Julius Caesar

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Alexander"s POV .

Augustus was now sitting next to me on my bed, elbows on knees, head in hands and eyes glued to the ground as he ridiculously, continuously muttered, "It can"t be . "

I tsked and rested a hand on his arched back . "It"s okay, Gust . Just another life lesson . " I sighed . "That I always know best . "

"You"re just . . . bluffing-" He continued resisting me and I smirked .

"What"s there to "bluff" about, son?" I shrugged helplessly, maintaining the act, even though I knew he couldn"t see me . "He is a free man and he decided to elope with this blind girl and get married . He said he"d never come back . "

His breath hitched before his head snapped up in my direction . His eyes were a worn out blue and his lips chapped and pale . "Blind girl?"

I sighed sympathetically . "Your brother, I guess, is always running out of luck . Poor thing-" I shook my head . "He even ends up marrying a disabled person . "

"Bu-" Augustus was about to blurt out something, but quickly caught himself and looked away with a smirk . "Did you see them? Is that how you knew? I mean, it doesn"t hit me that Julius is the kinda guy who"d take your consent for his actions . "

I cleared my throat and pressed a sad smile . "No, he isn"t that kind of guy . In fact, one of my men saw them . The day before yesterday," I shook my head for exaggerated effect . "He was holding onto the poor thing"s hands and guiding her into the airport . "

To my confusion, Augustus almost looked relieved, but I brushed it off . My plan was perfect and Augustus was too dumb and would fall for it . As always . He seemed to almost smile before furrowing his eyebrows . "You follow him?"

"Of course-" I told him . "He shouldn"t be under any . . . danger . Especially in our field of work . "

"Who follows him?" He then asked curiously, narrowing his eyebrows, and I raised my eyebrows . Augustus seemed to realize the invalidity of his question because he shut eyes and shook his head . "I"m just curio-"

"My men, of course . Ledger, Simon and many more," I answered nevertheless, holding his gaze as he nodded slowly .

"Okay, Dad-" He then inhaled deeply and stood up, head bowed . "I"m gonna go . "

"Of course, son," I sighed . "Go get some rest-" He snapped up his head to me . I then sized him up before continuing . "You look . . . beaten . "

"Yeah, Dad, su-" He started, but I immediately cut him off .

"And let"s not forget about the deal," I drawled as he attempted a smile . And failed .

Instead of replying, he stuck both his thumbs up and shut his eyes . He then dropped his hands and slipped them in his pockets before turning and leaving the room .

I then cursed under my breath .


Samantha"s POV .

I pushed my shirts" sleeves to my elbows and tightened my ponytail as one guard opened the door to Julius"s "safe haven" .

Darkness welcomed me . It drenched me and the whole bas.e.m.e.nt . I looked back at the guards and nodded at them . They closed the door behind me, making me wonder about how safe I felt . I felt safe despite the fact that I was unarmed, walking in an inky dark room that sheltered a dangerous, uncontainable murderer who might pop up at any time and might as well kill me .

I continued walking nevertheless as my eyes got used to the dark and things started making an appearance . Walls . Pillars . And a huge stage platform right in front of me .

Where was he?

I was good at dealing with darkness . I mean, I lived with its coat wrapping itself snugly around my eyes for almost eight years .

My eyes got more accustomed to the darkness as I squinted at a heap on the stage, a few feet away from me . I blindly walked closer with an outstretched arm, curiosity taking lead .

The stage"s platform was my hip"s height and I had to carefully clamber over it . When I was on top of it, I patted myself absentmindedly and took in gulps of air . I then diverted my eyes back to the heap that almost camouflaged with the darkness that coated it like a heavy blanket .

It was him .

I dropped my arms to my sides as my jaw fell along .

He was sleeping . On his back . In nothing but his boxers With his left hand across his torso, rising and falling with his chest movement . And his other hand outstretched with some kind of pager resting on his stretched-out, long fingers .

