Julius Caesar

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Alexander"s POV .

I was being very patient . I was being so very patient with Augustus and his actions . Spending his nights drunk and sad and spending his days talking nonstop with Zig -his childhood friend, apparently, or Ledger- one of my men who constantly paired up with Julius if anything was needed to be taken care of . He even wasn"t going to his university but spent all his time indoors . Which was very unlike him .

And it irritated me that I didn"t know how he was doing . I didn"t even dare ask him because even though I knew what I did was right, I couldn"t bring myself to ask him and talk with him about it .

And when I walked into his room in the afternoons, I"d find him hunched over his table and scribbling things with ferocity .

I was afraid my son was losing his mind .

But I"d call out his name and he"d look up at me smiling . And that didn"t make me feel better . Because the only person he smiled to was me . He was simply pretending . For me .

As for Julius, I"d already planned when and how I"d get him back . Two weeks was enough of a punishment for him . All I had to do was head there and I knew that both, Julius and the d.a.m.ned doc.u.ments would be in my hands . I had even sent one of my men to the place where they were keeping Julius and install cameras to keep track of the enemy .

I knew this would be easier than they might"ve antic.i.p.ated . And all I had to do was be patient . Patient with Augustus . And patient with my wrath that had been begging for release for quite a while .

After all, patience is bitter, but its fruit would sure be sweet .


Samantha"s POV .

I could"ve simply ignored him . I swear I could"ve . I could"ve totally ignored what he said . What he yelled . I could"ve ignored everything . But here I was sitting on the huge, scarlet armchair in the reception with the crimson ceilings, chandelier and d.a.m.ned window . I was sitting with the neck of a crystal wine gla.s.s containing red wine between my fingers . Here I was drinking away the horrors of what my love hurtled in my direction two days ago as I studied my a.r.s.e of a brother who seemed to be watching something particularly interesting on his laptop screen .

It was odd that the time he wasn"t spending shooting innocent animals dead, he was staring at his laptop screen like his life depended on it . I was curious about what was he was watching .

After finishing my wine, I pushed myself up from the armchair and headed to the window where I enjoyed the sunshine on my bare arms . At that time, I was reminded of my room"s window and my piano and how much I missed playing it .

I sighed heavily before Maxime"s voice cut my useless train of thoughts .

"I"m heading out, Sam," he said and I didn"t turn to him . "Will be back in a while . "

I nodded at the window, not really caring where he went . It wasn"t like he cared if I cared and at that point I couldn"t lie to myself any longer . I wasn"t here for Maxime . I was here for Julius . For my curiosity about him that got the better of me .

I slowly turned to find my brother"s laptop on the table he sat at . But without him . Looked like curiosity was getting the better of me then too . I walked to the table feeling numb with excitement . I placed the wine gla.s.s at the edge of the table then sat in front of the laptop and opened it .

There was obviously a pa.s.sword, but it didn"t take me long to figure that it was "Leonard" .

The wallpaper was a black screen and there was nothing on it except for one folder . With difficulty, I moved the cursor to the folder (I was having a bit of difficulty using any technology because I obviously hadn"t used any of it for eight whole years) .

The folder opened and there were, I read, one-hundred and fifty-three video clips . I was a bit apprehensive at clicking at one, scared I"d accidentally watch a p.o.r.no, but . . . it didn"t quite look like it .

I clicked at it anyway .

Leonard"s face close to the camera was the first thing I saw . It was dark where he took this video, but I could tell that he was smiling . Tousled hair, wide, dark eyes, dimples and a b.u.t.ton chin . I quickly hit the pause b.u.t.ton and took a deep breath . Seeing him after having had made peace with it, was very painful . I shook my head, gathered myself, clenched my fist, brought it to my chest and then resumed the video .

"We have a birthday to celebrate!" Leonard yelled at the camera then looked to his left where Maxime"s face popped . He hooted and I remember smiling because it was seldom I witnessed Maxime all carefree and happy . Especially after Leonard"s death . They then spoke in French about some girl, whom they thought was cute, before Maxime looked behind his back and tilted his head .

"Pére* . You"re ready? Do you wanna take over the camera now? We wanna start already!" Maxime said and my heart stopped . Dad was there too? I was grinning like an idiot . I thought it was so cute that they were celebrating a birthday together . I even wished I was there .

That was until they both moved away from the camera and I had to squint at the screen to notice a girl sitting on a wooden chair in the centre of some s.p.a.ce . Some very familiar s.p.a.ce . With a heart lurch, I realized it was Julius" "haven" . She sat, knees touching on a wooden chair, hair over her face and hands not visible . My smile dropped . I watched Leonard and Maxime walk toward her before they both stood at either side of her with wide smiles .

My breathing stopped when the camera was moved closer to the girl at a disturbingly fast speed . The girl was blindfolded and was in nothing but a short, dark dress- I realized in horror . And she wasn"t happy . She was crying desperately and my heart . Oh, my heart . . .

Leonard, my dead brother, knelt down next to her, and I could make out the stage"s platform at the back . I watched his hand trace her thigh up and down . Bile crept up my oesophagus .

"What"s your last birthday wish?" He cooed and I had to clasp my hands over my mouth when I noticed Maxime draw out something from the back of his pants . A scalpel .

"Come on, Leo! People paid to see something worth the while-" scolded a familiar, rough voice behind the camera .

People paid? What? What was Dad saying?

Leonard looked at the camera, smiled sinisterly before his hand disappeared under the girl"s dress . She squirmed to no avail as Maxime laughed, running a hand through her hair .

"Women are crazy," he said, then leaned toward the girl"s ear . "Just say you like it . "

Women are crazy . . .

The girl tipped back her head and screamed against the cloth in her mouth as tears wet her blindfold . Leonard then retrieved back his hand with a smirk and rubbed it on his dark jeans . Maxime groaned and I averted my gaze to him .

"You should"ve licked it, frére*," he then chuckled . "More fun . "

"No, man . STDs," came my dead brother"s reply .

"Are you done with the chit-chat?" was what my dad told them . "Get on with it!"

The girl squirmed even more as Leonard reached for his back and retrieved a scalpel too .

"Alright, alright . Any last wish?" He yelled at the wailing girl, smile gone, before he laughed, his violent facial expressions changing completely . "Oh, I forgot . You can"t even speak . "

And he swung his scalpel and I exited the video . Oh G.o.d . Oh . My . G.o.d .

