Julius Caesar

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Samantha"s POV .

I opened my eyes .

I blinked a couple of times to adjust to the bright sunlight that spilt from the open balcony doors . I then looked around the messy room I was in and sighed softly . Black walls . A scarlet armchair in a corner with a mountain of clothes, on top of which laid an open photo alb.u.m . There were boots kicked carelessly next to the armchair on top of a plush, crimson carpet . Then there was a big, empty desk -all the books and the lamp were knocked off it- with a single frame, slapped down on its face . Next to the table was a big, unpacked travelling bag- my bag .

Then there was the bed I was sleeping on . I tried to shift, but there was an arm around me . Holding me tight and secure .

Maxime . My brother .

I gently lifted his arm, sat up with a groan, slipped on my bunny-like slippers and stifled a yawn . I then got up, stretched and stared at Maxime"s sleeping figure .

He was sleeping on his right side with his knees bent a little . His soft hair was obscuring his eyes and his lips were sealed shut . His left hand was extended and was constantly being heaved up and down by his rising and falling chest .

I noticed that he was still fully dressed and immediately felt miserable .

We just lost Leonard . At the hand of the only love of my life . Julius Caesar .

He killed my brother . My brother whom I got to meet after almost eight years- when I went blind . A brother whom I missed dearly and got only a few days to be with .

I returned to bed and gently settled next to Maxime . I slowly combed his dark brown hair with my fingers and smiled . I remembered him doing this to me when I was a kid as Leonard watched . We were inseparable . Until Daddy decided to take them away from me . He told me they were going to study in another place . I never saw or heard of them again . Until now . A few days ago . To tell me the story of a girl who fell in love with a murderer . Me .

Maxime was always the sensitive one . The one who dramatized every situation and almost always turned himself into a victim . And I knew this wasn"t going to be easy for him . So I had to stay with him .

A few seconds later, I noticed him tense with alertness . His eyes snapped open as he quickly pushed himself upright . He closed his eyes as if to steady himself before looking back at me . His hair was a monstrous thing, rising above his head and standing unswayed, covering his bushy eyebrows . His thick eyelashes shadowed his grey, teary eyes . Those eyes that were just empty in their stony depths . They were so melancholic and lost .

I felt sad staring into them .

"How are you feeling?" I whispered placing a hand on top of his rough one . He looked down at my hand for a long time before taking a deep, sharp breath .

"I feel like dying . " He said monotone with a rough voice as he shrugged a shoulder .

I tsked and smiled slightly . "Be a bit more cheerful . I"m sure there"s something worth living for . "

"You mean, yourself?" His eyes were red when he stared at me and his face was still wiped clean of emotion . He stared at me for a long time before he removed his hand from under mine .

My mouth opened to say something but just closed again . I c.o.c.ked my head . "I meant Julius . "

And I thought I heard my heart die more .

He closed his eyes upon hearing his name and took a deep breath . "I want to," he started heavily . "I want to rip his soul out . " He clenched his other fist . "Rip it out," he said with venom, lacing his voice . "-like he ripped mine away . "

I blinked a few times at what he said before smiling with a gulp . "He deserves it . "

Maxime looked up at me, but didn"t say a thing . He then changed his mind and shook his head slowly . "He killed Leonard . He killed him," he took a heavy, short breath . "-right in front of me . He-" He paused to raise a shaking fist to his mouth . "-he, shot him in the neck . Right in front of me . "

"I under-" I started gently, but he shook his head vigorously .

"No, no . " His voice was shaky and soft and his eyes were glimmering steel . "No, you don"t understand, Sam . You don"t . " He removed his fist from his mouth only to press it to his forehead . "He fell in my arms . Sam . He-" He lowered his fist and shook his head as tears filled his eyes to the brim . "Leo died in my arms . Looking in my eyes . Sam . "

Maxime then closed his eyes and shook his head . He then took a deep breath, looked up and blinked at the ceiling . "We were talking about future," he said, his eyes no longer empty . They were filled with unyielding storms . Memories . "And he died . For some doc.u.ments . " He paused as if to contain something that just couldn"t be contained . "Doc.u.ments that he knows I don"t have . Julius killed my brother for no reason . Just like he killed our father . "

I didn"t understand what doc.u.ments he was talking about, but I didn"t feel like pressing him to revive those memories that apparently caused him so much pain .

