Julius Caesar

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

"Goodness Romeo!" was the first thing Sam almost screamed when she saw me in the doorway at four in the morning . I took a deep breath as Augustus came rushing by Sam"s side, his eyes wide open .

He then looked at me then back at Sam . "Jesus, you scared the s.h.i.t out of me . " He breathed out, then looked back at me . "Come on in man, it"s freezing out there and it"s like five in the b.l.o.o.d.y morning . "

I walked in speechlessly as they parted . I then sat heavily on the couch in the living room as Augustus switched on dim, yellow lights . He wore nothing but his boxers and Sam was- as usual- in her pyjamas with her hair everywhere . I must"d woken them up .

"What happened? You look . . . tense . " Augustus said his voice deeper and huskier than usual . Sam nodded, biting her lower lip and glancing at him .

I put my head in my good hand, rubbed my temples and took in a deep breath, not knowing what to do or say . It was messed up .

Sam then gasped catching Augustus"s and my attention . "Did they- Could it be possible?" She said bringing a hand to her mouth .

"What? What"s possible?" Augustus asked confusedly and I sighed .

"Yes . They did . " I said and then took out the two guns (mine and William"s) from my pants . "Two of them . " I then settled both the guns next to me as Augustus gaped at me, shocked .

"Okay . I think I deserve an explanation on what the h.e.l.l is happening especially if I"m part of it . " Augustus said, shaking his head slowly .

I looked up at him wearily . "Yeah, you do deserve an explanation . But don"t worry, you"re in no way involved in this . " I thought he looked disappointed after what I said .

"How?" Sam said already choking on tears .

I shook my head then looked at her almost furious . "Because you registered me by your full name, Sam . No one does that when they"re being watched under a G.o.dd.a.m.n microscope . I thought it was obvious . They were looking for you, but I surprised them . "

"That"s only because I didn"t know your full name-" She said eyes wide open .

"Whatever . It doesn"t matter . What matters right now is that you"re not supposed to do anything with your real name . They"ll track you down . " I sighed again .

"Woah, woah! I really think I need an explanation and like now . " Augustus interrupted again, running a hand through his hair with a deep frown .

We both ignored him .

"So-so, Romeo isn"t your real name?" Sam asked and I looked at her surprisedly .

"No . No, it isn"t . " I said slowly and sighed .

Sam sat on another couch, trying to process what happened while Augustus tried putting pieces together .

"Okay . I get it . " He said . "You seem like you are both in some deep s.h.i.t . But I need clarification . I know people who can help . " He was serious and I shook my head .

"I don"t want you involved in any of this Augustus . Not at all . " I said glancing at his tall, lean built and hair that stood everywhere . He looked like a boy to me .

"But that"s what friends are for!" I remember having to bite my tongue so that I wouldn"t burst his excitement by telling him that "we are definitely not friends" .

So instead, I shook my head and closed my eyes . "I"ll let Sam tell you everything tomorrow . But for now, we all need the sleep and peace . Please . "

"That"s not fair! That"s a lot of suspense to sleep with . " He complained, pushing back his hair .

I smiled tightly . "Tomorrow . " I then got up, taking both of the guns and heading to bed, leaving behind a complaining Augustus and a silently shaken Sam .


I woke up on the sound of faint whispers in the living room . I got up, rubbed my eyes, pushed back my hair and took my cigarette box . I then remembered Sam"s "allergy" and dropped them back with a groan on the bed .

I got out of the room to find Sam curled with a mug of steaming something on the couch with tears streaming down her cheeks while Augustus sat on the floor next to her, shirtless in his jeans and socks, rubbing her feet as she talked .

She seemed to cry a lot nowadays .

Seeing that they were having some moment which sure involved the explanation of yesterday, I went back into the room and lit a cigarette . I was sitting on the bed when my phone rang out of nowhere . I picked it up and answered without looking at the caller"s ID .

"h.e.l.lo?" A timid voice said and I immediately recognized it as Samantha"s .

"Samantha," I said surprised that she actually called .

