
Chapter 39

Chiangyushien"s notes :

Kindly keep in mind that this chapter hasn"t been proofread (neither chinese nor english) so there"s a big possibility for mistakes. I do recommend you guys to read it again once it"s been proofread.

Author: Yin Ya

Translator: SyKim5

w.a.n.g Ning"an came back, having been on a business trip for more than half a month, after returning, he rested for one day. The next day, he became a workaholic again. Both mind and body were put into work, sometimes even forgetting to eat. w.a.n.g Cheng sometimes could not understand. After that, he has not gone out to eat with Chu Yifeng again, but occasionally sent a few pieces of information.

In mid-July, w.a.n.g Ziyu received a letter of acceptance from the university of Beijing.

w.a.n.g Papa and w.a.n.g Mama were very happy. That day they did not go over to the new house, instead took the little daughter to buy some things to use while attending university.

w.a.n.g Cheng together with eldest brother has a discussion, afterwards decided to take a two day trip back that weekend. w.a.n.g Cheng took this matter to inform w.a.n.g Mama. Eldest son has not returned for a very long time, as a result w.a.n.g Mama was very happy and said that she would make a table of delicious food the day that they return.

Weekend was finally approaching very soon.

w.a.n.g Cheng took a day off from the company and went home with w.a.n.g Ning"an on Sat.u.r.day morning.

Guanjiacun"s roads are not as b.u.mpy as w.a.n.gjiacun"s, cement roads were laid a year ago. The road was still very new, basically appeared to have no fractures or collapses. The disadvantage was that it was not already flat and stable like an asphalt road. The car stoped at the gate of their home. Several villagers pa.s.sing by in the vicinity looked over, however unlike before they did not come over to stand in circle and look.

Since w.a.n.g Ziyu became the provincial champion, a group of strangers appeared at the door of w.a.n.g Cheng"s house. Furthermore, once in a while they would be driving their car, very lively and they got use to it.

The eldest son came back only a few months later. w.a.n.g Dad and w.a.n.g Mama were the most happy. It was very difficult to see this workaholic. They were immediately pulled into the living room by w.a.n.g mama, one left and one right. Looking at both of these old people"s att.i.tude, eldest brother wanting to get away from both these individuals in an hour was impossible.

w.a.n.g Ziyu looked to the side and laughed. Yesterday, mom and dad was continuously repeating that eldest brother rarely came back once. They must properly talk to him about work, length of time, when to leave and such. The person have not returned yet, and her ears already blasted in advance.

"Be careful to be remembered by the big brother." w.a.n.g Cheng appeared behind her.

w.a.n.g Ziyu turned back and joyfully hugged his arm, "Second brother, the other day mother was willing to take me along to buy many things, in addition to beautiful clothes."

Little sister"s clothes are basically taken care of by w.a.n.g mother. With w.a.n.g mama"s insight, there was absolutely no need to worry about little sister dressing in tacky little village girl style. The beautiful white dress matched beautifully with her delicate fresh clear skin on her face. In w.a.n.gjaicun was already reckoned to be first or second beauty of the village. w.a.n.g Cheng has seen many young boys in the village peeked at his sister. There are some, who would blush as soon as they speak to his sister, stammering, unable to say a word.

"Oh my, which beautiful wife is this little girl? Go home with uncle, ok?" w.a.n.g Cheng pinched w.a.n.g Ziyu"s tender cheek, speaking in tone of taking liberties with a woman like a strange uncle fooling around with little sister, immediately amusing her.

"Brother!" w.a.n.g Ziyu blushes and stomp her feet.

"It"s useless to call Dad."

"Not playing with you anymore." w.a.n.g Ziyu shook off his hands.

"Okay, okay, just joking with you." w.a.n.g Cheng promptly grabbed her hand. "Has that stupid been alright lately?"

"Well, eat and sleep, it"s better than everyone else." w.a.n.g Ziyu laughed at the thought of the little pig.

"That"s good." He was afraid of ruining the stupid pig. When the boss remembers and look for him to demand for the stupid pig, it would be troublesome if he couldn"t make it appear right away.

In the evening, w.a.n.g Cheng and w.a.n.g Ning"an slept in one room. It was a bet that w.a.n.g papa had made at the time. Contrary to what one might expect, two big men could sleep on it, but it can be a little crowded; not bad in the winter, but the summer it was too hot. w.a.n.g Cheng gave the bed to his eldest brother. He used to sleep on the floor in the mountain, but w.a.n.g Ning"an refused. The two men argued for a half a day, w.a.n.g papa came to them to get a sleeping mat, at once it was settled. The days when the whole family was there in the home could be said to be rare, cacophonous until eleven o"clock, only then did each return to their room to go to sleep.

w.a.n.g Cheng came out to go to the toilet, when pa.s.sing by dad and mom"s room, heard the voices of two elders muttering inside coming through. w.a.n.g mama seemed to say that she hoped that the family would always get along with each other. w.a.n.g papa comforted her saying it would be possible. Afterwards, he couldn"t hear what was said.

Back in the room, w.a.n.g Ning"an had already taken sleeping mattress, spread it out, and even inflated it.

With regard to this sleeping mattress was used when eldest brother was still in college. Then, there could be training camp in the countryside that eldest brother would partic.i.p.ate in. However after returning, this sleeping mattress would be covered in dust, right up to this moment, only once again taken out. Useless for a long time, it still look very new.

w.a.n.g Cheng took a pillow from the cupboard and handed it to his older brother. This was formerly what he slept on before, also was put away by w.a.n.g mama.

w.a.n.g Ning"an turned off the overhead light, at once the room suddenly became dark. The two brothers, one lying on a bed and one lying on the floor, both of whom have not an utterance. Just when w.a.n.g Chen thought that his eldest brother has already fallen asleep, his voice came through the darkness.

