Julius Caesar

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

A/N:""Psst . . . there might be a bit of violence ahead of you . ""


It was Thursday . Samantha"s surgery day .

And I felt like I was the biggest d.i.c.k alive . It had been almost two days of me trying to reach Augustus and finding it impossible . Guilt took its toll on me and here I was standing right in front of Samantha"s door waiting for her to come out as Amanda glared away at me and I smirked with distaste .

I felt bored most of the time so I occasionally called Samantha to check up on her for the past days, a big part of me wishing that Augustus would call and come back .

I didn"t even know where he lived . I never even asked, because he was the one who always came . He was the one who made the effort . Who took the risk . Who showed his need for me . And what did I do? I acted like I didn"t care . Like I was an iceberg when the furnace inside me could burn hearts with the care I carry in my heart . I shifted in my place feeling anger course through me and crash my thoughts like a relentless wave . I was a pathetic, worthless pig . I didn"t deserve him .  

I shifted again feeling my heart sink at my last thought . But I mean, why would anyone deserve me? G.o.d forbid having anyone who"d deserve me . I mean how bad could they be?

Samantha then appeared at the doorway in a breath-taking smile, a simple, white shirt topped with a brown jacket, faded jeans, and boots . Her hair was held high in a messy bun and her lips glistened with light-pink lipgloss in the sun . And I simply forgot . Forgot who I was and how hard I could hurt her .

I smiled .

"You ready?" I asked reaching for her hand and bringing her to my side . She nodded enthusiastically as Amanda slammed the door shut, rolling her eyes .

"I"m so full of adrenaline! I think I"m scared, or excited, ugh! My feelings are so confused-" She blurted, smiling as I chuckled .

"Don"t worry Samantha . It"ll go by fast . "

Her hold around my hand tightened and I my smile widened as we started walking .


I was standing in the corner of the room watching the doctors ready Samantha for the operation . Her head snapped in all directions as she frowned, her milky-white eyes trying to desperately look for something . She sat on a bed while the doctors surrounded her . Her calm demeanour was gone . She looked frantic, terrified even .

"Alright . She"s ready . " One of the nurses announced and I stood straighter, alert for any instructions . Another nurse started wheeling her bed away .

"Wait!" Samantha said, putting out her hands and clutching one of the nurse"s arms frantically . "Caesar?" She then called out urgently, surprising me .

All the nurses turned toward me and I raised my eyebrows . I pushed myself off the wall, walked to her bed and asked the nurses for a few moments of privacy . They left and I sighed as I sat next to Samantha on the bed .

"I thought you left for a moment-" She breathed as her hands found mine and squeezed hard . "Couldn"t smell you for a second . " She sighed with relief then pressed a smile .

"I would never-" I said, rubbing her hands gently in mine . I watched her take deep breaths and smiled . She couldn"t even help being adorable when she was nervous . If only she could see what I could see . "It"s going to be okay, Samanth" I whispered . "I promise . " She then inhaled deeply, squeezed her eyes shut and started muttered something .

I think she was praying .

She then opened her empty eyes and smiled warmly . "I prayed that G.o.d unites us again . "

I chuckled and rested my right palm on her cheek . "He will . Don"t worry-"

"Worry? Am I being too clingy? I-" She started, suddenly removing her hands from under mine and pushing my other hand from her cheek . I c.o.c.ked my head back in surprise before grinning and cutting her off .

"No, it"s-" I reached for her hands again with raised eyebrows, but she backed off .

"I have absolutely no romance history . I don"t know if I"m acting right-" She blurted honestly, looking away and I grinned .

"I mean-"

"Also . I just had to get it off my chest, Caesar, before the operation . In case you want to run for your life before I could know how you look like, do it! I wouldn"t know you . I will be ok" I chuckled again and took her hands back into mine . She didn"t resist this time before she broke into a magnificent, heart-melting smile .

"I like you, Samantha," I found myself saying with a smile . "I wouldn"t leave that easily . "

She took a deep, shaky breath . "I think I like you too . "

I grinned . "That"s great-"

"Yup, feelings are mutual-" She said in a psychologist-like manner and I couldn"t help grinning .