He looked away and sniffed loudly . Dragged a hand across his face . Squeezed his eyes and shook his head . "He had those doc.u.ments . Julius stole them . And killed pére* for them-" He shuddered and I looked at him in despair . I wished I could hug him and take his pain away . But I could only watch him self-destruct . I was too scared my help wasn"t going to be of any use .

"And guess what?" he whispered . "That wasn"t enough . " He bit hard on his lip . "So he decided to kill me by taking away mon frère* . "

I tried my best not to cry, but I just couldn"t . I couldn"t see him like this . I couldn"t see him look so weak and broken . So I cried for my other lost brother . I cried for Maxime . I cried for his pain . I cried for Leonard .

"You just," I started uselessly . "-do what you want with him . "

"If I saw him," Maxime said, his eyes darkening . "If I saw him, amour*-" He shook his head and smiled a twisted sort of smile . "I"ll kill him . "

I shook my head silently as tears continued rolling down .

"I will not stand," he panted . "-seeing him breathe . I"ll only see him as the one who killed Leonard . And, oh, the things I"d do to him . " He paused and closed his eyes as if in pleasure . "The things I"d do to him, Samantha," he almost smiled again . "His nightmares would be so afraid to carry them . I swear to you, on Leonard"s soul . "

I felt myself falter a bit, but a look in his eyes was all it took to steady myself .

"I want to torture him . " His voice was getting steady and deep . "I want him to die with a broken heart . And a broken spine . I want his death to be so tragic . Tragic enough for the demons to shed some tears on him . I want the last thing he"d ever do is beg me . Beg me . For death . "

I almost gasped at his harsh words, but I caught myself and clasped my shaky hands . "Do what you think is right," I said closing my eyes momentarily to steady the dizziness I felt .

His eyes snapped to me . "But there"s something wrong with my plan . " He muttered and I looked closer at him .

"What?" My voice was almost gone and was out as a raspy whisper .

"I"ve never held a gun in my hand," he said, his eyebrows furrowed . His gaze dropped to his laps . "I"m not a murderer . "

I stared at him still antic.i.p.ating what was to come of his words .

"And I want this to be very painful," he continued with clenched teeth .

"Do what you think is right," I repeated weakly and he nodded slowly . He then looked down, closed his eyes and I thought that maybe he was praying .

But then his eyes snapped open and caught mine . "I want you to kill him . Samantha . " He said looking at me with the saddest eyes I ever saw .

In response, I stared at him . I was waiting for him to say that he was joking . That he wasn"t being serious . Because he couldn"t be serious .

"Maxime?" I said incredulously . "You want me to kill him?"

"Kill him . Yes . " He sniffed and my heart stopped .

"Kill him . Yes . " He sniffed and my heart stopped .

"That"d make me a murderer," I whispered to him, shaking my head slowly .

"Not if you kill one . " He said, his eyes glinting dangerously under the faint sunlight .

I felt my face melt and my lungs collapse . "But you know I can"t," I said slowly . "Maxime," I almost scoffed . "-you know why I can"t-"

"Because you loved him?" He snapped and I flinched . "I thought you said you were over him . I thought you loved Leonard more!"

I was shocked to silence by the intensity of emotion in his voice . And I daren"t whimper as I hid my irrelevant pains deep in my pockets . And I realized that this wasn"t a matter of love . It was a matter of loyalty . A matter of who mattered more . Family .

I looked in his eyes and he nodded slowly . "His gun," he breathed . "-is on a chair . Right next to the bas.e.m.e.nt"s door . It"s loaded . With a silencer," he said with a heavy sigh . "You"ll fin-"

Suddenly, m.u.f.fled screams erupted from beneath us followed by the crashing of something heavy . I started, but Maxime"s hands found my shoulders to steady me .

"He just woke up . " He whispered eerily as I heard more thumps and thuds almost quake the mansion .

I held my breath .

Maxime then caught my eyes and took a deep breath . "When you"re ready," he said . "-finish him . "

I tried to shake my head as I looked at his tight grip on my shoulders . I was about to protest, but his index finger found my lips . "Shush . It is going to be okay . Okay? Leonard will be at peace . You want that, don"t you?"

He removed his finger robotically and looked down .

