It's Lonely To Be Invincible

Chapter 307: You can’t leave yet!

Chapter 307: You can’t leave yet!

“So I came just for him? Somebody I could kill with one attack? This is such a huge disappointment!”

Master of strength was a muscular man. A combination of an eagle, a dragon, a tiger, and a lion could be seen tattooed on his chest.

Currently levitating in the air, his aura was so powerful that it caused s.p.a.ce to slightly crack.

Li Di ignored anyone he deemed weak. In fact, the religion’s guardians were all wimps that he disdained. ~ They are embarra.s.sments that are afraid to even fight weaklings.~

But before Li Di left, a voice rang out behind him.

“Stay there.”


A figure could be seen climbing out from the pit.

“Did you just call me a weakling? Presumptuous! I’m glad you made me less arrogant, but I can’t be considered weak no matter how powerful you are.~


Lin Fan’s muscles grew, making his shirt split.

From violent body to cruel blood, all the skill sets that Lin Fan knew were instantly activated.

Roars from the G.o.d of Heaven could be heard. A powerful aura could be felt as Lin Fan’s hair turned red.

Li Di’s expression changed. He cracked a smile and burst out into laughter.

“Great. This is what I like to see. You have some strength, the only thing in the world that excites me.”

Li Di said, beckoning Lin Fan to attack.

“Let’s see how strong you are. Whether you have any semblance of true strength, or if you are just struggling at your death bed.”

Lin Fan kept increasing his strength. He knew that the person in front of him was strong based on the previous attack. ~I didn’t even have a chance to defend before dying.~

~This means that I need to put everything into this fight.~


Lin Fan exerted his strength to pull the ground up, resulting in a dirt tornado that swept up everything around them.

“Wiping out the Universe!”

Lin Fan clenched his fist, gathering Heaven and earth energy. A shield of energy could be seen hovering over him. His strength was his only weapon.

“I’ll concede defeat if you can kill me.”

Lin Fan attacked Li Di with everything he had. The energy on his fist was so strong that it felt like it could destroy everything.

“Very well, death is your only outcome today.” Li Di lifted up his hand and caught Lin Fan’s fist.



Lin Fan’s fist was crushed by Li Di.

But when Li Di saw how calm Lin Fan was, he was surprised. Seeing that Li Di was distracted, Lin Fan took the chance to punch his face.


A tooth flew out of Li Di’s mouth along with wom3 blood.


All of a sudden, Li Di burst into laughter. Excitement was all over his face. He grabbed Lin Fan’s other hand and picked him up, swinging him onto the ground.

“Great! The taste of blood and pain excites me. I feel the fun in fighting you. But it’s such a pity that this pain isn’t enough for me.”


Lin Fan was being thrown onto the ground, creating a deep pit.

“Come. Let’s continue. Show me how weaklings like you fight to survive. Or should I say show me your final struggle?”

Li Di levitated off the ground and looked down at Lin Fan. He was curious how an ant would fight for his life.

“You’re too much. Why did you insult my pride?”

As soon as Li Di heard this, a figure flew at him fiercely.

A boom was heard, and the force directly impacted Li Di’s chest.

“Not bad, it hurts a bit.”

Li Di’s body shone as he received Lin Fan’s attack. It was a strong attack, but it was almost nothing to Li Di.

Li Di then raised his hands and smacked down on Lin Fan slowly. It was as if he had used all the energy in the world to attack Lin Fan.

Lin Fan’s eyes opened wide as he felt a strong energy ravaging his body. But suddenly, he felt his body react.


He could feel his cells try to swallow the energy. His cells might not be strong enough to absorb everything, but his cells were doing their best to absorb all the energy.

Lin Fan fell onto the ground hard.

All his organs and bones were crushed.

“The more you fight, the stronger you become.”

Li Di put his hands behind him and looked down at Lin Fan, shaking his head.

“You might be weak, but you were a true cultivator. It’s a pity that your cultivation journey ends here.”

Suddenly, Li Di reached out to the air as if grabbing something in his hands.

“Fighting intent…..This shows that you want to stand up again. But it’s impossible. You standing up again is just a dream….”

Just as Li Di was about to leave, a sword intent could be felt from the pit. Li Di put out his hand to block the sword intent.


