Julius Caesar

Chapter 22

Chapter 22


Alexander"s POV .

I brought a tissue to dampen my eyes as I looked at Adriana"s grave- Augustus"s mother . Today was her twenty-first death anniversary and my heart never failed to break when I brought flowers to her grave . She was the closest thing to my heart after Augustus .

I let my now rough hands touch her gravestone and closed my eyes . It"s difficult . It has always been difficult . Losing someone you can never retrieve is the most difficult loss to experience, especially if it was a loved one . I mean, you can lose a person to the darkness of the world . But it beats, losing them to the darkness and ruthlessness of death . Because here, they were unredeemable .

And yes . That was what I made Julius feel . The most painful loss . Everything else would seem trivial and petty to this, this scorching pain .

I took a deep breath and momentarily enjoyed the peace of the quiet surrounding me before my phone buzzed in my jacket"s pocket .

It was time to say goodbye again, I realized .

I smiled having faith that she was with me, or at the very least in my heart . That was enough . It had always been enough for twenty-one years . I walked back to my car and returned Philip"s missed call . He answered immediately .

He was panting . "Sir-" Breath . "Sir, I think we have a situation . "

"A situation?" I repeated, switching on the car"s heater and raising my eyebrows . "Enlighten me . "

"So -uh- Simon was looking for any information, the other day, on Ricardo so that we could go look for the doc.u.ments by ourselves rather than depend on the girl . He -uh- found that article," he said and I urged him to continue . "The article said that Ricardo had an accident about six to seven years ago . A car accident . "

"So? What"s the "situation"? I know about that," I said irritably as I stared at my eyes through the car"s rearview mirror .

"Thing is, his daughter was with him," he panted . "Sir, the article said, his daughter didn"t live the accident unscathed . "

I sat up straighter in my car"s seat demanding Philip my undivided attention . "What do you mean?" I said rolling my eyes . "Obviously, she would be unscathed . It was a b.l.o.o.d.y acc-"

"She lost her sight, sir," he said, interrupting me and I shut up as I stared at the empty street ahead of me that was guarded by unyielding, naked trees in the still air .

That was interesting information .

Philip continued hesitantly . "Sir . Sam, the girl we are after, has absolutely no record of being admitted to a hospital for being blind . She was just never blind . "

"What are you saying?" I frowned deeply . "There must be something wrong! Either the article or the d.a.m.ned hospital records!"

There was a considerably long pause, punctuated by Philip"s heavy breathing and my whirring thoughts .

"Sir? What did Ricardo do? He was a businessman, right?" Philip asked suddenly, his breaths evening out now .

"Of course not! He was a b.l.o.o.d.y lawyer!" I scowled angrily . How couldn"t they know?

"Well, then you aren"t going to like what I have to say-" Philip started as I heard him shuffle through papers in the background . "The Sam we"re after, her father, Ricardo Murde, is a famous businessman . He legit shares the same b.l.o.o.d.y name except for an extra "e" at the end of Murd . Absolutely insane, sir . "

I fell silent .

"What the h.e.l.l are you saying? That cannot be possible . " I sucked in my lower lip in frustration as I resumed to listen to his nonsense .

"Well, it is possible, especially that we"ve been quite reckless and random about finding Ricardo"s daughter . We haven"t looked into those -uh- those specificities . It"s-"

"Do you call knowing Ricardo"s full name and his occupation a b.l.o.o.d.y "specificity"?!" I snarled, clutching the car"s steering wheel . "That is the most obvious step any person with dung for a brain would do, Philip!"

"Well, in the crowd of what we had to do," he paused to sigh . "-it seems we"ve missed the simplest thing . Sorry-"

"And you"re saying that shamelessly!" I exclaimed sarcastically .

"We just-"

"G.o.ddammit, can"t I depend on any of you, fools?" I ranted with exasperation . "You"ve been wasting time, k.n.o.bheads . Who knows where those b.l.o.o.d.y doc.u.ments are and in whose hands are they between now!"


"What about the girl?" I said, ignoring him . "Are there any records about her? How is she now? Where would she b-" I asked as I heard Philip shuffle more papers .

"Not anything that we could access-"

"Are you even being serious?" I pressed on each word . "Nothing about her? h.e.l.l, what in Merlin"s name do we even know?! Just her name? That, by the way, I sincerely hope is right . And that she"s b.l.o.o.d.y blind! Do we even have any solid evidence, dammit?"

"I swear we tried, but everyt-"

But that didn"t seem like "trial" to me . This was a failure to get what I wanted to be done . And I had absolutely no tolerance to as such . So "I"m coming," was all I said before I hung up .