I clicked a video after the other, my brain paralyzed with fear . What was I watching? What were they doing? I wanted to scream, but all I did was cry and cry as I watched Maxime st.i.tch a baby"s lips as Dad watched . As I watched Leonard **** a lady and abuse her in indescribable ways . As I watched them soak someone in gas and tease them with a lighted cigarette . I couldn"t stop watching . I couldn"t stop revealing and revealing more truths .

They were all lies, lies, intricately woven lies . And I was stuck in the middle .

I almost lost my sanity when I watched a video of a room full of money and my dad standing proudly, smoking a cigar . I almost barfed when I watched Leonard and Maxime carry buckets of a red fluid . I needn"t think of what it was . I knew . I knew . And I almost died when I watched them splash it on a girl, no older than thirteen while laughing and yelling "Thou shall be cleansed! Pig blood!"

And I wondered if that was why the mansion was so dark . If that was why there were so many rooms . Torture rooms .

But then I almost stopped breathing when- "I"m back!" I heard Maxime"s voice echo down the hallway and immediately snapped the laptop shut, pushing myself out of the chair .

I was staring widely at the reception"s mouth, panting and waiting for Maxime to pop out any second .

I shut my parted lips as he appeared with a sick smile plastered on his face . His hair was stuck on his forehead with sweat and his white shirt clung to his sweaty, lean torso . He studied me for a while as I distanced myself from the table and hoped that my emotions weren"t evident on my face because they sure were . I was impossibly bad at this . I couldn"t even be good at it if I tried, because what I saw, killed those skills a thousand times .

"Hey, sis, what"s up? You look like you"ve seen a ghost-" He commented and I speechlessly shook my head . But I realized I was acting suspicious so I forced a few words out of my mouth .

"I"ve never been better," I choked out . "Brother . "

He narrowed his eyes suspiciously at me, then averted his gaze to his laptop, then the wine gla.s.s as I gulped and moved away from the table a little more .

"Okay! Cheer up, sis! I came up with a great idea . " He then walked toward me, running a hand through his dark hair and grinning .

"A g-great idea?" I pathetically stumbled on my words as I stared at him approaching me in absolute fear .

"Yes," he whispered excitedly, nodding . "I"ve figured how to bring Julius to his knees . How to open him up . "

When I first heard this, I thought he meant it literally, because it wasn"t so far-fetched . And it horrified me . He was standing in front of me now and I found myself holding onto the table"s edge for support . Because this was the worst news . The worst ever .

"You have?" I squeaked, fear a fist punching the living daylights out of me .

He nodded silently and leaned in to whisper in my ear and I almost scooted away but threatened myself to be wise . Composed, even when my brain was in complete mayhem .

"Dress your best and meet me at the bas.e.m.e.nt in fifteen . Preferably red," was what he told me .

He then backed away and I had to bite my lips not to utter a whimper as tears filled my eyes . His dull greys caught mine and I couldn"t help but wonder about what he thought of his pathetic sister . A sister who seemed to have no problem at shedding tears for a murderer . A murderer who killed her father . Her father a murderer . And who could"ve killed her brother . Her brother a murderer . A psychopath .

And I wanted nothing, nothing, but to free myself from this dilemma, because my heart was no longer mine . It didn"t belong to that body . It was elsewhere . It was shredded . It was lost in imminent darkness . In the clutches of monsters . Murderers . And it petrified me because I wasn"t supposed to be here . Because I was supposed to run as fast as possible from both of them .

I should"ve let the monsters deal with each other . People like me die . Die by the fire the monsters enrage in their battles .

And I"d caught fire from two wars .

I hadn"t realized Maxime was calling me until I felt a hand on my shoulder . I looked up with a gasp, feeling my heart race under my skin . I desperately looked into his ivory eyes, not failing to notice his scowl . Scary, monstery scowl . . .

"I"m sorry," I panted out, feeling my chest constrict tightly and my fingers shake uncontrollably .

"Be there, Sam . Or I"ll have to come and get you," he told me with a smile and a wink before turning to leave .

I pushed a shaking fist to my chest, feeling my heart pound violently against it and squeezed shut my eyes . I could barely stand straight and almost collapsed from the sheer pain of my inability to breathe when Maxime rushed back into the reception, glared at me before grabbing his laptop under his arm and leaving . Leaving me . Leaving me to hyperventilate my fears and insurmountable trouble I was in .

I held onto the table with both my hands and lowered myself to the ceramic-tiled floor . I let my hands trail down my neck . I let it clutch it . Pull at it . Because I couldn"t- Couldn"t breathe . And I needed to pull out what was lodged there . I needed out .

My mouth opened helplessly and I leaned forward toward the floor, heaving and pulling at my skin because I wanted air .

Because my brother and Julius were killing me .

Because I was having a panic attack . The third in that week . And it felt like death was a big steel wool sitting in my throat contently . Sucking and sucking my soul out delectably . It was deflating my insides and reminding me painfully of what got me here . What left me to this . This dry-heaving, broken girl . A girl who threw her heart out to the wolves . An empty, folded girl, with her forehead, almost kissing the floor from the acute physical and mental torment of it all .

I straightened up with a sharp inhalation, tears blurring my vision . I had to calm down, I reminded myself . I had to calm down to relieve this pain . I had to stop thinking about my brothers . Of my dead father . A father who really did have blood on his hands .

Julius was right . Julius had always been right . And somehow this thought was the only anchor I found to collect myself .

Julius never lied to me, I whispered to myself . He never manipulated me . My brother did . He showed me the ugly, the terrible in Julius while he stayed under the sunlight . He killed me a hundred times . Maxime never really cared for me or he would"ve kept me as far as possible from him . From all of this .

Julius never lied to me, I whispered to myself . He never manipulated me . My brother did . He showed me the ugly, the terrible in Julius while he stayed under the sunlight . He killed me a hundred times . Maxime never really cared for me or he would"ve kept me as far as possible from him . From all of this .

Julius was always true to me . Even with his ugliness . He never lied, I repeated rea.s.suringly . My depths knew the truth of this . And I needed to find him . I needed him to show me the light . I needed him to help me out of this . Because I was drowning . I was fading away .