The sword intent shot towards Li Di, but it struck his palm. It didn’t injure him even slightly.

“Again! You make me excited.”


A figure flashed up into the sky. An excited smile could be seen on Lin Fan. ~He is a true elite!~

~The more I fight, the stronger I get. I need more fights with such elites.”

“An ant trying to resist me? This is so annoying.” Li Di sneered and disappeared. The next second, he was standing in front of Lin Fan.

The s.p.a.ce was shattered by his punch.

“You might be powerful, but you’ll never be able to kill me.” Lin Fan shouted.


The force from the punch formed a light that extended to cover them.

Lin Fan could be seen falling onto the ground once more. He fell so deep into the ground that he couldn’t be seen anymore.

“Such a powerful opponent. I couldn’t even resist; the difference between us is too great.”

Lin Fan fell onto the ground expressionless. He kept vomiting blood, but he could feel his body absorbing more energy. ~ That’s what I’m looking for!~

Li Di looked inside the pit. “You should be dead now. I was looking forward to your growth. But risky factors like you must be destroyed before they grow.”

He turned around to leave, only to realize that sword intent was filling the air, shining brightly.


He could hear sounds coming from the pit.

Li Di frowned and looked down. “You’re still alive?”

“Haha, you need to hit me at least a thousand times to actually send me to h.e.l.l.” Lin Fan laughed and stretched his neck. ~It feels bad to be punched, but thank G.o.d he can’t actually kill me.~

~He should be a guardian of the Divine Religion to have such strength.~

~I was digging my own grave. Who knew they would send someone like him after me? I don’t even have the chance to counter-attack.~

~But I like this. I feel great despite losing.~

“A thousand times? What skillset is that, what are you using? Is it a subst.i.tute puppet? That’s something quite good.”

Li Di mumbled to himself. He looked up, eyes shining brightly as he exerted a strong suppressive force on Lin Fan.

“Enough of your tricks. Come at me for real. Your tricks are nothing to me. You’re too weak to resist.”

Lin Fan waved his hands. It was boring to be repeatedly punched to death, but he had earned a lot from it.

“Is that so?” Instantly, Lin Fan appeared in front of Li Di. Li Di didn’t even realize it.


A smack landed on Li Di’s body. It was as if he had punched the strongest body in the world. Li Di didn’t even budge.


Li Di punched Lin Fan’s stomach. The energy made Lin Fan bend over. Li Di’s attack was indeed very destructive.

However, Lin Fan can’t be the only one being punched. He smacked Li Di’s face.

“Come at me if you can. You insect.”

~Great. This is great. I’m gaining more energy over time.~

“So irritating.” Li Di shouted as he smacked Lin Fan’s head, sending him deep into the ground. Blood could be seen all over the place.

“A thousand times? I’ll kill you even if it takes ten thousand hits.”

Li Di stomped the ground, making it crack. The strong energy could be felt even underground.

After a few seconds.

When Lin Fan reappeared, Li Di flared up.

“Annoying, why are you still alive?”

But as soon as he finished his words.

Lin Fan came at him and punched Li Di.

Lin Fan finally understood how “The more you fight, the stronger you get” works. He had gained so much energy from this fight that he was sure that he’d be able to soon reach Heaven Star Border Stage Five.

Suddenly, something unexpected happened.

Lin Fan felt that Li Di was no longer putting in as much strength as he did to defeat Lin Fan.

~Did he get bored after all this?~

~You are going overboard. Fighting is such a wonderful thing. How could you not give your all?~

“Pay attention! Give in your all in fights! You’re such a disappointment!” Lin Fan roared as he smacked Li Di’s face.

“I can’t take this anymore. How many lives do you still have? How many Subtistution puppets do you have? That’s enough!”

“No, not enough.”

Lin Fan had already lost track of the number of times he died and how long the fight had been.

~So Li Di thought that subst.i.tution puppets are behind my immortality. Are all those who practice brute force idiots except me?~

“d.a.m.n ant, I’ll be back with something else. Let’s see how you revive then.” Li Di said. ~Why does this ant seems to have an infinite amount of subst.i.tution puppets?~

~I could only stop this with the blocking force, or this will continue.~

“Don’t go!”

“Activate the eye of disdain.”

Lin Fan said unhappily. ~How could you leave when my foundation hasn’t grown enough!~

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