And instead of going back home, I headed to the airport . Things were getting out of hand . And when that happened, I had no other choice but to get involved .

Now, there was no room for a single mistake .


Julius"s POV .

My head was still spinning . Nothing made sense anymore . I was so confused, so detached, so stupid, so sickeningly stupid .

I tapped my feet continuously as I stared at the children running around in the park . I didn"t know what to think or where to start thinking . Everything was a blur . If Sam wasn"t Ricardo"s daughter, who was? Dammit, who was Ricardo?

I shut my eyes and frowned . This was getting messed up faster than I thought was possible . I looked away from the kids and spotted Samantha caning her way into the park . My heart leapt and I was going to approach her, but my fear of harming her tied me back to my bench .

There was just something about her . Something about her face"s serenity that made me want to tell her everything . Everything about me . I wanted to tell her that I was a bad person who had no emotion really . But I also wanted to tell her that somethings happen to me when I am with her (even if she doesn"t recognize my presence) . I wanted to tell her that being with her made me want to do the strangest of things . Listen to her heart sing . Brush her perfectly nail-polished fingers . Touch the tip of her b.u.t.ton nose . Touch her hair . Even see her eyes, that were guarded by her sungla.s.ses .

I wanted to tell her that just thinking about conducting such peculiar actions, provoked something in me . Something I reckoned was dead .

I was staring at her when she looked in my direction . My heart stopped momentarily, but then I reminded myself that she was blind and a part of me was thankful for that . Because that meant that I could be with her without harming her .

I watched her hair flutter around her face . I watched her fingers clicking b.u.t.tons on her mp3 player every once in a while . Watched her cross her legs and uncross them . Watched her pick a fallen leaf from her hair . Watched her clench and un-clench her tiny fists .

Watching her seemed to make me forget about all what mattered . And I allowed it . h.e.l.l, I welcomed it . I wanted her to make me forget .

But then she left and all the responsibilities came rushing back in . I remembered and left too .


When I returned to the hotel, Augustus was still there apparently waiting for me in my room . He was on his phone when I walked in .

"Where"s Sam?" was the first I said and he sighed . He had taken off his coat and boots and was sitting on my bed, feet crossed and hands planted next to him on the bed .

"She locked herself in her room . She would never let me in," he said shrugging .

I nodded relieved and sat next to him . He then placed a hand on my shoulder and I looked at him surprisedly . He was smiling and his teary electric-blue eyes were dancing .

"Just give it time, Romeo . " He c.o.c.ked his head . "Sometimes the solution to a problem is simply waiting . " He continued wisely, diverting his gaze away .

I took a deep breath and was almost shocked that I didn"t want to actually shrug his hand off . I just found it too tiring to constantly push people away . And I actually decided that maybe confiding in someone, I knew was trustworthy, might actually help me . However, there was this part in me reminding me of who I was . And I suddenly felt pathetic .

"Everything will be okay . You"re right . It just needs some time . " I lied through my teeth . This just wasn"t it . I was petrified . I didn"t know what to do . I was an utterly screwed, pitiful thing that had managed to endanger people"s lives for no reason .

When I snapped out of it, Augustus was intently staring at me . I lifted my eyebrows and he narrowed his eyes . "Are you okay?" He then asked .

Was I?

"Yes . Of course . Why shouldn"t I be?" I tilted my head curiously .

"Mate . I might"ve known you for a little while, but I feel you . You look- I don"t know- hurt, to me?" He cringed and my eyes widened a bit .

"But I am not-" I said with fake certainty .

"You can keep denying it, but my instincts were never wrong, my friend . Denying it just means you aren"t accepting what happened to you . It means you aren"t ready to move on . " I swear I had no idea what he was exactly talking about .


"You actually think I"m buying all the s.h.i.t you told me about you just being "harmed"? I mean, blimey, that person, seemed to have dragged into h.e.l.l . " He then snorted and I almost smiled at his a.n.a.lysis . I found it cynical that he could actually make such a.s.sumptions (nearly accurate) with minimum evidence . Could he read people"s minds? Or was it a talent practised by people?

"You actually think I"m buying all the s.h.i.t you told me about you just being "harmed"? I mean, blimey, that person, seemed to have dragged into h.e.l.l . " He then snorted and I almost smiled at his a.n.a.lysis . I found it cynical that he could actually make such a.s.sumptions (nearly accurate) with minimum evidence . Could he read people"s minds? Or was it a talent practised by people?