I tried to look harder, but it was impossible to fish for details in the darkness that suffocated me . So I let my eyes trail to his face . His head was turned toward me with his dark hair covering his eyes in a haphazard manner and his lips parted, showing the edges of his front teeth .

And I know you might think it"s weird or insane, but at that moment, I couldn"t help, but kneel on the platform, next to him, plant my palms over the floor and lean into his face .

I blinked .

He looked so peaceful . And I couldn"t help but think that this couldn"t be the face of a murderer . A face that killed my father . I leaned in even closer and inhaled him . He smelled of wood and musk and I thought how could he maintain a good smell in such terrible conditions .

Do they allow him to shower?- I thought irrelevantly, yet curiously as I allowed myself to inhale his smell deeply . I smiled despite myself, satisfied that he was here . So close to me . Close to the extent that if I lean in any closer I would feel his breath on my skin . I was satisfied that he wasn"t being the devil he always was . He was just a sleeping, s.a.d.i.s.tic, broken boy .

A redeemable person .

My lips parted at a strong realization . I realized how vulnerable he was allowing himself to be . He was allowing himself to sleep in his enemies" shed . Unarmed as if ready to die . As if he had made terms with the fact that his life was unworthy of saving by staying awake for it .

It was like he didn"t care anymore .

And, oh, that scared me so much . So much that I heard my heart thump loudly in my ears . Loud enough to serve as an alarm to probably wake him up . Wake him up . So that he could see this forbidden fright on my face . So that he"d hold my arms and a.s.sure me that he understands . That he understands that all of this is just a game . That it means nothing . Because he knows that I keep denying the truth . Because he knows that I will keep denying it . I wanted him to tell me that he"ll never give up even when I"m hurting him by doing what"s right . That there is still so much hope than there should have ever been . That I am so "ridiculously naive" because at this moment- at this moment, dammit Caesar, when I was so close to your unfathomable soul, I daren"t lie to my heart .

I didn"t even realize how close I was until my hair brushed his face and his breath hitched before his dark eyes snapped open to stare into mine .

Heart in Antartica, I gasped loudly and pushed myself away from him . He then cursed under his breath, looked frantically everywhere and crawled away from me quickly until his back hit a wall . I watched his right-hand fumble with something as he frowned deeply, in focus .

The lights immediately brightened .

I shaded my eyes with my right hand at their overbearing intensity as I tried to peek at him . My other hand was still planted on the platform .

I was very curious about him .

I was very curious about him .

He was the farthest from composed as he panted through parted, deep-pink lips . He shook his hair off his face as his bright, light virid eyes widened at me . His hands were in his laps when he pressed his lips together and blinked once . He then stared at me and exhaled loudly .

He looked composed now, but his voice gave him away . "WhWhat are you doing?" He tried nonchalance but failed as his pupils constricted .

I got to my feet, steadied myself and faced him, still appalled by his behaviour . "I wanted to talk . " I frowned, feigning irritation as I looked down .

"Talk?" His voice was rough and husky, sinfully demanding my attention . I watched him use his right fist to rub his eyes . He then dropped it back to his laps with a heavy sigh . His eyes studied me as I nodded solemnly in response .

He then smiled weakly, averted his gaze to a point next to me, then diverted it back to me . "Of course . " He said .

He then used his toned arms to push himself further back against the wall before he cleared his throat . And I tried not to look at his chiselled chest and torso . And how it narrowed down marvellously into his hips and those V-lines that I could -oh, yes- trace with my fingers down to- I inhaled sharply and bit my lips shyly at my outrageous thoughts .

"Of course, we will talk . " He continued, as I released my lower lip and continued staring at him (not in an indecent manner) . "But please, pa.s.s over my garments, darling . My jacket . I"d rather not be interrogated half-naked . " He locked my eyes and gave me a lop-sided smile .

I blushed furiously .

