Chapter 2.07
ISNR: Vol. 1, Ch. 2, part 7

Next day.

Lunch break.

I declined Maria, and headed towards library to wait for senpai.

The school library is in a separate building than the normal cla.s.srooms.

Built as a 2-storey building, it is considerably large, with many collections inside.

“Ah, Raika kun.”

Charlotte senpai, who is one of the committee member of the library notice me, and wave her hand from the loaning counter.

“Then, let’s talk over there.”

“How about your duty?”

“I’m not in duty today. I simply sit at the counter, waiting for you.”

“Is that so.”

Convinced, I follow Charlotte senpai.

She guides me through many bookshelves inside the library.

The books that is filling the bookshelves now looks less readable, and the smell of old ink and paper tickles my nasal cavity.

“People don’t come here often, that’s why I thought here is a good spot to have a secret conversation.”

“I agree. This is good.”

Both me and Charlotte senpai take a chair each, and sit opposite to each other.

“Isn’t here a little dusty?”

“No, I don’t mind.”

I opened my bag and take out the bread that I already purchased earlier.

Senpai has her own lunchbox.

After she open her lunchbox, I can see numerous handmade dishes.

“Did you made it after I send you back this morning?”

“Uhm, yes.”

“That is amazing.”

She is an ordinary person.

It takes a great deal of courage to keep on living normally after experiencing that extraordinary event in life.

I’m impressed, this girl really is…

“You think so? Ra-Raika kun, aren’t you eating too?”

And, for some reason she recommended her own box lunch.

“Is that okay?”


“Then, I’m going to eat.”

I picked a piece of egg, and bring it inside my mouth.

The egg was nicely grilled, as I chew it I can feel that it’s melting down inside my throat.

“This is delicious.”


Charlotte senpai face turns red and she too take a piece of egg.

Somehow, I feel like her cheek is getting loose.

Even she feels that her own cooking is delicious.

……now then, should we move ahead to the main subject?

“Senpai. Let’s continue from yesterday.”

“Urgh!? Cough!”

Hearing me suddenly speaking, senpai was surprised and start coughing.

I hurriedly hand to her my PET bottle.



After pouring down the tea down her throat, she gives a relief sigh.

“Thank you, Raika kun.”

“No, I’m sorry to surprise you.”

I apologize and have my tea returned.

Then I start talking about the matter again.

“So, this is about our upcoming battle.”



The way she returns my PET bottle, doesn’t it feel slightly weird?

“Would you like more?”

“Eeh!? No!”

Charlotte senpai shook her head furiously.

I feel like that behaviour is suspicious somehow … … Well never mind.

It really is a bit weird.

I continue eating the bread, and drink the tea.


“……. anything wrong?”

“Nononono! Nothing at all!”

Charlotte senpai shakes her head harder than before.

Well, if you tell me yourself that there is nothing, then.

“So, it is about the battle.”

“Un. It is hard alone……so, me and Raika kun should work together, right?”

“That’s right.”

I nodded.

“The duration of the Myth War is exactly a year. During that time, I’ll protect Charlotte senpai. Because of that, I want Charlotte senpai to help me achieve my purposes.”

“Your purposes?”

Senpai tilted her head sideway.

Then I, dropped my voice lower.

“……10 years ago, when I was running away with my sister, we were attacked by a G.o.d. I tried to protect my sister, but was defeated and fainted. My sister has been missing since.”

The word came out one by one, and then I took a deep breath.

“My main purpose is to find my missing sister, by taking advantage of this Myth War.”


Charlotte senpai is silent.

She tried to say something, but every time she opened her mouth, she will immediately close it again.

“So……um, for our cooperation, what do you want me to do.”

“Firstly, this alliance is to increase our mortality rate. Secondly, I want you to act as a spy.”


“Senpai’s Brünnhilde is from Celtic Mythology. So now I want you to make check whether the G.o.d from Celtic Mythology is involved in that accident 10 years ago or not.”

I look directly into senpai’s eyes.

“I know what I’m asking for is dangerous. This is like purposely involving senpai in my private affair. However, in the unlikely event I promise to protect my seniors by betting my life. That’s why.”

“Okay. I understand.”

When I tried to add more words persuading, Charlotte senpai replied such.

That is a positive reply……but she is shaking her head too much, and I’m confused by the contradictory action.

“……is that really fine? This might be different from what you’re thinking right now, since it is very dangerous?”

“I know the risks……but there is no way I can survive this war myself, plus.”


After saying that, her face looks softer.

I wait for the next word.

After a few second, she opened her mouth again.

“I’m happy that I could be a help to Raika kun. After all, Raika kun already saved me twice now.”


The only time that I could remember is the last night one. Is there other?

“You help me once at the school gate when I was falling, remember?”

“That is not a big deal.”

