The Chevalier de Roxas.--Excursion to the palace and gardens of the Buen Retiro.--The Turkish Amba.s.sador and his numerous train.--Farinelli"s apartments. 305


The Museum and Academy of Arts.--Scene on the Prado.--The Portuguese Amba.s.sador and his comforters.--The Theatre.--A highly popular dancer.--Seguidillas in all their glory. 310


Visit to the Escurial.--Imposing site of that regal convent.--Reception by the Mystagogue of the place.--Magnificence of the choir.--Charles the Fifth"s organ.--Crucifix by Cellini.--Gorgeous ceiling painted by Lucca Giordano.--Extent and intricacy of the stupendous edifice. 314


Mysterious cabinets.--Relics of Martyrs.--A feather from the Archangel Gabriel"s wing.--Labyrinth of gloomy cloisters.--Sepulchral cave.--River of death.--The regal sarcophagi. 323


A concert and ball at Senhor Pacheco"s.--Curious a.s.semblage in his long pompous gallery.--Deplorable ditty by an eastern dilettante.--A bolero in the most rapturous style.--Boccharini in despair.--Solecisms in dancing. 329


Palace of Madrid.--Masterly productions of the great Italian, Spanish, and Flemish painters.--The King"s sleeping apartment.--Musical clocks.--Feathered favourites.--Picture of the Madonna del Spasimo.--Interview with Don Gabriel and the Infanta.--Her Royal Highness"s affecting recollections of home.--Head-quarters of Ma.s.serano.--Exhibition of national manners there. 339


A German Visionary.--Remarkable conversation with him.--History of a Ghost-seer. 349


Madame Bendicho.--Unsuccessful search on the Prado.--Kauffman, an infidel in the German style.--Ma.s.s in the chapel of the Virgin.--The d.u.c.h.ess of Alba"s villa.--Destruction by a young French artist of the paintings of Rubens.--French amba.s.sador"s ball.--Heir-apparent of the house of Medina Celi. 354


Visit from the Turkish Amba.s.sador.--Stroll to the gardens of the Buen Retiro.--Troop of ostriches.--Madame d"Aranda.--State of Cortejo-ism.--Powers of drapery.--Madame d"Aranda"s toilet.--a.s.sembly at the house of Madame Badaan.--Cortejos off duty.--Blaze of beauty.--A curious group.--A dance. 358


Valley of Aranjuez.--The island garden.--The palace.--Strange medley of pictures.--Oratories of the King and the Queen.--Destruction of a grand apartment painted in fres...o...b.. Mengs.--Boundless freedom of conduct in the present reign.--Decoration of the d.u.c.h.ess of Ossuna"s house.--Apathy pervading the whole Iberian peninsula. 365


Explore the extremities of the Calle de la Reyna.--Destructive rage for improvement.--Loveliness of the valley of Aranjuez.--Undisturbed happiness of the animals there.--Degeneration of the race of grandees.--A royal cook. 376





Portugal attracting much attention in her present convulsed and declining state, it might not perhaps be uninteresting to the public to cast back a glance by way of contrast to the happier times when she enjoyed, under the mild and beneficent reign of Donna Maria the First, a great share of courtly and commercial prosperity.

March 1, 1834.



Detained at Falmouth.--Navigation at a stop.--An evening ramble.

Falmouth, March 6, 1787.

The gla.s.s is sinking; the west wind gently breathing upon the water, the smoke softly descending into the room, and sailors yawning dismally at the door of every ale-house.

Navigation seems at a full stop. The captains lounging about with their hands in their pockets, and pa.s.sengers idling at billiards. Dr. V---- has sc.r.a.ped acquaintance with a quaker, and went last night to one of their a.s.semblies, where he kept jingling his fine Genevan watch-chains to their sober and silent dismay.

In the intervals of the mild showers with which we are blessed, I ramble about some fields already springing with fresh herbage, which slope down to the harbour: the immediate environs of Falmouth are not unpleasant upon better acquaintance. Just out of the town, in a sheltered recess of the bay, lies a grove of tall elms, forming several avenues carpeted with turf. In the central point rises a stone pyramid about thirty feet high, well designed and constructed, but quite plain without any inscription; between the stems of the trees one discovers a low white house, built in and out in a very capricious manner, with oriel windows and porches, shaded by bushes of prosperous bay. Several rose-coloured cabbages, with leaves as crisped and curled as those of the acanthus, decorate a little gra.s.s-plat, neatly swept, before the door. Over the roof of this snug habitation I spied the skeleton of a gothic mansion, so completely robed with thick ivy, as to appear like one of those castles of clipped box I have often seen in a Dutch garden.

Yesterday evening, the winds being still, and the sun gleaming warm for a moment or two, I visited this spot to examine the ruin, hear birds chirp, and scent wall-flowers.

Two young girls, beautifully shaped, and dressed with a sort of romantic provincial elegance, were walking up and down the grove by the pyramid.

There was something so love-lorn in their gestures, that I have no doubt they were sighing out their souls to each other. As a decided amateur of this sort of _confidential promenade_, I would have given my ears to have heard their _confessions_.

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