I then immediately looked away and glanced next to me to find his clothes neatly folded in a corner . White shirt on black pants next to his mid-calf combat boots on top of which laid his leather jacket folded in half . His socks were in a neat ball next to them . I walked over to his clothes and picked his huge, relatively heavy jacket . I threw it at him .

He caught it, mouthed a "thank you" and spread it over his laps instead of wearing it . He then looked up at me under his heavy eyebrows and smiled . "Now . How can I help you?"

"Your father didn"t show up," I stated, raising an eyebrow as he looked at me like he expected me to continue rambling on . But when he realized that was all I had to say, he ran a hand down through his mid-lengthed, soft, ebony hair before holding the back of his neck and smiling halfheartedly .

"And?" He shook his head subtly, still smiling, before dropping his hand to his lap . "What"s new about that? What"s there to talk about regarding this? In the middle of the night?"

"Why?" I asked, no longer hiding my curiosity . "How were you so sure that he wouldn"t turn up?"

He looked at me bemusedly, with smiling, crinkling eyes .

Then the light in his eyes died .

"I"m not compelled to tell you . "

"Actually, you are," I pressed indifferently, crossing arms across my chest and looking down at him .

He raised his eyebrows, jutted out his lower lip, then bit it back in with a smile . "Really?" He then diverted his gaze to the floor and drawled . "We"re not . . . friends . "

"You"re my hostage," I stated, ignoring his supposedly humiliating comment .

"That does not make you my owner . " He pointed out business-like . "I shall not utter a thing I don"t feel obliged to say . So how about a topic change?"

I screwed my face at how at ease he was and shook my head . "That"s not happe-"

"I happen not to understand the significance of music . " He intoned with a strong voice that cut all my chain of thoughts . "I cannot relate to it whatsoever . " His voice softened . "In fact, I absolutely despise it . "

I stared at him and smirked . "We"re not friends," I retorted harshly . "We don"t discu-"

I stared at him and smirked . "We"re not friends," I retorted harshly . "We don"t discu-"

"I"m asking you-" he breathed with a hard look and a raised brow . "-because you happen to be a music lover . A piano player . No other reason . "

I think I turned pink .

"Well, what do you expect me to do about it?" I snapped at him frustratedly, looking at him while he ruffled his own hair with a cheeky smile .

"Explain to me your love to music . " He said simply with a shrug . "I mean, our relationship was built solely on your eagerness to share a song with a complete stranger . " His eyes turned soft and his smile widened . "Me . " His eyes then fluttered and I had to catch my breath in my hands, keep it there safe and home, so that I could gulp it back down when he wasn"t staring at me the way he was .

"So . " His renewed, louder voice snapped me out of my thoughts . "What is it, that"s so particularly enchanting about it? Is it the beat or the singer"s voice or the b.l.o.o.d.y lyrics?" Surprisingly, anger was a sharp pen that managed to deepen the furrow of his eyebrows, the colour of his eyes and the intensity of his voice . I didn"t understand why it angered him .

He then shook his head . "I just constantly fail to understand . "

The very fact that he hated music never really got to me either . I mean, I didn"t think there was a being on Earth that doesn"t like it .

"You"ll never understand it . " I found myself saying . My pa.s.sion for music ran very deep within me . It was my saviour in my darkest days . My only source of pure, gushing emotion that was communicated with beautiful voices and expressive lyrics .

Music is emotion .

"Enlighten me please . " He said, lifting his head a bit with a proud, playful smile . "I want you to teach me . "

"It"s impossible," I said curtly and he slowly raised his eyebrows . "In order for you to understand," I mocked with a slight, fake pout . "You"d have to learn what it means to be human . "

His face was unreadable . "So you deem me as hopeless case-" He stated almost seriously . "-worthless of your efforts to help me . "

"Help you in what?" My lips parted and my heart beat fastened .

"In understanding music, of course . " His emeralds were unblinking and I had to look down .

"I thought I"ve insulted you enough," I said .