"You didn"t come to the park for a while . How have you been?" She asked and I suppressed smiled as I thought of how she"d make a great friend .

"I"m much better now that I"ve heard your voice," I said, surprising myself, as she laughed softly .

"Don"t be so extra with me, Caesar . " She lowered her voice and I bit a grin away .

"I could try," I told her . "But how are you though? I"m sorry I wasn"t able to go to the park for a while . I"ve been caught up in lot of . . . things, recently . " I said, playing with my lighter .

Flick open . Flame .

Click close .

Click close .

Flick open . Fl

"Well, apology not accepted . " She said playfully and I raised my eyebrows bemusedly .

Click close .

"Why ma"am?" I asked, with a small smile and she laughed lightly .

"I just have a condition . " She said teasingly and I waited . "Amanda, my aunt, invited you for lunch today since it"s a Sat.u.r.day and she"s off and she really wants to meet you . " The words rushed out her mouth too quickly and I was caught off guard .

So I paused for a while . Did I really want to go? What was the point? I was sure that one day I"d leave all that behind . You know, I couldn"t afford connections .

"Julius? Julius?"

Flick open . Flame .

"I"m here, Samantha," I said softly, staring at the flame from the lighter and pursing my lips as it swayed .

"If-if you don"t want to come-" She started, sounding low-spirited now . "-it"s okay, you don"t have to . I"ve accepted your apology anyway, of course . "

She just sounded so disappointed .

I sighed quietly . "No . I"ll come, of course . " I said, trying to sound thrilled . "I mean, I"d to meet Amanda . And you . Again . " I looked in my laps and smiled .

Click close .

"You will?" She said surprisedly .

"Yes . Just come and pick me up from the park . " I inhaled . "When though?"

"By two . I"ll pick you up by then, then we can walk it to there . " She said breathlessly and I nodded .

"Oh . Okay . Sure . " I said shrugging, pocketing my lighter .

"Bye!" She almost squeaked it and my lips curled up again . Blimey, whenever I was with Samantha, my mouth hurt from suppressing all the smiles that inappropriately surfaced on my lips .

"Bye, and thank you by the way . " I even sounded weird to myself . I was not usually that nice .

"Not a problem . " She then hung up and I laid on the bed wondering what the h.e.l.l was I going to do about this .

"Not a problem . " She then hung up and I laid on the bed wondering what the h.e.l.l was I going to do about this .

I looked at the clock . It was still twelve hundred hours which meant I had two hours, so I decided to call Caroline and check up on her . To make sure that she didn"t think I was a "criminal", in case I needed her in any upcoming "event" . She sounded a bit better, I thought, and she thanked me for calling .

I then got out of the room and made my presence obvious . Both heads turned to me . They hadn"t changed positions so I just sat on a chair that faced both of them .

"Well d.a.m.n, Romeo . That"s one of a drama . " Augustus said with a smirk and I sighed .

"What do you need those doc.u.ments for? And-" He added quickly, pointing at me . "-you should be honest with me if I"m to be of any use . "

He just didn"t get that I didn"t want him involved, did he?

So I nodded slowly and sighed . "There"s a very powerful person who wants those doc.u.ments . So he"s after Sam because it was her father who stole them . "

Augustus nodded quietly . "But what do you get out of this? Why care?"

I paused and thought of any possible reason for "why not" . There wasn"t one . "Because-" I started and stopped, ran my hands through my hair once, fumbled with my ring and looked at them again . "-because that man . . . harmed me . " I said knowing that "harmed" was a very weak word . He destroyed me . Ruined me . Broke me . Wrecked me .

"Really? How?" Augustus asked curiously .

"It doesn"t matter no-"

"But it does, my friend . Is it physical or sentimental?" He asked .

"I do not like talking about it," I said, playing with an unlit cigarette between my fingers .

"Why not?" He asked and I started getting irritated by his endless train of questions .

"Because it reminds me of how I couldn"t stop him . Because I was weak . Incompetent . Inefficient . And simply pathetic . " I clenched my fists and the cigarette, feeling angry .

"Oh," Augustus breathed . "But what if those doc.u.ments don"t contain anything against him?"

