It Seems I Came to Another World, Now What Should I Do

Chapter 4: I thought that the struggle for survival will start now but its actually time to try out food!!

Chapter 4: I thought that the struggle for survival will start now but its actually time to try out food!!


Well then, its time to struggle for survival.since the conversation with “knowledgable”-san  has come to an end, I decided to return to my original goal.

“now that I think about it, is this Aodaisho Modoki* edible?”

If I look closely, this Aodaisho Modoki’s doesn’t have a side ridge and its flesh is pretty tender. Aodaisho can’t be eaten because of its stench and sc.u.m* , but this guy looks more like an eel then a snake.

“{Knowledgable}-san, can I eat this?”


When you don’t understand something too well it is best to ask someone who seems to know, it is a living being from another world after all.

‘Resolving, please use the skill {Identify}’

A rather unfriendly reply, I don’t even know how to use {Identify}, just what am i supposed to do?

“Eto, Use {Identify}”

For the time being, I tried saying that while looking at the Aodaisho Modoki. And then, the internal structure, information on the use of each organ, its habitat etc. started to flow into to my brain. by the way, because i kept calling it Aodaisho Modoki that ended up turning into its name. It seems that the fundamental difference between the Aodaisho and the Modoki is that the latter does not climb trees, it lives on the ground. it mainly lives on nuts and insects. About its venom, it’s a weak neurotoxin that it uses to protect itself from external threats, its effect on something the size of a human is nothing more than just momentary paralysis. most importantly is the fact that the venom glands are concentrated in its neck*, it seems that it can be eaten without worry if i just chop it off.

“Does it not stink because it’s not carnivorous?”

Since it’s around eleven, I decided to try to use it to make lunch. if it turns out to be no good then ill depend on the calorie providing blocks* that i have. since i skipped on breakfast the struggle to survive is getting a bit too spicy for me.

“Guess I should make a temporary camp around that river bank i saw earlier”

Besides it use in making a simple stove, the fact that the river stones are easy to use is a good enough reason to move there, I spent about 20 minutes walking on the way there while picking up twigs and branches to use as fire wood.

“There’s quite the amount of water”

From what I saw atop the tree, it looked like a place where you could play in the water, it turned out completely different due to the depth and the sheer amount of water.

“It looks like there might be a big one*, but I don’t think that it can be caught with a wooden harpoon”

I give up on fish for the time being, I collect the river stones to prepare an oven. I pile up the stones and leave the top open. I dress* the Aodaisho Modoki starting from its stomach, i peel of the skin with the scales still on it, and then unexpectedly white flesh was revealed. I wash away the blood and organs, and remove the small bones with the cutter. I cut it into the size of grilled eel, then i skewer it on thin twigs.

“Even though I stopped smoking, it’s a good thing that i had a lighter on me”

Back when I used to smoke i developed a habit to put a lighter in every storage s.p.a.ce, but because of that i was able to do this.

“I should roughly grill the surface with the flame, while at the same time turning it around to make sure its done evenly”

I keep on grilling it like how I did it back when my grandfather brought some eel, It seems it has some fat on it because this world looks like it is entering autumn*, when the fat start dripping into the fire it crackles while releasing a savoury smell.

“I wonder if its done?”

The part of the golden brown meat that seems to be slightly burned due to the fat looks unbearably delicious.

“Just to be safe, use {Identify}”

I use {Identify} to see if there is any toxicity, but there is none. I can eat it without worry.

“It’s regrettable that there is no sauce or salt, Itadakimasu”

Oil bursts out of the meat as soon as I sink my teeth into the surface while the tender peculiarly white meat dances in my mouth.

“This, even though the taste is a bit thin its delicious, just the sweetness of the fat and the fluffiness of the meat is enough”

The stink that I was worried about was almost non-existent, and i was able to enjoy a deliciousness that was different to that of an eel*. As expected of a 150cm snake, even just the edible parts turned into quite the amount.

“I am already full”

Even though im said to be a metabo, I don’t actually eat that much. because my efficiency is too good, fat kept piling on my stomach. for a while, i stayed fat even if i didn’t eat or drink anything, i even wondered if i was feeding off of mist*.

“While saying that, Gochisosamades.h.i.ta*, Oishugozaimashata*”

My first meal in another world was a weird snake, but since it was pleasant lets say it was a good experience.

*Aodaisho is a common and harmless snake while modoki means fake or wannabe

*The gunk that can sometimes come out while cooking food

*Just behind a snake’s head there is a small area of the body without ribs, that is its neck

*He is most likely referring to Calorie Mate

*As in a big fish

*As in skin and gut an animal

*It seems that it was building fat to brumate

*He really likes eels doesnt he

*One of the highest goals on an ascetic mountain monk is to be able to live off the mist of the mountain

*It was a feast and it was delicious both mean thanks for the meal

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