"Chengcheng, the day before yesterday I heard that something bad happened at Huaying. You were not affected by that incident, right?" Although that incident has already pa.s.s by for several days, the topic has gradually wane. However, w.a.n.g Ning"an still heard about it.

"Of course not, the company"s colleagues are very intelligent. They already knew who was capable to truly be a mole, and was already caught the same day." w.a.n.g Cheng keep silence about the true state, did not tell him the matter about the person having set up a trap to frame him. Anyway, things have already happened, he did not lose anything, and Tang Sisi also got the proper retribution.

Changde Real Estate bribed your company mole, wanting to bring down Huaying Real Estate. company"

"How did Big brother know?" w.a.n.g Cheng was surprised. This incident was not spread out. Although everyone knows that someone wants to engage in Huaying Real Estate, there was no concrete evidence. Huaying Real Estate cannot say that Changde Real Estate was behind the scene.

"I have my own source." w.a.n.g Ning"an apparently did not want to say more on this issue. He shifted the topic: "Listening to you, you don"t seem to know Changde real estate had an accident?"

"What happened to Changde?

"Watch the new at the usual time more. Someone has been repeatedly exposing . At present, the relevant departments have been involved in the investigation. Their CEOs have heard that they have been taken away. Now that stock price of Changde Real Estate has not stop declining. The company is in jeopardy, it was obvious that some people are renovating Changde Real Estate."

"Who could that be?"

w.a.n.g Ning"an did not immediately respond, seemingly hesitating. "Changde Real Estate has also offended many people before, but if they had the ability to deal with Changde, would have not waited until now. Not long ago, Changde has just engaged Huaying Real Estate. Then only several days later there was an accident. Therefore, the most probable person is precisely your boss."

"With regard to this, I didn"t know." Shrugging his shoulders.

"Do you normally meet with your boss?" w.a.n.g Ning"an said this probingly.

w.a.n.g Cheng did not understand it. "Met, also didn"t meet, is there any problem?" Arranging to meet with him two consecutive days for a ride was not something special. Furthermore, now that eldest brother was back, he would not need to arrange for a ride with the boss again.

"No, just asking, sleep. Good night."

"Good night."

The east started to shine with the marble white colour of the dawn sky. The sky was still not completely brighten, w.a.n.g Cheng had already open his eyes and quietly got out of bed. Eldest brother was still asleep, although ordinary wound also wake up early because of work. However, on the days of rest he would sleep until eight or nine o"clock, and occasionally he has gotten up at ten o"clock.

w.a.n.g mama had already been up, hearing noise, looked to see him and right away sent him to go brush his teeth and wash his face before coming back to eat breakfast. There was congee, eggs, and scallion pancake for breakfast. Just smelling makes the belly noisily wake up right away.

w.a.n.g Cheng right went into the bathroom right away. w.a.n.g Siyu normally also wake up early and in a moment should be rushing closely behind him toward the bathroom. A man unlike a woman, wash the face and still wants to apply this and that; he was done in two or three minutes. Leaving after relieving his bladder of urine, right away running into w.a.n.g Ziyu who just got out of bed. The small girl"s eyes were hazy with sleep, still in the process of yawning.

"Second brother, good morning."

"Morning, go in and wash."

At eight thirty, w.a.n.g Ning"an also woke up. w.a.n.g papa and w.a.n.g mama had already gone to the new house, the renovation slowly coming to an end, much faster than they had predicted.

After breakfast, as in the past, w.a.n.g Ziyu was left behind to look after the house. The two brothers at once went over to the new house to look for w.a.n.g papa and w.a.n.g mama. As the distance was not far, there was no plan to driving a car over.

Yesterday was a cloudy day, it was a hot and stuffy weather, until last night"s arrival of heavy rain spell. Then today was more cool and refreshing, and the sun could not be seen. It was a habit to hide at home to avoid the sun, almost all of the villagers came out to go for a walk. They looked to see the arrival of the two brothers. Not very familiar-looking, they did not approach them for a chat, until recognizing that it was w.a.n.g Cheng to know that it was the old w.a.n.g family"s three w.a.n.g Honxin children, having long heard that w.a.n.g Hongxin family has a big son, who really was a very talented person.

When they got to the new house, the workers were in middle of working hard to get things done in time. w.a.n.g papa and w.a.n.g mama did not want them to stay there, but they could not get out, then let them help out for a little bit.

The new house has two floors, the first floor has the living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom. On the second floor there are bedrooms, a total of four, with a bathroom, and now almost finish renovating.

Considering that there are three children in the family, w.a.n.g papa and w.a.n.g mama specially selected this relatively large house in order to avoid the situation where both sons are at home, so now planning a room for each person.

w.a.n.g Cheng went upstairs to see their rooms, they are not as big as imagine, but s.p.a.cious enough.

w.a.n.g Ning"an also did not have any complaints, he was working outside, comparatively busy most of the time, therefore rarely came back, and has no requirement for the room.

w.a.n.g Ziyu will be going to live in the capital city for four years, the number of time to come back to stay would perhaps not be many. Therefore, probably w.a.n.g Cheng would most likely to stay more, his work at Huaying Real Estate was not long term.


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