Jesus the Christ

Chapter 64

[1203] Compare Psalm 41:9.

[1204] John 13:31-34.

[1205] Lev. 19:18.

[1206] So reads the revised version of Luke 22:32.

[1207] Isa. 53:12; compare Mark 15:28.

[1208] Read John 13:36-38; Luke 22:31-38; compare Matt. 26:31-35; Mark 14: 27-31.

[1209] John, chaps. 14, 15, 16.

[1210] John 14:1-4.

[1211] See "The Articles of Faith," iv:28, 29; and xxii:16-27.

[1212] John 14:13, 14; compare 16:24.

[1213] John 14:15-20; compare verse 26; and 15:26.

[1214] Matt. 10:3, and Luke 6:16; also page 224 herein.

[1215] See "Articles of Faith," ii:20-24; page 127 herein.

[1216] John 14:22-31.

[1217] John 15:1-8.

[1218] Revised version, "cleanseth it."

[1219] John 15:9-17.

[1220] John 15:18-27.

[1221] Verse 25; compare Psalms 35:19; 69:4; 109:3.

[1222] John 16:13-15; read verses 1-15.

[1223] John 16:16; compare 7:33; 13:33; 14:19.

[1224] John 16:17, 23, 24; read verses 17-28.

[1225] Matt. 26:31; Mark 14:27; compare Zech. 13:7; see also Matt. 11:6.

[1226] Matt. 26:31-35; Mark 14:29-31.

[1227] Matt. 26:32; Mark 14:28; compare 16:7.

[1228] John 16:33.

[1229] John 17.

[1230] Note 4, end of chapter.

[1231] Matt. 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:39-46.

[1232] Note 5, end of chapter.

[1233] "Abba" is expressive of combined affection and honor, and signifies "Father." It is applied to the Eternal Father by Jesus in the pa.s.sage above, and by Paul (Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:6).

[1234] Note 6, end of chapter.

[1235] John 13:37; Matt. 20:22; Mark 10:38, 39.

[1236] John 5:26, 27; and 10:17, 18; also page 418 herein.

[1237] John 14:30.

[1238] Page 127.

[1239] Doc. and Cov. 19:16-19; compare 18:11. See also B. of M., 2 Nephi 9:5, 7, 21; Mosiah 3:7-14; 15:12; Alma 7:11-13; 11:40; 22:14; 34:8-15; 3 Nephi 11:11; 27:14, 15; and chapter 4 herein.

[1240] Matt. 26:47-56; Mark 14:43-52; Luke 22:47-53; John 18:1-12.

[1241] "Cohort," a term descriptive of a Roman body, and "military tribune" are more literal renderings of the Greek original than "band"

and "captain" in John 18:3, 12. See revised version, margin.

[1242] The Greek text of Matt. 26:49, and Mark 14:45 clearly implies that Judas "kissed him much," that is many times, or effusively. See margin of revised version.

[1243] This is a more nearly correct translation than "wherefore art thou come?" in the common version. See revised version. Matt. 26:50.

[1244] John 18:9; compare 17:12.

[1245] See "The Great Apostasy," chaps. 4 and 5.

[1246] Note 7, end of chapter.

[1247] Compare Isa. 53:8.

[1248] Note 8, end of chapter.



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