75 Ferguson, ed., The Papers of Robert Morris (RMP), vol. 1, 308.


1 HSP; NYHS; Haverford College, Charles Roberts Collection: those letters from Sarah to John that survived all begin with the phrase "My Dear Life," although some, as we shall see, are more affectionate than others!

2 Barry to the Admiralty, July 25, 1781, quoted in Griffin, The History of Commodore John Barry, 148.

3 Extract of a letter from John Brown, Boston, January 4, 1782, RMP, vol. 3, 491-492.

4 Paullin, Out-Letters, 230.

5 Fowler, Rebels Under Sail, 84; Miller, Sea of Glory, 476; HSP, Logbook, "Society for the Relief of Poor and Distressed Masters of Ships"; LOC, William Bell Clark Collection, Saratoga papers.

6 Tuchman, First Salute, 217-218; John Donaldson to John Brown, quoted in Clark, Gallant John Barry, 231.

7 Pennsylvania Gazette, July 11, 1781.

8 JCC, June 26, 1781.

9 Morison, John Paul Jones, 377.

10 DeKoven, Life and Letters of John Paul Jones, vol. 2, 212-214.

11 Ibid.; Morison, John Paul Jones, 377.

12 DeKoven, Life and Letters of John Paul Jones, vol. 2, 211-214.

13 Miller, Sea of Glory, 478.

14 Morison, John Paul Jones, 378; Miller, Sea of Glory, 476-478.

15 Barry to Board of Admiralty, July 25, 1781, quoted in Griffin, The History of Commodore John Barry, 148.

16 DNA, RDC, Morris to Governor of Ma.s.sachusetts, August 4, 1781; RMP, vol. 1, 308.

17 Early History Center, Washington Navy Yard, Boston Newspapers II, p. 85.

18 Ferguson, ed., RMP, vol. 2, 193-194.

19 JCC, July 15 and August 5, 1782; Clark, Gallant John Barry, 233.

20 From Clark, Gallant John Barry, 233.

21 Miller, Sea of Glory, 304-310.

22 ISM, Barry-Hayes Papers, Henry Mitch.e.l.l to John Brown, September 4, 1781.

23 Quoted in Clark, Gallant John Barry, 233.

24 ISM, Mitch.e.l.l to Brown. September 4, 1781; Clark, Gallant John Barry, 233.

25 RDC, vol. 4, Robert Morris to Ben Franklin, August 28, 1781; Keane, Tom Paine, 213.

26 Schiff, A Great Improvisation, 266-277.

27 DNA, LDC, vol. 18, Thomas McKean to John Laurens, September 6, 1781.

28 Morison, John Paul Jones, 380; Thomas, John Paul Jones, 249-250.

29 LOC, John Paul Jones Papers, Reel 6, Item 1339, September 7, 1781.

30 Ibid.

31 Ibid.; Clark, Gallant John Barry, 233. We do not know what Barry did with Jones"s c.o.c.kade, but we know that Barry held Jones"s fighting skills and patriotism in high regard. A miniature portrait of Jones was among Barry"s possessions at the time of his death, and treasured by his indirect descendants for generations. ISM, Barry-Hayes Papers, List of Articles for Auction, 1939.

32 RDC, vol. 4, Robert Morris to the Governor of Ma.s.sachusetts, August 4, 1781.

33 JCC, Barry to Thompson, August 1, 1782.

34 Clark, Gallant John Barry, 234-235.

35 Flexner, Washington, 163.

36 Fowler, Rebels Under Sail, 84, 262-263.

37 Crawford, "Naval Administration Under Robert Morris," 2-3, 7.

38 HSP, Dreer Collection, Morris to Brown, September 19, 1781.

39 Fowler, Rebels Under Sail, 85.

40 Miller, Sea of Glory, 476; Clark, Gallant John Barry, 236.

41 HSP, Dreer Collection, Morris to Brown, September 19, 1781.

42 Ibid.

43 ISM, Barry-Hayes Papers, Henry Mitch.e.l.l to John Brown, September 4, 1781; HSP, Dreer, Robert Morris to John Brown, September 19, 1781; Clark, Gallant John Barry, 237.

