I was able to make a second wife with my 35 year lifetime.
And it is not a case of delusion.

“Well, let’s process it  for now, can you handle it?”

It is 1.5 times bigger than the old wild boar, so it seems to be hard to bleed. (1)

“Yes, just before if possible …”


“May I ask my husband’s name?”

“Ooo … I’m sorry, I forget to say my name.”

Although I am good at communicating with other people, I even forgot to name me. It may be the aftermath where adrenaline has been squirting yet with excitement of hunting big things.

“My name is Akihiro Maekawa, call me Akihiro”(2)

Then she answers with a slightly stiff face.

“Mae Kawa, Akihiro, are you saying you have a surname, is Akihiro a n.o.ble?”

what? In the past and history, only the aristocrats who have a last name was a n.o.bleman, and there are records that it was pa.s.sed by ○ ○ -san where it was like that.

“Maekawa is a surname and Akihiro is a name, because in the place where I lived there are surnames, please do not mind calling me Akihiro”

She answers with a relieved look.

“Akihiro-sama… Akihiro-san, because you have good clothes, I thought you was a n.o.bleman, Sorry.”

Even this is a custom made suit. If the waist circ.u.mference is over 90, you can not buy a pre-made suit. It’s a sad story.

“Well, what is your name?”

While answering somewhat, she answers.

“I am Lizatia of Tolka village, my father is a hunter, I am still an apprentice.”

A slightly greenish blue eye and a completely ash gold hair not dyed.
Face shape pointed oval type.
The shape of the eyes is of a drop type, but are big, overall it is cute impression.

“You are a hunter’s apprentice, but is it not hard for an opponent?”

I points to the big body in front of me.

“Originally it was my father’s trap, I had been looking around instead of him since yesterday and I did not expect that such a big prey is hanging on.”

She will explain the circ.u.mstances while lying down.
In this world, 15 years old is already an adult.

Before this she became 15 years old and it was that her  independence was allowed.
She has mainly hunted birds and small mammals.
I found out that boar was hunted with her father.

“So, there were parts that I could not move of my body as I was nervous about hunting alone. Thank you for your help.”

she thanks me with her best smile.

“Well, I thought I was interfering, so I will be relieved if you say so.”

she answer, while waving both hands with a scared expression,

“There is not such a thing, indeed I was prepared for death at that time, I can not thank you enough how I can thank you.”

Really cute. The height of her is about 170 cm, higher than mine, but a cute aura is flowing out from her whole body.

“Now, let’s bleed it before the blood sets, so I wonder if you can remove the trap now and hang it for now”

I can not handle if even a bigger thing comes.

“Yes, I understand, I will get you a rope.”

She seems to have thrown sundry bags nearby.
Because she brought a rope close to 10 meters, I tie the wild boar’s hind legs and hang it on the tree.
Because the average weight of j.a.panese wild boar is 70, 80 kg, and it is bigger than 110 kg. To be honest, it is impossible to pull up alone.
Although I have lift up 100 kg by bench press, it is impossible with this weight to be honest with dead body.(3)
She pull  it on the tree without fear and cuts the neck.
I was worried if other carnivorous animals would come by due to the smell of blood, but as for the carnivorous beasts in this forest, the huntsman is thinning them regularly and there is nothing to worry on.
Still, i’m a little concerned of her strengyh . Even though it is a different world correction, where is the power coming from this thin arm?
Trying [a.n.a.lize]-sensei while also feeling very heartbreaking.
With a glance that she is confirming the state of the other traps,

I exercise [a.n.a.lize]

Murmur in a low voice so as not be noticed.

Unnamed: Lizatia
[Strength] 1.22
[Small mammal hunting] 1.34
[Medium mammal hunting] 1.26
[Bird hunting] 2.23
[Archery (Tolka village small bow type)] 2.46

“What do you mean, [sage]-sensei, [strength] skill?

I understood the meaning, but a bigger bomb was hidden.

“[sage], What is magical power? ”

Huh? Is this world a sword and magic world?


1- in reference to the boar that he and his grandpa hunt in the past

2- here he spell out his surname but i change it XD

3- here is the reference to pull and push in a physical exercise

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