(Thanks to those who follow me and subscribe to Okamiyuutranslations, that makes me keep translating)

By the way, I understood the kind of request that are possible at present, and I was able to grasp the amount of remuneration as well.

For the time being, check in the “To Do” list.

[X] Confirmation of the difficulty and the amount of remuneration for each request

How to say it?, it was clearly divided by grades.

From the village up to the North forest the road was flattened to a certain extent.

From some time now i have not seen other persons. Everyone has started activities from an earlier hours.
While i’m looking at the side of the road, there is gra.s.ses that i can recognize and gra.s.ses that I do not recognize growing out spa.r.s.ely beside the road.

“After all the vegetation is strange, I wonder if G.o.d who controls plants brought it from another world, and it started to grow from there.”

While i’m thinking it, I would not known it even if it looks like goldenrod gra.s.s, I walked tottering.
About an hour latter, Scarce trees began to appear.

“Oh, is the main body of the forest composed of coniferous?, is the land bad or it lacks of G.o.d protection?, black pine, red pine … … here we have cypresses and cedars”

For those living in the northern forest, I wonder if pine nuts and mushrooms are staple foods.
Oh, they also peel off the wood cortex?¹

“Oh, there are wooden trees that I have never seen before. The fruit looks good but I do not know if i can eat it. ”

For the time being, I will try to ask Rizzatia after returning, so I packed several pieces of that fruit I had not seen before.
I walk while watching at my feets , but I can not find Vas gra.s.s.

“I wonder if it’s vanished in the surroundings of the forest entrance”

While checking the compa.s.s of the smartphone, I went off the road and headed north. At every 5 m interval, I carved a northward arrow on the surface of a tree with the knife.

“Even if I have a compa.s.s, it’s easy to get lost.”

The forest does not grow an that extent to say that is rich and flowering.

As we go closer to the back of the forest, I began to feel something hard to describe.

{Answer. The feeling you are sensing now is the Mana Detection reaction}

[Sage]-sensei instantly answer me.

To make people understand this, even if I say i sense something, I only sense with my five senses, those will be hinibited by other sensation becoming stronger.
Going further for another hour i could see the terrain changing to a swamp.

“As long as you see the surroundings there is no river, so why is flooded here?”

Looking around at the edge of the solid earth, I can finally see Va.s.s gra.s.s.

“Hmm. Does this not grow if it’s is not close to running water?, i wonder if it depends on the mana density?.”

As the reception girl told me, obviously i take it out with the root and at least of 20 cm.

Because it is impossible to keep crouching down whit this body shape, I stop working while rest against a rock nearby.

“Ahh, I achieved 100, my waist is killing me.”

Tying cl.u.s.ters of 5 pieces together, that’s 20 bunches.
I feel my mood dropping due to exhaustion. When i looked at time it was over 13 o’clock.

“I want to came back at daytime without fail, but i will check for leechs.”

I turn around the hem of the pants and check under the socks, but I can not find it. I will check it even from the neck to the shoulder, but there is no problem.

“I will have lunch after leaving the forest. To say things like “mission accomplished”.”

While heading to sout checking the compa.s.s, the carved tree enters my gaze.
After coming out to the road I head towards the south.

“Revenue is better than I expected, is actually so lucrative being an adventurer? Well, there is a fear of distress if I had not the compa.s.s, or not so much?”

walking while taking some care, I heard a bush sound at the distance.

“Hmm… an animal?”

The trees here are no so dense to have an vantage point of view. As a matter of fact, to avoid risks, I held the glaive that I’m using instead of a cane and hide in a bush.

Protuded long ears were to the sideways and the eyes were mostly black eyes. Nose rolled up like a pig and thin lips. Two protruding fangs can be seen scooping out to the upper jaw.

And has something like a wooden spear with a pointed tip of about 1 meter in the hand.

“Oh, Is that a goblin?, I imagined it was more like a servant fairy, but it is extremely ugly.”

And start to walk around, while restlessly looking around.

“Oh, The more you see his movement, it looks like a scout, Is bad that there could be more of them?”

While squealing Gi and Ga, gradually approached me.

“If continues like that he will finds me, Is there a high possibility that it will be chased?, the one in the initiative will win.”

honestly i have hunted quadruped creatures, but it is my first time to confront a bipedal walking creature.

I sneak behind the bushes so as not to make a sound and I moved to the bush behind the goblin.
The goblin keeps walking defenseless while looking carefully the surroundings.


I jumps out of the bush at once, i take out and swing the glaive to the right thigh of the goblin.
Although the purpose of this was to damage the foot with the momentum and weight even if the blade did not hit it, the part of the knife cut until the middle of the bone.

“Giggy, Giga!”

A scream came from the goblin.

The goblin was rigid because of surprise and pain, and can’t even check behind, that i was about to kill it.

“Stop, with this!”

I rotated the glaive to release the opressed blade, I turn it to the left and strike toward the left of the head.

The struggle is gradually weakening and stops completely.

{Notice from the Skill [Acquisition]. The conditions of the skill [Acquisition] was fulfilled. The corresponding Skills have been transferred. Skill [Spear] 0.16, [Vigilance] 0.08.}

I have watched anime and historical drama for a long time and at the time of an attack everybody always shouts, but i thought that i could fight silently.

But then I thought, I do not have any fear or disgust. Indeed I thought that this should be different from hunting animals to eat, but.

{Answer: the ability of the skill [bravery] is able to invalidate up to twice the skill of the fear system. Also, it is effective for the state [fear].
Currently, the skill [bravery] is at 0.2, so it has not reached the full power. However, it is thought that some effects are showing.}

An explanation came from [Sage]-sensei³. Always calm and accurate.

For the time being, I have fought for the first time a bipedal creature and I after that i was somewhat lost in my thoughts about this.

¹ cinnamon?

² sorry for this but is to avoid some one stealing my job

³ Why is he always calling the skill (sensei)???

The next one is going to be a little late… because of something i’m working on.

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