Wei Han suddenly opened his eyes and found that the entire world was wrong.

Looking at his squeaky self in the mirror, Wei Han yanked hard on his cheek until he could feel the pain and grinned, confirming that he was not dreaming. Incredible things happened, and G.o.d gave him back seven years.

“Tut-tut, this face, my twenty-year-old self looked pretty white and tender, with delicate features.”

He twisted his neck and took a closer look. Wei Han quite narcissistically looked at his face. Then he “looked up and down” his own body and found that the proportion of his waist, hips and long legs were not too bad.

After the “self-touching”, Wei Han was relieved. “Not bad, not bad. I haven’t eaten till I’m fat yet.”

Otherwise, he’d definitely have to lose weight later, and for he who was a big stomach, king glutton, weight loss was d.a.m.n painful. In his previous life, it almost took his life.

With a fist, Wei Han also secretly vowed: later, he would not eat until he suffocated himself as he did in his previous life. This face also must be well-maintained and can no longer just focus on obtaining the treasure in 30 years.

The door suddenly opened. Mom Wei’s face appeared with a brilliant smile, “Han-han, are you ready? It’s time for us to go.”

Wei Han suddenly froze, his eyes a little wet, “M…Mom?!”

“Huh?” Mother Wei blinked her big eyes, puzzled. She hadn’t reacted when in the next second, her son rushed over.

Wei Han flung himself into Mother Wei’s long-lost embrace, his arms tightening around her neck, sobbing and said, “Mom, I miss you!”

Mother Wei only felt that she was being strangled to death. “Han…Han…”

Towards this overly-excited son, Mother Wei was still as gentle as ever. She stroked her son’s back, “Good Han-han, how did you become so childish today? You’re already a 20-year-old grown man, and still so sticky. That wouldn’t do.”

Recalling Mother Wei’s suffering from illness till she pa.s.sed away in his previous life, Wei Han held tighter, really missing such a warm embrace too much.

“Hmm, I know, but let me hold for two minutes.”

Twenty years old was the age when he and Chu Chuanyao were supposed to meet. Wei Han didn’t expect that this time, fate was different. Mother Wei remarried, and he followed the remarried mother to another city and another new home.

Although he was somewhat reluctant to part with Chu Chuanyao, unable to get to know him earlier, but Wei Han thought that sometimes love was not just about the length of time, but also meeting at the right moment. He must change himself and not continue living like in his previous life.

Mother Wei’s remarriage partner, Qi Hao, had deep eyes, aquiline nose, and because he was a police, a forehead full of heroic spirit. So the whole person seemed very honest and reliable, and was completely a handsome uncle.

Wei Han couldn’t help but be thankful that his mother was really blessed. This life she should be very happy.

Afterwards, Qi Hao started the car and carried Wei Han and Mother Wei on the road.

“Uncle Qi, uh…wrong, dad…”

Sitting in the back of the car, Wei Han was embarra.s.sed by the awkward opening.

Dad Qi who was driving in front didn’t care too much, and hooked his lips, “It doesn’t matter. You don’t have to be too reluctant. I know that making you suddenly change the way of address, you’d definitely not be used to it, so slowly take your time.”

Wei Han gently “hmm” a sound, thinking that Uncle Qi was increasingly handsome.

Suddenly thinking of something, Mother Wei turned her head and urged, “Han-han, when you meet your little brother at home, you have to promise your mother to be a good older brother who loves his little brother.”

“You can rest a.s.sured mom, your son is such an enthusiastic and caring person, usually cats and dogs by the roadside, I’d always feed them food. I also help the neighbors take care of their children, not to mention my brother?”

Wei Han laughed and guaranteed. He had heard Mother Wei mentioned before that Qi Hao’s ex-wife had pa.s.sed away and that there was a son two years younger than him, which meant he had a little brother.

“Haha, Han-han is really well-behaved.”

Mother Wei grinned. This grin, two rows of white and shining teeth flashed a little green, flashing Wei Han and making him blush.

“Mom, lean your head over here.”

“Eh, why?” Mother Wei obediently leaned over.

“Open your mouth.” Wei Han pulled out the tissue in his pocket and whispered, “You have a piece of lettuce in your teeth.”

“……” Wei mother suddenly stiffened.