"My-" He frowned deeply with a small smile . "Insulted me?" He feigned offence . "Truth is not an insult . "

"So you admit you"re inhumane?" I asked incredulously, tilting my head toward him .

"I already told you that before-" He looked bored . "And I"ll tell you again . I"m a murderer . That -if it isn"t already obvious- makes me incapable of relating to your humanity, love, care, heart and the rest of that very long, insipid list . " He might be as well be talking about the weather or saying something very ordinary .

"I think you"re capable of caring," I blurted out and caught myself a tad too late . His head was already up and his eyes shocked at my words . He looked oddly disappointed .

"You do?" He sighed heavily as his "not-so-empty-hard-to-read" eyes glared at me . "What a terrible accusation, darling!" He scoffed and laughed humorlessly . And I wanted to punch him in his perfect teeth . "What made you think so?" He asked, his voice deepening and sobering up .

"I saw it in your eyes . " He tried not to roll his eyes . "When you were with Augustus," I added, looking down and peeking up at him .

He froze . His eyes slowly diverted to me and I almost faltered at their intensity . He lifted his eyebrows, shook his head, peeped at me through his hair curtain, smiled and sighed softly .

"I told you I almost killed him . " He said as matter-of-factly and I grimaced .
He froze . His eyes slowly diverted to me and I almost faltered at their intensity . He lifted his eyebrows, shook his head, peeped at me through his hair curtain, smiled and sighed softly .

"I told you I almost killed him . " He said as matter-of-factly and I grimaced .

"Are you trying to make me hate you?" I snapped at him and wondered where did that come from . " Do you want to die at my hands?"

"It"d be a pleasur-"

"Just stop!" My face contorted and I raised a hand to cut him off . "You"re not direct with me! I came here to ask you about your father and you suddenly want to talk about music . Then make me hate you more and more! Then you"d taunt me like you did the last time . And then make me question and doubt my own blood! What is your problem?!"

I was angry . He looked amused .

"You-" He breathed . "Not being able to carry on with your job or interrogation or whatsoever this is-" He waved his hand randomly between us . "-is not my problem . It does not concern me the least bit . "

My breathing fastened and my blood boiled . I hated his composure and the coldness in his voice . I hated this whole facade .

"Okay," I said solidly . "Then let"s be friends . " My voice was ice-cold and I had to stretch my fingers, that would"ve loved to wrap themselves around his neck and squeeze the merry life out of it .

"You want to be friends?" He asked bemusedly . "After you know I killed your father and -who knows-" He shrugged and tilted his head . "-maybe even your brother?" His smile was a sin . He shouldn"t do that when he was talking like this . "Plus, twenty? Or what- wait? Thirty more? I can"t recall, love . Did Maxime tell-"

"Yes . " I cut off his hateful words . "I still want your friendship . "

He looked at me hard, opened his mouth, closed it and then stared at me more . It was like he was thinking about what to say . Choosing and weighing his words . Selecting his emotions and maybe preparing his face muscles to move accurately, hoping it"d depict what he only wanted .

He then smiled effortlessly with raised eyebrows as I marvelled at his astonishingly green eyes . "Okay, love-" He said, his voice slightly taut . "Let"s be friends . "

His fake excitement irritated me even more and I wanted nothing more than to get over with this . "Why didn"t your father show up?" was what I asked immediately .

He raised his eyebrows in response as his lips fought to suppress a smile . "Tell me that you know that being friends is more like a . . . two-way road . " He then smiled playfully . "You"ll have to do something for me in return, darling . Naturally . I mean you can"t possibly be that naive . " He continued teasing as I pressed my lips into a thin line .

"Answer my que-" I was done being patient with him .

"Love-" His voice was strong, distracting me from my anger . "I will not answer a question unless we make a deal . " He was impossibly collected .

I screwed my face . "What deal?"

"A deal-" he cleared his throat . "-whereby I make sure that I receive some kind of reward in return to answering your questions . " He then clasped his hands together on top of his jacket, lifted his head and smiled expectantly .