"I"ll get the guards standing by his door to remove any furniture in there . " He said looking up and staring back in my widened eyes . "So that he wouldn"t hurt you . After all, he"s a murderer . "

And suddenly he made sense to me . As if his stare had hands that reached inside me and flicked some switch . A switch that turned on a voice in my head . Don"t be stupid! He"s a d.a.m.ned murderer Samantha! Leonard, Samantha! Kill him . It"s okay .

So I nodded shakily and he dared smile . "The guards will be done by an hour," he said gently . "You should be done by two . "

I felt my eyes widen a bit more . And I thought my throat and head hurt me . Was I catching a cold? Because I was sick . I was so incredibly sick as I nodded and nodded and nodded . I was nodding at what he was saying . And I might"ve even smiled at him . What was happening to me?

"I need to go . " He then said with a small sigh . "I need to prepare Leonard"s funeral . I have lots of work to do . "

I tried to say a thing . I wanted him to wait . To hold on . Because, I just couldn"t be processing this right . Because murder . I agreed to commit murder . And because a fainting voice tried to scream in my head that no, no, no, this might be wrong . But I looked in his eyes and things changed in me . My brother was hurt . And he needed my help .

Wouldn"t I kill for him? I would . Yes . I thought I would . That was the least I could do to him after what he did . He saved my heart from a murderer"s clutches .

A kiss on my forehead, managed to shush all my woes away .

"Maxime," was all I managed to force out of my trembling lips .

"I love you, Sam . " He cupped my face and looked in my eyes .

I stared in his eyes with uncontrollable fear cracking my heart . And I thought I was already hyperventilating . Because my thoughts . My thoughts exhausted me . Yet I pressed a smile . "Love you too . Maxy . "

His warm hands let go of my face as an impossible smile traced his plump lips . And I thought that there was nothing, nothing, entertaining in asking your sister to kill for you .

His warm hands let go of my face as an impossible smile traced his plump lips . And I thought that there was nothing, nothing, entertaining in asking your sister to kill for you .

"Be strong," was what he told me and I thought that how could someone "be strong" for murder?

But I nodded again and didn"t realize I was crying until tears splattered on my hand . Feeling lost was an understatement . I didn"t understand how he could ask me this . What was even worse was my acceptance . How easily I submitted .

Was all that normal?

He got off the bed and soon out of his room, slamming the door behind him . I clasped my hands and sobbed my heart out . I wasn"t thinking straight and I probably wasn"t in my right mind . But as I sat there on that bed, shaking from fear and tears, I knew I wanted one thing .

I wanted to be there for Maxime . I wanted him to trust me . I wanted to help him . And remind him that there was hope . Because he needed to know that, yes, I was worth living for . Because he was the only one I was holding on to now . My only family .

And I"d do anything to achieve this .

So I got up with determination, pulled out some clothes from my unpacked bag and entered the bathroom .


I walked slowly away from Maxime"s room, through his labyrinth of a mansion . There were so many corridors and rooms . They were all painted in crimson and black . And I thought that it was very dark and disturbing . And my feeling about this doubled when I saw the frames hung on the wall .

There were plenty of paintings and they depicted terrible meanings and vibes . The pictures didn"t have blood or war, but they were deeply unsettling . And I wondered if Maxime chose to hang them on purpose . I wondered if he was the one who picked each and every one of them . And I wondered if he understood what they depicted . The colours were an angry blur screaming and screaming for my attention . And I found myself staring at a lady coming down on a set of very fancy, spiraling stairs . She looked gorgeous in the scarlet gown she was wearing . Until you actually looked closer at her painted face .

She wasn"t smiling . Her face was a scary thing . And I suddenly found myself repulsed by the horrible art in this place . I hated how it reminded me of my insecurities and my deepest fears . So I gulped and continued walking on the red, plush carpet that didn"t seem to come to an end .

I noticed lots of weird-looking, empty vases at the mouth of every turn . Vases that had people drawings on them . The people were screaming and tearing at their own skin I realized . And I wondered if there was anything in this place that signified life .

And I also wondered why did he need all that s.p.a.ce if it was only him and Leonard . The mansion was just colossal . With endless halls and staircases that led to G.o.d knew where . All I knew was that I needed to get to the bas.e.m.e.nt, so I kept looking for staircases that took me down and down .

And my wish was granted .

It looked like I finally reached the bas.e.m.e.nt when I walked in a dimly lit corridor, where the red carpet ended . The pathway was made of stone slabs on which my heels clicked . I almost cursed Maxime for allowing himself to live in such a scary place .

