Chapter 48


After hunting Water Lizards to our heart’s content, we have decided to suspend the capture and take a break because we have found the staircase to the 10th floor .

That being the case, good morning .

It’s finally the 10th floor today . There should be the transfer device on this floor so let’s aim for that!

Oh, before that, breakfast . Now then, what shall we eat~ …… Freshly baked bread, sunny-side-up fried eggs, and a wiener . Is it okay with potage soup?

Allen and Elena are not picky . No, wrong… They love Cream bread and French toast, so they have no “food they dislike . ”

Maa~ anyhow, since they are eating so deliciously, it’s worth making it .

After we finish the breakfast, we resume the capturing right away .

The 10th floor is identical to the past floors with a waterway in the middle and s.p.a.ce to walk on the sides .

Allen and Elena choose the pa.s.sage on the right, and after several minutes of walking, we have encountered a large cast of Sand Crabs .


Allen and Elena smoothly annihilated them at once, though .

Crab legs and Crab are rolling on the ground together with drop items .

Which reminds me, I have not tried the Kani Nabe1 yet . Should I try making it for today’s dinner~

Following, a large lounge of Water Lizards have appeared .

「「〈Wat~er Niidoru〉」」

They precisely penetrate the Water Lizards sticking to the walls with Water Needles .

They learned this magic just yesterday yet they have already mastered it . They really do learn quick……

Overtaking me is a matter of time…… kusun (Crying)

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「Is this it……」

After smoothly advancing while defeating monsters on the way, we found a door similar to the door which led to the boss room in the Dungeon of Earth .

There’s no point in staying here any longer so when I touch the door, it’s starts shining as I expected――and with a gigigi sound, it slowly opens .

It’s the same phenomenon as in the Dungeon of Earth . I was somehow surprised the last time, but it’s not so surprising the second time, huh .

However, I was surprised when the door opened .

Most of the room is filled with water . The area around the door is a land, and then there’s a something like a small island in the center . Otherwise, everything is water .

Looking at the water from the surface, it seems to be quite deep .

A long bridge is suspended straight between the place we are staying at and the island . It seems we have to go to the island .

I have decided to cross the bridge while paying attention to both sides as there are no handrails . Something will jump out of the water at us without a doubt .

「《Wind Cutter》」

As expected, something has jumped at us from the water . Shooting it down with magic, it was Arrowfish .

Arrofish is a fish with long and narrow appearances similar to an otter, the tip of its body resembles a terrifying arrowhead . And, as the name suggests, it’s a fish monster that jumps from the water at considerably speeds just like an arrow .

Because it’s movements are monotone, it’s considered as a lowly F-Rank monster .

However, it wasn’t just that Arrowfish .

After the first Arrowfish, more and more Arrowfish came flying at us from both sides one after another .

「《Winder Cutter》」

「「《Wat~er Ba~ll》」」

I shoot down the Arrowfish with magic together with Allen and Elena .

The troublesome thing is that Arrowfish lives in groups . You will certainly have a painful experience if you neglect them for being F-Rank .

After shooting down about 100 of them, it has finally calmed down . Was this the all for now?

Looking at the water’s surface, a lot of Arrowfish drop items are floating in the water . Most of it are arrows .

Due to the flow of water…… the drop items that fell away from the bridge were drifting towards us, making it easy to pick them up .

Nevertheless, arrows, huh……

I have wanted to try archery in a long time ago . Maa, I wanted to, but never actually tried .

Why, you ask? I was scared of shooting myself, didn’t I……

…… It shouldn’t be a problem now . I should buy a good bow and try practicing .

Which reminds me, the guild is offering short courses on weapon handling . In that case, I may also learn how to handle weapons other than the bow, such as sword or spear .

We arrive at the island in the center while picking up the items, and I start feeling monster presence again . I wonder if Arrowfish will start jumping at us again?

「Allen on the left, Elena on the right . Can you do it?」

「Un! Allen will work hard~」

「Elena too . Elena will work hard too~」

I point with my finger and show them the direction they are in charge of . Allen and Elena stay in front, each taking care of their side while I stay behind covering left and right from behind .

Allen and Elena returned reliable replies .

「《Wind Cutter》」

「「《Wat~er Ba~ll》」」

As expected, more Arrowfish came flying .

Allen and Elena shoot down the Arrowfish on their respective sides one after another . It’s a situation where they have to fire magic continuously, but Allen and Elena don’t panic .

After shooting down enough to forget to count, the monster presence finally disappeared .

Does it end with this?

When I look at the water’s surface after defeating the last Arrowfish, it was full of arrows and small blue magic stones .

Besides that, a short, small spear? was there . Perhaps a javelin?

Speaking of which, it felt like there were one or two larger individuals every 30 or so fish . I didn’t confirm, but is that the drop from it?

Before I notice, another bridge which is leading away from the island towards a hole in a wall has appeared .

This is apparently the end, it doesn’t seem like monsters will come flying at us on the other bridge .

「「Onii~chan, look, look . Many~」」

「That’s amazing~ You two really worked hard~」


Allen and Elena are holding arrows they have picked up in both of their hands .

They worked hard shooting the Arrowfish with magic, and they even picked up the dropped items on their own, seriously hard working and good children~

Good boy, good girl, when I pat the two, they become bashful . Kawaii~

「Can I ask you to help me collect more?」


With Allen and Elena’s help, we have finished collecting the dropped items .

Then, let’s go to the opposite bank at once . When I thought about crossing over, Allen and Elena pulled on my clothes .

「N? What’s the matter?」

「Onii~chan, bellow」

「Something’s there~」

「Eh? Down in the water?」


It appears that Allen and Elena have noticed something in the water .

I think it’s apparent that it’s not a living creature . Because if it was a living creature, I should be able to detect it myself .

As I’m unable to sense not living beings, if Allen and Elena say there’s something in there, then there’s something in there .

「It looks safe, want to take a dive?」


First of all, let’s dive in and confirm .

There’s no need to prepare anything because of the Mermaid bracelet, so we can go in without hesitation .

「Ah, a treasure chest」

The water is surprisingly deep, but as the water is clear, I was able to see a treasure chest at the bottom immediately .

To think it would be at a place like this…… Allen and Elena did well noticing~

After checking the presence of a trap and opening the box, there was a Mermaid bracelet in the treasure chest .

It must be quite rare since it’s in a treasure chest . However, because we already have it, the surprise was reduced by half?

But, if there’s spare, I can use it for Joule or others, so I will gratefully accept it .

Since there wasn’t anything else besides the treasure chest, we leave from the water and cross the bridge . When I looked to the inner part from the entrance, there was a small room as expected .

There was a staircase leading down and a transfer device installed next to it .

「Then, shall we go?」


I take Allen and Elena, touch the transfer device, and we return to the hall on the first floor .

Now then, we have achieved our objective, let’s make a lavish meal of Kani Nabe!

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