Julius Caesar

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

I sat up straighter and stared more at the doc.u.ments . Was that why Father wanted those doc.u.ments so bad? Was it really because Mom wrote in her will that I should be the one to inherit the company when I was twenty? Five years ago? Was that really Mom"s will that I was looking at?

A set of yellowed papers compiled with other white papers describing how Father was illegally taking over Gorj was what I was staring at . A set of papers revealing a lot of Father"s dirty s.h.i.t . So many pages of what Father did and what he deserved for each felony .

I felt my heart sink surprisingly .

Wasn"t that what I wanted? What the h.e.l.l was I waiting for? I got all the evidence between my hands that would not only dethrone Father from Gorj but would also sue him for the rest of his life .

I flicked through the pages feeling bitter at my victory . Was that it? Should I really submit all these files to the police? Would that make me happy?

I didn"t know .

I re-read mom"s will and her wishes many times . Hoping to get a clue about what the h.e.l.l should I do .

Should I call father and tell him I found the doc.u.ments? It"d surprise him and probably scare him that I found out about the truth .

He"d be surprised just like I was when I realized that I didn"t care . I didn"t care about anything at all . Not the fact that I was Gorj"s legal CEO . Not the fact that I could crumple father by a call and maybe a visit to the police station .

I found out that I didn"t care after all of that hard work . I no longer was keen on revenge like I was, now that I had it . Now, Audrey"s promises seemed empty and irrelevant . It didn"t matter anymore .

I just felt like the solution to my problem wasn"t to look for trouble, but to simply choose normal . I wanted to live away from all of this mess . Might as well hand Father all those doc.u.ments so that he could destroy them . And by that, I"d be set free . He could have the company, the money, everything I could"ve possibly had . I wanted nothing . I just wanted to be normal again . I wanted to get away from everyone and everything . I wanted to run away from my fate . I wanted to start from scratch and live a rich life . A rich life, not in the sense of money . I wanted to lead a healthy life .

But that was crazy, wasn"t it? Who in his sane mind would give up such an enormous opportunity? A golden one?

I squeezed my eyes shut and took in deep breaths . I needed to calm down and think it right . Any recklessness from my side could have dire consequences .

I closed the file with a snap and got up to put all the doc.u.ments in the closet . No one would open it . And as far as I was concerned, Father wouldn"t .

I looked at the time . It was already midnight . I sighed and dropped on my bed tiredly .

Suddenly, my phone rang causing my heart to leap out of my chest .

I reached for my phone with a heavy sigh and looked at the ID of the caller . It was an unknown number . I glanced at the time again .

12:05 a . m

I frowned slightly and ignored the call . If anyone wanted me, they should know when to call . And definitely not midnight .

I laid down again and was surprised to hear the "beep" of a message .

I sighed angrily and picked my phone to find a message from the same unknown number . I then unlocked the phone and checked the message curiously .

Unknown number:

That makes it twice . We don"t forget :)

I stared at the message and raised my eyebrows . Who got the audacity to send threats that made no sense to me? It was actually funny . I remembered smiling at my phone .

I then rolled my eyes and chucked my phone away . I got lots of threats all the time, but this was trivial and non-consequential . I liked face to face threats . More authentic and real .

Sending text messages is for p.u.s.s.ies and lovers .

I switched off the lights, took a deep breath and slept .


I was currently sitting in the hospital"s waiting room, waiting for the doctors to "ready" Samantha to meet me .

I sat there fidgeting with my ring on my middle finger and daring myself to actually smoke a cigarette in the hospital .

That would"ve been so cool .

I rolled my eyes at the thought, but was about to reach for a cigarette anyway, when a nurse came and asked me to follow her .

I dropped my hand from my chest"s pocket where my cigarette box stayed teasingly . I then got up and followed her, excited that I"d get to see Samantha and that she"d get to see me too .

My heart even jumped at the thought and a smile found its way to my lips involuntarily . The nurse stopped with a tight smile and opened the door to Samantha"s room while I was almost suffocating from excitement .

She was sitting on a hospital chair bed, grinning and talking to the doctor animatedly . Hearing her silky voice and seeing her almost explode from delight sent satisfying chills down my spine . I was just so relieved .