44 Pennsylvania Gazette, October 3, 1780.

45 JCC, November 28, 1781.

46 RMP, vol. 3 [enclosure], Sentence of the Court-Martial on Three Men of the Alliance, June 28, 1781; Clark, Gallant John Barry, 237.

47 Morris to Barry, October 17, 1781, quoted in Griffin, The History of Commodore John Barry, 152.

48 Tuchman, First Salute, 291.

49 HSP, Dreer Collection, Morris to Brown, September 19, 1781; Kessler, "Rough Sketch," 11; Clark, Gallant John Barry, 191, 238.

50 Barry to Congress, July 25, 1781, from Griffin, The History of Commodore John Barry, 148; RMP, vol. 4, 556-557; LOC, Robert Morris to Joseph Kendall, April 10, 1782.

51 RMP, vol. 4, 556-557; LOC, Robert Morris to Joseph Kendall, April 10, 1782.

52 Continental Journal, November 1, 1781, quoted in Clark, Gallant John Barry, 238-239.

53 Ibid.

54 Ibid.

55 Barry to Eastern Navy Board, from Clark, Gallant John Barry, 239.

56 Ibid.; RMP, vol. 4, 556-557.

57 JBP, Muster roll, Alliance, May 17, 1782.

58 Ibid.

59 JBP, 314, Morris to Barry, November 19, 1781.

60 HSP, Dreer Collection, Morris to Brown, November 27, 1781; Brown and Kessler, "The Life of Commodore Barry," 11.


1 Brands, The First American, 597.

2 Flexner, Washington, 168.

3 RMP, vol. 3, Morris to Barry, November 27, 1781, 260-263.

4 Ibid.

5 RMP, vol. 3, Barry to Morris, December 22, 1781; vol. 4, Barry to Morris, February 10, 1782.

6 Washington Navy Yard, Early History Center, Samuel Nicholson to John Barry, December 21, 1781.

7 LOC, GWP, Marquis de Lafayette to George Washington, December 21, 1781; RMP, vol. 3, Morris to Barry, November 27, 1781, 260-263.

8 APS, BFP, Barry to Franklin, February 29, 1782.

9 JBP, Alliance Letterbook, Barry to Morris, December 22, 1781.

10 JBP, Alliance Letterbook, Barry to Samuel Nicholson, December 22, 1781; Barry to Brown, December 22, 1781; Barry to Morris, January 30, 1782; Kessler, "Rough Sketch," 12.

11 Kessler, "Rough Sketch," 12.

12 JBP, Alliance Letterbook, Barry to Morris, February 10, 1782; Barry to Morris, January 30, 1782.

13 Kessler, "Rough Sketch," 12.

14 Ibid.

15 LOC, GWP, Lafayette to Washington, February 18, 1782.

16 APS, BFP, Barry to Franklin, January 31, 1782, Barry to Franklin January 17, 1782.

17 APS, BFP, Barry to Franklin, February 29, 1782; Morison, John Paul Jones, 235; Clark, Gallant John Barry, 245-246.

18 APS, BFP, Barry to Franklin, January 17, 1782.

19 APS, BFP, Franklin to Barry, January 24, 1782.

20 Ibid.

21 JBP, Barry to Morris, January 30, 1782.

22 APS, BFP, Barry to Franklin, February 29, 1782.

23 JBP, Barry to Barclay, January 27, 1782.

24 Lafayette was making entreaties at the court, but not for sailors. By now, Versailles was tiring of America"s constant pleas for more money. Franklin put the Marquis" reputation, charm, and influence to immediate use. Eventually, Lafayette delivered; yet another six million livres were loaned to America. APS, BFP, 340, Franklin to Morris, March 4, 1782; Schiff, A Great Improvisation, 294.

25 APS, BFP, Barry to Franklin, January 31, 1782.

26 Ibid.

27 JBP, Barry to Morris, January 30, 1782.

28 RMP, vol. 4, 133, Franklin to Morris, January 28, 1782.

29 JBP, Barry to Thevenard, February 5, 1782.

30 Ibid.; Clark, Gallant John Barry, 248.

31 JBP, Barry to de Galatheau, February 9, 1782.

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