Chapter 25



After the unexpected break, a group consisting of six Orcs and one High Orc has appeared after we resumed the survey .

Knights in pairs take on the Orcs, while the『Dragon Breath』party engages the High Orc .

And I’m also responsible for taking care of one Orc .

Although Allen and Elena are here, I confront the Orc alone .

Seeing that, Rudolph-san and Gilm-san offered help, but I of course declined .

There’s only one opponent, after all . There are no problems .

「《Wind Cutter》」

I quickly cut its head off, case closed!

Orc has a large body with great power, but its movements are slow so it’s easy to defeat . All you have to do is aim and shoot . A big body means big target .

Easy peasy!


As for the Knights, one person attracts the Orc’s attention and the other person strikes at it .

They keep repeating it wounding it little by little and then give it a fatal wound . It’s a very steady way of fighting .

I just quietly watch, ready for a follow-up anytime .

However…… They way of fighting is completely opposite of me who can only fight with brute strength .

It’s a way of fighting that I, who lived 20 years without a single fight can’t do .

In the first place, I didn’t do any other exercises back on Earth than running (I wasn’t fast by any means) . I was not athletic at all .

Un, I was a klutz . What a sad thing……

In ball games, I was catching the b.a.l.l.s with my face~ It’s all old memories now .

However, I can now run fast because of the present body, my physical ability can’t be compared to my previous one!

Iya~ moving freely is splendid! I could avoid any ball now!

However, even if my physical ability increased, my martial experience is zero, so I may not be able to provide much support……

I know I can’t help because I never had any interest in things like these, leaving me with limited knowledge .

Allen’ and Elena’s fighting style is strong, should I learn a bit from them? Dojo… is there a place like that somewhere~

There should be a place that teaches basics . Let’s look for one next time .



Ah, looks like Wald-sama and others defeat all of the Orcs . There don’t seem to be any injuries .



Oh, Rudolph-san’s halberd beheaded the High Orc .

With the High Orc’s cry of agony, Rudolph-san shouts not losing to the Orc .


When all Orcs are defeated, Rudolph-san looks at me with a stern expression . Then he suddenly asks while grabbing my hand .



「To instakill an Orc… just who are you!」

Even if you asks me that .

I understand that an experienced Knight will have troubles against Orc in a one on one fight, but I think that anyone with some skill in magic can behead such slow monster easily?

Moreover, the others also didn’t take that much time to deal with their opponents .

Why are you grabbing my head?


「Allen, Elena . It’s all right . Wald-sama how about releasing your hand? The two are wary of you」

I’m being bullied? The two probably thought so and let out cute growling noises .

Hearing my words, Wald-sama notices Allen and Elena clinging to my sides while glaring at him . He awkwardly releases his hand .

「Allen, Elena . Look, I’m okay, calm down please~」

For now, I pat the two U~ u~ growling kids’ heads .

「To have that done to him and be alright!」

「Perhaps captain wasn’t serious enough?」

「No, that was serious . I can tell . That was a considerable amount of power」

「… Inhuman」

「Right . He’s not normal」

Because I was held with all his strength, I felt pain . However, I have a physical attack resistance . Moreover, it’s MAX’ed!

Therefore, although I felt only a little pain, an average person would be finished . The Knight start whispering among themselves after witnessing me not showing any reaction to Wald-sama’s attack .

Hey, you guys…… I can hear you .

They are certainly not wrong . I’m a G.o.d’s retainer “Human?” . You are not wrong, but…… that’s somewhat rude .

「Wald-sama and others also didn’t take much time to deal with their opponents」

「We were in pairs! Moreover, we can’t do something like instakilling it! You are an F-Rank fraud!」

「No, I have raised by one rank, so I’m an E-Rank now」

Adventurers normally start at F-Rank, right? Then, they steadily improve they rank .

I’m not a fraud!

「Doesn’t change the fact it’s stra~nge!」

So cruel……

「Rudolph-dono! I will contact Guild Master too, but once we return, please tell Guild Master to raise this fellow’s rank immediately!」

「Right . I will definitely talk with him」



「With a high ranker’s recommendation, the Guild Master can raise one rank to some extent」

Rudolph-san who saw my bewilderment explains .

Something like skipping grades? I see, so there was such a system .

As expected, I didn’t know such information .

Probably, even though Syl knows basic information, he isn’t aware of small details like this . It’s not necessary for him, after all .

It wouldn’t be bad to raise my rank, right? The extent of requests I could take will increase .

What procedures should be taken after returning to the town?

Maa~ Rudolph-san said he would talk to the guild’s top so I should probably just wait since they will be contacting me?

「First of all, let’s clean up . Fuse, Cain . Rudolph-dono and others dismantle the High Orc . Collect as much meat as you need . Others take the Orcs」

People start dismantling on Wald-sama’s orders .

I also collect the Orc’s materials .

First, the magic stone .

Next, the…… it’s apparently an ingredient used for male-oriented stimulants . I will absolutely never drink it, but…… this seems to be quite high in demand .

High Orc’s materials are same as Orc’s, magic stone and . Also, it’s skin is used for protective gear .

Also, both have an enormous amount of meat .

This is a problem . Several of 3~4 meters tall Orcs leave behind quite a lot of meat .

It’s food . It would be normally brought back, but today is the first day of the expedition . If we secure it now, it will spoil before we could get back to the town .

Unfortunately, in a case like this, we can only secure enough for us to consume .

「Yosh, we are done . Then―――」

And, the rest is burned, so they don’t turn undead .

―――Normally, they would be burned, but……


「Tak.u.mi, what’s up?」

「Have you forgotten? With me, we can collect everything」

In my《Infinite Storage》the meat won’t spoil .


He seemed to forget because he’s not familiar with it yet, but the time stops in s.p.a.ce-time magic . It should be known that time stops inside the《Infinite Storage》 .

Thus, we have decided to collect the rest of the Orc meat .

Because it would take a time to dismantle, I just stored everything inside《Infinite Storage》 just like that .

「Nevertheless…… to think there would be a group so close to the town」

「This is unusual」

「What do you think, Rudolph-dono?」

It seems to be rare to encounter a group half a day distance of the town .

They are mostly seen alone .

Wald-sama and Risner-sama confirm the situation with Rudolph-san .

「Umu . I have a feeling that the atmosphere in the forest has been quieter than before……」

Rudolph-san’s meaning isn’t “it’s calm”, but “it’s quiet before the storm” .

「Captain, it might be better to investigate this carefully」

「Yea, I agree . Let’s move with more care from now on」

We advance further to the forest while cautious .

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