I noticed my breathing slow down and my trachea opening up as air rushed in . I gasped hopefully and squeezed shut my eyes, feeling some tears fumble down my eyelashes . And then I remembered that Maxime gave me only fifteen minutes . I inhaled sharply and my eyes snapped open .

I had to go .


I wore a knee-length blue dress . Navy blue .

I had my hair pulled in a ponytail and made sure I didn"t have a trace of makeup on . I basically did the opposite of what Maxime told me to do . And when I descended the stairs, I had to pause in horror at what I was witnessing . There stood my tall, roughly handsome brother smiling at me in a crisp, crimson suit that contrasted beautifully with his grey eyes . He stood- He stood sandwiched between two huge men . They looked scary . My G.o.d, so scary .

Behind them was the door that kept Julius away from this atrocity and it was guarded by another pair of guards . I suddenly found it difficult to breathe .

What were they going to do with him? Julius?

"Come here, sister," Maxime extended a hand toward me and I gulped before reluctantly approaching him . I was breathing rapidly and shallowly . I was afraid he could hear my bated breath .

When I stood in front of him, I tried ignoring the two intimidating men who stood by my brother and decided I needed to just breathe my way into and out of this . I smiled at Maxime because it was the right thing to do; it was what fit my role . Because this was just an act . It had been that all along .

"I thought I told you to wear red," he said, monotone, still smiling and blinking . "I wanted us to match . "

"Blue and crimson aren"t that bad," was my pathetic comeback . There was obviously no way I was telling him, "I am defying you . . . Psycho . "

He merely nodded in my direction before he gave me his back as his guards, or whoever those men were, turned too . Maxime waved at one of the door guards and they quickly opened the door .

I couldn"t breathe at this moment, because my heart was inside that room . If they hurt my heart, I die .

Maxime stepped into the brightly lit room, followed by the two guards before I finally staggered inside after them- I really needed support, I told myself, because I thought my kneecaps just got dislocated .

I moved from behind Maxime and my eyes immediately fell on a smirking, shirtless Julius . He was wearily eyeing Maxime and sizing up his men . He then glanced to his left and almost did a double take when he saw me standing there too, looking like an utter mess .

He then quickly whipped his head back to Maxime with slightly parted lips . He recovered .

"Finally," he was the first to speak . "I was waiting for that visit for quite a while . Kept wondering when you"d take matters in your hands instead of handing them to your . . . sister . " He then glanced at me and I gulped at the intensity of his forest-green eyes .

Maxime didn"t respond, instead, he c.o.c.ked his head at one of his guards . They both briskly walked to Julius and I had to clap my hands over my mouth to make sure I wasn"t producing any unnecessary sounds . Sounds like screaming, because- look at my heart . . . Look at it!

Maxime now stood facing the three of them while I stood at the side, by a wall for support . The guards harshly held onto Julius" arms as he simply looked at them and smiled lopsidedly . And I realized that this wasn"t what he was supposed to do . He was supposed to cry because none of this was funny . Those were all scary things .

Julius then glared at my brother as his smile turned to a smirk . "And now you"re handing your matters to other men"s hands?" He screwed his face sarcastically . "Intriguing . "

"How can we get your father here?" Maxime asked and Julius rolled his eyes, before looking pointedly at me .

"She knows . "

"She knows?" Maxime turned to me and I gulped, shaking my head .

"He said, his father disliked him . That he wouldn"t care less . That he didn"t know what was his weak-weakness-" I blurted out the words, my heart dying in my chest .

"See?" Julius then said, thankfully returning Maxime"s attention to himself . "She knows . "

"I didn"t get my answer, Alexander Jr," came my brother"s response and I looked at him confused .

"That"s all I have to offer . "

I clenched my fists . That was bad .

"Oh?" Maxime"s deep voice rang in the place . The place where he killed, tortured and raped many innocent people, children, babies . I shut my eyes as the horrendous images flooded my mind . "But I have lots to offer . "

Julius smirked . "How generous," he said . "Please let"s cut the c.r.a.p and get started already . "

Maxime raised his eyebrows, his features hardening . "Oh, we will cut the c.r.a.p . But I have to exactly know where to cut it . "

I furrowed my eyebrows at his wordings . I didn"t understand what he said, but Julius seemed to have understood because his posture changed . It became more relaxed even though I knew that what came out of my brother"s mouth was surely vicious . He was leaning on the guards like they were his lifelong friends .

Met by Julius" silence, Maxime started circling him and his men like he was some predator . In a way, he really was . I watched him study Julius who seemed to look everywhere but at me . I was so very scared for him .

He didn"t see what I saw .

Maxime"s features lit up with a smile before he retreated to his position . I shuddered .

Maxime met Julius" cold eyes, then commanded, "Turn him . "

Maxime met Julius" cold eyes, then commanded, "Turn him . "

Just like that, the two guards robotically turned Julius who wasn"t even fighting back and pushed him onto the stage platform, such that he stood up with his upper body laid flat on the stage"s floor . His hands were held firmly, one by each guard, and his legs were locked in place by the guards" feet, leaving me his scarred back to stare at .

I couldn"t see his face and that panicked me . I couldn"t know if he was in pain or was okay . And I couldn"t do a thing to help him . Heavens, I didn"t even know what Maxime was planning to do . So I held my breath and waited .

And then Maxime took out a scalpel . And I thought I fainted because I thought I lost my vision a bit . But I looked down and my feet were planted firmly on the ground . I was still standing . In fact, my feet were moving . I was walking and I was grasping at Maxime"s arm .

"What are you doing?" I panted out and he stopped in his tracks surprised .

"What am I doing?" He retorted and I shook my head weakly .

"You can"t do-do that," I pleaded . "You know you can"t . "

Maxime smiled . "Relax, Sam . This is for Leo . "

I speechlessly shook my head as I felt tears splatter on my bare arms . Maxime gave me one final disregarding glance before shaking my hands away . I stumbled back and held onto the wall breathlessly .

I watched him approach Julius slowly, his fingers skilfully arranged around the scalpel .

"I will not stop until you beg me to . Until you beg me and scream it that you have the answer I need," Maxime said calmly . So calmly it killed me again . And I wondered how much more death could I take alive before it actually ends me . It seemed a lot .

And he swung his blade and there was a lot of screams . And I think that they were all mine . Because my scarred heart was being shredded . Shredded and shredded . And I was screaming and wailing . I had a fist against my chest as I glimpsed his bloodied back . His bloodied, scarred back . And that brought more tears to my eyes as I continued screaming at my brother to stop .