The doctor glanced at me and smiled as Samantha and her ponytail turned to me .

I stared at her and she stared at me as the doctor excused himself and left . Her eyes were literally heart-stopping . I inhaled sharply at their vibrancy . The colour of the purest, bluest oceans . The breathtaking light of greenish-blue auroras . And I thought -G.o.d, wow . And I also thought- I need to get closer, cause wow . Her eyes were beautiful . She was so exquisite . And seeing her face as a whole without having half of it concealed by sungla.s.ses was so refreshing . I couldn"t not grin .

She was just so magical, sitting there, pale, pink lips parted, in white, plain pyjamas and jet black hair pulled in a high, immaculate ponytail . I approached her and her eyes followed my movements before I sat on the chair so I was facing her . I continued staring at her in silence . And I thought- I want to capture this moment, this feeling and keep it in my pocket forever .

"Words fail me," I whispered with a sincere smile tugging at my lips as she turned pink and looked away . "But I"ll start with, h.e.l.lo, Samantha," I breathed and she looked back at me speechlessly and bit her lips, drinking in my face over and over again with a smile threatening to stain her lips .

"h.e.l.lo . " Her voice was low and shy and my heart grew more . "Caesar," she added, bit her lower lip gently, then looked away . And I thought- maybe, she is trying to kill me by being so effortlessly lovely .

"You"re awfully quiet," I said and she slowly turned her head to face me . "I"m still the same person you spent your time with . For months . "

"You"re awfully quiet," I said and she slowly turned her head to face me . "I"m still the same person you spent your time with . For months . "

"I"m sorry . " She then breathed out a chuckle before staring at me . "I -uh- it"s just- you"re so much different than I imagined . " A smile played on her lips as she fumbled with her fingers .

I c.o.c.ked an eyebrow and smirked . "Good different or bad different?"

She blushed and I nodded at her, urging her to answer . "Actually-" she started, caught her breath and smiled . "Bad different . "

"Bad different, huh?" I looked at her suspiciously and her face broke into a beam .

"Totally . You look repugnant . For me," she was smiling and I was flying or dancing or melting . "I don"t know how to describe you . The words to use . "

"I can help you," I volunteered uselessly and she shook her head . I continued anyway . "I"m so extraordinarily and impossibly mouth-watering and delicious . "

Samantha gasped and shook her head . "You"re not food . " I raised my eyebrows at that but grinned . "You"re -ugh, fine . You are good-looking . I mean, I don"t think I saw someone . Like you . " She whispered the last part and my heart skipped another beat .

I got up and sat next to her on the chair bed . "That"s literally what I said," I whispered in her ears and she craned away . "Delicious," I scooted closer to her so that our arms were touching, but she scooted away .

"That"s a different context," she said defensively, clearing her throat . "I wouldn"t describe any person as "delicious" . That"s cannibalism," she said looking at her bare feet that swayed with her anklet .

"Oh . Alright . But I"d totally describe you like that," I said smiling, looking at her as she tried suppressing a smile . In the end, she failed, looked away and grinned .

I smiled at her and then she turned to me . "Your hair is unique . I absolutely love it," she said quickly out of nowhere .

"That"s it? Only my hair? Come on, Mantha, step up the game! For the last few months, I was the one constantly complimenting you . I was like, the girl"s blind and I gotta be forgiving-" I started sarcastically and she laughed adorably .

She then shook her head . "That"s all you"re getting from me for now, Caesar . Don"t hope for too much . You"ll end up with a broken heart . "

I then grinned at her as I watched her stare at her hands . "I"m glad . "

"That I like your hair?" she asked smiling, glancing at me and I smirked .

"Nah, I knew you"d like it anyway . Eventually . But I"m really glad you"re doing okay," I said sincerely and she beamed .

"And I"m glad that you didn"t stand me up . For a moment I had-" she started and I shook my head, cutting her off .

"Never," I said and she stared at me, lips slightly parted . "I would never do that . I tend to stick around with those whom I care for," I said as she blushed and looked away .

"You"re too sweet for me," she said shyly after a pause and I grinned .