"They are," I said, caressing her hands and smiling . "Okay, Samantha, I think you should go-" I then said softly, glancing at a nurse who opened the door and pointed at her watch .

She clutched my hands, scared and I gently removed them from mine .

"Be brave," I finally told her before planting a kiss on her forehead before the nurse came in and wheeled her away .

I took a deep breath .

It was Amanda time .


I jumped in from Samantha"s room"s window, careful that I didn"t hit the shelf that carried her frames . I stealthily moved around the piano and out of her neat room into a hall that branched into two with a staircase right in front of me . Luckily, the door was open .

Not knowing where Amanda could be, I searched the whole floor for her . I entered a room where the little kid -Bianc was sleeping peacefully, smiled satisfied and slowly closed her room"s door .

This should be easy .

I carefully went down the fancy, spiralling stairs and was about to proceed to the dining room when I stopped dead in my tracks .

And maybe the old songs,

Will bring back the old times,

Maybe the old lines will sound new .

Maybe she"ll lay her head on my shoulder,

Maybe she"ll lay her head on my shoulder,

Maybe old feelings will some through

Maybe we"ll start to cry,

And wonder why we ever walked away .

Maybe the old songs,

Will bring back the old times

And make her want to stay, oh oh

It was Amanda singing . In the kitchen . I smirked and took out my gun from my back . I stealthily entered the huge kitchen where she stood over the oven mixing something and singing . I smiled, clenched my jaws, took one big step and forcefully brought my hand to her mouth and my beautiful gun to her bulky head .

"You will not scream . You will not be stupid . We have a kid sleeping and trust me when I say that she wouldn"t want to see that," I whispered harshly in her ears as she dug her fingernails in my hands . "Now let"s leave the rice to stew and have a nice talk . What do you say?" I said, pushing the gun harder in her head .

I felt tears and mucus from the b.i.t.c.h"s nose wet my hands as I harshly directed the plump, short woman out of the stifling kitchen into the air-conditioned corridors . I took her to the living room and pushed her roughly on a chair which she collapsed on .

I tilted my head watching her adjust herself as my gun faced her . "Look, love-" I started with a cold smirk . "My ways are difficult because I don"t believe in killing as much as I believe in torture . I want my answers straight to the point . Lie and you get a bullet in one of those beautiful legs of yours . I am also sure that by looking in my face you can tell I"m not the type who jokes around . And when I say don"t lie," I said, looking straight into her eyes . "I would advice you not to . Like my terms?"

She looked at me terrified, her eyes firing darts in my direction . I raised a leg and rested it on the coffee table . She glared but said nothing .  

"Who are you?"

She looked around the room, but I was quick to lean in and push her face toward mine with my gun . "I don"t have time, so the faster you answer the easier it is for both of us . What do you say?"

Her green eyes swam in silent tears as she looked away . Her double chin prominent and her eyebrows thin and precise .

"Dan-Dan-D" She trailed off and I pursed my lips angrily .

"Dan, what b.i.t.c.h?" I said harshly, and her face screwed in anger .

"D-Danielle . And please refrain from using profanities . I"m your mother"s age-" 

At that, I laughed .

"And my mother would do that?" I asked scornfully . "Look, I"m not here to do small talk, so how about getting straight to the point? What the h.e.l.l do you want from Samantha?"

"I could ask you the same question . " She said, glancing at my gun and I grimaced .

"Don"t test my non-existent patience and get to the point," I demanded menacingly .

"You can"t do anything to me!" She burst suddenly and I raised my eyebrows . "Samantha would know-"

I laughed humorlessly again . "Uh-uh . You got that wrong . Actually, Danielle-" I said pausing and glancing at a beautiful gla.s.s vase hugging some wildflowers in the corner of the room . "-actually, Samantha will return here tomorrow-"

I laughed humorlessly again . "Uh-uh . You got that wrong . Actually, Danielle-" I said pausing and glancing at a beautiful gla.s.s vase hugging some wildflowers in the corner of the room . "-actually, Samantha will return here tomorrow-"

"If you harm her-" She started suddenly, threateningly and I smirked .