I needed to learn how to do that . I"d make sure to ask him one day .

"Is it that obvious?" I winced and he chuckled . I mean, maybe it was all my fault . What if I wasn"t effectively masking my emotions? That sheerly translated into disaster .

"Nah . I"m just good at knowing those things . " He said and I shook my head . Definitely a talent .

"Then let me tell you that it isn"t as bad as it looks . " I shrugged it off with a humourless chuckle .

"In other words, you aren"t going to tell me what"s bothering you," he said waving his hands haphazardly .

"What-" I was shaking my head .

"You can trust me, you know?" He then cut me off with a genuine smile with his blue eyes sparkling under the lights . I was caught off guard by the sincerity in his voice . It was almost touching .

"I know-" I smirked .

"Good . " He then nodded solemnly, looking in front of him . I narrowed my eyes on him, then sighed .

"I mean it, Augustus . I actually do trust you . I was even just thinking about you . " And I was . You read that I was thinking about him being "trustworthy", didn"t you?

"I"m flattered . Really . " I chuckled at his response and shook my head, partly hoping that this would end the conversation .

"You can always depend on me, you know that also, right? Right?" But Augustus had to say after a short while of silence .

His need of rea.s.surance that I "trusted" him rendered me surprised . I never had anyone who cared about my opinion, and it was surely understandable . But maybe, it was because he didn"t know about my other side . The side that killed twenty people . Maybe if he knew that he"d be scared .

So I looked at him and smiled genuinely . "I know, Gustus . You should know that too . "

He shrugged with a lopsided smile . "Just making sure . "

I laughed and decided that I wanted to be nice . "You don"t need to make sure . You"re like my little brother . " I said and actually ruffled his hair with my good hand .

He grinned boyishly . "I never had a brother . " He then stated and I smiled .

"Neither did I . "

"Now you do . " He grinned and I suppressed a chuckle .

"Okay, don"t you think it"s getting a bit cringy?" I crinkled my forehead .

"Yeah, and it"s getting gay too . " He pointed out and I chuckled, shaking my head .

"You initiated this," I said and he made a face . "Okay, let"s go check on Sam," I then added, c.o.c.king my head towards the door .

He just nodded slowly before we both got up and headed to Sam"s room . We stood in front of her door before Augustus knocked . Once .

"GO AWAY!" she screeched from inside and Augustus flinched beside me .

I narrowed my eyes at him curiously . "What did you do?" I whispered .

He looked away before a small mischievous smile appeared on his face . "Might as well have- uh- done something "unforgivable" . According to her . " He rolled his eyes and I raised my eyebrows .

"And that was?" I said .

"I-uh- touched her . I just grazed her hand! I swear! I didn"t even hold it when she went all bananas on me! I just wanted to comfort her," he said confusedly and I dared smile .

Sam got her "ways" . Very loving ways indeed .

I then turned to the door and knocked .

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" She exploded again .

"Sam it"s me . Romeo," I said and then there was silence before the room"s door was unlocked . She peeked behind the door to find Augustus and I watching her . I with a serious face and him with a cheeky grin .

She cleared her throat and looked down . "What do you want?" She then said curtly and before I could intervene, Augustus replied .

She cleared her throat and looked down . "What do you want?" She then said curtly and before I could intervene, Augustus replied .

"What"s with that att.i.tude of yours, huh? A girl like you would be swooning by having two guys like us wanting to get into her f.u.c.king room . " He scowled playfully and crossed his arms in front of his chest .

"Stay out of it, Gust!" She warned, raising her index finger in front of Augustus"s face . Augustus"s scowl then turned into a smirk .

"Say it again," he said getting closer to her .

"What-" Sam started confusedly, as he caught her tiny index finger in his hand .

"My nickname . You just nicknamed me . Say it again . Sammy . " He grinned at her and she was caught off guard for a second before she pulled her finger from his clutch .

She looked away and Augustus burst into laughter . "I win, Sam! I b.l.o.o.d.y win!"

Sam flushed and cleared her throat . Before letting his "victory" take any wrong turns, I coughed, making my apparently "not-so-obvious" presence more obvious .

"Would you let us in, please?" I said seriously and both heads snapped up to me .

Sam then immediately stepped aside and we both got into her room . Her room was too small for both of us, Augustus and I, so we both just stood while she sat on her bed looking up at us . We were much huger than she was .

"Yes?" she said simply .

"We were just gonna check up on your ungrateful a.r.s.e . And you"re okay, therefore I recommend leavin-" Augustus started, but I stopped him from leaving anyway as Sam glared at him .

