It's Lonely To Be Invincible

Chapter 266: They must be idiots

Chapter 266: They must be idiots

Lin Fan played with the s.p.a.ce crystal in his hands.

“Interesting. This crystal holds s.p.a.ce attributed energy.”

~Easy. Look at how I managed to keep the s.p.a.ce spirit entertained with that game.~

~I have too many things on me now. After getting out of this chamber, I will ask the frog about its uses.~

~Especially the beads I got at the c.u.mulus Bazaar. Since the Divine Religion elites were after it, it’s probably not simple. It might even be a precious treasure.~

“Living thing, are you going to keep me company here?” s.p.a.ce shook, and another s.p.a.ce spirit appeared.

After coming across the previous s.p.a.ce spirit, Lin Fan didn’t pay much attention to this one. He made use of the same trick, but this time around, the answer that he got threw him off guard.

“Living thing, the spirit in front of me is playing with this game even though he can’t succeed. I’m smarter than him.”

“This s.p.a.ce spirit at least has some brains.” Lin Fan didn’t expect to come across this. However, it wasn’t feasible for him to come up with a new trick every time he came across a s.p.a.ce spirit. There were too many dimensions in the chamber, and he couldn’t afford to spend so much time entertaining the spirits.

“Is that so? Then, are you willing to wait? I have a game that can keep you entertained forever. But there’s a condition, which is that you have to follow me to the next s.p.a.ce layer, as this game can only be played in a group.”

A great idea had crossed Lin Fan’s mind. It would allow him to deal with all the s.p.a.ce spirits at one go and save time. ~G.o.d knows when I will be able to get to the end of the Thousand deep chambers otherwise.”

“Alright.” The s.p.a.ce spirit said monotonously. “If it’s not fun, you have to stay behind to keep me company.”

“Of course.”

As soon as he finished, the six different s.p.a.ce layers that led to different paths were presented to Lin Fan.

~Thank G.o.d for the key, or it would be an arduous task for me to get to the actual Thousand deep chamber in this endless s.p.a.ce dimension.~

He followed the guide and flew upwards.

Lin Fan had one more s.p.a.ce spirit following behind him every time he went to another s.p.a.ce layer.

The s.p.a.ce spirits were all born in this s.p.a.ce, and they were slightly stupid to Lin Fan. ~It will be easy to trick them.~

When Lin Fan got to the last s.p.a.ce layer, the light came to a stop and went out. It was apparent that he would have to leave the s.p.a.ce dimension now.

However, he had a few hundred s.p.a.ce spirit following behind him. The spirits followed behind him silently. There was no expression on their faces.

“This is the last layer. You should show us the game now.”

All the s.p.a.ce spirits said. When all of them spoke simultaneously, the volume was enough to make Lin Fan’s ear hurt.

“Be quiet, I know.” Lin Fan sucked in a deep breath. ~My decision was correct. I should gather them and settle this quickly.~

With that, Lin Fan floated up. He waved his hands and made a ma.s.sive table with his Heaven star energy. He then raised his fingers and made poker cards with the Heaven Star energy around his finger.

“Let me teach you a game, called a hundred man Dou Dizhu. All of you can take part. These are the rules.” Lin Fan snapped his fingers, and instructions could be seen floating in the air. (TL note 1)

The s.p.a.ce spirits turned around to Lin Fan at the same time and nodded. “We understand. Let’s play.”

Lin Fan was unable to read their expressions or tell their cultivation. It was actually quite frightening to see a few hundred spirits standing there, looking at him simultaneously. If he was timider, he might already die of fright.

Just then, all the s.p.a.ce spirits dispersed and crowded around the table. “Start.” They said together, with the same tone.

Lin Fan looked at the spirits and nodded. He dealt the Heaven Star poker cards. ~ It’s going to be tough with so many players.~

“Okay, let’s start. I’ll play a round with you guys.”

“Eight to ten.” Lin Fan said, starting the game.



He had finished a round, but there weren’t any s.p.a.ce spirits who wanted the card.

Eventually, Lin Fan ended up with zero cards. “Aren’t you having fun?” He laughed. (TL note 2)

The s.p.a.ce spirits nodded. “Yes, it’s fun.” they said monotonously.

“That’s good. Have fun then. I’ll leave first.” Lin Fan said.

“No. Stay and play with us.” The s.p.a.ce spirits shook their heads.

Lin Fan frowned. ~They are quite unreasonable, but it will be good if I can get the s.p.a.ce crystals in exchange.~ “Sure. I’ll play another round. But if I win, you’ll have to give me s.p.a.ce crystals and let me leave. How does it sound?”

“Okay.” The spirits nodded.

“Hehe, let’s see how badly you’ll lose.” Lin Fan chuckled and took the poker cards, shuffling them.

~These cards are made of my Heaven Star energy. I’ll be able to get any card I want! I will definitely be the winner.

He finished dealing in no time.

