On a Thursday in October, exactly on August 15th of the lunar calendar was this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival. On this day, of course it was a school holiday, but Ye Weishan and everyone half-jokingly made plans to go out together to admire the moon while capturing monsters.
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Actually, on every 15th of the lunar calendar month, when the moon is full, at certain specific locations, in accordance to some sort of condition, there’d be a chance of monsters appearing. In the past it was about a 20% chance, but recently, the possibility of an appearance increased substantially, so it became a regular monthly activity for the Martial Dao School members.
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But this 15th landed right on the Mid-Autumn Festival which was a day for many people to celebrate at home with their families. Not to mention the fact that Chen Luonian and the others haven’t formally joined yet, nor had they gone through Bian Ti, so even if they went they’d only be able to watch. That’s why, though Ye Weishan wished for everyone to partic.i.p.ate, she didn’t strongly push this matter.
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Even though there was no one at home so Chen Luonian didn’t have to celebrate any Mid-Autumn Festival, he still didn’t particularly want to go. It was only because of an unspeakable reason that he had no choice but to go; As for the other three, Hou Tianliang and Zhang Zhiwen both expressed that their families already had plans so they couldn’t partic.i.p.ate. Unexpectedly, it was the well-behaved child, Huang Zongru who quickly agreed. So Ye Weishan told Chen and Huang to wear sports clothing and climbing shoes and to meet at five that afternoon in front of Xindian station.
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Chen Luonian hadn’t been to Xindian much and wasn’t that familiar with the roads, so he made sure to head out a bit early. When he arrived at the station entrance, it was only about four.
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Standing in front of Xindian station, Chen Luonian sifted through the crowd, looking to see if there were any beauties worth appreciating while swinging his right hand out of habit, only to remember that he didn’t need to practice today and couldn’t stop himself from giving a bitter laugh.
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In these eight days, the dagger moves were increased from two to seven, of those they were separated into the upwards slash, slanted slash, inclined slash, reverse slash when holding it upright and the downwards slash, straight slash, and horizontal slash when holding the handle in reverse, these seven forms. As for which forms to use in which situations, Lai Yixin didn’t go into details. He just requested that Chen Luonian practice each move five hundred times each day. According to what he said, after getting used to it the speed will naturally increase, when that happens he can raise the number of swings for each move until it became fast and accurate.
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After learning the seven moves, Chen Luonian had to spend four hours each day afterschool slashing and swinging. As for that “increase time” ability, not only was it useless, it gradually made Chen Luonian feel like it was even a bit of a burden.
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This ability, as soon as his level of concentration increased a little, would automatically kick, and it wasn’t like he could adjust the speed to twice or three times as slow. By his estimation, the amount that this ability stretched the length of time once activated was actually quite a lot. And when concentration increases, it could increase even more, but the more it increases the more mental fatigue is felt, so it was very unsuitable for practical use.
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And, just as Huai Zhen said, his actual speed didn’t increase. When the flow of time slowed, it was just more time to daze out. At best, during baseball, ping pong ball and other types of sports it makes it easier to hit, but without without skill, where the ball goes after it’s. .h.i.t still can’t be controlled.
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Not to mention in this kind of situation, everyone’s speaking voices become extremely grotesque and hard to understand. Even though it can be recognized with effort, it was very strenuous.
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That said, where the heck did Huai Zhen go? Last time she came to look for him after just seven days, this time it’s already been nine days. Isn’t there too much of his Hun Dun Yuan Qi? During recent evenings——when it was the time that Yuan Qi tended to disperse, he was always in the bas.e.m.e.nt practicing the dagger. Even if it was safer because Lai and Ye were also there, but it still made him feel unsettled.
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And this was also the reason that though Chen Luonian didn’t want to go, he had no other choice, because if a monster shows up next to him this evening, that would be troublesome.
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“Luonian.” Huang Zongru’s voice came from the side. Chen Luonian turned and saw him smiling a bit shyly: “The others&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;haven’t arrive yet?”
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“En, still haven’t seen them.” Chen Luonian also felt a bit awkward. This past week, even though they were together afterschool to practice, but Chen Luonian wasn’t the type to actively start a conversation and Huang Zongru rarely spoke, so the two pretty much had never talked before and were in reality still practically strangers.
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The two stood side by side in silence for a while. Huang Zongru thought for a moment, before suddenly saying: “Yesterday you said that you didn’t have anyone at home.”
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“En?” Chen Luonian was slightly dumbfounded, when he recovered, he said: “Yeah, my uncle is rarely home.”
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“Then&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” Huang Zongru swallowed: “Your sister?”
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No way, right? Going around this curve was to ask about Huai Zhen? Chen Luonian didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry as he replied: “She doesn’t live with me.”
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“Oh.” Huang Zongru dazed out for a while, his face had a bit of blush as he said: “I didn’t have any other meaning.”
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“En.” Chen Luonian didn’t know how he should reply, so just casually responded with a sound.
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A while later, Huang Zongru asked another question: “Is your sister studying abroad?”
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How strange, exactly what kind of fairy is Huai Zhen, why would they be captivated by her with just one look? Perhaps she’s a fox-spirit1 type thing? That’s right, this is possible, since the first time seeing her, that giant creature looked both like a wolf and a dog, if you say it was a fox it’s also pretty similar. Oh yeah, can’t call her a fox-spirit, have to call her a fox-fairy&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; Chen Luonian thought as he spoke: “Actually, I’m not too sure what she’s doing either.”

