This took quite a while (various reasons for that), but here"s Part 2 of Chapter 4.

It comes with yet another ill.u.s.tration. Two chapter parts in a row, whew. As for who it is this time, you"ll have to find out for yourself.

Please do leave a comment.

We"re still slightly ahead of the manga adaptation for the time being. I personally think the scanlator is doing a great job (especially for a one-man team), but if I had to mention one grievance, it"s how the translation choice “Trash-Tier ” has ended up in some people abbreviating the series t.i.tle to simply, well, Trash-Tier. I can see why that particular choice was made, but, still…

I mean, come on, it"s not kuzu-chara or gomi-chara, is it. 。゚ヽ(゚´Д`)ノ゚。

(Personal request: please use “Jaku-chara”, LN folks. Incidentally, it"s actually more like “Jaku-kyara”.)

At the moment, Kagefij is mostly done with Parts 3 and 4, but they"ll still need to go through the usual checks. I"m thinking at least Part 3 should be done by next weekend, though.

In other news, I"ve been quite enjoying the 友人キャラは大変ですか?series lately (Official English t.i.tle: Is it tough being a friend?). So far only finished reading the first volume, but it"s been really quite solid in the comedy department. Hopefully some TL group will pick it up.

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