"He wouldn"t be chasing any of us then . He knows I can get them . " I squeezed shut my eyes, to prevent my anger from getting the better of me as the insides of the crushed cigarette tickled my palm .

"Who is he?" Augustus finally said and I looked at him .

"That doesn"t matter now," I said with finality to stop him from further inquiring .

"So what are you planning to do?" He asked after a pause .

I sighed . "Mostly, the obvious . Lying low and protecting her until she can get us those doc.u.ments . If he gets his hands on her-" I said glancing at a mortified-looking Sam, imagining it . "-it would be . . . bad . Really bad . "
"So what are you planning to do?" He asked after a pause .

I sighed . "Mostly, the obvious . Lying low and protecting her until she can get us those doc.u.ments . If he gets his hands on her-" I said glancing at a mortified-looking Sam, imagining it . "-it would be . . . bad . Really bad . "

I saw Sam shift slightly on the couch as Augustus turned to look at her with raised eyebrows .

"We just need to be fast and careful," I said tiredly . I then looked at Sam . "Did that man you said you texted, reply back?"

"No . Not yet . " She whispered back, switching on her phone that laid next to her on the couch .

"Okay," I sighed . "I got somewhere to go," I said, getting up as Augustus followed .

"Yeah . Even I need to leave . " He said, grabbing his shirt and coat from a coach and I nodded at him with a smirk .

He was a good guy, I had to admit, despite his goofiness and he wasn"t really an amateur . Biggest proof was, that when I told him to stay with Sam the day before, he did, despite the fact that they weren"t on good terms . He knew when to be serious .

"Wait!" Sam"s voice came and we both turned to her . Her lips were slightly parted as she fumbled with her fingers .

"Are you leaving without having some-uh- brunch?" She asked, her eyes flicking between the two of us .

"You know me, I don"t eat in the morning . " I declined flatly .

"Umm . . . alrigh-" Sam started awkwardly after a short pause, but Augustus interrupted her .

"I"m staying! I"m actually starving . Can you like make Nutella crepes?" Augustus said throwing his shirt and coat back on the couch, already excited, as Sam grinned .

"Yes, I can! The best . " Sam said as Augustus"s electric-blue eyes lightened up .

"Lead the way, ma"am . " He said as Sam giggled . She glanced at me with smiling eyes before she walked toward the kitchen with Augustus right behind her .

Alright .

I then returned to my room and got ready .


A/N: Heh, that was an event-less chapter . . . Actually, it was meant to be much longer, but I decided that it needed splitting or it would"ve been 4000 and something words . And I don"t wanna bore you :)

So what do you think? ;)