Those two should get their nonsense together- I thought to myself .

"You"re aware that you"re still under apparent danger, right?" I said slowly and she looked me in the eyes for a long time before nodding .

"I am . "

"I"m here to tell you that -um-" I scratched the back of my head, searching for something to say before I blurted it out . "Look, I apologize for what I"ve accused you of . You weren"t to blame on something like this . I was insensitive and simply-"

"Angry . You were simply angry, Romeo, I get it . " She looked away and sighed .

"No, that"s beside the point . Thing is, your life became my actual responsibility, and needless to say, it"s difficult . And scary . " I paused, remembering Audrey . "In fact, I was so scared for you, it angered me . So-"

I was then cut off by Sam"s ringing phone, she excused herself and walked to her room"s window to talk . It was Ben .

"Who"s that Ben?" Augustus asked, looking at Sam as she laughed .

I looked at him surprised by his question . "I don"t know . Ask her . " I lied . I was simply too lazy to explain Sam"s "relationships" . I could find something better to do .

Sam laughed again and Augustus turned to me urgently . "He seems important to her . " He whispered, looking back at her .

"So?" I raised my eyebrows .

"What, so? I wanna know who he is . " He insisted and I smirked .

"And why is that? Why do you care, anyway?" I narrowed my eyes at him playfully .

He raised his eyebrows and was about to speak, but then shut up . "Yeah . You"re right . " He shrugged . "I don"t care . "

I watched him mutter to himself every time Sam laughed, things like, "it"s not like you care", "she"s a wh.o.r.e anyway", "totally not bothered", "I"ll break his f.u.c.king neck" and "I still don"t care" . When she finally hung up and looked at us, Augustus looked away from her and started whistling . He was obviously, irritably jealous .

"Stop! I hate whistling . I heard it calls the demons . " Sam said, but Augustus whistled louder . And I rolled my eyes

Sam huffed and turned to me . "Ben"s coming over . " She said as Augustus"s whistling faltered to a stop as he diverted his gaze back to her .

"Why?" Augustus asked "casually" .

Sam was about to answer him before she shut her mouth, placed her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow . "None of your beeswax," she said and Augustus crossed his arms over his chest, clenching his jaws .

"You"re right, it"s not like I give a s.h.i.t . "

"I"ll be leaving with him-" Sam continued to talk to me, but Augustus cut her .

"You can"t leave, it"s dangerous for you . I mean, I don"t care, I"m just helping Romeo with his responsibility . " He then glanced at me while I nodded, stifling my laughter at their situation .

"I"m utterly flattered, but Ben"s a man . He can protect me . " She eyed him with a smirk .
"You can"t leave, it"s dangerous for you . I mean, I don"t care, I"m just helping Romeo with his responsibility . " He then glanced at me while I nodded, stifling my laughter at their situation .

"I"m utterly flattered, but Ben"s a man . He can protect me . " She eyed him with a smirk .

Augustus raised his eyebrows . "He doesn"t sound like a man to me . I mean -uh- look at his name! What kind of man"s name is Ben? Benji? Benjamin?" Augustus said, making faces .

"You haven"t even met him!" She frowned .

"Are you defending him?" He widened his eyes and I watched bemusedly . It was amusing getting to watch a live TV show . Except for it wasn"t a show .

"What-What"s that got to do with anything?" she said as if offended . "You"re judging the closest person to me!"

"The what?" Augustus looked like he was just slapped . "And how close is your "closest person" to you?!" He mimicked her and she just turned to her closet to take out clothes .

I stood in the room"s corner a fist held to my mouth . They were funny, little things .

"Hey, Sam!" He walked to her closet .

She turned to him with a grimace . "What?!"

"I"m coming with you," he said and I raised my eyebrows . That was Augustus making a move . Interesting progression . Please, note my sarcasm .

"You will not!"

"I will!"


"What why? I -uh- I want to see your "closest person", Sammy . I wanna give him the biggest hug of all time . "

"You look like you want to kill him . " She rolled her eyes and immediately Augustus turned to me . And the hero approached the audience . Wait, that didn"t happen in shows .

"Romeo! Does it look like I want to kill him?!" He looked me in my eyes, pleading, with a red face and with hair covering his left eye .

I shook my head quickly then he turned back to Sam . "See? Even Romeo said I didn"t look like I want to kill him . " He waved his arms to make a point .

That was true, he didn"t look like he wanted to kill him . In fact, he looked like he wanted to rip his limbs, slowly, before burning them and throwing their ashes in the middle of the Pacific Ocean .