But murderers only had ears for their demons .

So I miraculously found my footing and decided that I wanted him to hear . Even if that meant screaming in his ears . If it meant slapping him and killing his demons . I rushed to him and with all the force I could muster in this feeble being of mine, I pushed him away from Julius . Maxime flew backwards and almost fell before catching himself at the last moment . He had dropped his scalpel and was glaring at me . I breathed out and daren"t even turn . Or I"d see my wounded, wounded heart .

My tears were flowing freely now . "We need to talk . " I a.s.serted shakily and he narrowed his eyes at me .

Maxime was about to head to his scalpel, apparently ignoring me, when I yelled at him, completely losing my d.a.m.ned mind . "I SAID WE NEED TO TALK!"

Maxime stared at me wide-eyed, but I wasn"t finished yet . Women are crazy, huh? Oh, he had seen nothing and I was going to show him more of that .

I turned to his stoic-faced guards . "LEAVE HIM AND GET THE f.u.c.k OUT OF HERE!"

Both the guards looked at each other, then at Maxime and I pursed my lips . "DIDN"T YOU HEAR ME?"

The guards let go of Julius" hands and solidly walked out of the bas.e.m.e.nt . I then furrowed my eyebrows, my breath hitching as I watched Julius use a hand, rest it on the platform and try to turn himself . He tried and failed before he finally turned, his head bowed and his chest bloodied from his back wounds . It took me every inch in me to fight standing by his side and helping him out . He stood hunch-backed as if it"d kill him to straighten up . He wouldn"t even show his face .

"Might as well go and kiss him," Maxime"s taunting voice cut my thoughts and I fully turned to him, standing straight .

"And you might as well go f.u.c.k yourself, you b.l.o.o.d.y sociopath!" I yelled at him and he scowled .

"You will regret this so much Samantha," he said venomously . "Mark my words . "

He then turned and walked out of the door completely vexed . And now I stood alone with Julius, watching him do nothing, but watch the floor . I slowly approached him, touched his arm, but he winced and my heart stopped . He slowly looked up at me and tears formed in my eyes at his condition . His face was red, lips bleeding probably from biting down on them and his romantic, green eyes wide and gla.s.sy .

"I"m sorry," was all I could whisper before I took off, not forgetting to pick Maxime"s b.l.o.o.d.y scalpel from the floor .


"What is your problem?" was the first thing Maxime yelled at me when he saw me step into the reception . He had a cigarette between his fingers, his white, b.u.t.ton-up shirt was half-open with his suit"s jacket thrown on the armchair .

"What is your problem?" I bellowed back angrily, walking determinedly up to him . "This wasn"t what we agreed on!"

"Dammit, Samantha! We agreed on avenging our broth-"

"Well, I"ll be G.o.dd.a.m.ned!" I shouted, getting closer to his face . "Not in this way!"

"I didn"t kill him! You were the one who wanted me to go an-"

"You could"ve killed him if I didn"t stop you!"

"You"re saying all this to hide under the truth!" He yelled, s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g his face in anger . "You never cared about Leonard!"

I was taken aback by his words . I inhaled deeply . "How dare you accuse me o-"

"You never stopped loving him!" He then exploded, his cigarette breath fanning my face as I flinched . "You never will . You can"t! Not for anyone!"

"I don"t love him!" I yelled back, clenching my fists . "And this isn"t about him! I didn"t want to talk about h-"

"Well, I want to-" He demanded authoritatively as I held my hips .

"Well, there isn"t anything to say that would entertain you," I scowled . "So let"s talk about this-" I raised the b.l.o.o.d.y scalpel in his face . He looked taken aback and had to back away as he stared at it .
"Well, I want to-" He demanded authoritatively as I held my hips .

"Well, there isn"t anything to say that would entertain you," I scowled . "So let"s talk about this-" I raised the b.l.o.o.d.y scalpel in his face . He looked taken aback and had to back away as he stared at it .

"What about it?" His voice lowered and I tightened my hold around it .

"What about it?!" I made a face . "Is it completely normal for someone to witness their own brother carve someone"s back with a scalpel . A scalpel, Maxime!"

Act it through, I thought . He shouldn"t suspect a thing . I didn"t know what he was fully capable of . But he was an animal through and through .

"I had to get creative!" was his stupid comeback .

"No, honey," I frowned . "You got animalic! You were absolutely barbaric!"

"Well, he killed my father!" He protested . "And my brother! And he killed you, dammit!"

"It wasn"t him!" I defended uselessly . "And what do you mean killed me? Yo-"

"Well, he"s totally got you under his influe-"

"Just shut up!" I clenched my jaws . "I"m perfectly aware of what I"m doing-"

"Oh?" He then smiled viciously . "Like you were perfectly aware of what you were doing using my laptop, huh?"

That shut me up .

And it was like an alarm went on in my brain . Chaos, chaos, chaos . My toes curled and my heart hurtled as I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow . Maintain the act . Maintain it, or you"ll be dead . Dead, dead, dead- I chanted in my head as my eyes almost teared up at the effort this was taking .

"Yes, I used your laptop," I agreed with him smartly . He raised his eyebrows as if impressed I complied . Impressed at my audacity . "I didn"t know the pa.s.sword at the beginning-" Make it as believable as possible . "When I figured it out, I saw one file-" I smirked despite the fire lashing out in my brain . Maxime stood statue-like, listening to the lies I fed him . "With lots of videos," I breathed out . "But I was scared to click them . "

"Scared, huh?" I knew what Maxime was hinting to, but I had to play dumb to win a day .

"Yeah, Maxime," I decided to play with my words . "I get easily traumatized watching such things . "

"Such things?"

I then lowered my voice . "Look, you shouldn"t be angry or defensive that I knew . All guys watch p.o.r.n at your age . It"s fine," I said, inching toward him and smirking . His eyebrows shot up to his hairline and I almost exhaled loudly, exposing myself . He was swallowing my lie wholly .

"How did you figure it was p.o.r.n?" He narrowed his eyes at me as I forced out a believable giggle .

"I saw you grin at your laptop screen . What else could you be watching? Natural geographic?" I commented as he breathed out loudly .

"Of course not," he smirked . "I hate animals . "

And I hate animals like you- I remember thinking as I held up a teasing smile .