“No way, I was really happy that time!”

Charlotte senpai said with an unusually loud voice.

“Anyway, as long as I can stay with Raika kun, I don’t mind……”

“Thank you very much.”

I give my thanks.

Anyway, for now everything is okay.

If Charlotte senpai actively acted together with me, then her safety is a.s.sured.

As I explained in advance, the proposition of the alliance is to raise each other’s survival rate.

『――that is some interesting stuff you thinking there. 』

Bálor unexpectedly give his remark.

……about what?

『――the alliance of two Divine Apotheosis. Over the three times the war was held, you are the first one to come out with this idea, Raika. 』

The only thing the G.o.d is seeking is to be the absolute.

Having a mentality as a being that is always competing with each other, it is not a shock that they don’t have a value of sharing or idea to create an alliance.

『――while exploiting the [control] to advance in the war with dominance, you didn’t let go of your own personal agenda too. Not only that, preparing a spy to accomplish your own desire. This Devil G.o.d is having a mixed feeling. 』

Then, you have another plan?

『――I’m not saying that I’m against this plan. In fact, I’m quite amused. 』

Uhihihi, Bálor gave a cheerful laugh.

『――Just use my Eye however you want, and rampage in this war. I want to see how a human is going to destroy this war. 』

I refuse, there is no way I will win in this war for your sake.

『――That is just fine. I can’t even win in this war against the Lú, and I want to be on the side only. 』


――The Sun G.o.d, Lú. [A G.o.d Excelled in Hundreds of Craft]. Also, known as ‘Lú of The Long Arm’.

He is the Supreme G.o.d of Celtic Mythology, also known as king of Danann, ‘Tuatha Dé Danann’.

Meanwhile, Bálor is the king of Fomorians, who has tormented the Danann for a long time.

Soon after, both of them clash, with Lú claiming the victory after killing Bálor by using the G.o.d-slaying spear, Brionac, ultimately leading the Danann clan to victory.

In other word, Bálor and Lú is a nemesis.

By the way, the [One True G.o.d] is not the victorious G.o.d, but it is to be elected from the winner mythology. In this case, if the Celtic Mythology win, then won’t it be Lú?

『――well~ I guess so. 』

If you dislike Lú so much, then why did you partic.i.p.ate in this war?

『――I don’t originally want to enter this war. I was forced. The Representative War is for all G.o.d, that’s why. 』

You are not Danann tribe G.o.d, so if you die then n.o.body is going to get upset. But let say if you win, is there any profit?

In short, this is useless no matter however the result is.

『――oi, you really have no mercy on me huh. 』

Who is going to pity you, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d?

I spit that out, and Bálor got silenced.

……don’t tell me, he is going to act rebellious now?

He is surprisingly weak inside?

Whatever, it is not my job to comfort him.

“Um…Raika kun?”

“No, sorry. Is there anything else?”

Seems like I’m too engrossed with Bálor story.

I return back my focus at Charlotte senpai.

“Ah, you see, seems like Brünnhilde san is mad at me for making the decision just now.”


Apparently Senpai and Brünnhilde seem to be able to communicate in the head.

“Good timing. Senpai, I have something to talk with her. Can you switch for a while?”

“Ueh? W-wake her?”

“Yes. I will wake her using my Evil Eye. Please look here.”


I look straight into Charlotte senpai eyes.

“A, awawawa.”

A fl.u.s.tered voice comes out of her mouth.

“It’s okay. I won’t let Brünnhilde take over your body.”

“Y-your face, it’s too near…”


I didn’t quite hear what she said.

For the time being, I don’t feel that she is refusing, so I activate my left eye power.

The soul of Brünnhilde [Dominated] residing inside this body ―― I need to pull it out.

“Awaken, Brünnhilde.”


At that moment, senpai neck suddenly becomes flaccid.

“……what now?”

The next time she raised her head, she’s already been replaced by the grumpy Brünnhilde.

“You probably already know the gist from when you’re inside senpai. I want you to act as my spy.”

“Don’t f.u.c.k with me. Why a knight such as I must too……”

“Do you even think you have the right to make decision?”


I don’t want to have another pointless interrogation session, I should rub this off fast.

“Aside from acting as my spy, you will also work as senpai bodyguard. In case she suddenly faces a dangerous situation that might threaten her life, you must manifest right away. This is an order.”


She meekly obeys my orders. Can I say that this is a success for now?


As soon as Brünnhilde answers my order, her neck fall again, and this time it is senpai.

Because right now is not an emergency, Brünnhilde is in standby mode again.

This concludes Brünnhilde role.

Then, the chime rings.

“From now on, let’s be together as much as we can after lunch break and after school. I need to make sure that senpai is safe.”

When she heard that, her face turn beet red again.

“Eh? But won’t the war only occur during night-time?”