"She"ll return tomorrow . Not blind," I continued and looked with a wide smile, waiting for a reaction .

Her eyes were filled with fear and I smiled satisfied . "W-what do you mean?"

"I don"t repeat myself and you are not deaf, so let"s return to question two-" I said, tilting my head and she gulped .

"I-" She took a deep breath . "Can you please back away? I"m claustrophobic-"

"Then that"s another reason for why you should talk faster-" I retorted and she looked away, taking a deep breath .


"Let"s get to what"s after the b.l.o.o.d.y "I"-" I stated, losing my patience and glaring at her .

"Ricardo-" She blurted out, paused and pursed her lips as if in pain . "-was my husband and I can show you all the papers to prove that . " She added sincerely and I raised my eyebrows . She continued . "When I heard he died and that I was officially a widow with Bianca to raise, I had to do something-" She said with difficulty and I stared at her to continue .

"All I knew is that Ricardo loved Bianca so much and I was sure he"d want her to live like her sister -Manth lived . " She looked at me unsure if she should continue and I nodded with a grimace . "I knew I wouldn"t be able to provide for Bianca to keep up with the standard she was living in when he was alive . Especially when he left nothing f-for her in his will . " She said looking down and shaking her head . "He donated all his wealth for charity . Ironically . Samantha"s mother provides well for her- Mant-"

"You meant "us"," I said sharply and she nodded sadly .

"But I swear to G.o.d, I haven"t used a penny on myself . It was all for Bianca and Samantha . And Samantha is a very nice young woman . I loved her immediately and knew that she"s of no threat . "

"Obviously," I said scornfully . "-the girl"s blind . Permanently blind, yes? That was what you told her?"

"Well, what would you have done in my position?" she said looking angry all of a sudden .

"It surprises me how selfish you are-" I said hatefully . "Selfish enough to destroy the dreams of a young woman for the future of your daughter . You wouldn"t have any idea how it would feel to be blind for six years," I said my voice laced with venom .

"Don"t you dare use this accusing tone with me!" She said, her voice quavering . "I always felt guilty and I did my best to compensate-"

"What?" I said controlling my voice that was about to rise . "What could you possibly do to compensate for sight? A sense . "

"She could do the surgery when she was b.l.o.o.d.y twenty!" She said, ignoring my question . "Why don"t you go and ask her dead father why he didn"t let her have the surgery then? She"s twenty-four now -bless her- and I"ve only been with her for a few months after her father died . So you can"t totally blame me! The girl"s been played around by everyone!" She said, her eyes wide open .

"Bulls.h.i.t! You"re making all that s.h.i.t up! Where is the real Amanda?!" I exploded, irritated at what she said .

This just couldn"t be right .

"Oh her-" She said, forcing out a cold, hard laugh . "She didn"t give two s.h.i.ts when I insisted that I took care of her . Told her I was a window with no kids and needed some company . Told me that it was okay as long as I pretended to be her so that Samantha wouldn"t feel unbelonging . So that she"d always have her heart . It"s funny how she easily called her mom and told her to pay me for taking care of her daughter! Amanda didn"t even check who I was . Only my name and she was ready to throw off the responsibility off her shoulders . The girl was disowned by her family!"


"Oh yeah, Mr Caesar? Then let me ask you a question! Why the h.e.l.l didn"t her mother let her stay with her in France after her father died, huh? How can you explain it that her mother only calls me to make sure I received the money without even talking to her kid?! How do you explain that?! This is one messed up family, I had to keep up with for the sake of Bianca!" Her outburst shocked me to the extent that I lowered my gun to my side .

"That can"t be rig-"
"Oh yeah, Mr Caesar? Then let me ask you a question! Why the h.e.l.l didn"t her mother let her stay with her in France after her father died, huh? How can you explain it that her mother only calls me to make sure I received the money without even talking to her kid?! How do you explain that?! This is one messed up family, I had to keep up with for the sake of Bianca!" Her outburst shocked me to the extent that I lowered my gun to my side .