I noticed two bulk, bald men standing at the end of the hallway in black suits with straight backs and threatening stances . I also noticed a wooden chair right next to the door that the men were guarding . I gulped, but hurried toward them . I hated the impracticality of the short, black dress and the heels I were wearing, but that was all I could pack .

I should"ve been more careful, I thought .

When I was in front of the door, one of the men nodded at the wooden chair in the corner and I dreadfully averted my gaze to it with my heart in my mouth . I reached out for the familiar gun and held it in my hand . Embraced its weight and deadliness .

I nodded at the door and the other man reached for the handle and unlocked it for me . My heartbeat fastened and my lips parted in antic.i.p.ation . I had absolutely no idea what to expect .

He held the door open for me and I looked at him fearfully . As if he could somehow help me out of this . I then walked in with closed eyes as I heard the door click close behind me . I opened my eyes with a deep breath to stare at a huge, empty, dimly-lit s.p.a.ce . It smelled of rust and dust and I had to keep swallowing my fears away, to keep moving .

There was some stage or raised platform at the end of the room and there was my heart on the floor in utter desperation .

I was so caught up in the tiny details of this place that I almost forgot what I was here for . So I straightened up, slipped off my painful heels and raised Julius"s gun in front of me . Not being able to spot him in this apparent darkness did nothing, but terrify me more .

I was so scared .

"You are scared . " It was more like a whisper . A loud whisper in its quietness . A whisper that managed to echo around the place . I was afraid I imagined it . So I tightened my hold around my gun .
I was so scared .

"You are scared . " It was more like a whisper . A loud whisper in its quietness . A whisper that managed to echo around the place . I was afraid I imagined it . So I tightened my hold around my gun .

"You"re scared, too scared, to the extent that you can"t even see me . " His haunting, melodic voice returned and I had to curl my toes to prevent tears from forming in my eyes . "Look at me, love," he whispered again . "I"m right next to you . "

I slowly turned my head to my right to find him vulnerably sprawled on the floor . His legs were spread, his pants unb.u.t.toned, and he was shirtless . His head rested on the wall behind him, his eyes were closed and his face was calm . His arms lied on the floor next to him .

I backed away and turned to him with the gun in my hand . He then opened his eyes very, very slowly just to stare at me . I watched his eyes search my face, travel down my body, stop a little where my dress ended before they just looked down in his laps .

I felt my skin heat up a little .

"Do you like the lights" intensity?" he then muttered . "Or are they too dim for you?" He lifted his head a bit and I allowed myself to study his face . His thick, drawn eyebrows, his dark, dull eyes, his turned-up nose, his beautifully etched, dark-red lips and set, angular jaws . His face was some form of architecture I"d always marvel at .

"Do they hurt your eyes?" he asked, his voice low and silvery . "You just had surgery . "

I stared at him and tightened the hold around the gun . And he seemed to notice this because he rolled his eyes and looked away .

And suddenly the lights brightened . I even had to squint . The room became well-illuminated, and so did he . I could study him more clearly now . His eyes looked brighter and his silky, black hair looked shinier .

And I couldn"t help looking at his perfect, perfect body under the bright, bright lights . I blinked away as he pulled his legs toward him and folded them beneath him in impossible casual elegance .

He ran a hand through his hair and then stared at me . "So?" He raised his eyebrows . "They finally sent you to kill me?"

"Who "they"?" The words felt foreign on my lips . It was like the first time I"d spoken in centuries .

He frowned a bit before his face stretched to smile, then he actually laughed with closed eyes . He then opened them to look at me before frowning slightly again . "Maxime and Leonard . " He sounded serious for a moment before his face broke into another dazzling smile . And I seemed to forget that being dazzling came very naturally to him . And I realized that his charm almost made me forget that I was supposed to be angry . So very angry .

"Are you mocking me?" I breathed and tilted my head to get a better view of his face .

He looked taken aback by my statement . Nevertheless, he looked up at me and stared . He looked like he was about to say something, but touched his fingers to his mouth and decided to resort to silence .

"Is this whole thing funny to you?" I scoffed . I was very offended by his callous behaviour . He raised his eyebrows indifferently as an amused smile lit his features again .

He still said nothing .

"You killed my brother!" I almost yelled and his head snapped in my direction . He wasn"t smiling anymore . He was just observing me . Searching and searching my features for G.o.d knew what .