"So can we go back to how you were using a scalpel?" I swiftly changed the topic . Maxime narrowed his eyes and smiled lopsidedly .

"You"re a story Samantha," was what he told me with a smirk . "You"re way too smart . "

My heart skipped a beat . Was this a good thing or a bad thing? Probably terrible .

"Don"t ever meddle into this again-" I made sure my tone changed . "You handed this to me and I shall be the one to get done with it . "

Maxime smirked, nodding halfheartedly . "But I better get answers soon," he said, his eyes glinting disturbingly .

"Yes," I pressed . "You will . "

After that, I turned and walked away from him to my room where I prepared a first-aid kit and some blankets, readying myself to spend a very, very long night with Julius .


A/N: You have no idea how writing this chapter disturbed me lol . Hope you"ve enjoyed tho!





NEXT CHAPTER IS THE SECOND LAST CHAPTER OF PART TWO!Alexanders POV . I was being very patient . I was being so very patient with Augustus and his actions . Spending his nights drunk and sad and spending his days talking nonstop with Zig -his childhood friend, apparently, or Ledger- one of my men who constantly paired up with Julius if anything was needed to be taken care of . He even wasnt going to his university but spent all his time indoors . Which was very unlike him . And it irritated me that I didnt know how he was doing . I didnt even dare ask him because even though I knew what I did was right, I couldnt bring myself to ask him and talk with him about it . And when I walked into his room in the afternoons, Id find him hunched over his table and scribbling things with ferocity . I was afraid my son was losing his mind . But Id call out his name and hed look up at me smiling . And that didnt make me feel better . Because the only person he smiled to was me . He was simply pretending . For me . As for Julius, Id already planned when and how Id get him back . Two weeks was enough of a punishment for him . All I had to do was head there and I knew that both, Julius and the d.a.m.ned doc.u.ments would be in my hands . I had even sent one of my men to the place where they were keeping Julius and install cameras to keep track of the enemy . I knew this would be easier than they mightve antic.i.p.ated . And all I had to do was be patient . Patient with Augustus . And patient with my wrath that had been begging for release for quite a while . After all, patience is bitter, but its fruit would sure be sweet . --- Samanthas POV . I couldve simply ignored him . I swear I couldve . I couldve totally ignored what he said . What he yelled . I couldve ignored everything . But here I was sitting on the huge, scarlet armchair in the reception with the crimson ceilings, chandelier and d.a.m.ned window . I was sitting with the neck of a crystal wine gla.s.s containing red wine between my fingers . Here I was drinking away the horrors of what my love hurtled in my direction two days ago as I studied my a.r.s.e of a brother who seemed to be watching something particularly interesting on his laptop screen . It was odd that the time he wasnt spending shooting innocent animals dead, he was staring at his laptop screen like his life depended on it . I was curious about what was he was watching . After finishing my wine, I pushed myself up from the armchair and headed to the window where I enjoyed the sunshine on my bare arms . At that time, I was reminded of my rooms window and my piano and how much I missed playing it . I sighed heavily before Maximes voice cut my useless train of thoughts . Im heading out, Sam, he said and I didnt turn to him . Will be back in a while . I nodded at the window, not really caring where he went . It wasnt like he cared if I cared and at that point I couldnt lie to myself any longer . I wasnt here for Maxime . I was here for Julius . For my curiosity about him that got the better of me . I slowly turned to find my brothers laptop on the table he sat at . But without him . Looked like curiosity was getting the better of me then too . I walked to the table feeling numb with excitement . I placed the wine gla.s.s at the edge of the table then sat in front of the laptop and opened it . There was obviously a pa.s.sword, but it didnt take me long to figure that it was Leonard . The wallpaper was a black screen and there was nothing on it except for one folder . With difficulty, I moved the cursor to the folder (I was having a bit of difficulty using any technology because I obviously hadnt used any of it for eight whole years) . The folder opened and there were, I read, one-hundred and fifty-three video clips . I was a bit apprehensive at clicking at one, scared Id accidentally watch a p.o.r.no, but . it didnt quite look like it . I clicked at it anyway . Leonards face close to the camera was the first thing I saw . It was dark where he took this video, but I could tell that he was smiling . Tousled hair, wide, dark eyes, dimples and a b.u.t.ton chin . I quickly hit the pause b.u.t.ton and took a deep breath . Seeing him after having had made peace with it, was very painful . I shook my head, gathered myself, clenched my fist, brought it to my chest and then resumed the video . We have a birthday to celebrate! Leonard yelled at the camera then looked to his left where Maximes face popped . He hooted and I remember smiling because it was seldom I witnessed Maxime all carefree and happy . Especially after Leonards death . They then spoke in French about some girl, whom they thought was cute, before Maxime looked behind his back and tilted his head . Pére* . Youre ready? Do you wanna take over the camera now? We wanna start already! Maxime said and my heart stopped . Dad was there too? I was grinning like an idiot . I thought it was so cute that they were celebrating a birthday together . I even wished I was there . That was until they both moved away from the camera and I had to squint at the screen to notice a girl sitting on a wooden chair in the centre of some s.p.a.ce . Some very familiar s.p.a.ce . With a heart lurch, I realized it was Julius haven . She sat, knees touching on a wooden chair, hair over her face and hands not visible . My smile dropped . I watched Leonard and Maxime walk toward her before they both stood at either side of her with wide smiles . My breathing stopped when the camera was moved closer to the girl at a disturbingly fast speed . The girl was blindfolded and was in nothing but a short, dark dress- I realized in horror . And she wasnt happy . She was crying desperately and my heart . Oh, my heart . Leonard, my dead brother, knelt down next to her, and I could make out the stages platform at the back . I watched his hand trace her thigh up and down . Bile crept up my oesophagus . Whats your last birthday wish? He cooed and I had to clasp my hands over my mouth when I noticed Maxime draw out something from the back of his pants . A scalpel . Come on, Leo! People paid to see something worth the while- scolded a familiar, rough voice behind the camera . People paid? What? What was Dad saying? Leonard looked at the camera, smiled sinisterly before his hand disappeared under the girls dress . She squirmed to no avail as Maxime laughed, running a hand through her hair . Women are crazy, he said, then leaned toward the girls ear . Just say you like it . Women are crazy . The girl tipped back