"That can"t be rig-"

"Oh, it sure as h.e.l.l is-" She said, gaining confidence, now that I"d lowered my gun . "The girl is blind! Anything can be played on her! What people say don"t match their facial expressions, which she can"t see! Even her father, Ricardo, was lying to her all that time! That girl is a blind cat living in a cage packed with b.l.o.o.d.y lions-"

"Ricardo? Why would he do that? I thought he cared about her-" I said my eyes sharp and focused .

"Ha! You don"t even know Ricardo, do you? I married that man thinking I was in love with him . He"s a ruthless man . All his work is dirty .  He fishes for trouble . Definitely as sharp as a tack . Greatest lawyer of his time . I"m not surprised he was killed . He sure deserved it . Was an abusive son of a b.i.t.c.h . I discovered that I only lived with him for his money and for Bianca . So did he really care about Samantha?" She snorted, shaking her head and pouting scornfully .

"Then why were you warning me about it the first day we met?" I asked and she smirked .

"I guess I should"ve warned you harder . Should"ve scared the s.h.i.t out of you . Because look what my situation is right now . You"ve jeopardized my life-" She said, her green eyes glancing at my gun .

"That"s not enough reason . You drove away any friends she had-" I said, my brain a mess .

"Nope, that"s actually the only reason . Imagine what would happen to the girl if she knew all what I just told you . I wouldn"t have stayed quiet . I"d tell her the whole ugly truth about her family . I"d say anything to protect myself and Bianca . " She said looking into my eyes . "Samantha"s soft . She would probably kill herself or something . She"d blame it on herself and her disability . I know this girl like I know my daughter . And I pity her that everyone is using her disability, including myself . "

"Why would her father use her?" I asked shocked .

"I wouldn"t want my daughter to know the dirty things I did if I was a bad person . He got blood on his hands, you know? He must"ve thought that it"s better to leave the girl in the dark . " She tsked and I stared at her, hoping that any moment she would simply show any sign to show that she was lying all along .

But she wasn"t . I was excellent in kinesics- body language- and I could easily tell a lie from a truth .

"Do you know what"s become of Ricardo"s possessions?" I then asked, throwing caution in the wind and she raised her eyebrows

"Possessions? What do you mean?" She asked curiously and I sighed .

"Doc.u.ments . Papers-?" I started and she stopped me .

"Why?" She asked and I raised my eyebrows threateningly . She bit her lip once in apprehension . "I"m not quite sure where-"

"Are you?" I snapped and she winced .

"I don"t think I can tell you-" She said and I immediately raised my gun again while c.o.c.king my head .

"Oh? I think you can," I breathed, aiming my gun at her leg .  

She immediately raised her hand and scooted away . "Look, I promised him-"

"Why are you contradictory? Why would you want to keep a promise of a man you hated?" I asked, and she gulped .

"Well, those doc.u.ments-" She uttered, grimacing and looking down . She then looked up again in my eyes and shuddered . "-they are bad, bad doc.u.ments . "