I pursed my lips and shifted in my place . "That"s only fair . What do you want?"

He raised his eyebrows then grinned . "Well . . . nothing much . " He shrugged, averting his gaze away from me . "Just two things really . " He was tossing the light pager in the air and capturing it again with his huge hand . He glanced up at me with his impossibly transparent, green eyes awaiting a response .

"Just two things?" I repeated what he said incredulously as he nodded quickly, closing his eyes and smiling "shyly" . I rolled my eyes . "What are they?"

He then straightened up, took a deep breath, crossed his arms across his chest and stared at me with eyes that shone brilliantly with indecipherable emotion .

He then smiled breathtakingly .Alexanders POV . Augustus was now sitting next to me on my bed, elbows on knees, head in hands and eyes glued to the ground as he ridiculously, continuously muttered, It cant be . I tsked and rested a hand on his arched back . Its okay, Gust . Just another life lesson . I sighed . That I always know best . Youre just . bluffing- He continued resisting me and I smirked . Whats there to bluff about, son? I shrugged helplessly, maintaining the act, even though I knew he couldnt see me . He is a free man and he decided to elope with this blind girl and get married . He said hed never come back . His breath hitched before his head snapped up in my direction . His eyes were a worn out blue and his lips chapped and pale . Blind girl? I sighed sympathetically . Your brother, I guess, is always running out of luck . Poor thing- I shook my head . He even ends up marrying a disabled person . Bu- Augustus was about to blurt out something, but quickly caught himself and looked away with a smirk . Did you see them? Is that how you knew? I mean, it doesnt hit me that Julius is the kinda guy whod take your consent for his actions . I cleared my throat and pressed a sad smile . No, he isnt that kind of guy . In fact, one of my men saw them . The day before yesterday, I shook my head for exaggerated effect . He was holding onto the poor things hands and guiding her into the airport . To my confusion, Augustus almost looked relieved, but I brushed it off . My plan was perfect and Augustus was too dumb and would fall for it . As always . He seemed to almost smile before furrowing his eyebrows . You follow him? Of course- I told him . He shouldnt be under any . danger . Especially in our field of work . Who follows him? He then asked curiously, narrowing his eyebrows, and I raised my eyebrows . Augustus seemed to realize the invalidity of his question because he shut eyes and shook his head . Im just curio- My men, of course . Ledger, Simon and many more, I answered nevertheless, holding his gaze as he nodded slowly . Okay, Dad- He then inhaled deeply and stood up, head bowed . Im gonna go . Of course, son, I sighed . Go get some rest- He snapped up his head to me . I then sized him up before continuing . You look . beaten . Yeah, Dad, su- He started, but I immediately cut him off . And lets not forget about the deal, I drawled as he attempted a smile . And failed . Instead of replying, he stuck both his thumbs up and shut his eyes . He then dropped his hands and slipped them in his pockets before turning and leaving the room . I then cursed under my breath . --- Samanthas POV . I pushed my shirts sleeves to my elbows and tightened my ponytail as one guard opened the door to Juliuss safe haven . Darkness welcomed me . It drenched me and the whole bas.e.m.e.nt . I looked back at the guards and nodded at them . They closed the door behind me, making me wonder about how safe I felt . I felt safe despite the fact that I was unarmed, walking in an inky dark room that sheltered a dangerous, uncontainable murderer who might pop up at any time and might as well kill me . I continued walking nevertheless as my eyes got used to the dark and things started making an appearance . Walls . Pillars . And a huge stage platform right in front of me . Where was he? I was good at dealing with darkness . I mean, I lived with its coat wrapping itself snugly around my eyes for almost eight years . My eyes got more accustomed to the darkness as I squinted at a heap on the stage, a few feet away from me . I blindly walked closer with an outstretched arm, curiosity taking lead . The stages platform was my hips height and I had to carefully clamber over it . When I was on top of it, I patted myself absentmindedly and took in gulps of air . I then diverted my eyes back to the heap that almost camouflaged with the darkness that coated it like a heavy blanket . It was him . I