Going to the temple

While struggling hard to control my strength another year pa.s.sed.

h.e.l.lo, I"m Marie Regalya, seven years old.

I also became quite a proper lady, and also became able to use some magic needed for daily life, ahem♪

I"ll explain about the magic in this world now. It appears that although the amount may vary, in this world every person carries magical power.

Now, that does not mean that everyone"s a mage like in an RPG. Magical power and magic are two different things, and even if you"ve got magical power you can"t use magic without studying it. In addition, as taking lessons in it costs money, most magic users are n.o.bles rather than commoners.

Speaking of which, the magic needed for daily life that I"ve learned, "everyday magic", is something common that can do things like turn on and off the magical tools that emit light, and light a stove used for cooking.

People generally call this kind of theoretically simple magic that can be taught for anyone to use "rank-1 magic". In this world, there are eight ranks of magic, and spells from rank-2 upward look like attack magic and such that I remember from games.

Taking the simple [Fire] magic as an example: [Fire] used to just light a fire is rank-1, [Fire] used as a means of attack is rank-2, strengthening the power of that [Fire] attack makes it rank-3, the evolution of [Fire] is [Blaze] at rank-4, strengthening it makes it rank-5, the evolution of [Blaze] is [Explosion] at rank-6, and strengthening that makes it rank-7.

My tutor taught me that and I changed and oversimplified it to an RPG system that I was familiar with, but… Teacher ended up praising me for being quick to understand.

Huh? What about the rank-8 magic, you ask?

Apparently that"s somewhat of an enigma, something like a legendary rank of magic whose existence is known but no one can use, so I couldn"t explain it.

Incidentally everyone can use rank-1 magic; magic ranked 2 and 3 is what adventurers, mages, monsters, and such can use; and ranks 4 and 5 are the domain of archmages, heroes, heroines and other such leading figures among humans and demons that appear in stories, spirits, and angels. Apparently there aren"t people who can use higher-ranked magic than that. On top of that, it seems that magic ranked 6 and 7 is for dragons, archangels, demon kings, and other such beings that are beyond human understanding to use.

(Hm~m, a fantasy indeed♪Oh, I"m getting excited♪)

Alright, let"s return back to talking about the present. Right now, I"m borrowing Tytte"s hands to put on a dress. It"s not a dress like I"ve been wearing inside the house until now, but a fancy one for an outing.

(Hm~m, what an expensive-looking dress. It looks like I would absolutely tear it to pieces, the way I"m right now… Ah~, at this rate, won"t I become a no-good girl who can"t do anything without Tytte…?)

While watching Tytte excitedly and efficiently dress me, I get sad about my inability to do anything.

(Well, since the rite of revelation will be held after this, I"ll be to lead a proper lifestyle thanks to it…or I should be…right?)

As my self-confidence decreased the statement turned into a question by the end, buuuut don"t worry about it.

"Excuse me. Ojousama, the carriage has been prepared."

There"s a knock on the door and a butler comes in the room as Tytte decorates me after putting on my dress.

"Got it."

I reply without looking at him because Tytte"s combing my hair, and the butler seems to think it normal as he bows and leaves the room.

"Oh, finally…"

I take a deep breath and look at myself in the mirror.

My shiny white hair has braids from both sides of it reaching to the back where they join, and there"s hair ornaments on my bangs, but not enough to be a bother. My silken dress is as white as my skin and is filled with pretty embroidery like lace and frills.

(Finally, today is the day I meet children of my own age! Uwah, I"m so nervous!)

Children from my generation, who I couldn"t meet in my previous life, will be gathering in the rite of revelation today. As today"s a.s.sembly is for n.o.bles only, it won"t be everyone, but it still should be quite a number of people. Rather than the revelation, I"m more interested and worried about that.

(I wish that it all goes well, without any problems.)

While setting up such discomforting flags, I take Tytte along with me and head towards the entrance of the mansion grounds where the carriage is waiting.

The temple, where the shrine is in, is on top of a slightly tall hill in the northern district of the royal capital. I would call its appearance more artistic than functional. As I look at it from the carriage"s window my heart begins to throb.

(Somehow, it feels like going to school for the first time. Although I haven"t been to school.)

As the anxiety and tension of meeting a lot of new people mixes into an indescribable emotion, the carriage I"m sitting in stops.

(Finally! My debut!)

"We"ve arrived, ojousama."

Tytte opens the carriage door and exits first to prepare a stepladder for the carriage. I see Tytte step aside as if to say she"s done, and while calming down my racing heart, I slowly move towards the door.

The moment I step outside, there"s a small commotion and all the children of my age and their servants stare at me…or I think they do. The reason I say I think, is because instead of checking if they"re staring at me I hung my head down to avoid their gaze.

(Uwaah, I"m an idiot! Idiot! I may forget it, but I"m the daughter of a duke! I need to act more dignified, like the ones in books and anime did!)

Even so, I feel somewhat ashamed as I raise my head up this late. I get off the carriage like that, and as if on cue, trip and miss the final step.

(Oooh no~ooo! If I put my foot down to catch myself now then I"ll make a hole in the groooound! I need to use less strength! Ah, but if I use too little then I"ll fall over! What should I dooooo!?)

Tytte grabs my flailing arms and without a delay props me up.

"T-thank you…"

I thank her in a low voice, and even Tytte looks relieved as we begin to walk while she supports me.

"Sigh… They might think I"m a clumsy kid… Aww…"

The people watching the emotionally drained and disheartened me are whispering things like "she really gives off the feeling of someone you want to protect, someone somehow fleeting". Engrossed in dejection, I don"t notice it at all though, and keep heading to the temple with Tytte taking me by the hand.

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