Sam shut her closet and rolled her eyes . "Okay, whatever Augustus . Whatever!"

Augustus relaxed immediately . "Where are you going anyway?"

"Hospital visit . " She sighed .

"Zig?" I spoke for the first time .

"Yes, him," she said and Augustus muttered something .

Zig was actually Augustus"s childhood friend . I think you know that .

"Can I tag along too?" I said . "I"ll check up on him and remove my cast . "

Sam smiled . "Of course you can come!"

"So you only fight with me, huh? "Of course, you can come!"" He mimicked her words scornfully . Sam ignored him .

I laughed this time . "Okay, please, do collect yourselves and calm down . "

"I am calm, I swear," Augustus said, red in the face . "I don"t care anyway . "

Sam smirked, shrugged and smiled at him . Augustus raised his eyebrows and I think I did too . After that we all dispersed, getting ready for the unexpected hospital "trip" .

Good G.o.d . Amateurs .


A/N: That was more of a lighthearted chapter especially after the drama in the previous chapter lol XD!*** Alexanders POV . I brought a tissue to dampen my eyes as I looked at Adrianas grave- Augustuss mother . Today was her twenty-first death anniversary and my heart never failed to break when I brought flowers to her grave . She was the closest thing to my heart after Augustus . I let my now rough hands touch her gravestone and closed my eyes . Its difficult . It has always been difficult . Losing someone you can never retrieve is the most difficult loss to experience, especially if it was a loved one . I mean, you can lose a person to the darkness of the world . But it beats, losing them to the darkness and ruthlessness of death . Because here, they were unredeemable . And yes . That was what I made Julius feel . The most painful loss . Everything else would seem trivial and petty to this, this scorching pain . I took a deep breath and momentarily enjoyed the peace of the quiet surrounding me before my phone buzzed in my jackets pocket . It was time to say goodbye again, I realized . I smiled having faith that she was with me, or at the very least in my heart . That was enough . It had always been enough for twenty-one years . I walked back to my car and returned Philips missed call . He answered immediately . He was panting . Sir- Breath . Sir, I think we have a situation . A situation? I repeated, switching on the cars heater and raising my eyebrows . Enlighten me . So -uh- Simon was looking for any information, the other day, on Ricardo so that we could go look for the doc.u.ments by ourselves rather than depend on the girl . He -uh- found that article, he said and I urged him to continue . The article said that Ricardo had an accident about six to seven years ago . A car accident . So? Whats the situation? I know about that, I said irritably as I stared at my eyes through the cars rearview mirror . Thing is, his daughter was with him, he panted . Sir, the article said, his daughter didnt live the accident unscathed . I sat up straighter in my cars seat demanding Philip my undivided attention . What do you mean? I said rolling my eyes . Obviously, she would be unscathed . It was a b.l.o.o.d.y acc- She lost her sight, sir, he said, interrupting me and I shut up as I stared at the empty street ahead of me that was guarded by unyielding, naked trees in the still air . That was interesting information . Philip continued hesitantly . Sir . Sam, the girl we are after, has absolutely no record of being admitted to a hospital for being blind . She was just never blind . What are you saying? I frowned deeply . There must be something wrong! Either the article or the d.a.m.ned hospital records! There was a considerably long pause, punctuated by Philips heavy breathing and my whirring thoughts . Sir? What did Ricardo do? He was a businessman, right? Philip asked suddenly, his breaths evening out now . Of course not! He was a b.l.o.o.d.y lawyer! I scowled angrily . How couldnt they know? Well, then you arent going to like what I have to say- Philip started as I heard him shuffle through papers in the background . The Sam were after, her father, Ricardo Murde, is a famous businessman . He legit shares the same b.l.o.o.d.y name except for an extra e at the end of Murd . Absolutely insane, sir . I fell silent . What the h.e.l.l are you saying? That cannot be possible . I sucked in my lower lip in frustration as I resumed to listen to his nonsense . Well, it is possible, especially that weve been quite reckless and random about finding Ricardos daughter . We havent looked into those -uh- those specificities . Its- Do you call knowing Ricardos full name and his occupation a b.l.o.o.d.y specificity?! I snarled, clutching the cars steering wheel . That is the most obvious step any person with dung for a brain would do, Philip! Well, in the crowd of what we had to do, he paused to sigh . -it seems weve missed the simplest thing . Sorry- And youre saying that shamelessly! I exclaimed sarcastically . We just- G.o.ddammit, cant I depend on any of you, fools? I ranted with exasperation . Youve been wasting time, k.n.o.bheads . Who knows where those b.l.o.o.d.y doc.u.ments are and in whose hands are they between now! Sir- What about