dropped my arms to my sides as my jaw fell along . He was sleeping . On his back . In nothing but his boxers With his left hand across his torso, rising and falling with his chest movement . And his other hand outstretched with some kind of pager resting on his stretched-out, long fingers . I tried to look harder, but it was impossible to fish for details in the darkness that suffocated me . So I let my eyes trail to his face . His head was turned toward me with his dark hair covering his eyes in a haphazard manner and his lips parted, showing the edges of his front teeth . And I know you might think its weird or insane, but at that moment, I couldnt help, but kneel on the platform, next to him, plant my palms over the floor and lean into his face . I blinked . He looked so peaceful . And I couldnt help but think that this couldnt be the face of a murderer . A face that killed my father . I leaned in even closer and inhaled him . He smelled of wood and musk and I thought how could he maintain a good smell in such terrible conditions . Do they allow him to shower?- I thought irrelevantly, yet curiously as I allowed myself to inhale his smell deeply . I smiled despite myself, satisfied that he was here . So close to me . Close to the extent that if I lean in any closer I would feel his breath on my skin . I was satisfied that he wasnt being the devil he always was . He was just a sleeping, s.a.d.i.s.tic, broken boy . A redeemable person . My lips parted at a strong realization . I realized how vulnerable he was allowing himself to be . He was allowing himself to sleep in his enemies shed . Unarmed as if ready to die . As if he had made terms with the fact that his life was unworthy of saving by staying awake for it . It was like he didnt care anymore . And, oh, that scared me so much . So much that I heard my heart thump loudly in my ears . Loud enough to serve as an alarm to probably wake him up . Wake him up . So that he could see this forbidden fright on my face . So that hed hold my arms and a.s.sure me that he understands . That he understands that all of this is just a game . That it means nothing . Because he knows that I keep denying the truth . Because he knows that I will keep denying it . I wanted him to tell me that h.e.l.l never give up even when Im hurting him by doing whats right . That there is still so much hope than there should have ever been . That I am so ridiculously naive because at this moment- at this moment, dammit Caesar, when I was so close to your unfathomable soul, I darent lie to my heart . I didnt even realize how close I was until my hair brushed his face and his breath hitched before his dark eyes snapped open to stare into mine . Heart in Antartica, I gasped loudly and pushed myself away from him . He then cursed under his breath, looked frantically everywhere and crawled away from me quickly until his back hit a wall . I watched his right-hand fumble with something as he frowned deeply, in focus . The lights immediately brightened . I shaded my eyes with my right hand at their overbearing intensity as I tried to peek at him . My other hand was still planted on the platform . I was very curious about him . He was the farthest from composed as he panted through parted, deep-pink lips . He shook his hair off his face as his bright, light virid eyes widened at me . His hands were in his laps when he pressed his lips together and blinked once . He then stared at me and exhaled loudly . He looked composed now, but his voice gave him away . WhWhat are you doing? He tried nonchalance but failed as his pupils constricted . I got to my feet, steadied myself and faced him, still appalled by his behaviour . I wanted to talk . I frowned, feigning irritation as I looked down . Talk? His voice was rough and husky, sinfully demanding my attention . I watched him use his right fist to rub his eyes . He then dropped it back to his laps with a heavy sigh . His eyes studied me as I nodded solemnly in response . He then smiled weakly, averted his gaze to a point next to me, then diverted it back to me . Of course . He said . He then used his toned arms to push himself further back against the wall before he cleared his throat . And I tried not to look at his chiselled chest and torso . And how it narrowed down marvellously into his hips and those V-lines that I could -oh, yes- trace with my fingers down to- I inhaled sharply and bit my lips shyly at my outrageous thoughts . Of course, we will talk . He continued, as I released my lower lip and continued staring at him (not in an indecent manner) . But please, pa.s.s over my garments, darling . My