A Young Lady’s Crumbly Numb Heart

Pang Wan ran out of the He estate and wanders around on the street by herself.

She doesn’t want to go back to see Nan Yi, also doesn’t know where else she should go, so at this moment, she could only walk around like this without any destination in mind.

Nan Yi bullies her, He Qing Lu also resents her, one treats her with punches and kicks, the other throws at her verbal abuse, the further she walks, the colder she feels, the further she walks, the more desolate she senses.

But she is not going to cry, even if she bites off her tongue, swallows her teeth, she does not allow herself to drop a single tear for these two people.

Because they are not worth it.

When she is zoning out, a carriage rushes in fast speed behind her. Only hearing one scream from the coachman, Pang Wan already had no chance to escape and was brutally hit.

Because of her light body skill, she managed to barely avoid the danger. Just that when she landed, there was a sound of “ka-cha”, unexpectedly, she twisted her ankle.

Uncontrollable pain diffuses along her leg bone, she falls to the ground and could not get up.

The coachman is a good man, immediately reaching out his hands to help her up, saying that he will take her to the clinic together. Pang Wan focuses her eyes and sees a pale pregnant lady lying in the carriage, wailing in pain. An old lady besides her anxiously urges, “Hurry! Hurry and get in! My daughter in law is about to give birth!”

Pang Wan suddenly realized where the coachman’s impetuousness came from, so she shakes her hand at him, “It’s okay! You go first!” The doctor you are about to see probably can’t help me anyway.

The coachman thanked her a thousand times and requested to inform her family before he leaves, Pang Wan could not change his mind, so she untied the waist tag on her and said, “Please send it to Misty Wave Manor.”

Hearing the name of Misty Wave Manor, how could the coachman dare to be careless, he quickly got on the carriage and left.

Pang Wan sat by the roadside in coldness and hunger; she waited for a long time, so long that she almost felt that no one will appear.

The sun slowly falls in the west, suddenly a figure steps before the afterglow as he approaches from the horizon, the golden light shines bright on his clearly outlined face, making that person seem as unreal as a G.o.d from heaven.

“Wan Wan!” That person reaches out his hands toward her and tightly embraces her in his arms, as if he has found his lost treasure.

“Are you okay?” He embraces her shoulders, his voice is hoa.r.s.e and trembling due to previous fears that have not yet faded away, “Someone said you were hit by a carriage, I came directly after I got the message……”

Pang Wan senses his familiar and comforting masculine scent, her nose starts to feel tingly.

——as expected, as expected in the end, it is this person who treats her well.

“Are you still in shock?” Gu Xi Ju sees the person in his arms has not spoken for a long time, he anxiously pulls back and carefully checks her from the top to the bottom, “Tell me where is your wound?”

Seeing him being nervous for her like this, her heart feels really sweet, and she naturally purses her lips and smiles, “Only twisted my ankle.”

Gu Xi Ju obviously released a breath, then frowns again.

“Is it bad?” He squats down and checks her ankle, lips pressing hard together, “Looks like you can’t walk anymore, good thing I told a carriage to come along.”

Then he stands up and looks behind, should be waiting for the carriage to come.

From the beginning to the end, his warm big hands have not left Pang Wan for half a second, Pang Wan suddenly got an idea, she tries to say without fear, “Supreme Chief, can you give me a piggyback ride home?”

——Nanny Jin said, if a man truly loves a woman, he would spoil her like a little treasure. Don’t know if Gu Xi Ju, this kind of man with an extremely high position, will be willing to agree to her pampered request?

Gu Xi Ju turns his head and meets her cunning and charming eyes, then slightly freezes.

“I’m hungry, I want to go home earlier to eat.” Pang Wan tugs at his sleeves, murmuring in a pitiful manner.

In perfect collaboration, her tummy also sounds two “gu-gu” sounds at the moment.

Gu Xi Ju slightly lifts the corners of his lips.

“Okay.” He responds neatly with one word, then really bending down his waist toward her.

The setting sun has not completely merged below the horizon, Gu Xi Ju’s hands hold the back of her knees, walking a step after a step.

His back is broad, his muscles are very firm too, Pang Wan’s whole body is tightly sticking to him, there is only layers of thin cloth between the two.

She can sense his warm breath, she can even hear his calm heartbeat.

A kind of crumbly and numb, unexplainable and ineffable feeling, quietly diffuses in her chest.

“Walk faster, I’m so hungry.” She sticks her face to Gu Xi Ju’s back, there are crimson sun-glow burning on her cheeks.

Gu Xi Ju’s body pauses for a second; the next second, he unexpectedly uses one hundred percent of the strength on his feet, leaping with light body skill in the forest.

“Ya! I’m flying! Flying!” Pang Wan has never experienced this kind of speed, she screams with excitement and amazement. It seems like Gu Xi Ju is encouraged by her reaction, his steps become faster and faster, the scenery on two sides start to retreat backwards as an ebbing tide, the fresh wind besides her ears also strongly rises.

Her waterfall-like hair could not hold be held back by Pang Wan’s ribbon, the high winds have taking it away.

“Slower! Slower!” Pang Wan anxiously shouts, using her fists to hit Gu Xi Ju’s chest.

