When I get out to the village, there was people already began to be busy.

While there is developed Steel tools technology, I am using a latrine.

“Because there are neither cows cattle nor horses, there is a record that says those are fundamental elements of agricultural upgrade along with three-field agriculture. First of all, can they make large livestock live trough the winter?” (horse/cow power to plow the land and manure and crop rotation)

Some stalls stand side by side, rising an appetizing aroma.
Since there is no need for stalls if you have a residence, there must be many single people and hotel guests.

“There are to many houses and facilities for the size of the farmland, why, is here supposed to be an central point of something?”

{Solving. In fact Major industry in Tolka village is agriculture. Added to that, there is a distance advantage as this is the middle point for recolection in the South Forest and for subjugations in the North Forest}
{Also, here is Ruth (RUUSU)village on the west side and Malbrouck (MABUBURUKU) village on the east side, due to these conditions is a trade point with both, and it is relatively richer than other villages.}

[Sage]-sensei answers.
Malbrouck village and Ruth village? Is Lizatia’s older brother on a business trip to any?

For the time being, I head for an inn to complete the “To Do” list.

The bigger one clearly seems to be more expensive, so I remove it from the options and i get into the nearby two-storey inn.
The name is [Blue Sky Temple].

Hee? I read normaly the letters since the beginning.

{Akihiro’s comprehension of visual information,  as well as p.r.o.nunciation is complemented. }
{Intercepting even the writing and changing the notation.}

Indeed [Sage]-sensei. There is no such thing.

It is impossible to learn a new language at this age.
TOEIC ‘s examination was planned from this year on according to the company’ s policy, I thought seriously I would be changing of job.

“Welcome, are you staying over or are you having breakfast?”

A man in his 60s with a bald forehead came out calling.

In the lobby section there is a dining room, and the cleaning is also thorough.

“I just enter the Waranika Kingdom and I’m schedulling my first a stay, Could you tell me the accommodation costs and currency information?”

This Man is the shop owner, he seems to be managing it with his wife and two employees.

Each kingdom decide and have his own kind of currency and is necessary to exchange money.

By the way, Waranica Kingdom money is a currency unit called Wal, general currency is made of iron.

On the reverse side, the face of the G.o.d of govern and a famous past kings are engraved. To be honest, I don’t know at all their names.

puting aside gold coins, it seems easy to counterfeit and cast iron coin, but it’s said that the authority of G.o.d of Govern immediately recognizes it and a real reckoning punishment falls down.

Well, it seems that their own face is carved when they do forgery, thats a little sick, so now  I’m convinced. It also seems a little childish, but i Thought that a G.o.d of Greek mythology will also do it.

“One night is 5,000 wales with a morning and evening meal, if it is without meal it will be 4,000 wales, self-catering is also possible as the kitchen can be used except on busy hours.”

When considering it in j.a.panese yen, it is the price of a cheap business hotel.
The single rooms seems to be empty right now.

“A bucket of Hot water is 500 wales  and candle is 1,000 wales per hour. Please call at the front desk when you need it.”

“Thank you. Although I’m scheduling accommodation here for the time being, I’d like to see other things a bit, so i have decided to come back later. Thank you very much. ”

Oh, by the way I also ask about the toilet, but it seems that is a shared toilet type toilet,and is installed on each floor. It seems that running water is also installed.
Toilet is Important, super important.

For the time being, check the “To Do” list.

[X] Confirmation of monetary value

I leave the inn and head for another one. Is a big place located far from the center.

I open the door and went in, the inn lobby was like a dining hall and tavern. People who are drunk and wearing armors are dropping dead all over the floor .

Depending on income, I would be better to buy safety whit money, I left the spot without saying anything.

For the time being, check the “To Do” list.

[X] Confirmation of prices in the inn

Yes. I’m fulfilling the list, it feels good to see things are going forward.
Well, as the bustle in the morning has calmed down, will I head to the guild?

I Head towards a relatively large building in the center of the village. The sign of the guild is a double-edged sword crossing a white shield in a black background. “Adventurer’s Guild Toluca Village Branch”. Here is.

The second inn tavern was a frightening experience because it gave the feeling that a dude searching for a bar fight could appear, This building gives the opposite atmosfer. (I’m not very sure about this one “テンプレだと酒場が併設されてガラの悪いお兄さんが喧嘩を売ってくるイメージだったので、若干戦々恐々としていたが、拍子抜けだ。”)
I saw a window with registration written in it, so I headed there. In charge of it was a girl of arround 20 years who seems like a simple villager.

“Nice to meet you, welcome to the adventurer guild. Are you for registration?”