jacket . Id rather not be interrogated half-naked . He locked my eyes and gave me a lop-sided smile . I blushed furiously . I then immediately looked away and glanced next to me to find his clothes neatly folded in a corner . White shirt on black pants next to his mid-calf combat boots on top of which laid his leather jacket folded in half . His socks were in a neat ball next to them . I walked over to his clothes and picked his huge, relatively heavy jacket . I threw it at him . He caught it, mouthed a thank you and spread it over his laps instead of wearing it . He then looked up at me under his heavy eyebrows and smiled . Now . How can I help you? Your father didnt show up, I stated, raising an eyebrow as he looked at me like he expected me to continue rambling on . But when he realized that was all I had to say, he ran a hand down through his mid-lengthed, soft, ebony hair before holding the back of his neck and smiling halfheartedly . And? He shook his head subtly, still smiling, before dropping his hand to his lap . Whats new about that? Whats there to talk about regarding this? In the middle of the night? Why? I asked, no longer hiding my curiosity . How were you so sure that he wouldnt turn up? He looked at me bemusedly, with smiling, crinkling eyes . Then the light in his eyes died . Im not compelled to tell you . Actually, you are, I pressed indifferently, crossing arms across my chest and looking down at him . He raised his eyebrows, jutted out his lower lip, then bit it back in with a smile . Really? He then diverted his gaze to the floor and drawled . Were not . friends . Youre my hostage, I stated, ignoring his supposedly humiliating comment . That does not make you my owner . He pointed out business-like . I shall not utter a thing I dont feel obliged to say . So how about a topic change? I screwed my face at how at ease he was and shook my head . Thats not happe- I happen not to understand the significance of music . He intoned with a strong voice that cut all my chain of thoughts . I cannot relate to it whatsoever . His voice softened . In fact, I absolutely despise it . I stared at him and smirked . Were not friends, I retorted harshly . We dont discu- Im asking you- he breathed with a hard look and a raised brow . -because you happen to be a music lover . A piano player . No other reason . I think I turned pink . Well, what do you expect me to do about it? I snapped at him frustratedly, looking at him while he ruffled his own hair with a cheeky smile . Explain to me your love to music . He said simply with a shrug . I mean, our relationship was built solely on your eagerness to share a song with a complete stranger . His eyes turned soft and his smile widened . Me . His eyes then fluttered and I had to catch my breath in my hands, keep it there safe and home, so that I could gulp it back down when he wasnt staring at me the way he was . So . His renewed, louder voice snapped me out of my thoughts . What is it, thats so particularly enchanting about it? Is it the beat or the singers voice or the b.l.o.o.d.y lyrics? Surprisingly, anger was a sharp pen that managed to deepen the furrow of his eyebrows, the colour of his eyes and the intensity of his voice . I didnt understand why it angered him . He then shook his head . I just constantly fail to understand . The very fact that he hated music never really got to me either . I mean, I didnt think there was a being on Earth that doesnt like it . Youll never understand it . I found myself saying . My pa.s.sion for music ran very deep within me . It was my saviour in my darkest days . My only source of pure, gushing emotion that was communicated with beautiful voices and expressive lyrics . Music is emotion . Enlighten me please . He said, lifting his head a bit with a proud, playful smile . I want you to teach me . Its impossible, I said curtly and he slowly raised his eyebrows . In order for you to understand, I mocked with a slight, fake pout . Youd have to learn what it means to be human . His face was unreadable . So you deem me as hopeless case- He stated almost seriously . -worthless of your efforts to help me . Help you in what? My lips parted and my heart beat fastened . In understanding music, of course . His emeralds were unblinking and I had to look down . I thought Ive insulted you enough, I said . My- He frowned deeply with a small smile . Insulted me? He feigned offence . Truth is not an insult . So you admit youre inhumane? I asked incredulously, tilting my head toward him . I already told you that before- He looked bored . And Ill tell you again . Im a murderer . That -if it isnt