the girl? I said, ignoring him . Are there any records about her? How is she now? Where would she b- I asked as I heard Philip shuffle more papers . Not anything that we could access- Are you even being serious? I pressed on each word . Nothing about her? h.e.l.l, what in Merlins name do we even know?! Just her name? That, by the way, I sincerely hope is right . And that shes b.l.o.o.d.y blind! Do we even have any solid evidence, dammit? I swear we tried, but everyt- But that didnt seem like trial to me . This was a failure to get what I wanted to be done . And I had absolutely no tolerance to as such . So Im coming, was all I said before I hung up . And instead of going back home, I headed to the airport . Things were getting out of hand . And when that happened, I had no other choice but to get involved . Now, there was no room for a single mistake . --- Juliuss POV . My head was still spinning . Nothing made sense anymore . I was so confused, so detached, so stupid, so sickeningly stupid . I tapped my feet continuously as I stared at the children running around in the park . I didnt know what to think or where to start thinking . Everything was a blur . If Sam wasnt Ricardos daughter, who was? Dammit, who was Ricardo? I shut my eyes and frowned . This was getting messed up faster than I thought was possible . I looked away from the kids and spotted Samantha caning her way into the park . My heart leapt and I was going to approach her, but my fear of harming her tied me back to my bench . There was just something about her . Something about her faces serenity that made me want to tell her everything . Everything about me . I wanted to tell her that I was a bad person who had no emotion really . But I also wanted to tell her that somethings happen to me when I am with her (even if she doesnt recognize my presence) . I wanted to tell her that being with her made me want to do the strangest of things . Listen to her heart sing . Brush her perfectly nail-polished fingers . Touch the tip of her b.u.t.ton nose . Touch her hair . Even see her eyes, that were guarded by her sungla.s.ses . I wanted to tell her that just thinking about conducting such peculiar actions, provoked something in me . Something I reckoned was dead . I was staring at her when she looked in my direction . My heart stopped momentarily, but then I reminded myself that she was blind and a part of me was thankful for that . Because that meant that I could be with her without harming her . I watched her hair flutter around her face . I watched her fingers clicking b.u.t.tons on her mp3 player every once in a while . Watched her cross her legs and uncross them . Watched her pick a fallen leaf from her hair . Watched her clench and un-clench her tiny fists . Watching her seemed to make me forget about all what mattered . And I allowed it . h.e.l.l, I welcomed it . I wanted her to make me forget . But then she left and all the responsibilities came rushing back in . I remembered and left too . --- When I returned to the hotel, Augustus was still there apparently waiting for me in my room . He was on his phone when I walked in . Wheres Sam? was the first I said and he sighed . He had taken off his coat and boots and was sitting on my bed, feet crossed and hands planted next to him on the bed . She locked herself in her room . She would never let me in, he said shrugging . I nodded relieved and sat next to him . He then placed a hand on my shoulder and I looked at him surprisedly . He was smiling and his teary electric-blue eyes were dancing . Just give it time, Romeo . He c.o.c.ked his head . Sometimes the solution to a problem is simply waiting . He continued wisely, diverting his gaze away . I took a deep breath and was almost shocked that I didnt want to actually shrug his hand off . I just found it too tiring to constantly push people away . And I actually decided that maybe confiding in someone, I knew was trustworthy, might actually help me . However, there was this part in me reminding me of who I was . And I suddenly felt pathetic . Everything will be okay . Youre right . It just needs some time . I lied through my teeth . This just wasnt it . I was petrified . I didnt know what to do . I was an utterly screwed, pitiful thing that had managed to endanger peoples lives for no reason . When I snapped out of it, Augustus was intently staring at me . I lifted my eyebrows and he narrowed his eyes . Are you okay? He then asked . Was I? Yes . Of course . Why shouldnt I be? I tilted my head curiously . Mate . I mightve known you for a little while, but I feel you . You look- I dont know- hurt, to me? He cringed and my eyes widened a bit . But I am not- I said with fake certainty . You can keep denying it, but my instincts were never wrong, my friend . Denying it just means you arent accepting what happened to you . It means you arent ready to move on . I swear I had no idea what he was exactly talking about . I- You actually think Im buying all the s.h.i.t you told me about you just being harmed? I mean, blimey, that person, seemed to have dragged into h.e.l.l . He then snorted and I almost smiled at his a.n.a.lysis . I found it cynical that he could actually make such