A/N: *clears throat* Any theories? ;)A/N:Psst . there might be a bit of violence ahead of you . *** It was Thursday . Samanthas surgery day . And I felt like I was the biggest d.i.c.k alive . It had been almost two days of me trying to reach Augustus and finding it impossible . Guilt took its toll on me and here I was standing right in front of Samanthas door waiting for her to come out as Amanda glared away at me and I smirked with distaste . I felt bored most of the time so I occasionally called Samantha to check up on her for the past days, a big part of me wishing that Augustus would call and come back . I didnt even know where he lived . I never even asked, because he was the one who always came . He was the one who made the effort . Who took the risk . Who showed his need for me . And what did I do? I acted like I didnt care . Like I was an iceberg when the furnace inside me could burn hearts with the care I carry in my heart . I shifted in my place feeling anger course through me and crash my thoughts like a relentless wave . I was a pathetic, worthless pig . I didnt deserve him .   I shifted again feeling my heart sink at my last thought . But I mean, why would anyone deserve me? G.o.d forbid having anyone whod deserve me . I mean how bad could they be? Samantha then appeared at the doorway in a breath-taking smile, a simple, white shirt topped with a brown jacket, faded jeans, and boots . Her hair was held high in a messy bun and her lips glistened with light-pink lipgloss in the sun . And I simply forgot . Forgot who I was and how hard I could hurt her . I smiled . You ready? I asked reaching for her hand and bringing her to my side . She nodded enthusiastically as Amanda slammed the door shut, rolling her eyes . Im so full of adrenaline! I think Im scared, or excited, ugh! My feelings are so confused- She blurted, smiling as I chuckled . Dont worry Samantha . Itll go by fast . Her hold around my hand tightened and I my smile widened as we started walking . --- I was standing in the corner of the room watching the doctors ready Samantha for the operation . Her head snapped in all directions as she frowned, her milky-white eyes trying to desperately look for something . She sat on a bed while the doctors surrounded her . Her calm demeanour was gone . She looked frantic, terrified even . Alright . Shes ready . One of the nurses announced and I stood straighter, alert for any instructions . Another nurse started wheeling her bed away . Wait! Samantha said, putting out her hands and clutching one of the nurses arms frantically . Caesar? She then called out urgently, surprising me . All the nurses turned toward me and I raised my eyebrows . I pushed myself off the wall, walked to her bed and asked the nurses for a few moments of privacy . They left and I sighed as I sat next to Samantha on the bed . I thought you left for a moment- She breathed as her hands found mine and squeezed hard . Couldnt smell you for a second . She sighed with relief then pressed a smile . I would never- I said, rubbing her hands gently in mine . I watched her take deep breaths and smiled . She couldnt even help being adorable when she was nervous . If only she could see what I could see . Its going to be okay, Samanth I whispered . I promise . She then inhaled deeply, squeezed her eyes shut and started muttered something . I think she was praying . She then opened her empty eyes and smiled warmly . I prayed that G.o.d unites us again . I chuckled and rested my right palm on her cheek . He will . Dont worry- Worry? Am I being too clingy? I- She started, suddenly removing her hands from under mine and pushing my other hand from her cheek . I c.o.c.ked my head back in surprise before grinning and cutting her off . No, its- I reached for her hands again with raised eyebrows, but she backed off . I have absolutely no romance history . I dont know if Im acting right- She blurted honestly, looking away and I grinned . I mean- Also . I just had to get it off my chest, Caesar, before the operation . In case you want to run for your life before I could know how you look like, do it! I wouldnt know you . I will be ok I chuckled again and took her hands back into mine . She didnt resist this time before she broke into a magnificent, heart-melting smile . I like you, Samantha, I found myself saying with a smile . I wouldnt leave that easily . She took a deep, shaky breath . I think I like you too . I grinned . Thats great- Yup, feelings are mutual- She said in a psychologist-like manner and I couldnt help grinning . They are, I said, caressing her hands and smiling . Okay, Samantha, I think you should go- I then said softly, glancing at a nurse who opened the door and pointed at her watch . She clutched my hands, scared and I gently removed them from mine . Be brave, I finally told her before planting a kiss on her forehead before the nurse came in and wheeled her away . I took a deep breath . It was Amanda time . --- I jumped in from Samanthas rooms window, careful that I didnt hit the shelf that carried her frames . I stealthily moved around the piano and out of her neat room into a hall that branched into two with a staircase right in front of me . Luckily, the door was open . Not knowing where Amanda could be, I searched the whole floor for her . I entered a room where the little kid -Bianc was sleeping peacefully, smiled satisfied and slowly closed her rooms door . This should be easy . I carefully went down the fancy, spiralling stairs and was about to proceed to the dining room when I stopped dead in my tracks . And maybe the old songs, Will bring back the old times, Maybe the old lines will sound new . Maybe sh.e.l.l lay her head on my shoulder, Maybe old feelings will some through Maybe well start to cry, And wonder why we ever walked away . Maybe the old songs, Will bring back the old times And make her want to stay, oh oh It was Amanda singing . In the kitchen . I smirked and took out my gun from my back . I stealthily entered the huge kitchen where she stood over the oven mixing something and singing . I smiled, clenched my jaws, took one big step and forcefully brought my hand to her mouth and my beautiful gun to her bulky head . You will not scream . You will not be stupid . We have a kid sleeping and trust me when I say that she wouldnt want to see that, I whispered harshly in her ears as she dug her fingernails in my hands . Now lets leave the rice to stew and have a nice talk . What do you say? I said, pushing the gun harder in her head . I felt tears and mucus from the b.i.t.c.hs nose wet my hands as I harshly directed the plump, short woman out of the stifling kitchen into the air-conditioned corridors . I took her to the living room and pushed her roughly on a chair which she collapsed on . I tilted my head watching her adjust herself as my gun faced her . Look, love- I started with a cold smirk . My ways are difficult because I dont believe in killing as much as I believe in torture . I want my answers straight to the point . Lie and you get a bullet in one of those beautiful legs of yours . I am also sure that by looking in my face you can tell Im not the type who jokes around . And when I say dont lie, I said, looking straight into her eyes . I would advice you not to . Like my terms? She looked at me terrified, her eyes firing darts in my direction . I raised a leg and rested it on the coffee table . She glared but said nothing .   Who are you? She looked around the room, but I was quick to lean in and push her face toward mine with my gun . I dont have time, so the faster you answer the easier it is for both of us . What do you say? Her green eyes swam in silent tears as she looked away . Her double chin prominent and her eyebrows thin and precise . Dan-Dan-D She trailed off and I pursed my lips angrily . Dan, what b.i.t.c.h? I said harshly, and her face screwed in anger . D-Danielle . And please refrain from using profanities . Im your mothers age-  At that, I laughed . And my mother would do that? I asked scornfully . Look, Im not here to do small talk, so how about getting straight to the point? What the h.e.l.l do you want from Samantha? I could ask you the same question . She said, glancing at my gun and I grimaced . Dont test my non-existent patience and get to the point, I demanded menacingly . You cant do anything to me! She burst suddenly and I raised my eyebrows . Samantha would know- I laughed humorlessly again . Uh-uh . You got that wrong . Actually, Danielle- I said pausing and glancing at a beautiful gla.s.s vase hugging some wildflowers in the corner of the room . -actually, Samantha will return here tomorrow- If you harm her- She started suddenly, threateningly and I smirked . Sh.e.l.l return tomorrow . Not blind, I continued and looked with a wide smile, waiting for a reaction . Her eyes were filled with fear and I smiled satisfied . W-what do you mean? I dont repeat myself and you are not deaf, so lets return to question two- I said, tilting my head and she gulped . I- She took a deep breath . Can you please back away? Im claustrophobic- Then thats another reason for why you should talk faster- I retorted and she looked away, taking a deep breath . I- Lets get to whats after the b.l.o.o.d.y I- I stated, losing my patience and glaring at her . Ricardo- She blurted out, paused and pursed her lips as if in pain . -was my husband and I can show you all the papers to prove that . She added sincerely and I raised my eyebrows . She continued . When I heard he died and that I was officially a widow with Bianca to raise, I had to do something- She said with difficulty and I stared at her to continue . All I knew is that Ricardo loved Bianca so much and I was sure hed want her to live like her sister -Manth lived . She looked at me unsure if she should continue and I nodded with a grimace . I knew I wouldnt be able to provide for Bianca to keep up with the standard she was living in when he was alive . Especially when he left nothing f-for her in his will . She said looking down and shaking her head . He donated all his wealth for charity . Ironically . Samanthas mother provides well for her- Mant- You meant us, I said sharply and she nodded sadly . But I swear to G.o.d, I havent used a penny on myself . It was all for Bianca and Samantha . And Samantha is a very nice young woman . I loved her immediately and knew that shes of no threat . Obviously, I said scornfully . -the girls blind . Permanently blind, yes? That was what you told her? Well, what would you have done in my position? she said looking angry all of a sudden . It