazing . I know you have warned us about it yourself, but I didn’t think it would be to this extent . ”

Evan-san and Scott-san were dumbfounded to see the children repeatedly picking up herbs and bringing them to me .

But so far, they have only collected herbs that are commonly found~


“Oh, have you found something again? What did you find this time?”

Evan-san’s gaze followed the children as they suddenly started to run, as if he was already getting used to it .

“Wait a moment! Evan, that!”

“Isn’t that a Horned Rabbit!”

Evan-san and Scott-san panicked because there was a monster in the direction the children were going .



“Ah~… those two will be alright . ”

“Even though Horned Rabbits are weak, they are still monsters, you know?”

Shortly after stopping, Evan-san ran to the children .



However, the Horned Rabbit was defeated by the children in no time .

Scott-san who stood beside me and Evan-san who stopped in place were stunned .

“”Defeated it~””

“Yeah, welcome back . ”

Allen and Elena came back, dragging the carca.s.s of the Horned Rabbit along . Evan-san returned with them .

“Allen, Elena, Evan-san and Scott-san got startled, so announce when there are monsters nearby first . You can do it, right?”

“”Nniyu? Got it~?””

First of all, I told the kids to report any monsters they see and not run out immediately .

“I knew they had good motor nerves when I saw them practicing the sword, but… I didn’t think it was to this degree . They can move quite well . ”

“That was some brilliant kicking . ”


Being praised by Evan-san and Scott-san, Allen and Elena puffed out their chests proudly .

“Which reminds me, I didn’t tell you about our fighting styles, did I? The children mainly use kicking techniques like the one earlier, and rest is water magic . I’m basically a mage, and I use wind magic the most . ”

“Right . As you can see, Evan uses the big sword on his back, and I use this sword . We are not very good at magic and the most we can do is some auxiliary spells, but Evan uses fire and I use water . ”

“I have been thinking this since before, but Evan-san’s sword is quite incredible, isn’t it?”

His sword was bigger than Allen and Elena . To swing a sword that large must take quite the muscle strength .

Well, I would be able to swing it too, but I would not be able to manipulate it and the sword would probably fly off somewhere with centrifugal force .

“”Onii~chan, Onii~chan . ””

“N? What is it?”

“Wolves came~”

“We going . ”

While discussing our fighting styles, Allen and Elena informed me that monsters had appeared and charged towards them .

“It’s three Gray Wolves . ”

“Can we really take this so leisurely?”

“It shouldn’t be a problem . ”

In no time at all, Allen and Elena reached the Gray Wolves and easily defeated them .

“You weren’t joking or using a metaphor when you said we would have no turn to show up, you really meant it . ”

“That’s right . ”

Evan-san let out a big sigh as he remembered what I had said when we were talking about taking on a request together during the weapons course .

“Tak.u.mi-san, how well do you think those kids can actually fight?”

“I don’t think they should have any problems dealing with a large pack of Gray Wolves?”

“… No problems with a pack of D-ranked Gray Wolves, huh . Is their adventurer rank being purposely restrained then?”

“Yes, they are still children, after all . ”

It is already very rare to have a D-rank at Allen and Elena’s age . A rank even higher would make them stand out too much .

“It would be for the best to let them stay at F-rank because we use the Adventurer’s Card as a subst.i.tute for identification papers, but we wouldn’t be able to accept higher ranked requests then, so that’s why they are D-rankers . ”

“Ah, I see . ”

While we were talking about the children’s abilities and ranks, they came back, dragging three gray wolves with them .

“”Onii~chan, is this delish?””

“N? N~ I guess it should be slightly tastier than common Wolf meat?”

“”Then, is normal~?””

“… Well, yes . I guess it’s normal . ”

“”I see~ How unfortunate~””

Allen and Elena were a bit dejected .

“You won’t eat it then? We can just sell it . ”

“”Selling meat is no-no~””

My kids are growing up to be good eaters, so they never want to sell their food… especially meat~

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