Translator: Mii

Editor: sleepchaser

No, no, I needed to stay calm. Suddenly depleting my entire physical fitness meter really scared me. Either way, I didn"t think there were enough weeds around the house to act out my outrageous idea.

The problem was the field.

"It"d be nice if the job of weeding the field is the same rank as the job of weeding the house."

After that, I finally started drawing some water. The water pump had been provided from the start. How convenient.

Since it"s the same type of water pump used at Grandma"s house, I remembered how to operate it.

However, since I must manually draw water for use, I probably should recycle the water for a few uses before throwing it out. On the other hand, while it"s important to conserve water, if I didn"t take a bath, I"d feel miserable…

As I was deciding what to use this bucket of water for, I was surprised by the sound of a notification.

[Draw Water Rank C: 200 PT]


Although I had known earlier that drawing water was considered a "job," and would grant PT upon its completion, I wasn"t aware it"d give that many points.

After double-checking the work list, I sure enough saw that every 100 L drawn rewarded 200 PT.  In other words, the current bucket held a volume of 100 L, though it didn"t seem so at first glance.

The water in the bucket disappeared once I looked away from it for a while. After checking the bottom of the bucket, I didn"t find any holes.

As I tilted my head, puzzled, I received a message from G.o.d. "Once drawn, the water from the well is designed to fulfill every task you need it for all at once."

It"s the same principle as the lamp. If I filled a bucket of water, it would automatically fill the water tank in the house. The rank of the "draw water" job was directly linked to the capacity of the water tank, and the capacity could be increased if I met certain conditions.

I was shocked. After all, there was no way 100L of water could fill a bathtub.

When it came to water for daily use, an adult would use a considerable amount. Moreover, thanks to my influence on this house, there"s a flushing toilet instead of an outhouse, and the bathroom had a shower in addition to a bathtub… Yeah, let"s save water from now on.

The good news was, I finally understood how the water system worked.

I checked my physical strength meter. It"s decreased to 47.

"So pumping water from the well consumes 2 physical strength…"

I noted that down in my small notebook.

Afterward, I cleaned the area around the well and continued to pluck the weeds near the entrance of the house.

I also bought a sickle to increase my efficiency. Such a good purchase. By saving my time and physical strength, I managed to earn 2,000 PT by noon. My progress was greater than I had expected.

“Maybe I should have a meal soon.”

I still had plenty of physical strength, but I wanted to check on the hero"s condition.

As I looked at the home screen in front of the front entrance, other than my physical strength, I found that my energy had also decreased for some reason.


A heavenly voice answered my question without a moment of delay. "You will consume energy every time you use tools that require concentration." It"s actually by text, though.

Tools… So because I used a sickle, my energy was reduced. Huh.

With such a mechanism, there would be some tools that I couldn"t handle. I should be careful with my purchases.

I washed my sweaty face with the tap water outside.

How many years had it been since I"d last weeded a place? Following a long period of toiling under the sun, my shirt was soaked with sweat. After pulling it over my head, I threw the shirt into a basin of water, scrubbing it with my hands. Then I wrung it dry.

Now that I had thought about it, there"s no washing machine in the house. I was stuck hand washing everything. Maybe I could exchange some PT for soap…

To dry the shirt, I hung it on the branches of a tree in front of the house. Then I returned to the bedroom to change clothes.

As I was putting on a new shirt, I sneaked a peek at the sleeping hero through the gaps. He hadn"t changed his sleeping position since morning. After almost half a day of hard work and sweating outside, it felt pleasant just relaxing in such a peaceful atmosphere.

“There"s really such a handsome person in the world, huh?"

Fixing his blanket, I studied his face. His eyebrows gave him a strong appearance. His eyelashes were long, his nose was straight, and his lips were thin. All traits pleasant to the eye.

His looks were what people coined "blessed by G.o.d." If I didn"t feel the warmth coming from his skin and see the rise and fall of his chest, I would have thought he was a beautifully crafted doll.

Come to think of it, there wouldn"t be another opportunity to look at such a good-looking person up close. Once he woke up, I"d ask if I could make a sketch of him. If he would not allow a nude drawing, then I would ask for at least his upper body. His muscles were really beautiful…

After that, I made my way to the living room and ate the onigiri and miso soup I had purchased yesterday.

If this miso soup was the same as the ones back home, then I should be able to make it myself. Should I grow soybeans for the miso? Alright, let"s check out the field in the afternoon!

When I once again checked the screen on my smartphone, I saw that my physical strength and energy had completely replenished.

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