Jin Xiao Yi Tan

Chapter 2 – Devouring Shadow

Chapter 2 – Devouring Shadow

Originally posted on RBKTR Translations.
Author: Four Feet (四隻腳).
Translated by: Yujuan.

Two days later, I went to this reputable company to attend the interview.

The interview was held in a s.p.a.cious conference room, its succinct designs paired up with greyish themes giving off a cold and solemn atmosphere. And with the grave-looking interviewer before me, I couldn"t help but become anxious. Sitting down, I tentatively introduced myself.

But as I talked, my gaze trailed to the walls facing me.

A strange-looking black shadow was there, swelling and enlarging, slowly climbing up the walls as it inflated.

There were times the black shadow seemed like shapeless black liquid, and times when it would solidify into a roundish leather ball, even growing four little long legs and a slender tail, like a type of crawling bug. From the floor, it soundlessly crept up the walls behind the interviewer.

I stared at the black shadow closely, watching it slowly climb up and up…

"Hey, where are you looking at?"

"Are you listening to me?"

"Shen Mo!"

A resounding male"s voice roared.

I regained my senses and saw the interviewer"s enraged face.

"Are you daydreaming? Don"t you realize you"re in an interview?"

"Ah, right, sorry! I"m really sorry!" I frantically lowered my head in apology.

"You haven"t answered my question yet!" The interviewer glared at me impatiently.

I gulped awkwardly, hurriedly trying to remember what had been asked, but before I could think back on it, I saw the black ma.s.s on the wall turn into a face! A malevolent face of a devil! It widened its big b.l.o.o.d.y mouth, cracked open a mouth full of fierce teeth, and rushed towards me!


I shouted out in terror, tripping out of my seat, and turned, sprinting out.

"Hey! Where are you going? Don"t you want to continue this interview?"

An enraged sound came from behind me, but I was too occupied to care. Because that demonic face was still chasing after me from behind!

Aaah! Help me! Help mee!

I raced through the hallway, running out of the building, and rushed through the streets in one breath.

That demonic face crawled on the floor, its speed rapid fast. It looked dimly like a swaying black phantom, its mouth widening and closely following me from behind as if it wanted to eat me!

No! Don"t follow me! Don"t follow me!

I ran with all my might, and in a moment"s inattentiveness, my foot stepped into the air, and my whole body lost balance, falling down a flight of stairs.

The stairs were quite high up, and I thought I would definitely fall and break my nose, but wholly unexpectedly, just before I toppled, a pair of arms shot out before my eyes, stretching out to catch me.

I stumbled and finally righted myself.

Raising my head, breathing heavily, I saw a familiar face.

Eh? kun!

"W-what are you doing here?" I stared blankly.

kun smiled slightly, "I was nearby handling some affairs. Who knew I would see you running madly over. What"s going on? Did something happen?"

"Uh, n-nothing…"

I smiled haggardly, uneasily turning my head. Under the bright and beautiful sun, the light wind and mild clouds were auspicious and peaceful, not a single shadow to be seen.

The demonic face that was chasing me was gone.

Could that have been all an illusion?

I glanced at all four sides vacantly, and calmed down somewhat, explaining, "I must have gotten a little nervous during my interview. I feel a little unwell."

"Unwell?" kun looked at me, asking, "Do you need me to send you home?"

I smiled, shaking my head, "Never mind, you go handle your stuff. I can return by myself."

"Alright then. If anything happens, remember to immediately call me."

"Mm, okay."

"Oh, right, wait for me? Let"s have dinner together."

"Mm, I"ll wait for you."

I smiled, nodding.

Before leaving, kun didn"t seem rea.s.sured, glancing back at me.

I didn"t know if it was just me, but I feel like he was… actually not looking at me, but… behind me?

I turned around in confusion. But, there was nothing there.

It was already evening by the time I returned to kun"s villa.

After messing up my interview, my hopes of finding a job were now shattered. I sighed, walking towards the bathroom.

Turning the tap, water sloshed out, and I splashed some on my face. I rubbed hard, then raised my head to look at myself in the mirror.

Cool droplets fell down my face, drop by drop.

The face in the mirror looked a little exhausted and dismayed.

Had the black ma.s.s I"d seen earlier really been a hallucination?

If it really was, why would it chase after at such an important moment?

Ah! I was really unlucky!

I closed my eyes in distress, closing the tap. Using a towel to dry my face, I turned, but halted abruptly. Because I had suddenly seen my own shadow! Within the bright bathroom, the lights shone from the ceiling, mapping my shadow onto the wall behind me.

I had already prepared to leave, but, my shadow was still stuck there, not making a single move!

d.a.m.n it, was that really my shadow? What exactly was this?

I backed a step away, and the next second, the shadow on the wall extended out with shocking speed, like a rushing tide, gradually swallowing me up!

No! Don"t! Don"t eat me! Don"t eat me!

I hurriedly ran out of the bathroom, fleeing for my life.

The black tide closed up on me layer upon layer, tightly enveloping me, and I ran madly without stopping. Suddenly, my feet were tied up, and I fell, raising my head in terror and helplessness. I could not see anything, could not hear anything, my entire body as if in a deep emptiness, and with the exception of the darkness, there was nothing.

I knew I had been "eaten" by that black shadow!

So that hadn"t been a hallucination, that black shadow had really existed!

What did I do now, could I still escape from this? Would I die in the darkness?

If I died here, would my corpse be discovered by anyone?

Or, would I be considered unaccounted for from here on out?

My mind descended into chaos.

All four sides of boundless darkness constricted me more and more.

This kind of stifling constriction was caused by the unknown, and was no different from humans" fear of darkness.

I didn"t know what would happen next, and what would appear in the darkness, the uneasiness in my heart growing stronger. I only wanted to escape from this place as soon as possible, but in this vast and limitless blackness, I couldn"t run no matter how much I tried.

Something rang out in the darkness.

A voice seemed to be calling out to me.

"Xiao Mo… Xiao Mo…"

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