her head and screamed against the cloth in her mouth as tears wet her blindfold . Leonard then retrieved back his hand with a smirk and rubbed it on his dark jeans . Maxime groaned and I averted my gaze to him . You shouldve licked it, frére*, he then chuckled . More fun . No, man . STDs, came my dead brothers reply . Are you done with the chit-chat? was what my dad told them . Get on with it! The girl squirmed even more as Leonard reached for his back and retrieved a scalpel too . Alright, alright . Any last wish? He yelled at the wailing girl, smile gone, before he laughed, his violent facial expressions changing completely . Oh, I forgot . You cant even speak . And he swung his scalpel and I exited the video . Oh G.o.d . Oh . My . G.o.d . I clicked a video after the other, my brain paralyzed with fear . What was I watching? What were they doing? I wanted to scream, but all I did was cry and cry as I watched Maxime st.i.tch a babys lips as Dad watched . As I watched Leonard **** a lady and abuse her in indescribable ways . As I watched them soak someone in gas and tease them with a lighted cigarette . I couldnt stop watching . I couldnt stop revealing and revealing more truths . They were all lies, lies, intricately woven lies . And I was stuck in the middle . I almost lost my sanity when I watched a video of a room full of money and my dad standing proudly, smoking a cigar . I almost barfed when I watched Leonard and Maxime carry buckets of a red fluid . I neednt think of what it was . I knew . I knew . And I almost died when I watched them splash it on a girl, no older than thirteen while laughing and yelling Thou shall be cleansed! Pig blood! And I wondered if that was why the mansion was so dark . If that was why there were so many rooms . Torture rooms . But then I almost stopped breathing when- Im back! I heard Maximes voice echo down the hallway and immediately snapped the laptop shut, pushing myself out of the chair . I was staring widely at the receptions mouth, panting and waiting for Maxime to pop out any second . I shut my parted lips as he appeared with a sick smile plastered on his face . His hair was stuck on his forehead with sweat and his white shirt clung to his sweaty, lean torso . He studied me for a while as I distanced myself from the table and hoped that my emotions werent evident on my face because they sure were . I was impossibly bad at this . I couldnt even be good at it if I tried, because what I saw, killed those skills a thousand times . Hey, sis, whats up? You look like youve seen a ghost- He commented and I speechlessly shook my head . But I realized I was acting suspicious so I forced a few words out of my mouth . Ive never been better, I choked out . Brother . He narrowed his eyes suspiciously at me, then averted his gaze to his laptop, then the wine gla.s.s as I gulped and moved away from the table a little more . Okay! Cheer up, sis! I came up with a great idea . He then walked toward me, running a hand through his dark hair and grinning . A g-great idea? I pathetically stumbled on my words as I stared at him approaching me in absolute fear . Yes, he whispered excitedly, nodding . Ive figured how to bring Julius to his knees . How to open him up . When I first heard this, I thought he meant it literally, because it wasnt so far-fetched . And it horrified me . He was standing in front of me now and I found myself holding onto the tables edge for support . Because this was the worst news . The worst ever . You have? I squeaked, fear a fist punching the living daylights out of me . He nodded silently and leaned in to whisper in my ear and I almost scooted away but threatened myself to be wise . Composed, even when my brain was in complete mayhem . Dress your best and meet me at the bas.e.m.e.nt in fifteen . Preferably red, was what he told me . He then backed away and I had to bite my lips not to utter a whimper as tears filled my eyes . His dull greys caught mine and I couldnt help but wonder about what he thought of his pathetic sister . A sister who seemed to have no problem at shedding tears for a murderer . A murderer who killed her father . Her father a murderer . And who couldve killed her brother . Her brother a murderer . A psychopath . And I wanted nothing, nothing, but to free myself from this dilemma, because my heart was no longer mine . It didnt belong to that body . It was elsewhere . It was shredded . It was lost in imminent darkness . In the clutches of monsters . Murderers . And it petrified me because I wasnt supposed to be here . Because I was supposed to run as fast as possible from both of them . I shouldve let the monsters deal with each other . People like me die . Die by the fire the monsters enrage in their battles . And Id caught fire from two wars . I hadnt realized Maxime was calling me until I felt a hand on my shoulder . I looked up with a gasp, feeling my heart race under my skin . I desperately looked into his ivory eyes, not failing to notice his scowl . Scary, monstery scowl . Im sorry, I panted out, feeling my chest constrict tightly and my fingers shake uncontrollably . Be there, Sam . Or Ill have to come and get you, he told me with a smile and a wink before turning to leave . I pushed a shaking fist to my chest, feeling my heart pound violently against it and squeezed shut my eyes . I could barely stand straight and almost collapsed from the sheer pain of my inability to breathe when Maxime rushed back into the reception, glared at me before grabbing his laptop under his arm and leaving . Leaving me . Leaving me to hyperventilate my fears and insurmountable trouble I was in . I held onto the table with both my hands and lowered myself to the ceramic-tiled floor . I let my hands trail down my neck . I let it clutch it . Pull at it . Because I couldnt- Couldnt breathe . And I needed to pull out what was lodged there . I needed out . My mouth opened helplessly and I leaned forward toward the floor, heaving and pulling at my skin because I wanted air . Because my brother and Julius were killing me . Because I was having a panic attack . The third in that week . And it felt like death was a big steel wool sitting in my throat contently . Sucking and sucking my soul out delectably . It was deflating my insides and reminding me painfully of what got me here . What left me to this . This dry-heaving, broken girl . A girl who threw her heart out to the wolves . An empty, folded girl, with her forehead, almost kissing the floor from the acute physical and mental torment of it all . I straightened up with a sharp inhalation, tears blurring my vision . I had to calm down, I reminded myself . I had to calm down to relieve this pain . I had to stop thinking about my brothers . Of my dead father . A father who really did have blood on his hands . Julius was right . Julius had always been right . And somehow this thought was the only anchor I found to collect myself . Julius never lied to me, I whispered to myself . He never manipulated me . My brother did . He showed me the ugly, the terrible in Julius while he stayed under the sunlight . He killed me a hundred times . Maxime never really cared for me or he wouldve kept me as far as possible from him . From all of this . Julius was always true to me . Even with his ugliness . He never lied, I repeated rea.s.suringly . My depths knew the truth of this . And I