"What are you talking about?" His voice suddenly lost all its gentleness .

I grimaced . "What am I talking about?" I repeated his statement with tears in my eyes .

He looked in my eyes and I noticed concern flit into and out of his features immediately . His lips parted speechlessly, before he cleared his throat, shook his head subtly and pulled himself together . "Darling, I swear to you," he said almost breathlessly . "-I have no idea what you"re crying about . "

I blinked away my tears irritably as I glared at him . "Leonard . " My voice broke . "I"m talking about how you killed him . " He looked sincerely shocked by my words . "My brother . "

And my heart broke again just by mentioning it .Samanthas POV . I opened my eyes . I blinked a couple of times to adjust to the bright sunlight that spilt from the open balcony doors . I then looked around the messy room I was in and sighed softly . Black walls . A scarlet armchair in a corner with a mountain of clothes, on top of which laid an open photo alb.u.m . There were boots kicked carelessly next to the armchair on top of a plush, crimson carpet . Then there was a big, empty desk -all the books and the lamp were knocked off it- with a single frame, slapped down on its face . Next to the table was a big, unpacked travelling bag- my bag . Then there was the bed I was sleeping on . I tried to shift, but there was an arm around me . Holding me tight and secure . Maxime . My brother . I gently lifted his arm, sat up with a groan, slipped on my bunny-like slippers and stifled a yawn . I then got up, stretched and stared at Maximes sleeping figure . He was sleeping on his right side with his knees bent a little . His soft hair was obscuring his eyes and his lips were sealed shut . His left hand was extended and was constantly being heaved up and down by his rising and falling chest . I noticed that he was still fully dressed and immediately felt miserable . We just lost Leonard . At the hand of the only love of my life . Julius Caesar . He killed my brother . My brother whom I got to meet after almost eight years- when I went blind . A brother whom I missed dearly and got only a few days to be with . I returned to bed and gently settled next to Maxime . I slowly combed his dark brown hair with my fingers and smiled . I remembered him doing this to me when I was a kid as Leonard watched . We were inseparable . Until Daddy decided to take them away from me . He told me they were going to study in another place . I never saw or heard of them again . Until now . A few days ago . To tell me the story of a girl who fell in love with a murderer . Me . Maxime was always the sensitive one . The one who dramatized every situation and almost always turned himself into a victim . And I knew this wasnt going to be easy for him . So I had to stay with him . A few seconds later, I noticed him tense with alertness . His eyes snapped open as he quickly pushed himself upright . He closed his eyes as if to steady himself before looking back at me . His hair was a monstrous thing, rising above his head and standing unswayed, covering his bushy eyebrows . His thick eyelashes shadowed his grey, teary eyes . Those eyes that were just empty in their stony depths . They were so melancholic and lost . I felt sad staring into them . How are you feeling? I whispered placing a hand on top of his rough one . He looked down at my hand for a long time before taking a deep, sharp breath . I feel like dying . He said monotone with a rough voice as he shrugged a shoulder . I tsked and smiled slightly . Be a bit more cheerful . Im sure theres something worth living for . You mean, yourself? His eyes were red when he stared at me and his face was still wiped clean of emotion . He stared at me for a long time before he removed his hand from under mine . My mouth opened to say something but just closed again . I c.o.c.ked my head . I meant Julius . And I thought I heard my heart die more . He closed his eyes upon hearing his name and took a deep breath . I want to, he started heavily . I want to rip his soul out . He clenched his other fist . Rip it out, he said with venom, lacing his voice . -like he ripped mine away . I blinked a few times at what he said before smiling with a gulp . He deserves it . Maxime looked up at me, but didnt say a thing . He then changed his mind and shook his head slowly . He killed Leonard . He killed him, he took a heavy, short breath . -right in front of me . He- He paused to raise a shaking fist to his mouth . -he, shot him in the neck . Right in front of me . I under- I started gently, but he shook his head vigorously . No, no . His voice was shaky and soft and his eyes were glimmering steel . No, you dont understand, Sam . You dont . He removed his fist from his mouth only to press it to his forehead . He fell in my arms . Sam . He- He lowered his fist and shook his head as tears filled his eyes to the brim . Leo died in my arms . Looking in my eyes . Sam . Maxime then closed his eyes and shook his head . He then took a deep breath, looked up and blinked at the ceiling . We were talking about future, he said, his eyes no longer empty . They