already obvious- makes me incapable of relating to your humanity, love, care, heart and the rest of that very long, insipid list . He might be as well be talking about the weather or saying something very ordinary . I think youre capable of caring, I blurted out and caught myself a tad too late . His head was already up and his eyes shocked at my words . He looked oddly disappointed . You do? He sighed heavily as his not-so-empty-hard-to-read eyes glared at me . What a terrible accusation, darling! He scoffed and laughed humorlessly . And I wanted to punch him in his perfect teeth . What made you think so? He asked, his voice deepening and sobering up . I saw it in your eyes . He tried not to roll his eyes . When you were with Augustus, I added, looking down and peeking up at him . He froze . His eyes slowly diverted to me and I almost faltered at their intensity . He lifted his eyebrows, shook his head, peeped at me through his hair curtain, smiled and sighed softly . I told you I almost killed him . He said as matter-of-factly and I grimaced . Are you trying to make me hate you? I snapped at him and wondered where did that come from . Do you want to die at my hands? Itd be a pleasur- Just stop! My face contorted and I raised a hand to cut him off . Youre not direct with me! I came here to ask you about your father and you suddenly want to talk about music . Then make me hate you more and more! Then youd taunt me like you did the last time . And then make me question and doubt my own blood! What is your problem?! I was angry . He looked amused . You- He breathed . Not being able to carry on with your job or interrogation or whatsoever this is- He waved his hand randomly between us . -is not my problem . It does not concern me the least bit . My breathing fastened and my blood boiled . I hated his composure and the coldness in his voice . I hated this whole facade . Okay, I said solidly . Then lets be friends . My voice was ice-cold and I had to stretch my fingers, that wouldve loved to wrap themselves around his neck and squeeze the merry life out of it . You want to be friends? He asked bemusedly . After you know I killed your father and -who knows- He shrugged and tilted his head . -maybe even your brother? His smile was a sin . He shouldnt do that when he was talking like this . Plus, twenty? Or what- wait? Thirty more? I cant recall, love . Did Maxime tell- Yes . I cut off his hateful words . I still want your friendship . He looked at me hard, opened his mouth, closed it and then stared at me more . It was like he was thinking about what to say . Choosing and weighing his words . Selecting his emotions and maybe preparing his face muscles to move accurately, hoping itd depict what he only wanted . He then smiled effortlessly with raised eyebrows as I marvelled at his astonishingly green eyes . Okay, love- He said, his voice slightly taut . Lets be friends . His fake excitement irritated me even more and I wanted nothing more than to get over with this . Why didnt your father show up? was what I asked immediately . He raised his eyebrows in response as his lips fought to suppress a smile . Tell me that you know that being friends is more like a . two-way road . He then smiled playfully . Youll have to do something for me in return, darling . Naturally . I mean you cant possibly be that naive . He continued teasing as I pressed my lips into a thin line . Answer my que- I was done being patient with him . Love- His voice was strong, distracting me from my anger . I will not answer a question unless we make a deal . He was impossibly collected . I screwed my face . What deal? A deal- he cleared his throat . -whereby I make sure that I receive some kind of reward in return to answering your questions . He then clasped his hands together on top of his jacket, lifted his head and smiled expectantly . I pursed my lips and shifted in my place . Thats only fair . What do you want? He raised his eyebrows then grinned . Well . nothing much . He shrugged, averting his gaze away from me . Just two things really . He was tossing the light pager in the air and capturing it again with his huge hand . He glanced up at me with his impossibly transparent, green eyes awaiting a response . Just two things? I repeated what he said incredulously as he nodded quickly, closing his eyes and smiling shyly . I rolled my eyes . What are they? He then straightened up, took a deep breath, crossed his arms across his chest and stared at me with eyes that shone brilliantly with indecipherable emotion . He then smiled breathtakingly .

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