“I’ll start, ten to J.” Lin Fan said, looking at his cards, satisfied. He got all the cards he wanted, and any unfavorable cards were with the s.p.a.ce spirits. ~I have purposely staggered them, so they are unable to get my cards.”

He took a look at all spirits. Seeing that none of them wanted his cards, he got ready to continue, but suddenly, a voice stopped him.

“Me, eleven to three.”

“Me, eleven to four.”


Lin Fan was totally stupefied. ~How could it be? Why would they have these cards?~

However, Lin Fan was unaware that the s.p.a.ce spirits were exchanging cards behind their backs. s.p.a.ce was something Lin Fan was unable to feel.

Till the end, Lin Fan didn’t manage to put any cards out other than the first few.

Instantly, all the s.p.a.ce spirits turned to him and spoke in unison. “You lost, and you have to stay with us.”

A loud voice could be heard ringing across s.p.a.ce.

The scene made Lin Fan blew up in anger. He grabbed the table and flipped it over angrily. “Not going to give me face, huh?”

“Let’s fight!”

~Sneaky s.p.a.ce spirits! I’m the one controlling the cards. How could it be that they changed?~

Lin Fan entered his most powerful state. His body grew in size, and his Invincible star body could be seen floating behind him.

“I’m going to leave this place today. How dare you not give me face, d.a.m.n s.p.a.ce spirits. I’ll just fight you. I’m not afraid.”



Extremely powerful energy could be felt as soon as Lin Fan launched an attack. The Invincible star body stared at the s.p.a.ce sprites with his b.l.o.o.d.y red and golden eyes. It launched an attack, making the surrounding s.p.a.ce shake.

“Living thing, you’ve gone back on your words. Stay and keep us company.”


The s.p.a.ce spirits exploded, but they immediately took the form of air streams and congealed back to their spirit form.

“Is it impossible to kill them?” Lin Fan didn’t expect the s.p.a.ce spirits to have such an ability. Remembering that this was a s.p.a.ce dimension, he understood that it was almost impossible to kill them in this s.p.a.ce.

But then, fighting intent could be seen swimming in Lin Fan’s eyes. “I don’t believe you will be able to survive this.”


Strong energy was exerted from Lin Fan’s body. It went towards the s.p.a.ce spirits and the ground. Violent energy was felt as it exploded, roaring towards the s.p.a.ce spirits.

“All of you shall die!”



Waves could be seen undulating on the ground before creating a giant bulge.


The bulge exploded, and many beams of light could be seen shooting into the air, turning the spirits to ash.

“This will be the end of those who don’t give me face and act presumptuously. d.a.m.n it. Play cheat? How shameless are you all?”

Lin Fan shouted, steam almost coming out of his mouth.

He wanted to communicate with the s.p.a.ce spirits nicely and touch their hearts with love. ~They deserve death for stepping over my line.~

s.p.a.ce shook violently, and the s.p.a.ce spirits could be seen appearing once more.

Lin Fan didn’t wish to say anything else. He felt that things were getting out of hand, as the spirits could never be killed since they were formed by the s.p.a.ce dimension.


Suddenly, a loud voice echoed through the place.

The s.p.a.ce spirits stood still like they were idiots. They kept repeating the word fight until they were so loud that their voices rang across the place.

“So this is how fun fighting is.”

“Fighting can kill our loneliness.”

“Let’s fight.”


With that, the s.p.a.ce spirits got into a fight right in front of Lin Fan.

One broke its head.

While another broke its hand.

Their bodies were torn apart too.

A violent scene unfolded right in front of Lin Fan.

“What is this? Are all the s.p.a.ce spirit idiots?” Lin Fan was at a loss for words. To him, the s.p.a.ce spirits were brainless.

~Could it be that the s.p.a.ce spirits who led empty lives have finally gained other emotions thanks to me?~

~If this is the case, then the s.p.a.ce spirits are just like a sheet of clean paper that hasn’t been used. They can learn anything from others and grow from there.~

“Living thing, you have given us happiness. We will never be lonely or bored again. Here are the s.p.a.ce crystals.”

Suddenly, many s.p.a.ce crystals were thrown at him.

Lin Fan raised his hands and kept all the s.p.a.ce crystals.

“They must be idiots.”

Instantly, the s.p.a.ce exploded.

Changes could be seen taking place to the scene in front of Lin Fan. The grey s.p.a.ce was gone, and beautiful scenery was in front of him. He could smell the scent of flowers.

He frowned and observed his surroundings. ~Where am I?~

~ It was like the garden of peaches in legends. There were even animals here.~

“So what is the Thousand deep chamber all about. Why is it so strange?”

Lin Fan took a step out. When his feet got in contact with the ground, a ripple could be seen expanding from where he stepped.

It was as if he was stepping on a lake.

“Living thing, you are prohibited from entering.”



Within no time, two ma.s.sive formations could be seen over him. They were shining brightly.

With a bang, two mystical forces landed on Lin Fan.


Lin Fan looked up, dumbfounded. ~What are they trying to do?~

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