Chapter 2.7
2: In a party with only one low level member, only that person will level up a lot . PART 7

TL: learning2tl
TLC: Kagefij

With the pizza finished as well, we genuinely now had nothing left to do, and things seemed to be moving towards it being about time for us to break up . Incidentally, the expression of Hinami while eating the pizza hadn’t been that astonishingly cute a smile, so it would seem it hadn’t been that much to her liking . So it’s not simply a case of anything going as long as it’s cheese, huh? Well, it is true that the pizza had been pretty ordinary, though .

We returned to Omiya Station, and the four of us pa.s.sed through the ticket barrier . Looks like Izumi will be the only one taking the Takasaki Line, while myself, Hinami and Mizusawa will be taking the Saikyou line .

「That was fun! Well, see you~!」

Izumi said her farewells to the three of us . The three of us replied in turn . Since it’s Izumi, one could imagine the words “That was fun” were probably also aimed at me . You don’t have to force yourself, you know . Or so I thought in a motherly way while holding back tears . Sniff .

The three of us then headed towards the Saikyou line, then talked amongst ourselves while waiting for the train to arrive .

I think the split of the conversation was approximately four parts Mizusawa, four parts Hinami, one part myself and one part the station announcements . Those numbers aren’t half bad .

After we talked for a while, the train arrived .

The three of us boarded the train, and after a few minutes, it arrived at my nearest station, Kitayono .

「Uh, see you, I guess . 」

「See ya . 」

「Byee then, Tomozaki-kun . 」

As they said their goodbyes to me, I left the train . The doors closed .

As they said their goodbyes to me, I left the train . The doors closed .

I casually turned to look behind me . Through the window, I could see Hinami happily laughing as she talked with Mizusawa . As the speed of the train increased little by little, her smile faded away into the distance .

……No, like I was saying, so what?!

But, well, that’s basically how the day’s shopping trip ended .

Ultimately, I only managed to have the suggestion to visit the electronics store accepted, and was unable to complete the『Get your suggestion accepted at least two times』task .

While I did consider this something I really needed to reflect on, for me, there was something else I was just a teeny weeny bit curious about .

While I did consider this something I really needed to reflect on, for me, there was something else I was just a teeny weeny bit curious about .

Though I was a little lost on what to do, eventually I reached the conclusion that it wouldn’t hurt to simply ask . Also, it would be normal for me to do so anyway, right? And so, I decided to perform an action I would have never chosen before . I asked the question through LINE .

Tomozaki Fumiya:Who did you hear that rumour about Hinami and Mizusawa from?

Yuzu-san:Ah, curious, are you?? lol

After a bit of back and forth, I found out that it had been from one of the people in Konno Erika’s group . Also, that it was unclear what the real situation was . Hmm . Well, whatever . Nakamura’s birthday will be on the twenty seventh of July . It’s too early to start getting nervous .

2: In a party with only one low level member, only that person will level up a lot . PART 7

TL: learning2tl. TLC: Kagefij. ED: N/A.


With the pizza finished as well, we genuinely now had nothing left to do, and things seemed to be moving towards it being about time for us to break up . Incidentally, the expression of Hinami while eating the pizza hadn’t been that astonishingly cute a smile, so it would seem it hadn’t been that much to her liking . So it’s not simply a case of anything going as long as it’s cheese, huh? Well, it is true that the pizza had been pretty ordinary, though

We returned to Omiya Station, and the four of us pa.s.sed through the ticket barrier . Looks like Izumi will be the only one taking the Takasaki Line, while myself, Hinami and Mizusawa will be taking the Saikyou line

「That was fun! Well, see you~!」.

Izumi said her farewells to the three of us . The three of us replied in turn . Since it’s Izumi, one could imagine the words “That was fun” were probably also aimed at me . You don’t have to force yourself, you know . Or so I thought in a motherly way while holding back tears . Sniff

The three of us then headed towards the Saikyou line, then talked amongst ourselves while waiting for the train to arrive

I think the split of the conversation was approximately four parts Mizusawa, four parts Hinami, one part myself and one part the station announcements . Those numbers aren’t half bad

After we talked for a while, the train arrived

The three of us boarded the train, and after a few minutes, it arrived at my nearest station, Kitayono

「Uh, see you, I guess . 」.

「See ya . 」.

「Byee then, Tomozaki-kun . 」.

As they said their goodbyes to me, I left the train . The doors closed

I casually turned to look behind me . Through the window, I could see Hinami happily laughing as she talked with Mizusawa . As the speed of the train increased little by little, her smile faded away into the distance

……No, like I was saying, so what?!.

But, well, that’s basically how the day’s shopping trip ended

Ultimately, I only managed to have the suggestion to visit the electronics store accepted, and was unable to complete the『Get your suggestion accepted at least two times』task

While I did consider this something I really needed to reflect on, for me, there was something else I was just a teeny weeny bit curious about

Though I was a little lost on what to do, eventually I reached the conclusion that it wouldn’t hurt to simply ask . Also, it would be normal for me to do so anyway, right? And so, I decided to perform an action I would have never chosen before . I asked the question through LINE

Tomozaki Fumiya:Who did you hear that rumour about Hinami and Mizusawa from?.

Yuzu-san:Ah, curious, are you?? lol.

After a bit of back and forth, I found out that it had been from one of the people in Konno Erika’s group . Also, that it was unclear what the real situation was . Hmm . Well, whatever . Nakamura’s birthday will be on the twenty seventh of July . It’s too early to start getting nervous


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