a.s.sumptions (nearly accurate) with minimum evidence . Could he read peoples minds? Or was it a talent practised by people? I needed to learn how to do that . Id make sure to ask him one day . Is it that obvious? I winced and he chuckled . I mean, maybe it was all my fault . What if I wasnt effectively masking my emotions? That sheerly translated into disaster . Nah . Im just good at knowing those things . He said and I shook my head . Definitely a talent . Then let me tell you that it isnt as bad as it looks . I shrugged it off with a humourless chuckle . In other words, you arent going to tell me whats bothering you, he said waving his hands haphazardly . What- I was shaking my head . You can trust me, you know? He then cut me off with a genuine smile with his blue eyes sparkling under the lights . I was caught off guard by the sincerity in his voice . It was almost touching . I know- I smirked . Good . He then nodded solemnly, looking in front of him . I narrowed my eyes on him, then sighed . I mean it, Augustus . I actually do trust you . I was even just thinking about you . And I was . You read that I was thinking about him being trustworthy, didnt you? Im flattered . Really . I chuckled at his response and shook my head, partly hoping that this would end the conversation . You can always depend on me, you know that also, right? Right? But Augustus had to say after a short while of silence . His need of rea.s.surance that I trusted him rendered me surprised . I never had anyone who cared about my opinion, and it was surely understandable . But maybe, it was because he didnt know about my other side . The side that killed twenty people . Maybe if he knew that hed be scared . So I looked at him and smiled genuinely . I know, Gustus . You should know that too . He shrugged with a lopsided smile . Just making sure . I laughed and decided that I wanted to be nice . You dont need to make sure . Youre like my little brother . I said and actually ruffled his hair with my good hand . He grinned boyishly . I never had a brother . He then stated and I smiled . Neither did I . Now you do . He grinned and I suppressed a chuckle . Okay, dont you think its getting a bit cringy? I crinkled my forehead . Yeah, and its getting gay too . He pointed out and I chuckled, shaking my head . You initiated this, I said and he made a face . Okay, lets go check on Sam, I then added, c.o.c.king my head towards the door . He just nodded slowly before we both got up and headed to Sams room . We stood in front of her door before Augustus knocked . Once . GO AWAY! she screeched from inside and Augustus flinched beside me . I narrowed my eyes at him curiously . What did you do? I whispered . He looked away before a small mischievous smile appeared on his face . Might as well have- uh- done something unforgivable . According to her . He rolled his eyes and I raised my eyebrows . And that was? I said . I-uh- touched her . I just grazed her hand! I swear! I didnt even hold it when she went all bananas on me! I just wanted to comfort her, he said confusedly and I dared smile . Sam got her ways . Very loving ways indeed . I then turned to the door and knocked . LEAVE ME ALONE! She exploded again . Sam its me . Romeo, I said and then there was silence before the rooms door was unlocked . She peeked behind the door to find Augustus and I watching her . I with a serious face and him with a cheeky grin . She cleared her throat and looked down . What do you want? She then said curtly and before I could intervene, Augustus replied . Whats with that att.i.tude of yours, huh? A girl like you would be swooning by having two guys like us wanting to get into her f.u.c.king room . He scowled playfully and crossed his arms in front of his chest . Stay out of it, Gust! She warned, raising her index finger in front of Augustuss face . Augustuss scowl then turned into a smirk . Say it again, he said getting closer to her . What- Sam started confusedly, as he caught her tiny index finger in his hand . My nickname . You just nicknamed me . Say it again . Sammy . He grinned at her and she was caught off guard for a second before she pulled her finger from his clutch . She looked away and Augustus burst into laughter . I win, Sam! I b.l.o.o.d.y win! Sam flushed and cleared her throat . Before letting his victory take any wrong turns, I coughed, making my apparently not-so-obvious presence more obvious . Would you let us in, please? I said seriously and both heads snapped up to me . Sam then immediately stepped aside and we both got into her room . Her room was too small for both of us, Augustus and I, so we both just stood while she sat on her bed looking up at us . We were much huger than she was . Yes? she said simply . We were just gonna check up on your ungrateful a.r.s.e . And youre okay, therefore I recommend leavin- Augustus started, but I stopped him from leaving anyway as Sam glared at him . Those two should get their nonsense together- I thought to myself . Youre aware that youre still under apparent danger, right? I said slowly and she looked me in the eyes for a long time before nodding . I am . Im here to tell you that -um- I scratched the back of my head, searching for