were filled with unyielding storms . Memories . And he died . For some doc.u.ments . He paused as if to contain something that just couldnt be contained . Doc.u.ments that he knows I dont have . Julius killed my brother for no reason . Just like he killed our father . I didnt understand what doc.u.ments he was talking about, but I didnt feel like pressing him to revive those memories that apparently caused him so much pain . He looked away and sniffed loudly . Dragged a hand across his face . Squeezed his eyes and shook his head . He had those doc.u.ments . Julius stole them . And killed pére* for them- He shuddered and I looked at him in despair . I wished I could hug him and take his pain away . But I could only watch him self-destruct . I was too scared my help wasnt going to be of any use . And guess what? he whispered . That wasnt enough . He bit hard on his lip . So he decided to kill me by taking away mon frère* . I tried my best not to cry, but I just couldnt . I couldnt see him like this . I couldnt see him look so weak and broken . So I cried for my other lost brother . I cried for Maxime . I cried for his pain . I cried for Leonard . You just, I started uselessly . -do what you want with him . If I saw him, Maxime said, his eyes darkening . If I saw him, amour*- He shook his head and smiled a twisted sort of smile . Ill kill him . I shook my head silently as tears continued rolling down . I will not stand, he panted . -seeing him breathe . Ill only see him as the one who killed Leonard . And, oh, the things Id do to him . He paused and closed his eyes as if in pleasure . The things Id do to him, Samantha, he almost smiled again . His nightmares would be so afraid to carry them . I swear to you, on Leonards soul . I felt myself falter a bit, but a look in his eyes was all it took to steady myself . I want to torture him . His voice was getting steady and deep . I want him to die with a broken heart . And a broken spine . I want his death to be so tragic . Tragic enough for the demons to shed some tears on him . I want the last thing hed ever do is beg me . Beg me . For death . I almost gasped at his harsh words, but I caught myself and clasped my shaky hands . Do what you think is right, I said closing my eyes momentarily to steady the dizziness I felt . His eyes snapped to me . But theres something wrong with my plan . He muttered and I looked closer at him . What? My voice was almost gone and was out as a raspy whisper . Ive never held a gun in my hand, he said, his eyebrows furrowed . His gaze dropped to his laps . Im not a murderer . I stared at him still antic.i.p.ating what was to come of his words . And I want this to be very painful, he continued with clenched teeth . Do what you think is right, I repeated weakly and he nodded slowly . He then looked down, closed his eyes and I thought that maybe he was praying . But then his eyes snapped open and caught mine . I want you to kill him . Samantha . He said looking at me with the saddest eyes I ever saw . In response, I stared at him . I was waiting for him to say that he was joking . That he wasnt being serious . Because he couldnt be serious . Maxime? I said incredulously . You want me to kill him? Kill him . Yes . He sniffed and my heart stopped . Thatd make me a murderer, I whispered to him, shaking my head slowly . Not if you kill one . He said, his eyes glinting dangerously under the faint sunlight . I felt my face melt and my lungs collapse . But you know I cant, I said slowly . Maxime, I almost scoffed . -you know why I cant- Because you loved him? He snapped and I flinched . I thought you said you were over him . I thought you loved Leonard more! I was shocked to silence by the intensity of emotion in his voice . And I darent whimper as I hid my irrelevant pains deep in my pockets . And I realized that this wasnt a matter of love . It was a matter of loyalty . A matter of who mattered more . Family . I looked in his eyes and he nodded slowly . His gun, he breathed . -is on a chair . Right next to the bas.e.m.e.nts door . Its loaded . With a silencer, he said with a heavy sigh . Youll fin- Suddenly, m.u.f.fled screams erupted from beneath us followed by the crashing of something heavy . I started, but Maximes hands found my shoulders to steady me . He just woke up . He whispered eerily as I heard more thumps and thuds almost quake the mansion . I held my breath . Maxime then caught my eyes and took a deep breath . When youre ready, he said . -finish him . I tried to shake my head as I looked at his tight grip on my shoulders . I was about to protest, but his index finger found my lips . Shush . It is going to be okay . Okay? Leonard will be at peace . You want that, dont you? He removed his finger robotically and looked down . Ill get the guards standing by his door to remove any furniture in there . He said looking up and staring back in my widened eyes . So that he wouldnt hurt you . After all, hes a murderer . And suddenly he made sense to me . As if his stare had hands that reached inside me and flicked some switch . A switch that turned on a voice in my head . Dont be stupid! Hes a d.a.m.ned murderer