needed to find him . I needed him to show me the light . I needed him to help me out of this . Because I was drowning . I was fading away . I noticed my breathing slow down and my trachea opening up as air rushed in . I gasped hopefully and squeezed shut my eyes, feeling some tears fumble down my eyelashes . And then I remembered that Maxime gave me only fifteen minutes . I inhaled sharply and my eyes snapped open . I had to go . --- I wore a knee-length blue dress . Navy blue . I had my hair pulled in a ponytail and made sure I didnt have a trace of makeup on . I basically did the opposite of what Maxime told me to do . And when I descended the stairs, I had to pause in horror at what I was witnessing . There stood my tall, roughly handsome brother smiling at me in a crisp, crimson suit that contrasted beautifully with his grey eyes . He stood- He stood sandwiched between two huge men . They looked scary . My G.o.d, so scary . Behind them was the door that kept Julius away from this atrocity and it was guarded by another pair of guards . I suddenly found it difficult to breathe . What were they going to do with him? Julius? Come here, sister, Maxime extended a hand toward me and I gulped before reluctantly approaching him . I was breathing rapidly and shallowly . I was afraid he could hear my bated breath . When I stood in front of him, I tried ignoring the two intimidating men who stood by my brother and decided I needed to just breathe my way into and out of this . I smiled at Maxime because it was the right thing to do; it was what fit my role . Because this was just an act . It had been that all along . I thought I told you to wear red, he said, monotone, still smiling and blinking . I wanted us to match . Blue and crimson arent that bad, was my pathetic comeback . There was obviously no way I was telling him, I am defying you . Psycho . He merely nodded in my direction before he gave me his back as his guards, or whoever those men were, turned too . Maxime waved at one of the door guards and they quickly opened the door . I couldnt breathe at this moment, because my heart was inside that room . If they hurt my heart, I die . Maxime stepped into the brightly lit room, followed by the two guards before I finally staggered inside after them- I really needed support, I told myself, because I thought my kneecaps just got dislocated . I moved from behind Maxime and my eyes immediately fell on a smirking, shirtless Julius . He was wearily eyeing Maxime and sizing up his men . He then glanced to his left and almost did a double take when he saw me standing there too, looking like an utter mess . He then quickly whipped his head back to Maxime with slightly parted lips . He recovered . Finally, he was the first to speak . I was waiting for that visit for quite a while . Kept wondering when youd take matters in your hands instead of handing them to your . sister . He then glanced at me and I gulped at the intensity of his forest-green eyes . Maxime didnt respond, instead, he c.o.c.ked his head at one of his guards . They both briskly walked to Julius and I had to clap my hands over my mouth to make sure I wasnt producing any unnecessary sounds . Sounds like screaming, because- look at my heart . Look at it! Maxime now stood facing the three of them while I stood at the side, by a wall for support . The guards harshly held onto Julius arms as he simply looked at them and smiled lopsidedly . And I realized that this wasnt what he was supposed to do . He was supposed to cry because none of this was funny . Those were all scary things . Julius then glared at my brother as his smile turned to a smirk . And now youre handing your matters to other mens hands? He screwed his face sarcastically . Intriguing . How can we get your father here? Maxime asked and Julius rolled his eyes, before looking pointedly at me . She knows . She knows? Maxime turned to me and I gulped, shaking my head . He said, his father disliked him . That he wouldnt care less . That he didnt know what was his weak-weakness- I blurted out the words, my heart dying in my chest . See? Julius then said, thankfully returning Maximes attention to himself . She knows . I didnt get my answer, Alexander Jr, came my brothers response and I looked at him confused . Thats all I have to offer . I clenched my fists . That was bad . Oh? Maximes deep voice rang in the place . The place where he killed, tortured and raped many innocent people, children, babies . I shut my eyes as the horrendous images flooded my mind . But I have lots to offer . Julius smirked . How generous, he said . Please lets cut the c.r.a.p and get started already . Maxime raised his eyebrows, his features hardening . Oh, we will cut the c.r.a.p . But I have to exactly know where to cut it . I furrowed my eyebrows at his wordings . I didnt understand what he said, but Julius seemed to have understood because his posture changed . It became more relaxed even though I knew that what came out of my brothers mouth was surely vicious . He was leaning on the guards like they were his lifelong friends . Met by Julius silence, Maxime started circling him and his men like he was some predator . In a way, he really was . I watched him study Julius who seemed to look everywhere but at me . I was so very scared for him . He didnt see what I saw . Maximes features lit up with a smile before he retreated to his position . I shuddered . Maxime met Julius cold eyes, then commanded, Turn him . Just like that, the two guards robotically turned Julius who wasnt even fighting back and pushed him onto the stage platform, such that he stood up with his upper body laid flat on the stages floor . His hands were held firmly, one by each guard, and his legs were locked in place by the guards feet, leaving me his scarred back to stare at . I couldnt see his face and that panicked me . I couldnt know if he was in pain or was okay . And I couldnt do a thing to help him . Heavens, I didnt even know what Maxime was planning to do . So I held my breath and waited . And then Maxime took out a scalpel . And I thought I fainted because I thought I lost my vision a bit . But I looked down and my feet were planted firmly on the ground . I was still standing . In fact, my feet were moving . I was walking and I was grasping at Maximes arm . What are you doing? I panted out and he stopped in his tracks surprised . What am I doing? He retorted and I shook my head weakly . You cant do-do that, I pleaded . You know you cant . Maxime smiled . Relax, Sam . This is for Leo . I speechlessly shook my head as I felt tears splatter on my bare arms . Maxime gave me one final disregarding glance before shaking my hands away . I stumbled back and held onto the wall breathlessly . I watched him approach Julius slowly, his fingers skilfully arranged around the scalpel . I will not stop until you beg me to . Until you beg me and scream it that you have the answer I need, Maxime said calmly . So calmly it killed me again . And I wondered how much more death could I take alive before it actually ends me . It seemed a lot . And he swung his blade and there was a lot of screams . And I think that they were all mine . Because my scarred heart was being shredded . Shredded and shredded . And I was screaming and wailing . I had a fist against my chest as I glimpsed his bloodied back . His bloodied, scarred back . And