Lots of love and appreciation <3> Goodness Romeo! was the first thing Sam almost screamed when she saw me in the doorway at four in the morning . I took a deep breath as Augustus came rushing by Sams side, his eyes wide open . He then looked at me then back at Sam . Jesus, you scared the s.h.i.t out of me . He breathed out, then looked back at me . Come on in man, its freezing out there and its like five in the b.l.o.o.d.y morning . I walked in speechlessly as they parted . I then sat heavily on the couch in the living room as Augustus switched on dim, yellow lights . He wore nothing but his boxers and Sam was- as usual- in her pyjamas with her hair everywhere . I mustd woken them up . What happened? You look . tense . Augustus said his voice deeper and huskier than usual . Sam nodded, biting her lower lip and glancing at him . I put my head in my good hand, rubbed my temples and took in a deep breath, not knowing what to do or say . It was messed up . Sam then gasped catching Augustuss and my attention . Did they- Could it be possible? She said bringing a hand to her mouth . What? Whats possible? Augustus asked confusedly and I sighed . Yes . They did . I said and then took out the two guns (mine and Williams) from my pants . Two of them . I then settled both the guns next to me as Augustus gaped at me, shocked . Okay . I think I deserve an explanation on what the h.e.l.l is happening especially if Im part of it . Augustus said, shaking his head slowly . I looked up at him wearily . Yeah, you do deserve an explanation . But dont worry, youre in no way involved in this . I thought he looked disappointed after what I said . How? Sam said already choking on tears . I shook my head then looked at her almost furious . Because you registered me by your full name, Sam . No one does that when theyre being watched under a G.o.dd.a.m.n microscope . I thought it was obvious . They were looking for you, but I surprised them . Thats only because I didnt know your full name- She said eyes wide open . Whatever . It doesnt matter . What matters right now is that youre not supposed to do anything with your real name . Theyll track you down . I sighed again . Woah, woah! I really think I need an explanation and like now . Augustus interrupted again, running a hand through his hair with a deep frown . We both ignored him . So-so, Romeo isnt your real name? Sam asked and I looked at her surprisedly . No . No, it isnt . I said slowly and sighed . Sam sat on another couch, trying to process what happened while Augustus tried putting pieces together . Okay . I get it . He said . You seem like you are both in some deep s.h.i.t . But I need clarification . I know people who can help . He was serious and I shook my head . I dont want you involved in any of this Augustus . Not at all . I said glancing at his tall, lean built and hair that stood everywhere . He looked like a boy to me . But thats what friends are for! I remember having to bite my tongue so that I wouldnt burst his excitement by telling him that we are definitely not friends . So instead, I shook my head and closed my eyes . Ill let Sam tell you everything tomorrow . But for now, we all need the sleep and peace . Please . Thats not fair! Thats a lot of suspense to sleep with . He complained, pushing back his hair . I smiled tightly . Tomorrow . I then got up, taking both of the guns and heading to bed, leaving behind a complaining Augustus and a silently shaken Sam . --- I woke up on the sound of faint whispers in the living room . I got up, rubbed my eyes, pushed back my hair and took my cigarette box . I then remembered Sams allergy and dropped them back with a groan on the bed . I got out of the room to find Sam curled with a mug of steaming something on the couch with tears streaming down her cheeks while Augustus sat on the floor next to her, shirtless in his jeans and socks, rubbing her feet as she talked . She seemed to cry a lot nowadays . Seeing that they were having some moment which sure involved the explanation of yesterday, I went back into the room and lit a cigarette . I was sitting on the bed when my phone rang out of nowhere . I picked it up and answered without looking at the callers ID . h.e.l.lo? A timid voice said and I immediately recognized it as Samanthas . Samantha, I said surprised that she actually called . You didnt come to the park for a while . How have you been? She asked and I suppressed smiled as I thought of how shed make a great friend . Im much better now that Ive heard your voice, I said, surprising myself, as she laughed softly . Dont be so extra with me, Caesar . She lowered her voice and I bit a grin away . I could try, I told her . But how are you though? Im sorry I wasnt able to go to the park for a while . Ive been caught up in lot of . things, recently . I said, playing with my lighter . Flick open . Flame . Click close . Flick open . Fl Well, apology not accepted . She said playfully and I raised my eyebrows bemusedly . Click close . Why maam? I asked, with a small smile and she laughed lightly . I just have a condition . She said teasingly and I waited . Amanda, my aunt, invited you for lunch today since its a Sat.u.r.day and shes off and she really wants to meet you . The words rushed out her mouth too quickly and I was caught off guard . So I paused for a while . Did I really want to go? What was the point? I was sure that one day Id leave all that behind . You know, I couldnt afford connections . Julius? Julius? Flick