“Alright, alright, next time you should pay attention. How old are you,” Wei Han helped his mom get rid of the lettuce, and Mother Wei regained her smile.

Ai, his always muddle-headed mother, it seems that this life still can’t be spared from worries.

Through the window, Wei Han looked at the constantly changing landscape outside the window, the eyes also swiftly moving. He summed up the miserable experiences in his past life, and set himself some new life goalsー

First, we must not patronize food, and let the body develop and become “cuddly” fat. We must maintain our face and maintain our stature;

Second, we must not be frightened. Where there is oppression, there must be resistance. When we see the right time, we must retaliate when hit, retort when scolded;

Third, can’t be silly. This question…uh-huh, was it really stupid? In his heart, he knew better than anyone else.

Waiting until he arrived at the Qi home, it was already six o’clock in the evening when Dad Qi opened the door. He heard the sound of water running in the shower, and Wei Han figured his younger brother was taking a shower.

Will they meet soon? He was a little excited when he thought about it.

Dad Qi shouted at the bathroom, “Little Fan, have you washed well? If you have, then come out and meet people.”

At the shout, the sound of water stopped.

Wei Han stood beside Mother Wei and only saw from the dense water vapor, body only wearing a bath towel, a tall, big boy appeared into his line of sight.

Thick lashes like natural eyeliner, a good facial curve with exquisite features, coupled with half-naked upper body, a shining white that dazzled people and caused people mind to somewhat fluctuate.

Wei Han “gulp” a sound, swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The sound echoed so that even he himself was startled. d.a.m.n, his little brother was really so beautiful that the G.o.ds would be angry and the humans resentful. But how was it that he seemed to have seen him before?

Looking carefully, these narrow and sharp eyebrows, high nose and two thin lips under the nose, at the time, wasn’t this the mouth that said “cuddly”? So wasn’t this his own love rival, Qi Zhifan, d.a.m.n it!

The next second, Wei Han completely put his previous promise to Mother Wei to be a good older brother and threw it to the back of his mind, and immediately added to his life goals: Fourth, abuse his love rival!

Qi Zhifan, who had just gotten out of the bathroom, didn’t speak. He only slightly nodded to Wei Han and Mother Wei to show courtesy, then went into his room.

“Hehe, it looks like Fan-fan is shy, so cute.”

Mother Wei was very satisfied with this little son “love at first sight” and was completely unaware that the big son Wei Han next to her had already gritted his teeth and plotted his revenge plan in his mind.

Dinner time, a reconst.i.tuted family of two single-parent families sat at the dinner table for the first time.

This meal was cooked by Mother Wei and Wei Han, the two mother and son. There were fish, meat, and soup. Almost every dish was very pleasing. Compared with the previous only with Dad Qi and Qi Zhifan, two people deserted scene, this was a much more lively home.

Looking at the table of sumptuous dishes, the usually stern Dad Qi’s grew. “It’s been a long time since we’ve eaten such a meal at home. Ying-ying, you’ve worked hard. Little Han is also quite capable.”

Mother Wei shyly smiled. Wei Han was also a little embarra.s.sed to be praised. “Uncle Qi, it’s nothing. Isn’t it just cooking? Before I also had a habit of cooking at home.”

“So, it seems that you usually cook for your mom to eat, so this table was probably all made by you. I just saw in the kitchen, Ying-ying was fl.u.s.tered, and several times didn’t distinguish between soy sauce and vinegar, the heat also varied. Fortunately, you were inside. Otherwise…haha, it’s estimated that there would be a minor accident.”

“Ai, so you were peeking at me, please don’t make fun of me. I’d like to keep some face in front of the children.” Mother Wei, who’d just been suddenly exposed, pouted. Dad Qi quickly nodded, but his mouth still concealed a smile.

“In fact, it’s not only cooking, things such as washing clothes, and sweeping and mopping the floor, Han-han also often does. He’s more virtuous than I am.”

Wei Han gave two hollow laughs, “Hehe.”

Why the h.e.l.l was it virtuous? He, a grownup man, was also unexpected “virtuous” ah!

The key was that his mom all along couldn’t change her muddle-headed shortcoming. The food she made were all f.u.c.king dark cuisine! Doing housework at home also caused numerous situations:just washing clothes, she blocked up the sewers countless times ah!