“There is still a possibility that the enemy might break the rule……”

I take one key out of my uniform pocket.

“This is the dorm master key. Every night other than Sunday where war is not taking place, please use this key every day to come to my room. If you use the rooftop, then you should be able to come to the men’s dormitory side even from the girl’s dormitory side.”

I just got the master key for the dormitories this morning.

Of course, since I used my Evil Eye, there is no way the dorm supervisor will notice it.

“Memememememe, in Raika kun room, e-every day?”

I nodded as a sign of yes towards this girl who is exaggerating it too much.

“I know that senpai can’t leap inside my room like Brünnhilde. My room is at the corner of the 4th floor. Please be careful not to get caught by another person.”


“This is for the sake of protecting you, Senpai.”

I can’t protect her unless she is by my side 24/7.

At first, senpai looks like she has many thing in her mind, but eventually, she is convinced, and take the key from my hand.

“Now, let’s get back to cla.s.sroom. Can we meet at the gate after school is finish?”


After making promise with senpai, we left the library together.

“Well then, after school.”

“Yes. See you.”

Since I’m in the different grade than senpai, we parted away at the staircase.

At that moment, I can feel someone at my back.

“Raika senpai.”

Just from the greeting, I already know who is it.


Looking back, I see her face.

From the looks of her eyes, this is related to our mission.

“Did you overheard what I was talking about just now?”

“I didn’t hear what you guys were talking about, but … ….”


Then, her eyes turn wide.

“Inside a closed room! Just the 2 of you! Just what are you guys talking about!? Plus, it was for a very long time……I’m so worried, I didn’t even get to sleep last night!”

She grabbed my arm, and shake it hard while screaming at me.

Because of a sudden inquiry from the British girl, the students who pa.s.sed us all give a weird glance.

“Calm yourself Maria.”

I take away her hands, and firmly hold her shoulder.


For the time being, looks like Maria has regained her sanity. Still, she has that going to cry and resentful face.

We move to the shadow under the stairs, elusive from the crowd.

“So…did you receive any reply from the Church?”


Maria answered with a dumbfounded face.

She can communicate with our leader at the Church by using magic. This is a big advantage. The problem is that it takes forever to receive the reply.

“Regarding the matter of Raika kun partic.i.p.ating with the Representative War, the Vatican says ‘Continue your mission’.”

“Well~ that is within expectation.”

Even though magical communication is possible, this island is basically isolated form the rest of the world.

The only way to get in is by taking a ship, that’s why it isn’t easy to send personnel.

Even if we are to use the transport machine, it is doubtful whether we can arrive at this island where the G.o.d roam free.

Bálor inside me is the proof, and I doubt me alone is enough to destroy the Sacrament Control Organization.

In the first place, the one behind them is the G.o.d from the Seven Mythology.

If we poorly advance, then even the Eucharist of the Church might get eliminated easily.

Then it’s better for me and Maria to continue our investigation. We just need to wait for the right time to defeat them all.

“There is a change in situation. There is a high possibility that this mission will involve a battle. Just be sure that you’re always prepared for the worst.”


Maria nodded.


“……so, what is exactly the thing you’re talking with Charlotte senpai?”

Immediately after we finished with the urgent matter, she starts persistently asks.

“Didn’t I already say about how Charlotte senpai involvement in this war? I’m just asking her for an alliance.”


“Ah, that is we can’t survive without each other. That’s all.”

“Is that it……still, you need to tell me first in advance.”

“Since senpai agreed for it, there is no problem……if I had been refused, have you killed her?”


Maria diverts her eyes.

If she had refused my invitation, then Charlotte senpai is basically my enemy――at least that is what her conclusion will be.

She tends to be a bit extreme when it comes to eliminating any potential harm surrounding me.

Even when we were in training facilities, she is always wary with the person who is team up with me.

Especially when it comes to defending me, sometime she gives more priority to me without caring much about another ally.

That is one of her dangerous trait. Because of it, I usually refrain myself before talking to her about my alliance.

“Even without the alliance, she is still the victim involved with the heretical G.o.d. Don’t forget that she is one of our target for protection.”

“……I understand.”

Facing downward, Maria give a small nod.

“If that is what Raika senpai has decided, then I’ll just follow it.”


I give a breath of relief.

『――oioi, you sure this much is enough? Just in case, don’t you want to use the Evil Eye on her? 』

Shut up.

Ignoring Bálor advice, I thank Maria.

“Thank you, Maria.”

“No. This is because I’m your partner, Raika senpai.”

After saying that, she pulled the hem of my uniform.

“That’s why, it’s a given that I’ll always support senpai, you know? If something happens, don’t hesitated to ask for my help.”

And she asks me such.

Her pushing att.i.tude is so cute. I can’t resist patting her head.

“Ah, I’m counting on you, Maria.”


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