"You deserve much more," I said, remembering how her family disowned her with a heart lurch .

"Oh G.o.d," she exclaimed out of nowhere . "I can"t wait to tell Amanda!" she then turned her back to reach for her phone that was on the other side of the chair bed . I then saw her chuck it away with a disappointed sigh . "My phone"s dead . " Her shoulders slumped a bit .

"Oh G.o.d," she exclaimed out of nowhere . "I can"t wait to tell Amanda!" she then turned her back to reach for her phone that was on the other side of the chair bed . I then saw her chuck it away with a disappointed sigh . "My phone"s dead . " Her shoulders slumped a bit .

I gulped, guessing her next question, which she asked enthusiastically . "Hey, Caesar, can I borrow your phone? I wanna call Amanda . She must be worried sick . "

Quick thoughts ran all over my brain . Lie or be honest? Is she ready? I didn"t think so . Not then . Not when she was so happy and expecting support from her closest ones . The ones whom she thought cared . She sure was soft . But she was also as strong . I just had to tell her when the right time comes .

When the right time comes .

I let my eyebrows furrow slightly feigning slight disturbance . "Oh, about that-" I started .

"Amanda called yesterday because you obviously didn"t turn up," I said slowly . "She was indeed worried . Very concerned . I could tell from her voice-"

Just blabber any details . Any unnecessary descriptions . Got to get time to think well .

"She said she didn"t expect you not to turn up . You know, she thought we were out on a date-" I started and watched Samantha nod her head as she stared at a vase full of flowers in front of her .

"But, she told me to tell you that she had to leave . She said that your phone was dead-" I added with a little risk . "-or else, she would"ve called you herself . "

"Did she say where she will go?" Samantha said in a small voice and I felt my heart beat faster .

Good question .

"She sai-"

"Maybe Glasgow," she then said suddenly, her face brightening . "She said she always wanted to go there! She had her best friend to visit whom I think just had a baby . Oh, but did she tell you when she"d return?" she asked softly, looking in my face .

"No . She didn"t," I hesitated for a bit . "But she said that you shouldn"t worry . If it took her long that is," I said looking into her eyes and immediately felt bad that I was lying to her .

She nodded slowly, diverting her gaze from mine and I wondered for a second if she felt my deception .

"Oh . Okay . " She shrugged .

"So shall we get to the important stuff now?" I said changing topics and scooting closer to her .

She didn"t scoot away this time .

"What stuff?" she said as I rested my head on her shoulder .

"Stuff like going out? On a real date?" I said as I felt her play with my hair .

"Hmm . . . what about that?"

"When would you like to go out? I want to be the one with whom you explore the world with, with those beautiful eyes of yours," I said and she immediately shrugged off my head .
"Hmm . . . what about that?"

"When would you like to go out? I want to be the one with whom you explore the world with, with those beautiful eyes of yours," I said and she immediately shrugged off my head .

"I don"t know," she said and I frowned playfully .

"How about we go out tonight?" I asked and she shook her head .

"Not yet, Caesar . " I sensed discomfort in her voice . "I have to have time to prepare," she said and I raised my eyebrows .

"It"s still fourteen hundred hours . I"m sure you can pull it off," I tried and she frowned confusedly .

"Fourteen, what?"

I grinned at her and shook my head . "I meant, two in the afternoon . "

"Oh . " She then nodded with raised brows . "Not really . It"s just the first time in eight years to be able to see, Caesar . I need time," she said softly with a sincere smile and I nodded . She was right .

"Yeah, you probably do," I then said, sighing disappointingly . "Alright, Mantha," I exhaled with a smile . "Are you ready to leave?" I pointed my thumb at the door before getting to my feet and standing in front of her .

Her eyes studied me again, before she nodded, took a deep, shaky breath and looked into my eyes .

"I"ll just take some of those flowers . They look absolutely beautiful," she then said casually, glancing at all the flower bouquets surrounding us and I laughed .

"They"re just some roses and lilies, Mantha . I promise you, I"ll get you a load of them if they make you so happy," I said and she looked up at me in glee .

"They do, Caesar! They make me so happy," she said getting up and standing in front of me, grinning .