Gu Xi Ju immediately slows down his feet and stably lands on the ground with her.

“Tired?” He asks concernedly; his breathing has a sense of chaos that is difficult to notice.

Pang Wan’s cheeks blush again; she thinks, this fool, running everywhere with her on his back, but asks if she is tired, how can he be this dumb!

“You can walk slower! I want to tie my hair.” She speaks awkwardly, having some commanding tone in her voice.

Gu XI Ju sounds an “en”, not saying anything else, he continues piggyback her calmly.

Pang Wan combs her hair with finger, then suddenly laughs.

“Look at yourself, aren’t you like a bull, being ridden by me?” She points at the shadow on the ground of them sticking together, one big, one small, looking from afar, it really somewhat looks like a bull with a shepherd on its back.

Based on these two’s positions and age, no matter who hears this statement, he or she will definitely condemns Pang Wan for being outrageous and disrespectful, yet when Gu Xi Ju follows her finger and looks at the shadow, he only gently smiles.

“Not really like a bull, more like a horse.” answers Gu Xi Ju seriously.

Even if she does not look at his face, Pang Wan can still guess he is currently carrying a doting expression right now, so with a twitch of her lips and a tread of her legs, she tries to be even more mischievous and shouts just as a rider does, “Ya!”

Gu Xi Ju does not say a word more and dashes forward, running as fast as flying, his cloth loudly flapping along the wind.

“Run faster! Run faster!” Pang Wan joyfully giggles, as she screams, she hugs Gu Xi Ju even tighter, “Ya! Ya!”

Gu Xi Ju moves faster and faster; Pang Wan’s hair has already all untied, freely flying in the warm breeze, her laughters that sound like silver bells ringing through the valley, bringing a summery fresh coolness around.

——I have found him! I have found him! Her whole heart is too happy that it is almost flying.

——Nanny Jin, this person is willing to be a bull and a horse for me! She secretly screams in her heart, filled with overflowing joy.

After returning to the manor, Gu Xi Ju applies medicine to Pang Wan himself, then also carries her to the room to rest. Suddenly many handkerchiefs are ripped into noodle strips under angry eyes again.

“Be good and rest well, don’t be running around.”

Gu Xi Ju wrings a hot towel, gently wiping away the sweat and dust on her forehead.

“Big, dumb, horse!” Pang Wan weakly lies on the bed, mouthing these words to Gu Xi Ju, appearing enraptured and elated, as if she is laughing at his previous ridiculousness.

Gu Xi Ju glances at her and pinches the tip of her nose, pretending to scare her, “If you dare to tell others what happened today, be careful of me pulling off your little fox tail.”

Pang Wan does not dare to answer, just bites her lips and lovingly gazes at him, cheeks blushing and eyes shining, occasionally giggles once or twice too.

Gu Xi Ju finishes cleaning her face, then goes to clean his hands; only after he repeatedly told her to not get out of bed to move around, did he finally stands up and prepares to leave.

Did not think right after he turns away, with a sound of “pia”, a reckless slap lands on his b.u.t.tock.

“Wan Wan!” He turns back angrily, only to see that person lying in bed with two eyes tightly closed and four limbs comfortably spread, showing him a “don’t know anything, I am deeply asleep” appearance.

However, her eyelashes that are gently shaking as the wings of a b.u.t.terfly have betrayed her.

“Such a misbehaving girl!” Gu Xi Ju tries his best to control his desire to laugh, pulling out his hand to pretend like he is going to punish her.

Right before the big hand is going to touch the pink cheek, the person in bed suddenly leaps up, clings onto his shoulders and yells near his ears, “Horse ya! Ya!”

Before Gu Xi Ju realized what was going on, Pang Wan has already fallen back to the bed, covering her head with the quilt and giggling underneath; the cotton quilt shakes as a silkworm pupa; no need to open it up, he knows the little bad girl in there is definitely laughing crazily.

Being angry is pointless, scolding her is also useless, Gu Xi Ju stares at her and helplessly presses his lips.

Pang Wan laughed for a long time yet did not hear any sound from him, couldn’t resist pulling down the quilt and carefully glances outside.

This one glance directly meets a pair of ambiguously smiling dark eyes.

“Willing to come out now? Did not suffocate in there?” Gu Xi Ju deliberately reprimands her with a straight face.

And only then did Pang Wan feel how great the air is, quickly taking in a few deep breathes: “It really is suffocating!”

“It’s already midnight yet you’re still messing around?” Gu Xi Ju is about to laugh out loud, so he had no other choice than using great strength to tense his face, “Hurry up and sleep for me!”

He scolds her seriously.

Pang Wan twists back and wiggles forward, struggling for a long while, finally unwillingly closes her eyes.

Gu Xi Ju sits by her bed and gazes at her, occasionally tucking the quilt in for her.

The breathing of the person in bed gradually calms, seeming like she really is in dreamland now.

He waits for a little longer, bents down to give a little kiss on her cheek, then leaves.

Moonlight shines as water glows, this young lady’s pristine jade-like cheeks quietly reveal two small dimples.

No one knows, exactly did she have a good dream, or was she simply not asleep this whole time?

© 2024