something to say before I blurted it out . Look, I apologize for what Ive accused you of . You werent to blame on something like this . I was insensitive and simply- Angry . You were simply angry, Romeo, I get it . She looked away and sighed . No, thats beside the point . Thing is, your life became my actual responsibility, and needless to say, its difficult . And scary . I paused, remembering Audrey . In fact, I was so scared for you, it angered me . So- I was then cut off by Sams ringing phone, she excused herself and walked to her rooms window to talk . It was Ben . Whos that Ben? Augustus asked, looking at Sam as she laughed . I looked at him surprised by his question . I dont know . Ask her . I lied . I was simply too lazy to explain Sams relationships . I could find something better to do . Sam laughed again and Augustus turned to me urgently . He seems important to her . He whispered, looking back at her . So? I raised my eyebrows . What, so? I wanna know who he is . He insisted and I smirked . And why is that? Why do you care, anyway? I narrowed my eyes at him playfully . He raised his eyebrows and was about to speak, but then shut up . Yeah . Youre right . He shrugged . I dont care . I watched him mutter to himself every time Sam laughed, things like, its not like you care, shes a wh.o.r.e anyway, totally not bothered, Ill break his f.u.c.king neck and I still dont care . When she finally hung up and looked at us, Augustus looked away from her and started whistling . He was obviously, irritably jealous . Stop! I hate whistling . I heard it calls the demons . Sam said, but Augustus whistled louder . And I rolled my eyes Sam huffed and turned to me . Bens coming over . She said as Augustuss whistling faltered to a stop as he diverted his gaze back to her . Why? Augustus asked casually . Sam was about to answer him before she shut her mouth, placed her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow . None of your beeswax, she said and Augustus crossed his arms over his chest, clenching his jaws . Youre right, its not like I give a s.h.i.t . Ill be leaving with him- Sam continued to talk to me, but Augustus cut her . You cant leave, its dangerous for you . I mean, I dont care, Im just helping Romeo with his responsibility . He then glanced at me while I nodded, stifling my laughter at their situation . Im utterly flattered, but Bens a man . He can protect me . She eyed him with a smirk . Augustus raised his eyebrows . He doesnt sound like a man to me . I mean -uh- look at his name! What kind of mans name is Ben? Benji? Benjamin? Augustus said, making faces . You havent even met him! She frowned . Are you defending him? He widened his eyes and I watched bemusedly . It was amusing getting to watch a live TV show . Except for it wasnt a show . What-Whats that got to do with anything? she said as if offended . Youre judging the closest person to me! The what? Augustus looked like he was just slapped . And how close is your closest person to you?! He mimicked her and she just turned to her closet to take out clothes . I stood in the rooms corner a fist held to my mouth . They were funny, little things . Hey, Sam! He walked to her closet . She turned to him with a grimace . What?! Im coming with you, he said and I raised my eyebrows . That was Augustus making a move . Interesting progression . Please, note my sarcasm . You will not! I will! Why?! What why? I -uh- I want to see your closest person, Sammy . I wanna give him the biggest hug of all time . You look like you want to kill him . She rolled her eyes and immediately Augustus turned to me . And the hero approached the audience . Wait, that didnt happen in shows . Romeo! Does it look like I want to kill him?! He looked me in my eyes, pleading, with a red face and with hair covering his left eye . I shook my head quickly then he turned back to Sam . See? Even Romeo said I didnt look like I want to kill him . He waved his arms to make a point . That was true, he didnt look like he wanted to kill him . In fact, he looked like he wanted to rip his limbs, slowly, before burning them and throwing their ashes in the middle of the Pacific Ocean . Sam shut her closet and rolled her eyes . Okay, whatever Augustus . Whatever! Augustus relaxed immediately . Where are you going anyway? Hospital visit . She sighed . Zig? I spoke for the first time . Yes, him, she said and Augustus muttered something . Zig was actually Augustuss childhood friend . I think you know that . Can I tag along too? I said . Ill check up on him and remove my cast . Sam smiled . Of course you can come! So you only fight with me, huh? Of course, you can come! He mimicked her words scornfully . Sam ignored him . I laughed this time . Okay, please, do collect yourselves and calm down . I am calm, I swear, Augustus said, red in the face . I dont care anyway . Sam smirked, shrugged and smiled at him . Augustus raised his eyebrows and I think I did too . After that we all dispersed, getting ready for the unexpected hospital trip . Good G.o.d . Amateurs . *** A/N: That was more of a lighthearted chapter especially after the drama in the previous chapter lol XD!

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