I looked down at her and felt my heart skip a beat . I remember wanting to kiss her at this moment . And I remember how pink she was as she tried pushing back some hair behind her ears . I remember lots of energy and static when my fingers grazed her right arm .

Then the doctor barged into the room . And I dropped my arm as I stared at him incredulously .

But Samantha seemed unfazed . She smiled at the doctor and left me to thank him . I then remember her signing some papers and listening to some doctor advice before we finally left .

I also remember Samantha slipping her hand in mine and I remember how my heart swelled with warmth . Because this time, Samantha didn"t hold my hand because she couldn"t see and just needed a guide .

But simply because she chose to .


A/N: Heh . . . any thoughts, lovelies?I sat up straighter and stared more at the doc.u.ments . Was that why Father wanted those doc.u.ments so bad? Was it really because Mom wrote in her will that I should be the one to inherit the company when I was twenty? Five years ago? Was that really Moms will that I was looking at? A set of yellowed papers compiled with other white papers describing how Father was illegally taking over Gorj was what I was staring at . A set of papers revealing a lot of Fathers dirty s.h.i.t . So many pages of what Father did and what he deserved for each felony . I felt my heart sink surprisingly . Wasnt that what I wanted? What the h.e.l.l was I waiting for? I got all the evidence between my hands that would not only dethrone Father from Gorj but would also sue him for the rest of his life . I flicked through the pages feeling bitter at my victory . Was that it? Should I really submit all these files to the police? Would that make me happy? I didnt know . I re-read moms will and her wishes many times . Hoping to get a clue about what the h.e.l.l should I do . Should I call father and tell him I found the doc.u.ments? Itd surprise him and probably scare him that I found out about the truth . Hed be surprised just like I was when I realized that I didnt care . I didnt care about anything at all . Not the fact that I was Gorjs legal CEO . Not the fact that I could crumple father by a call and maybe a visit to the police station . I found out that I didnt care after all of that hard work . I no longer was keen on revenge like I was, now that I had it . Now, Audreys promises seemed empty and irrelevant . It didnt matter anymore . I just felt like the solution to my problem wasnt to look for trouble, but to simply choose normal . I wanted to live away from all of this mess . Might as well hand Father all those doc.u.ments so that he could destroy them . And by that, Id be set free . He could have the company, the money, everything I couldve possibly had . I wanted nothing . I just wanted to be normal again . I wanted to get away from everyone and everything . I wanted to run away from my fate . I wanted to start from scratch and live a rich life . A rich life, not in the sense of money . I wanted to lead a healthy life . But that was crazy, wasnt it? Who in his sane mind would give up such an enormous opportunity? A golden one? I squeezed my eyes shut and took in deep breaths . I needed to calm down and think it right . Any recklessness from my side could have dire consequences . I closed the file with a snap and got up to put all the doc.u.ments in the closet . No one would open it . And as far as I was concerned, Father wouldnt . I looked at the time . It was already midnight . I sighed and dropped on my bed tiredly . Suddenly, my phone rang causing my heart to leap out of my chest . I reached for my phone with a heavy sigh and looked at the ID of the caller . It was an unknown number . I glanced at the time again . 12:05 a . m I frowned slightly and ignored the call . If anyone wanted me, they should know when to call . And definitely not midnight . I laid down again and was surprised to hear the beep of a message . I sighed angrily and picked my phone to find a message from the same unknown number . I then unlocked the phone and checked the message curiously . Unknown number: That makes it twice . We dont forget :) I stared at the message and raised my eyebrows . Who got the audacity to send threats that made no sense to me? It was actually funny . I remembered smiling at my phone . I then rolled my eyes and chucked my phone away . I got lots of threats all the time, but this was trivial and non-consequential . I liked face to face threats . More authentic and real . Sending text messages is for p.u.s.s.ies and lovers . I switched off the lights, took a deep breath and slept . --- I was currently sitting in the hospitals waiting room, waiting for the doctors to ready Samantha to meet me . I sat there fidgeting with my ring on my middle finger and daring myself to actually smoke a cigarette in the hospital . That wouldve been so cool . I rolled my eyes at the thought, but was