Not be self-sufficient and self-reliant, could he sit still and wait for death, wait to be destroyed by his own mom?

Hehe, then he certainly wouldn’t have lived this long.

At the dinner table, Qi Zhifan only bowed down and ate, not saying a word. The broken bangs covered his brows and eyes, making Wei Han not be able to quite make out his expression.

Unexpectedly at this moment, just under Wei Han’s eyes, Qi Zhifan extended his spoon to a bowl of vegetable soup that had been left untouched.

Suddenly, Wei Han was secretly happy in his heart. Ha, wasn’t that exactly his mom’s signature vegetable soup? This person really has vision, can really choose.

At the same time, Mother Wei’s eyes lit up. “Fan-fan, this is what I made. Among the three soups, the other two were made by Han-han. Just this one is my careful concoction.”

Feeling the scorching gaze of Mother’s Wei expectations, Qi Zhifan’s hand was slightly sluggish, but he still drank it down.

“Then I’ll also taste your craft.” Dad Qi also drank a mouthful.

Haha, Wei Han understood well that in the dark cuisine of Mother Wei, this signature nutritious vegetable soup, and its vegetable variety were superbly matched. It was one of her masterpieces. The normal person can’t last ten seconds.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two…

Suddenly, Qi Zhifan got up in an instant, his stomach with a burst to overturn seas and rivers, rushed into the toilet with a dash. Then, everyone heard a burst of vomiting sound…

Ah hahaha, Wei Han’s heart was happy enough to bloom.

“Ying-ying, don’t worry about it. Little Fan has been a picky eater since he was a kid. His taste is also pickier. You see, am I not alright? It tastes pretty good.”

Finished talking, Dad Qi drank several more mouthfuls.

Wei Han silently counted for more than ten seconds and found that Dad Qi still didn’t have a reaction. His whole person was shocked: Uncle Qi’s stomach was really tough ah!

Mom would be happy with him, mhm, certainly sure and certain.

Living in a new home, lying in large, soft bed. Wei Han closed his eyes and opened his eyes again. Only after repeating this several times did he realize that his life path had changed toward another unknown direction.

However, in order to let Chu Chuanyao better understand himself and guard that love in the future, he must keep the four life goals in mind and implement them well, especially the fourth, abuse his love rival.

Start abusing Qi Zhifan when he’s eighteen years old, he didn’t believe that the b.a.s.t.a.r.d would dare to be arrogant in front of him seven years later, humph!

Thinking of Qi Zhifan living in the next room, Wei Han climbed up and stuck his ear to the middle of the wall. He didn’t know how good the soundproofing was, okay? Would he be able to conveniently eavesdrop on his enemy’s situation?


So, when Qi Zhifan opened the door to Wei Han’s room, he saw this “older brother” kind of creature was like a giant gecko lying on one side of the wall.

“Hey, do you come in without knocking? Also, I remembered I locked the door. How did you get in?” Wei Han was a little angry.

Qi Zhifan slightly frowned, too lazy to speak superfluous words, and directly threw a bunch of keys to Wei Han.

Wei Han took the bunch of keys and counted them with his fingers, about six. He accusingly thought: was this kid not even going to tell him which doors the keys were used for? He was really heartless towards this older brother! Nevermind, he hadn’t expected much anyway.

Wait, then there’s also Qi Zhifan’s door key in here, then wouldn’t it be…

“My door key, in this entire house, there’s only one. Only I have it.” Qi Zhifan coldly said, as if he’d already seen the ghost’s idea in Wei Han’s mind.

Wei Han, who was seen through, had no choice but to pout.

“Are you very interested in me?” Qi Zhifan in a blink, asked.

“What?! No, not at all,” Wei Han was startled and immediately refuted.

Qi Zhifan frowned again and looked at Wei Han for several glances, still a look of seeming to believe and not. He had always believed in his instincts. This “older brother”, from the first time he’d seen him, had looked at him with an expression that was simply not genuine.

“I’m warning you to be less devious in your way of thinking and have less petty maneuvers. Else, be ready to bear the consequences.” Speech finished, Qi Zhifan left, confident and at ease.

Wei Han, with a gloomy face, hit the wall in the middle that separated the two rooms…

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