open . Flame . Im here, Samantha, I said softly, staring at the flame from the lighter and pursing my lips as it swayed . If-if you dont want to come- She started, sounding low-spirited now . -its okay, you dont have to . Ive accepted your apology anyway, of course . She just sounded so disappointed . I sighed quietly . No . Ill come, of course . I said, trying to sound thrilled . I mean, Id to meet Amanda . And you . Again . I looked in my laps and smiled . Click close . You will? She said surprisedly . Yes . Just come and pick me up from the park . I inhaled . When though? By two . Ill pick you up by then, then we can walk it to there . She said breathlessly and I nodded . Oh . Okay . Sure . I said shrugging, pocketing my lighter . Bye! She almost squeaked it and my lips curled up again . Blimey, whenever I was with Samantha, my mouth hurt from suppressing all the smiles that inappropriately surfaced on my lips . Bye, and thank you by the way . I even sounded weird to myself . I was not usually that nice . Not a problem . She then hung up and I laid on the bed wondering what the h.e.l.l was I going to do about this . I looked at the clock . It was still twelve hundred hours which meant I had two hours, so I decided to call Caroline and check up on her . To make sure that she didnt think I was a criminal, in case I needed her in any upcoming event . She sounded a bit better, I thought, and she thanked me for calling . I then got out of the room and made my presence obvious . Both heads turned to me . They hadnt changed positions so I just sat on a chair that faced both of them . Well d.a.m.n, Romeo . Thats one of a drama . Augustus said with a smirk and I sighed . What do you need those doc.u.ments for? And- He added quickly, pointing at me . -you should be honest with me if Im to be of any use . He just didnt get that I didnt want him involved, did he? So I nodded slowly and sighed . Theres a very powerful person who wants those doc.u.ments . So hes after Sam because it was her father who stole them . Augustus nodded quietly . But what do you get out of this? Why care? I paused and thought of any possible reason for why not . There wasnt one . Because- I started and stopped, ran my hands through my hair once, fumbled with my ring and looked at them again . -because that man . harmed me . I said knowing that harmed was a very weak word . He destroyed me . Ruined me . Broke me . Wrecked me . Really? How? Augustus asked curiously . It doesnt matter no- But it does, my friend . Is it physical or sentimental? He asked . I do not like talking about it, I said, playing with an unlit cigarette between my fingers . Why not? He asked and I started getting irritated by his endless train of questions . Because it reminds me of how I couldnt stop him . Because I was weak . Incompetent . Inefficient . And simply pathetic . I clenched my fists and the cigarette, feeling angry . Oh, Augustus breathed . But what if those doc.u.ments dont contain anything against him? He wouldnt be chasing any of us then . He knows I can get them . I squeezed shut my eyes, to prevent my anger from getting the better of me as the insides of the crushed cigarette tickled my palm . Who is he? Augustus finally said and I looked at him . That doesnt matter now, I said with finality to stop him from further inquiring . So what are you planning to do? He asked after a pause . I sighed . Mostly, the obvious . Lying low and protecting her until she can get us those doc.u.ments . If he gets his hands on her- I said glancing at a mortified-looking Sam, imagining it . -it would be . bad . Really bad . I saw Sam shift slightly on the couch as Augustus turned to look at her with raised eyebrows . We just need to be fast and careful, I said tiredly . I then looked at Sam . Did that man you said you texted, reply back? No . Not yet . She whispered back, switching on her phone that laid next to her on the couch . Okay, I sighed . I got somewhere to go, I said, getting up as Augustus followed . Yeah . Even I need to leave . He said, grabbing his shirt and coat from a coach and I nodded at him with a smirk . He was a good guy, I had to admit, despite his goofiness and he wasnt really an amateur . Biggest proof was, that when I told him to stay with Sam the day before, he did, despite the fact that they werent on good terms . He knew when to be serious . Wait! Sams voice came and we both turned to her . Her lips were slightly parted as she fumbled with her fingers . Are you leaving without having some-uh- brunch? She asked, her eyes flicking between the two of us . You know me, I dont eat in the morning . I declined flatly . Umm . alrigh- Sam started awkwardly after a short pause, but Augustus interrupted her . Im staying! Im actually starving . Can you like make Nutella crepes? Augustus said throwing his shirt and coat back on the couch, already excited, as Sam grinned . Yes, I can! The best . Sam said as Augustuss electric-blue eyes lightened up . Lead the way, maam . He said as Sam giggled . She glanced at me with smiling eyes before she walked toward the kitchen with Augustus right behind her . Alright . I then returned to my room and got ready . *** A/N: Heh, that was an event-less chapter . Actually, it was meant to be much longer, but I decided that it needed splitting or it wouldve been 4000 and something words . And I dont wanna bore you :) So what do you think? ;) Lots of love and appreciation <3>

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