about to reach for a cigarette anyway, when a nurse came and asked me to follow her . I dropped my hand from my chests pocket where my cigarette box stayed teasingly . I then got up and followed her, excited that Id get to see Samantha and that shed get to see me too . My heart even jumped at the thought and a smile found its way to my lips involuntarily . The nurse stopped with a tight smile and opened the door to Samanthas room while I was almost suffocating from excitement . She was sitting on a hospital chair bed, grinning and talking to the doctor animatedly . Hearing her silky voice and seeing her almost explode from delight sent satisfying chills down my spine . I was just so relieved . The doctor glanced at me and smiled as Samantha and her ponytail turned to me . I stared at her and she stared at me as the doctor excused himself and left . Her eyes were literally heart-stopping . I inhaled sharply at their vibrancy . The colour of the purest, bluest oceans . The breathtaking light of greenish-blue auroras . And I thought -G.o.d, wow . And I also thought- I need to get closer, cause wow . Her eyes were beautiful . She was so exquisite . And seeing her face as a whole without having half of it concealed by sungla.s.ses was so refreshing . I couldnt not grin . She was just so magical, sitting there, pale, pink lips parted, in white, plain pyjamas and jet black hair pulled in a high, immaculate ponytail . I approached her and her eyes followed my movements before I sat on the chair so I was facing her . I continued staring at her in silence . And I thought- I want to capture this moment, this feeling and keep it in my pocket forever . Words fail me, I whispered with a sincere smile tugging at my lips as she turned pink and looked away . But Ill start with, h.e.l.lo, Samantha, I breathed and she looked back at me speechlessly and bit her lips, drinking in my face over and over again with a smile threatening to stain her lips . h.e.l.lo . Her voice was low and shy and my heart grew more . Caesar, she added, bit her lower lip gently, then looked away . And I thought- maybe, she is trying to kill me by being so effortlessly lovely . Youre awfully quiet, I said and she slowly turned her head to face me . Im still the same person you spent your time with . For months . Im sorry . She then breathed out a chuckle before staring at me . I -uh- its just- youre so much different than I imagined . A smile played on her lips as she fumbled with her fingers . I c.o.c.ked an eyebrow and smirked . Good different or bad different? She blushed and I nodded at her, urging her to answer . Actually- she started, caught her breath and smiled . Bad different . Bad different, huh? I looked at her suspiciously and her face broke into a beam . Totally . You look repugnant . For me, she was smiling and I was flying or dancing or melting . I dont know how to describe you . The words to use . I can help you, I volunteered uselessly and she shook her head . I continued anyway . Im so extraordinarily and impossibly mouth-watering and delicious . Samantha gasped and shook her head . Youre not food . I raised my eyebrows at that but grinned . Youre -ugh, fine . You are good-looking . I mean, I dont think I saw someone . Like you . She whispered the last part and my heart skipped another beat . I got up and sat next to her on the chair bed . Thats literally what I said, I whispered in her ears and she craned away . Delicious, I scooted closer to her so that our arms were touching, but she scooted away . Thats a different context, she said defensively, clearing her throat . I wouldnt describe any person as delicious . Thats cannibalism, she said looking at her bare feet that swayed with her anklet . Oh . Alright . But Id totally describe you like that, I said smiling, looking at her as she tried suppressing a smile . In the end, she failed, looked away and grinned . I smiled at her and then she turned to me . Your hair is unique . I absolutely love it, she said quickly out of nowhere . Thats it? Only my hair? Come on, Mantha, step up the game! For the last few months, I was the one constantly complimenting you . I was like, the girls blind and I gotta be forgiving- I started sarcastically and she laughed adorably . She then shook her head . Thats all youre getting from me for now, Caesar . Dont hope for too much . Youll end up with a broken heart . I then grinned at her as I watched her stare at her hands . Im glad . That I like your hair? she asked smiling, glancing at me and I smirked . Nah, I knew youd like it anyway . Eventually . But Im really glad youre doing okay, I said sincerely and she beamed . And Im glad that you didnt stand me up . For a moment I had- she started and I shook my head, cutting her off . Never, I said and she stared at me, lips slightly parted . I would never do that . I tend to stick around with those whom I care for, I said as she blushed and looked away . Youre too sweet