Samantha! Leonard, Samantha! Kill him . Its okay . So I nodded shakily and he dared smile . The guards will be done by an hour, he said gently . You should be done by two . I felt my eyes widen a bit more . And I thought my throat and head hurt me . Was I catching a cold? Because I was sick . I was so incredibly sick as I nodded and nodded and nodded . I was nodding at what he was saying . And I mightve even smiled at him . What was happening to me? I need to go . He then said with a small sigh . I need to prepare Leonards funeral . I have lots of work to do . I tried to say a thing . I wanted him to wait . To hold on . Because, I just couldnt be processing this right . Because murder . I agreed to commit murder . And because a fainting voice tried to scream in my head that no, no, no, this might be wrong . But I looked in his eyes and things changed in me . My brother was hurt . And he needed my help . Wouldnt I kill for him? I would . Yes . I thought I would . That was the least I could do to him after what he did . He saved my heart from a murderers clutches . A kiss on my forehead, managed to shush all my woes away . Maxime, was all I managed to force out of my trembling lips . I love you, Sam . He cupped my face and looked in my eyes . I stared in his eyes with uncontrollable fear cracking my heart . And I thought I was already hyperventilating . Because my thoughts . My thoughts exhausted me . Yet I pressed a smile . Love you too . Maxy . His warm hands let go of my face as an impossible smile traced his plump lips . And I thought that there was nothing, nothing, entertaining in asking your sister to kill for you . Be strong, was what he told me and I thought that how could someone be strong for murder? But I nodded again and didnt realize I was crying until tears splattered on my hand . Feeling lost was an understatement . I didnt understand how he could ask me this . What was even worse was my acceptance . How easily I submitted . Was all that normal? He got off the bed and soon out of his room, slamming the door behind him . I clasped my hands and sobbed my heart out . I wasnt thinking straight and I probably wasnt in my right mind . But as I sat there on that bed, shaking from fear and tears, I knew I wanted one thing . I wanted to be there for Maxime . I wanted him to trust me . I wanted to help him . And remind him that there was hope . Because he needed to know that, yes, I was worth living for . Because he was the only one I was holding on to now . My only family . And Id do anything to achieve this . So I got up with determination, pulled out some clothes from my unpacked bag and entered the bathroom . --- I walked slowly away from Maximes room, through his labyrinth of a mansion . There were so many corridors and rooms . They were all painted in crimson and black . And I thought that it was very dark and disturbing . And my feeling about this doubled when I saw the frames hung on the wall . There were plenty of paintings and they depicted terrible meanings and vibes . The pictures didnt have blood or war, but they were deeply unsettling . And I wondered if Maxime chose to hang them on purpose . I wondered if he was the one who picked each and every one of them . And I wondered if he understood what they depicted . The colours were an angry blur screaming and screaming for my attention . And I found myself staring at a lady coming down on a set of very fancy, spiraling stairs . She looked gorgeous in the scarlet gown she was wearing . Until you actually looked closer at her painted face . She wasnt smiling . Her face was a scary thing . And I suddenly found myself repulsed by the horrible art in this place . I hated how it reminded me of my insecurities and my deepest fears . So I gulped and continued walking on the red, plush carpet that didnt seem to come to an end . I noticed lots of weird-looking, empty vases at the mouth of every turn . Vases that had people drawings on them . The people were screaming and tearing at their own skin I realized . And I wondered if there was anything in this place that signified life . And I also wondered why did he need all that s.p.a.ce if it was only him and Leonard . The mansion was just colossal . With endless halls and staircases that led to G.o.d knew where . All I knew was that I needed to get to the bas.e.m.e.nt, so I kept looking for staircases that took me down and down . And my wish was granted . It looked like I finally reached the bas.e.m.e.nt when I walked in a dimly lit corridor, where the red carpet ended . The pathway was made of stone slabs on which my heels clicked . I almost cursed Maxime for allowing himself to live in such a scary place . I noticed two bulk, bald men standing at the end of the hallway in black suits with straight backs and threatening stances . I also noticed a wooden chair right next to the door that the men were guarding . I gulped, but hurried toward them . I hated the impracticality of the short, black dress and the heels I were wearing, but that was all I could pack . I shouldve been more careful, I thought . When I was in front of the door, one of the men nodded at the wooden chair in the