(1) Fox spirits, in Chinese culture, has the characteristics of being sly, manipulative and seductive. The term can also be used derogatively. Other english equivalents could be vixen, witch, and enchantress.

“How come?” Huang Zongru asked, surprised.
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“Because she doesn’t want to say, and I also don’t want to ask.” Chen Luonian didn’t want to continue talking about Huai Zhen, so he said, offhandedly: “That’s right, Zongru, why did you decide to join this monster subjugator group? Aren’t you scared?”
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Huang Zongru was slightly stunned, lowered his head to think, then said, a bit embara.s.sed: “I do get scared.”
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Chen Luonian let out an ‘oh’.
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The two were silent for another while, before Huang Zongru abruptly started to speak slowly: “I don’t have a lot of guts. But if I prepare mentally and make certain of the outcome, then I won’t be cowardly&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; This group can help me become stronger. As long as I’m strong, I don’t have to be afraid, so when I practice I’m always really serious. As long as I’m strong enough, then it’d be ok.”
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It was the first time hearing Huang Zongru speak this much, Chen Luonian thought for a moment, then said: “Some parts are pretty similar to me.”
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“Really?” Huang Zongru didn’t really expect that.
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“About being certain of the outcome, I’m also used to hiding a bit farther away.” Chen Luonian said: “The difference is——even if I’m sure of the outcome, if it’s really troublesome, I’d still stay away from it.”
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“But you saved me before&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” Huang Zongru was surprised and looked at Chen Luonian as he said: “I often think, if one day I could be as brave as you&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; to not be scared even if I can’t win, how great would that be.”
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“That’s a misunderstanding.” Chen Luonian shook his head: “Sometimes I’d&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; lose rationality. It’s not what I decided to do, so it’s not bravery.”
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“This is called&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; a double personality?” Huang Zongru was shocked and looked Chen Luonian up and down.
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How did he come to that conclusion? Chen Luonian waved his hand: “It’s only losing rationality.”
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“Really?” Huang Zongru said flabbergasted: “You’re not&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; tricking me, right?”
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“What would I trick you for?” They was nothing to do anyways, so might as well chat for a while. Chen Luonian said: “For example, during the junior high graduation trip&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; One afternoon, we had freetime next to the creek so a lot of people ran to the creek to play&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; I was also nearby. That time, in front, a girl suddenly slipped, and fell into the water, flailing , so I immediately jumped in to save her.”
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“Ah.” Huang Zongru said: “That’s really brave.”
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“But after getting up, my watch was broken, all my clothes, shoes, paper money, and ID were all soaked.” Chen Luonian said unhappily: “More importantly——the water there only reached her waist, if she just stood up she would have been fine.”
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“Eh&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” Huang Zongru didn’t know what to say.
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“Anyways, if I could just stay a bit calmer it would be better. If I was two seconds slower, at least I could’ve taken off my backpack and watch. If I thought for five seconds, perhaps she would already have stood up, no, G.o.d, if I just thought for five seconds I wouldn’t have gone at all!” Chen Luonian knocked his own head: “It wasn’t until I pulled her ash.o.r.e and snapped out of it that I realized, next to the creek there were like ten people, but I was the only one that went into the water. At that moment I felt like I was an total idiot. I’ve always wanted to change this shortcoming, but I couldn’t change it.”
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“Oh&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” Huang Zongru thought about it, then said: “I feel like it isn’t necessary to change it though.”
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“That’s because you’ve only heard this case, there’s ones even more tragic.” Chen Luonian rolled up his sleeves and glared: “Last year there was a time when my uncle took me to his friend’s party to play. When I went to the bathroom, my G.o.d, I suddenly heard a desperate shriek from the room next door. My mind went blank and I immediately rushed in&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”
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“And then?” Huang Zongru hurriedly prodded.
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“Urgh, don’t ask&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” Chen Luonian mumbled to himself: “That time I should have knocked first.”
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“What exactly was it?” Huang Zongru became really curious.
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“Two b.u.t.tnaked people were tangled together!” Chen Luonian got angry just remembering it, and said extremely angrily: “Who would’ve known that wasn’t a miserable shriek? &h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;G.o.ddammit, why didn’t they lock the door!”
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“So they really do cry out like that? Mosquito told me in all the A films they were just fake screaming.” Huang Zongru’s expression showed strong surprise.
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“Are the screams fake? I don’t know.” Chen Luonian hadn’t experienced it either, so he said, astonished.
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“What screams are fake?” From behind them suddenly came Ye Weishan’s sweet-sounding voice.
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The two were seriously surprised, Huang Zongru almost literally jumped. Chen Luonian hurriedly said: “Nothing!”
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Huang Zongru also followed as his face turned red: “Nothing, nothing.”

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