that brought more tears to my eyes as I continued screaming at my brother to stop . But murderers only had ears for their demons . So I miraculously found my footing and decided that I wanted him to hear . Even if that meant screaming in his ears . If it meant slapping him and killing his demons . I rushed to him and with all the force I could muster in this feeble being of mine, I pushed him away from Julius . Maxime flew backwards and almost fell before catching himself at the last moment . He had dropped his scalpel and was glaring at me . I breathed out and darent even turn . Or Id see my wounded, wounded heart . My tears were flowing freely now . We need to talk . I a.s.serted shakily and he narrowed his eyes at me . Maxime was about to head to his scalpel, apparently ignoring me, when I yelled at him, completely losing my d.a.m.ned mind . I SAID WE NEED TO TALK! Maxime stared at me wide-eyed, but I wasnt finished yet . Women are crazy, huh? Oh, he had seen nothing and I was going to show him more of that . I turned to his stoic-faced guards . LEAVE HIM AND GET THE f.u.c.k OUT OF HERE! Both the guards looked at each other, then at Maxime and I pursed my lips . DIDNT YOU HEAR ME? The guards let go of Julius hands and solidly walked out of the bas.e.m.e.nt . I then furrowed my eyebrows, my breath hitching as I watched Julius use a hand, rest it on the platform and try to turn himself . He tried and failed before he finally turned, his head bowed and his chest bloodied from his back wounds . It took me every inch in me to fight standing by his side and helping him out . He stood hunch-backed as if itd kill him to straighten up . He wouldnt even show his face . Might as well go and kiss him, Maximes taunting voice cut my thoughts and I fully turned to him, standing straight . And you might as well go f.u.c.k yourself, you b.l.o.o.d.y sociopath! I yelled at him and he scowled . You will regret this so much Samantha, he said venomously . Mark my words . He then turned and walked out of the door completely vexed . And now I stood alone with Julius, watching him do nothing, but watch the floor . I slowly approached him, touched his arm, but he winced and my heart stopped . He slowly looked up at me and tears formed in my eyes at his condition . His face was red, lips bleeding probably from biting down on them and his romantic, green eyes wide and gla.s.sy . Im sorry, was all I could whisper before I took off, not forgetting to pick Maximes b.l.o.o.d.y scalpel from the floor . --- What is your problem? was the first thing Maxime yelled at me when he saw me step into the reception . He had a cigarette between his fingers, his white, b.u.t.ton-up shirt was half-open with his suits jacket thrown on the armchair . What is your problem? I bellowed back angrily, walking determinedly up to him . This wasnt what we agreed on! Dammit, Samantha! We agreed on avenging our broth- Well, Ill be G.o.dd.a.m.ned! I shouted, getting closer to his face . Not in this way! I didnt kill him! You were the one who wanted me to go an- You couldve killed him if I didnt stop you! Youre saying all this to hide under the truth! He yelled, s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g his face in anger . You never cared about Leonard! I was taken aback by his words . I inhaled deeply . How dare you accuse me o- You never stopped loving him! He then exploded, his cigarette breath fanning my face as I flinched . You never will . You cant! Not for anyone! I dont love him! I yelled back, clenching my fists . And this isnt about him! I didnt want to talk about h- Well, I want to- He demanded authoritatively as I held my hips . Well, there isnt anything to say that would entertain you, I scowled . So lets talk about this- I raised the b.l.o.o.d.y scalpel in his face . He looked taken aback and had to back away as he stared at it . What about it? His voice lowered and I tightened my hold around it . What about it?! I made a face . Is it completely normal for someone to witness their own brother carve someones back with a scalpel . A scalpel, Maxime! Act it through, I thought . He shouldnt suspect a thing . I didnt know what he was fully capable of . But he was an animal through and through . I had to get creative! was his stupid comeback . No, honey, I frowned . You got animalic! You were absolutely barbaric! Well, he killed my father! He protested . And my brother! And he killed you, dammit! It wasnt him! I defended uselessly . And what do you mean killed me? Yo- Well, hes totally got you under his influe- Just shut up! I clenched my jaws . Im perfectly aware of what Im doing- Oh? He then smiled viciously . Like you were perfectly aware of what you were doing using my laptop, huh? That shut me up . And it was like an alarm went on in my brain . Chaos, chaos, chaos . My toes curled and my heart hurtled as I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow . Maintain the act . Maintain it, or youll be dead . Dead, dead, dead- I chanted in my head as my eyes almost teared up at the effort this was taking . Yes, I used your laptop, I agreed with him smartly . He raised his eyebrows as if impressed I complied . Impressed at my audacity . I didnt know the pa.s.sword at the beginning- Make it as believable as possible . When I figured it out, I saw one file- I smirked despite the fire lashing out in my brain . Maxime stood statue-like, listening to the lies I fed him . With lots of videos, I breathed out . But I was scared to click them . Scared, huh? I knew what Maxime was hinting to, but I had to play dumb to win a day . Yeah, Maxime, I decided to play with my words . I get easily traumatized watching such things . Such things? I then lowered my voice . Look, you shouldnt be angry or defensive that I knew . All guys watch p.o.r.n at your age . Its fine, I said, inching toward him and smirking . His eyebrows shot up to his hairline and I almost exhaled loudly, exposing myself . He was swallowing my lie wholly . How did you figure it was p.o.r.n? He narrowed his eyes at me as I forced out a believable giggle . I saw you grin at your laptop screen . What else could you be watching? Natural geographic? I commented as he breathed out loudly . Of course not, he smirked . I hate animals . And I hate animals like you- I remember thinking as I held up a teasing smile . So can we go back to how you were using a scalpel? I swiftly changed the topic . Maxime narrowed his eyes and smiled lopsidedly . Youre a story Samantha, was what he told me with a smirk . Youre way too smart . My heart skipped a beat . Was this a good thing or a bad thing? Probably terrible . Dont ever meddle into this again- I made sure my tone changed . You handed this to me and I shall be the one to get done with it . Maxime smirked, nodding halfheartedly . But I better get answers soon, he said, his eyes glinting disturbingly . Yes, I pressed . You will . After that, I turned and walked away from him to my room where I prepared a first-aid kit and some blankets, readying myself to spend a very, very long night with Julius . *** A/N: You have no idea how writing this chapter disturbed me lol . Hope youve enjoyed tho! OH, I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT! *DRUM ROLLS* *POPCORN POPPING* *ELEPHANTS TRAMPLING* NEXT CHAPTER IS THE SECOND LAST CHAPTER OF PART TWO!

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