corner and I dreadfully averted my gaze to it with my heart in my mouth . I reached out for the familiar gun and held it in my hand . Embraced its weight and deadliness . I nodded at the door and the other man reached for the handle and unlocked it for me . My heartbeat fastened and my lips parted in antic.i.p.ation . I had absolutely no idea what to expect . He held the door open for me and I looked at him fearfully . As if he could somehow help me out of this . I then walked in with closed eyes as I heard the door click close behind me . I opened my eyes with a deep breath to stare at a huge, empty, dimly-lit s.p.a.ce . It smelled of rust and dust and I had to keep swallowing my fears away, to keep moving . There was some stage or raised platform at the end of the room and there was my heart on the floor in utter desperation . I was so caught up in the tiny details of this place that I almost forgot what I was here for . So I straightened up, slipped off my painful heels and raised Juliuss gun in front of me . Not being able to spot him in this apparent darkness did nothing, but terrify me more . I was so scared . You are scared . It was more like a whisper . A loud whisper in its quietness . A whisper that managed to echo around the place . I was afraid I imagined it . So I tightened my hold around my gun . Youre scared, too scared, to the extent that you cant even see me . His haunting, melodic voice returned and I had to curl my toes to prevent tears from forming in my eyes . Look at me, love, he whispered again . Im right next to you . I slowly turned my head to my right to find him vulnerably sprawled on the floor . His legs were spread, his pants unb.u.t.toned, and he was shirtless . His head rested on the wall behind him, his eyes were closed and his face was calm . His arms lied on the floor next to him . I backed away and turned to him with the gun in my hand . He then opened his eyes very, very slowly just to stare at me . I watched his eyes search my face, travel down my body, stop a little where my dress ended before they just looked down in his laps . I felt my skin heat up a little . Do you like the lights intensity? he then muttered . Or are they too dim for you? He lifted his head a bit and I allowed myself to study his face . His thick, drawn eyebrows, his dark, dull eyes, his turned-up nose, his beautifully etched, dark-red lips and set, angular jaws . His face was some form of architecture Id always marvel at . Do they hurt your eyes? he asked, his voice low and silvery . You just had surgery . I stared at him and tightened the hold around the gun . And he seemed to notice this because he rolled his eyes and looked away . And suddenly the lights brightened . I even had to squint . The room became well-illuminated, and so did he . I could study him more clearly now . His eyes looked brighter and his silky, black hair looked shinier . And I couldnt help looking at his perfect, perfect body under the bright, bright lights . I blinked away as he pulled his legs toward him and folded them beneath him in impossible casual elegance . He ran a hand through his hair and then stared at me . So? He raised his eyebrows . They finally sent you to kill me? Who they? The words felt foreign on my lips . It was like the first time Id spoken in centuries . He frowned a bit before his face stretched to smile, then he actually laughed with closed eyes . He then opened them to look at me before frowning slightly again . Maxime and Leonard . He sounded serious for a moment before his face broke into another dazzling smile . And I seemed to forget that being dazzling came very naturally to him . And I realized that his charm almost made me forget that I was supposed to be angry . So very angry . Are you mocking me? I breathed and tilted my head to get a better view of his face . He looked taken aback by my statement . Nevertheless, he looked up at me and stared . He looked like he was about to say something, but touched his fingers to his mouth and decided to resort to silence . Is this whole thing funny to you? I scoffed . I was very offended by his callous behaviour . He raised his eyebrows indifferently as an amused smile lit his features again . He still said nothing . You killed my brother! I almost yelled and his head snapped in my direction . He wasnt smiling anymore . He was just observing me . Searching and searching my features for G.o.d knew what . What are you talking about? His voice suddenly lost all its gentleness . I grimaced . What am I talking about? I repeated his statement with tears in my eyes . He looked in my eyes and I noticed concern flit into and out of his features immediately . His lips parted speechlessly, before he cleared his throat, shook his head subtly and pulled himself together . Darling, I swear to you, he said almost breathlessly . -I have no idea what youre crying about . I blinked away my tears irritably as I glared at him . Leonard . My voice broke . Im talking about how you killed him . He looked sincerely shocked by my words . My brother . And my heart broke again just by mentioning it .

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