for me, she said shyly after a pause and I grinned . You deserve much more, I said, remembering how her family disowned her with a heart lurch . Oh G.o.d, she exclaimed out of nowhere . I cant wait to tell Amanda! she then turned her back to reach for her phone that was on the other side of the chair bed . I then saw her chuck it away with a disappointed sigh . My phones dead . Her shoulders slumped a bit . I gulped, guessing her next question, which she asked enthusiastically . Hey, Caesar, can I borrow your phone? I wanna call Amanda . She must be worried sick . Quick thoughts ran all over my brain . Lie or be honest? Is she ready? I didnt think so . Not then . Not when she was so happy and expecting support from her closest ones . The ones whom she thought cared . She sure was soft . But she was also as strong . I just had to tell her when the right time comes . When the right time comes . I let my eyebrows furrow slightly feigning slight disturbance . Oh, about that- I started . Amanda called yesterday because you obviously didnt turn up, I said slowly . She was indeed worried . Very concerned . I could tell from her voice- Just blabber any details . Any unnecessary descriptions . Got to get time to think well . She said she didnt expect you not to turn up . You know, she thought we were out on a date- I started and watched Samantha nod her head as she stared at a vase full of flowers in front of her . But, she told me to tell you that she had to leave . She said that your phone was dead- I added with a little risk . -or else, she wouldve called you herself . Did she say where she will go? Samantha said in a small voice and I felt my heart beat faster . Good question . She sai- Maybe Glasgow, she then said suddenly, her face brightening . She said she always wanted to go there! She had her best friend to visit whom I think just had a baby . Oh, but did she tell you when shed return? she asked softly, looking in my face . No . She didnt, I hesitated for a bit . But she said that you shouldnt worry . If it took her long that is, I said looking into her eyes and immediately felt bad that I was lying to her . She nodded slowly, diverting her gaze from mine and I wondered for a second if she felt my deception . Oh . Okay . She shrugged . So shall we get to the important stuff now? I said changing topics and scooting closer to her . She didnt scoot away this time . What stuff? she said as I rested my head on her shoulder . Stuff like going out? On a real date? I said as I felt her play with my hair . Hmm . what about that? When would you like to go out? I want to be the one with whom you explore the world with, with those beautiful eyes of yours, I said and she immediately shrugged off my head . I dont know, she said and I frowned playfully . How about we go out tonight? I asked and she shook her head . Not yet, Caesar . I sensed discomfort in her voice . I have to have time to prepare, she said and I raised my eyebrows . Its still fourteen hundred hours . Im sure you can pull it off, I tried and she frowned confusedly . Fourteen, what? I grinned at her and shook my head . I meant, two in the afternoon . Oh . She then nodded with raised brows . Not really . Its just the first time in eight years to be able to see, Caesar . I need time, she said softly with a sincere smile and I nodded . She was right . Yeah, you probably do, I then said, sighing disappointingly . Alright, Mantha, I exhaled with a smile . Are you ready to leave? I pointed my thumb at the door before getting to my feet and standing in front of her . Her eyes studied me again, before she nodded, took a deep, shaky breath and looked into my eyes . Ill just take some of those flowers . They look absolutely beautiful, she then said casually, glancing at all the flower bouquets surrounding us and I laughed . Theyre just some roses and lilies, Mantha . I promise you, Ill get you a load of them if they make you so happy, I said and she looked up at me in glee . They do, Caesar! They make me so happy, she said getting up and standing in front of me, grinning . I looked down at her and felt my heart skip a beat . I remember wanting to kiss her at this moment . And I remember how pink she was as she tried pushing back some hair behind her ears . I remember lots of energy and static when my fingers grazed her right arm . Then the doctor barged into the room . And I dropped my arm as I stared at him incredulously . But Samantha seemed unfazed . She smiled at the doctor and left me to thank him . I then remember her signing some papers and listening to some doctor advice before we finally left . I also remember Samantha slipping her hand in mine and I remember how my heart swelled with warmth . Because this time, Samantha didnt hold my hand because she couldnt see and just needed a guide . But simply because she chose to . *** A/N: Heh . any thoughts, lovelies?

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