It"s the rite of revelation

We enter the temple, go through a large set of doors, and end up in a room with a tall and wide dome roof that gives it a tranquil atmosphere. Led by Tytte, I find a spot that isn"t too conspicuous.

(Why, you ask? It"s because I stand out.)

When I saw the other children for the first time, I couldn"t hide my surprise.

To start with, I noticed the hair colors. Most people have black, golden, or brown-colored hair of varying intensity. Not one of them have silver-white, or even silvery hair.

The eye colors are extremely varied and there are people with the same eye color as me, and it makes me wonder if my mother is from a foreign country.

Finally, everyone seems to have a healthy tan. Aldia Kingdom has a warm climate all year round, so the sunlight tends to be strong. Despite me having been outside too, only my companion Tytte got tanned and I didn"t tan a bit…Why?

Anyhow, today I realized that my appearance is quite different from other people"s, and it"s making me somewhat embarra.s.sed, so that"s why I"m quietly standing around somewhere out of the way.

What with me being a duke"s daughter and all, I only get occasional curious glances and not people intruding on my s.p.a.ce.

"Well then, let"s hold the rite of revelation. When your name is called, please come to the front and place your hand on the treasure here."

In the back of the vast temple, on top of some stairs, placed on a lavish pedestal there is a crystal that shines with a faint light.

"By the way Tytte, when do you think it will be my turn?"

As a matter of fact, the power balance of the so-called n.o.ble society affects this order.

Very first come the families who want to stand out, then the families who don"t want to stand out too much get to be in the middle, but in front of the children from this or that family… and so on, it"s tangled with the families" circ.u.mstances.

It seems to be based on the families" influence whether or not they accept their place.

"Master should"ve made arrangements for the last place, I think? I want to save the best for last, is what he said."

(G.o.dd.a.m.n! That was unnecessary… and I didn"t even want to stand out…)

I close my eyes and let out a deep sigh.

Among the bustle, as the rite of revelation carries on, someone"s name is called and they climb up to the pedestal.

With a nervous look on their face, they place their hand on the crystal which glows faintly with red, green, and blue-colored lights mixed into the illumination.

Afterwards, the child closes their eyes, stands there for a moment, suddenly opens their eyes again and climbs down looking like they"re deep in thought.

"I wonder what that light is?"

"That light is the measured strength, wisdom, and magical power. If the color is deep then that attribute is strong, while the brightness of the light tells of the total power."

(In other words, that should mean that if there was a deep red light then that attribute would be the primary one in that person, and if that light was dazzling then it would be powerful?)

"Hu~uh… You know a lot, don"t you."

"I"ve already gone through my rite of revelation, you see."

Right, I forgot that since she"s five years older than me, she has obviously partic.i.p.ated in the rite of revelation before me.

"Oh, that was why?"

I want to ask what it was like, but since I think it"s something very private to a person, I resist the urge.

"I get the light, but why is it that they stand there for a while afterwards?"

"It"s to receive a message from G.o.d."

"Huh!? You can hear G.o.d"s voice?"

I accidentally raise my voice because of the matter that the me from modern era finds unbelievable. Tytte tilts her head and looks at me as if to say "yes, that"s right, so what?". It makes me wonder if G.o.ds in this world can materialize, or maybe they even have descended in the past. As expected of fantasy!

One by one, the children go to the pedestal, cause a light, and gradually my eyes begin to ache. At the same time, my heartbeat steadily grows faster.

(Shouldn"t it be my turn soon? Or what?)

I looked around restlessly but couldn"t tell how many people were remaining, because we weren"t even queued. Everyone just stood wherever they pleased and went to the front when they were called, so I couldn"t tell how many were left. On top of that, the people who were done didn"t leave and that further muddled things.

However, that was just at first. After this much time has pa.s.sed, I"ve noticed that the people who are done act in a different manner than those who aren"t.

And now, as I realize that there"s just a few people left before me, my heartbeat accelerates further.

(I can"t make a mistake this time… What if… I end up crushing the treasure with my grip… I"ll be finished.)

As my turn comes closer and closer, my nervousness brings forth worry. At this point, I"ve become uncertain of everything. Most of all myself.

(Ahh… I should"ve prepared a practice crystal ball and done rehearsals… But even if I could do it without crushing the treasure, just cracking it would be bad all the same… Oh, what to do, what to do… I"m so nervous my hands are shaking…)

Then, the kid that I think is the last one before me gets called to the front, and after a few minutes, comes back.

(O, o-o-o-ok-okay, h-h-h-ere we go.)

I write the character for "people" on the palm of my hand and swallow it. This is the power of the much-lauded modern-day good luck charm!

"Next, from house of Duke Regalya, miss Marie Regalya."

When I hear that, my heart feels like it"s about to pop.

(The much-lauded modern-day good luck charm was useleeeeess!)

I become petrified and Tytte looks worryingly at me as if wondering if I"m alright.

(Making her worry for me doesn"t help! I"m a duke"s daughter, I need to act like it.)

I ready myself, raise my head and walk to the front.


At that exact moment, the heavy doors open and a number of what looks like male knights and some attendants come inside.

"Aldia Kingdom"s first prince, his Highness Rayphos has arrived!"

The words instantly make the atmosphere of the temple very tense, and the people near the door move to the sides one by one.

Because I"m so focused, I can"t wrap my head around the situation and stand there stock still about to go to the pedestal.

Then the knights lead the boy inside.

First prince of Aldia Kingdom, Rayphos Lucua Dalford.

Everyone who sees him is charmed. Or more precisely, the girls are.

He"s well-dressed in white and blue clothes and he moves his slim limbs with grace as he walks.

His pretty golden silky hair flutters in the wind and his sparkling eyes are so deeply blue and beautiful they suck you in.

He looks beautiful for a man, but it fits his dignified expression very nicely.

Truly, a prince! That sums it up nicely.

But to think that the prince of this country is the same age as me. That"s why he"s partic.i.p.ating in the rite of revelation today. But maybe because of the busyness of the royal family his entry was late, and it"s like he"s forcefully and stylishly cutting in line.

But no one"s complaining, because he"s royalty.

The people"s arms form an arch and wait isn"t he coming over here?

(Oh no, I need to step aside too.)

I was very focused but still managed to think that, and reacting to the movement around me I decide to move…


I couldn"t do iiit!

I was about to step down but I stumble on my unfamiliar shoes and end up falling over.

"Whoa there…"

I hear a soft voice close to my ear. Someone caught me and is holding me in their arms.

(Huh? Who? It can"t beeeeee!)

I timidly shift my gaze to look and get a close-up of the prince"s face.

(I blew iiiiiiiit!)

I scream inside.

—Next chapter

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