There is no entrance in the village, and we goes along the road between the cultivated farmlands.
Some weeds are growing in some farmlands.

“Because we are supposed to be in the autumnal season, soon will be time to sow wheat, Is wheat or rye?”

“Yes, I heard that this year we plan to have wheat 60% and rye at 40% to avoid problems”

“Is the rough farmland with that fence a fallow land?”

“Yes, the goats are currently grazing”

“Don’t the pigs graze?”

“Pigs? It is impossible to maintain them in this village because of high unit price, it is difficult to breed because it mate in winter. In addition, since the wild boar is breeding in the south forest that I had been visiting earlier, their importance is low, Goats is the main cattle as it gives milk and meat. ”

That means there are three-field agriculture? I thought that it was a medieval culture, but that possibility has been increasing more and more.
But the tunica Lizatia is wearing was also around Roman time and there seems to be cotton as long as I see the fabric.

“Do you cultivate cotton and so on?”

“Because the neighboring village is larger in scale, it grows there.”

They are cultivating it? I think that the cultivation of cotton in Europe was in the late Middle Ages.

Although I feel like getting cottonseed oil can be done now.
When you cross the farmland, you can see roughly 40 houses. Is like a village of 150 to 200 people? It’s quite large.

“All around the houses is an agricultural land. Please stay at my house this evening.”

It’s going to be like that? There are rooms for money but i have no money.

The House of the village head Is a big house that is outstanding in the center.

“I am sorry, I am indebted for it because I can not use the money here”

“No, don’t worry about it, you are the benefactor of life, I am in charge of hunting today and my father will be pleased.”

she said clearly.

We walk away from the center of the town a lot and I could see a house that is a single storey house near the edge of the village.
Next to it, there is a building like a barn.

“I’m home. Are you here father?”

I can’t go into the house at first look without introduction to temper the mood, I stand in front of the door.

“Welcome back, Liz. How was the situation of the traps?”

An elderly man with a hair color whose blonde almost got out and became close to gray hair comes to the door.

I heard that he hurt his back, but although i can see a slightly swing, he walks almost normally.

“Well … It was dangerous, so … … I have someone I would like to introduce …”

Lizatia continues speaking while depicting a red face.

“Well, he is my lifesaver… and my husband Akihiro-san.”

I stand with my father-in-law and I face to face.
I think that there is better way for introducction, but why is it so right to the point? (note: she drop the bomb in the worst way possible jajajaja)

“Ah …… Yes … …. Nice to meet you. I’m called Akihiro.”

To be honest, I do not even know what to say and what I should say.

“Is that so …. Nice to meet you, My name is Asto, I want to hear more about it.” (ASUTO literaly)

My father-in-law also invites me while looking me slightly awkward.

Each room is on the opposite side of the corridor.
When I sit to the table in living room for the time being, I see a women with a calm feeling that looks like an older Lizatia Is preparing tea.

“h.e.l.lo, nice to meet you, I am Tisha, I can not prepare anything right now aside from tea”

The tea was herbal tea. I just do not know what herb.
Honesty It may be that I do not know the taste due to the previous bomb remarks. (note: this guy loves the bombs and explosions)

“Well, I do not understand the situation at all. Why do not you explain it first, Liz”

Lizatia will explain the situation of the trap, the fight against the wild boar and my subsequent self-destruction.

“First of all, thank you for helping my daughter’s life”

Asto starts talking.

“I set the trap, and It is my responsability to hurt my back after coming home, However, Isn’t marriage a little premature, even when he save your life?”

Ask Lizatia.
He looks at me and add the next words.

“No, I do not mean that you do not like it. As long as you see that figure, he is probably a good one” (he is saying that his overweight is attractive and is a good match for her but…)

Continue while keeping a deep sigh.

“As you know, hunters are hated.”

“Is an abominable job?”

A word that I never heard came out.

“Hmm, Are you not from the Kingdom of Waranica? The tax rate of each village  established by the laws of the Kingdom is in five straw sacks (image bellow), but this is a budget. The hunter can not produce cereals on a business basis, We Buy selling grain in the village and pay it as tax ”

Continue further while darkening his looks gradually.

“Also there is a hunting limit, so it is difficult to obtain the tax payment. If we count the tanning etc., the number that can be hunted still falls in time, so it becomes a necessary evil called meat supply while burdening the village, In addition, there are many obstacles to the living beings responsible for the death of the living beings, the most notably is the bad reputation that it is said to be out of the blessing of G.o.d because of the high mortality rate of the hunter himself.

As long as I hear it, I think that the tax system is stupid rather than be a problem of the hunter.
The flexibility is too little, and certain occupations are being arbitrarily overpressured.

“Is it difficult to change over to another occupation?”

“My family is used to been hunters for generations and like I have said it was a necessary evil. People can not live unless they eat meat.”

Suddenly, I raise my head and cover my eyes with my palm.

“The current tax system is from the earliest days. It was proportional to the income until then, the tax rate also increased at that time”

A Perpetually tax rate of 50% is probably too hard. Harvesting magnification of medieval wheat should have been about 4 to 5 times.
If you take half as much as 4 times, you only have a little to eat until the next year. Like that they can not take measures against emergencies.

“Hmmm … … I understand about the abusive work.”

I think that it is in vain to think that I do not know what the current situation is like, and I will explain this situation for now.

Being a manager in a business. One day i was suddenly wrapped in light, Having been transported to… A forest in the south?.
Because I found a trap, I met Lizatia when I was waiting. It was dangerous and I intervened.

“In other words, it can be translated as saying that I can’t do nothing at the moment. Aside from the story of marriage, I am very sorry but I can ask for an overnight stay ”

I could not make excuses so I asked frankly.

“Were you a merchant?… No, this clothes …. Wool, this is quite good, I have never seen anyone weaving such fine details.”

“although, I do not know how to weave at all. I have never seen such a cloth.”

Thiesia mutters while sighing.

“Mom, Was a weaver”

Oh, I see. Did she was a professional one?

“Merchant-san have probably a great store, this is a poor house, but stay as much as you want”

Dinner was rye porridge, root vegetable and wild boar soup. I was surprised that pepper was used normally.

I borrowed hot water and wiped my body with a towel.
I Think of things from now on in a comfortable bed.

“For the time being, I must guarantee my living expenses, I do not know what a 35 years-old-guy can do … well, I miss h.e.l.lo work.”(harowa o h.e.l.lo work is a company that find a job suitable for you so he is thinking of what kind of work he will be able to do in this new world)

Closing my eyes while lamenting.

“For now, lets sleep.”

(this is a 5 straw pack:)

this is the longest chapter until now…

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