surprises me how selfish you are- I said hatefully . Selfish enough to destroy the dreams of a young woman for the future of your daughter . You wouldnt have any idea how it would feel to be blind for six years, I said my voice laced with venom . Dont you dare use this accusing tone with me! She said, her voice quavering . I always felt guilty and I did my best to compensate- What? I said controlling my voice that was about to rise . What could you possibly do to compensate for sight? A sense . She could do the surgery when she was b.l.o.o.d.y twenty! She said, ignoring my question . Why dont you go and ask her dead father why he didnt let her have the surgery then? Shes twenty-four now -bless her- and Ive only been with her for a few months after her father died . So you cant totally blame me! The girls been played around by everyone! She said, her eyes wide open . Bulls.h.i.t! Youre making all that s.h.i.t up! Where is the real Amanda?! I exploded, irritated at what she said . This just couldnt be right . Oh her- She said, forcing out a cold, hard laugh . She didnt give two s.h.i.ts when I insisted that I took care of her . Told her I was a window with no kids and needed some company . Told me that it was okay as long as I pretended to be her so that Samantha wouldnt feel unbelonging . So that shed always have her heart . Its funny how she easily called her mom and told her to pay me for taking care of her daughter! Amanda didnt even check who I was . Only my name and she was ready to throw off the responsibility off her shoulders . The girl was disowned by her family! Bulls.h.i.t- Oh yeah, Mr Caesar? Then let me ask you a question! Why the h.e.l.l didnt her mother let her stay with her in France after her father died, huh? How can you explain it that her mother only calls me to make sure I received the money without even talking to her kid?! How do you explain that?! This is one messed up family, I had to keep up with for the sake of Bianca! Her outburst shocked me to the extent that I lowered my gun to my side . That cant be rig- Oh, it sure as h.e.l.l is- She said, gaining confidence, now that Id lowered my gun . The girl is blind! Anything can be played on her! What people say dont match their facial expressions, which she cant see! Even her father, Ricardo, was lying to her all that time! That girl is a blind cat living in a cage packed with b.l.o.o.d.y lions- Ricardo? Why would he do that? I thought he cared about her- I said my eyes sharp and focused . Ha! You dont even know Ricardo, do you? I married that man thinking I was in love with him . Hes a ruthless man . All his work is dirty .  He fishes for trouble . Definitely as sharp as a tack . Greatest lawyer of his time . Im not surprised he was killed . He sure deserved it . Was an abusive son of a b.i.t.c.h . I discovered that I only lived with him for his money and for Bianca . So did he really care about Samantha? She snorted, shaking her head and pouting scornfully . Then why were you warning me about it the first day we met? I asked and she smirked . I guess I shouldve warned you harder . Shouldve scared the s.h.i.t out of you . Because look what my situation is right now . Youve jeopardized my life- She said, her green eyes glancing at my gun . Thats not enough reason . You drove away any friends she had- I said, my brain a mess . Nope, thats actually the only reason . Imagine what would happen to the girl if she knew all what I just told you . I wouldnt have stayed quiet . Id tell her the whole ugly truth about her family . Id say anything to protect myself and Bianca . She said looking into my eyes . Samanthas soft . She would probably kill herself or something . Shed blame it on herself and her disability . I know this girl like I know my daughter . And I pity her that everyone is using her disability, including myself . Why would her father use her? I asked shocked . I wouldnt want my daughter to know the dirty things I did if I was a bad person . He got blood on his hands, you know? He mustve thought that its better to leave the girl in the dark . She tsked and I stared at her, hoping that any moment she would simply show any sign to show that she was lying all along . But she wasnt . I was excellent in kinesics- body language- and I could easily tell a lie from a truth . Do you know whats become of Ricardos possessions? I then asked, throwing caution in the wind and she raised her eyebrows Possessions? What do you mean? She asked curiously and I sighed . Doc.u.ments . Papers-? I started and she stopped me . Why? She asked and I raised my eyebrows threateningly . She bit her lip once in apprehension . Im not quite sure where- Are you? I snapped and she winced . I dont think I can tell you- She said and I immediately raised my gun again while c.o.c.king my head . Oh? I think you can, I breathed, aiming my gun at her leg .   She immediately raised her hand and scooted away . Look, I promised him- Why are you contradictory? Why would you want to keep a promise of a man you hated? I asked, and she gulped . Well, those doc.u.ments- She uttered, grimacing and looking down . She then looked up again in my eyes and shuddered . -they are bad, bad doc.u.ments . *** A/N: *clears throat* Any theories? ;)

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