“Yes, I’d like to register and to know the terms of contract”

“Then, after explaining the contract, I will move on to registration.”

I have heard the majority of the content that she is explaining about the work from Tisha-san.

“Regarding taxes, after registration, you will be a member of the adventurer guild.The tax revenue of the adventurer guild is deducted from each request based on the tax rate of each country. Tax revenue is reported in each country. so you do not have to worry about it.”

Oh, they deduct it? Because it is troublesome to declare taxes one by one, it helps a lot.
To be honest a while ago in the inn considering the absurdity and “Temperament of an Edo son” of the adventurers i saw there, that must be the reason. (Temperament of an edo son: “quarrel searcher” “pursuing strength” “short temperament” “Easy lifestyle”, “unmarried”, in other words YOLO XD )

“In addition, grades are given to adventurers according to their contribution and work, and it will be 10 grades from the lowest 10 grade to the highest grade 1”

Hoo¡. Adventurer rank. this is an every men romance/dream.

“Regarding the grades, the essence is reliability. Although rarely there are people whom misunderstood it as strength standards, but please recognize that it is the acc.u.mulation of recognition of keeping seriously the carrying out the duty. Moreover, the range of work that can be selected increases according to the grade. However, in order to judge whether the mission can be choosen, We will make a review after each promotion to determine it. ”

For example, if there is an escort mission at a certain grade, if there are no people escorted is good but if there are it’s no good.
The specialist belongs to the guild of each kind, and the adventurer is oriented towards generalists.

“Although I mentioned it as reliability, this is literal, there is a great consideration for failure in case of an accident etc. but for intentional and negligent failure/misconduct, appropriate penalties will be imposed.”

“By the way, what kind of thing would you give penalties as an example?”

“This is a case that occurred in the past, there was an adventurer who took away the goods in a delivery mission of a party, the person in cuestion, was caught and restrained by the total power of the guild, the cost of this expenses, the cost of the delivered goods, and the delay in the delivery were applicated to him. ”

“What has become on with that person now?”

“It’s already deceased because it was an story from a while ago, but it has been transmitted that he lived the rest of his life only in order to pay the debt.”

It’s pretty heavy. While i hear it i can sense a dark gloomy atmosfer.
Well, i have no founds, and there is no choice in order to living.

“Regardless of the request, you only can receive one at the same time, but if an event not covered by the request conflicts with another request, we can deal with that later.”

For example, in case of accepting a collection request and subjugating by self defense, that subject will be covered as long as the object to be subjugated fill the requirements of the other request.

“For more details, we have stored separately archives of materials in the second floor library, please check there.”

It seems that of this 3 floors building  there is a data room on the 2nd floor. It seems that there is a back conference room so we can also talk about secretly in it.
Delicate request from clients are also done there.

“You have the intention to register?”

“Yes, I will proceed with registration”

In order to collect living expenses quickly I can not be so picky.

“Please fill in the necessary information here.”

An A6 sice piece of parchment is handed over to me. Name… Akihiro, Age… 35 years old, and current location… Ast’s house for the time being must be acceptable.

“Then please pierce your index finger with this needle, just enough to draw blood”

I thought it was to make a thumbprint pressed as a sign, but the blood was dropped on the circle of a white card that she took out.

what is this?

“This is a guild card, it will be proof of your future status. Also , use this card as an access index to enter the database of your bussines situation, please be careful of lost it, etc.”

Civilization is isolated. But here a futurist thing has appeared.

“About the Cards and Card Reading Equipment, The G.o.d who manages the surgery/operations and G.o.d who controls the work/craftmanship are ma.s.s-producing it, so do not mind.”

When you think that a G.o.d is ma.s.s-producing instruments like domestic equipment, i feel more relaxed. After that, what is power? I promised miself to learn magic.

“As for power, we consume the surrounding mana while using it, consumption is insignificant, and there is almost no breakdown”

As i’m watching the card, the information stated earlier on parchment surfaced. Incidentally, the grade is also listed as 10.

“In addition, this card is directly connected to your soul and continues to ping.”

There is literal translation like ping in the other world, but it still does not suit.

“When your soul is liberated, a death report will flow to each reader, we will use it as a trigger to provide a testament service free of charge, so please use it.”

Do you have services even until the time you die? I would like to avoid using it if possible.

“Now, the explanation and registration are be over. Your trust will be the power of the guild, please do your best and work yourself hard.”

While smiling, the receptionist encourages me.

“Thank you for your support, the explanation was easy to understand.”

While I am somewhat tired from the long explanation, I left, I will go searching for a request now.

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