Chapter 15


We have advanced smoothly through 8~10 floors with few short breaks .

The number of people coming in and out on these floors steadily decreased, and the hidden rooms and treasure chest we discovered are scarce .

The contents of the treasure chests were Low-grade Stamina and Mana potions . Stamina potion is a magic potion that replenishes stamina while Mana potion is used by mages to recover magical power . They are the game’s standard items .

They come in Low grade, Medium grade, High grade and Special grade, the quality and amount of recovery increases the higher the grade is .

The ones we obtained are of Low Grade so their recovery power isn’t that great . But, magic potions itself are expensive goods and are precious drops for adventurers in this dungeon .

「「That way~」」

I’m afraid to say that I have come all the way here without being tired or feeling a loss of magic power, though…

Maa~ there might be a time where they will be useful so let’s set them aside without selling them .

Speaking of magic potions, a magic potion that cures diseases and wounds, a Healing potion also exists on Aetherdia . In addition to drinking, it can also be apparently used directly on the wound . Furthermore, potions used for detoxifications and potions that temporarily increase physical strength also exist .

There also is a secret medicine among the Healing potions . Maa, you won’t be able to see one easily, though . The secret medicine can heal any incurable diseases and apparently even restore lost limbs . I’d rather connect the torn off arm than grow a new one……

N~ I want to see it, I don’t want to see it… a complicated feeling .

The items in my possessions are generic drugs like medicine for cold and stomach medicine, but I don’t have any Healing potions . I think there won’t be any problems since I have a Healing magic, but I would like to get my hands on one just in case .


Oh! The two children found stairs leading to the next floor .

The moment we descended on the 11th floor, a Wild Ape has leaped towards us .


Wild Ape is an orangutan-like monster .

Despite the sudden attack, Allen and Elena pour kicks on the Wild Ape straight away .

The Wild Ape crashes into a wall . The Wild Ape who was suddenly flug against a wall in counterattack looks dumbfounded .

Allen and Elena pursuit that momentary opening . The defenseless Wild Ape ceased to breathe under the twins’ kicks .

It’s neck evidently snapped……

The Wild Ape’s corpse disappears and leaves behind a drop item . It’s Wild Ape’s fur . It’s a good thing for a Low Cla.s.s dungeon . But, this much is not enough to make equipment of it . Let’s deposit it in《Infinite Storage》for now .

Still, the perception and hand-to-hand combat sense of the twins is terrific .

They advance without getting lost and can discover monsters quickly .

Even though no one taught them, even I who know close to nothing about Martial Arts can understand their splendid movements . They are most likely moving on instinct .

I’m genuinely happy that some influential person does not shelter these two .

The thing Syl might have been worried is this .

However, I have a certain feeling that I’m also taking advantage of them, but is that all right……


Allen and Elena discovered another monster . A snake monster, Clay Snake has appeared .

「Oh, wait a moment!」

I stop Allen and Elena who were going to leap at the enemy .

The two obediently stop moving and fixedly stare at my face .

「That thing has a poison in its fangs, let me take care of it」

That’s right, the Clay Snake has a minuscule amount of poison in its fangs . Similarly to the Poison Spider from before, it’s a monster I want the bare handed children to avoid fighting with .

When the two nod in affirmation, I shoot out the《Wind Cutter》 .

Of course, it was an instant kill . The dropped item is Clay Snake’s skin .

As soon as I pick it up, another monster appears . Three Giant Bees, honey bees the size of an adult .

「Be careful of the stinger」


When I remind the children to be careful, they cheerfully reply .

Un . Although it was only one word, the two’s vocabulary steadily increasing . It’s a good thing .

The Giant Bee is a monster with considerably nimble movements . They take full advantage of their aerial movements to attack Allen and Elena . Allen and Elena smoothly dodge that and counterattack . However, the Giant Bees retreat to the air where the two can’t reach .

Allen and Elena who have unusually hard time turn in pursuit of the Giant Bees .

Un . It’s a game of tag no matter how I look .

I intend to help as soon as it becomes dangerous, but how can I destroy the spectacle of the twins having fun?

Oh! They have been chasing it individually at first, but the two now move in a pincer attack .

Elena chances while Allen sneaks around to the Giant Bee’s destination . They safely brought it down the first one .

Cooperation is the twin’s field of expertise . They can determine their roles just with an eye contact .

They knock down the second one immediately . N? …… I feel like they didn’t make an eye contact .

These two, are they actually using telepathy to communicate? The cooperation was so splendid it forced me think that .


Allen and Elena had a hard time dealing with the bees at first, but in the end, it took them less than ten minutes to deal with the three bees . They pick up the bee’s drop items and trot over to me .

「You worked hard」

I receive the drop items while praising and patting the twins’ heads . The dropped items are 1 Bee Stinger and 2 jars of Honey .

Oh, it’s honey! A very precious item on Aetherdia which lacks sweetness .

Of course, the sugar is also being sold, but its slightly higher in price . The price for one kg is around several thousand yen . It’s around ten times more expensive than in j.a.pan?

It’s enough to be called a luxury for a commoner . You would be able to stay a night at an inn with two meals at that price .

Because I have an absolutely higher income than I have had in j.a.pan, I can buy anything if I say so myself .

However, I shouldn’t do that . I’m hesitant about buying it . The quality isn’t that good .

Therefore, I can’t help, but keep on thinking about getting a normal honey……

Moreover, the honey inside the jars have a beautiful golden color and look incredibly delicious .

Un, if we meet more Giant Bees, let’s take an aggressive stance against them!

We encountered Giant Bees immediately even without searching . Despite there being five of them this time, Allen and Elena defeated them right away .

Isn’t their learning ability amazing? I thought that, but since there’s nothing wrong about it, I decided to leave it alone .

The drop items are 1 Giant Bee’s Wing, 2 Stingers and 2 Jars of Honey .

Doing well, so smooth!

Nevertheless…… is there a problem that the twins defeated 70% of the encountered monsters……? The monsters I defeated are only poison monsters and hard-sh.e.l.led insects, and I also acted when we encountered big groups . Allen and Elena dealt with everything else .

If I had to say, the two are advancing while fighting . But, they seem to be having fun, so I let them dealt with it unless it gets dangerous .

However, if other people saw it, won’t they say that I’m working the children too much? Because I’m just watching from behind while the two children fight .

Shouldn’t I be more responsible as a guardian? It’s not like I’m forcing them to do it, so it’s okay, right?

「「Found it~」」

The two found the stairs to the next floor . Do I rely on them too much?

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