Julius Caesar

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Julius"s POV .

I woke up at seven thirty in the morning on the sound of an alarm I made before I slept yesterday . Sam was already awake and curled on a chair next to the window with a steaming mug of something .

She glanced at me as I made my way to the washroom, rolled her eyes, then looked back in front of her .

You were welcome, Sam . b.i.t.c.h .

I had to do a lot of things before actually heading to the park by ten . So I took a quick shower and shaved before putting on a white b.u.t.ton-down shirt pushed to my elbows and some khaki pants . I then packed all my things in a travel bag (I bought previously, obviously) and positioned it next to Sam"s unpacked travel bag . I grabbed my brown leather jacket and left immediately .

I made my way to a mediocre-looking hotel and made a reservation by the name Romeo Rendz . I"d be calling Sam in a few hours telling her to go there because I wouldn"t be with her to help her move . I might even send Augustus to help her out .

I then took a cab to the park . It was nine forty-five in the morning . I sat on a bench from which I could see everyone coming and leaving the park .

I didn"t even know what I was going to do with Samantha . I didn"t know where to take her . And I thought I"d start taking back the thought that I didn"t regret recommending accompanying her on this occasion .

But I had to find something . And something good too . But how would I know? I had zero experience when it came to entertaining people . So imagine how difficult it would be to entertain a blind person . . .

Well, if she couldn"t see, she could definitely hear, smell and feel .

I then saw her walk into the park looking fresher than I"ve ever seen her . She still wore black though . She had a simple black sweater on top of black pants . Her practicality made me smile . Her hair was fluttering around her relaxed face as she caned her way to a nearby bench which was three benches away from mine .

I noticed her dark violet-painted nails that kept drumming continuously on the bench . I then noticed she had her mp3 player with her . I smiled slightly as I got up to talk to her .

I sat next to her and she immediately grinned, taking off her new earbuds .

"h.e.l.lo . " She said smiling removing hair from her face .

"h.e.l.lo," I replied and she laughed melodiously .

"I honestly thought you"d stand me up, so I got my mp3 player just in case . " She laughed again and I raised my eyebrows bemusedly .

"Why would I do that?"

"I don"t know . For ominous reasons . " She said shrugging and I managed to smile and frown at her .

"Ominous?" I cringed at the word she used . "I would never do that," I then added seriously, clearing my throat quietly . "So- are you ready for your best birthday yet?" I said still having absolutely no clue what to do .

She laughed and nodded . Then there was a long pause . Like awfully long .

"You don"t know where we"re going, right?" She asked laughing and I couldn"t help, but join . I then ended that laugh with a cough and a heavy sigh .

"Honestly? No . " I cringed again as her laughter rang in my ears .

"It"s okay . It"s already my best birthday having a person like you with me . " She said facing me as an involuntary small smile curved my lips . I had to bite the smile away . I was quite embarra.s.sed by my behaviour .

"But that"s not enough . Oh! I got an idea!" I said feeling surprisingly excited . I even turned to her in antic.i.p.ation as she raised her eyebrows with a smile . "Do you want to have ice cream?"

Her face brightened up as she nodded vigorously . "Oh, yes! I would love to, Julius!"

I felt myself smile again as I got up . "Great . Let me help you, then . " I said taking her hand as she got to her feet . "Do you want to take a cab or walk to the shop?" I then asked diverting my gaze to the parking lot .

"Walk . " She said immediately and I looked back at her . At her round, soft featured-face, half-concealed by her sungla.s.ses . At her parted, heart-shaped pale pink lips and hair that the wind managed to blow into her mouth . I watched her slender fingers remove her hair away . And then I remembered that she was waiting for my response .

"Okay, then . " I suppressed a smile . "Hold my hand and I"ll direct us there," I said and she nodded, her lips pressing into a tight, pleasant smile .

"Okay . "

I took a deep breath, cleared my throat and we started walking .


Once we were at the ice cream shop, I ordered one vanilla scoop while Samantha ordered two chocolate scoops with strawberry . We ate our ice cream and talked about random things . Mostly, of course, about her .

And she was beyond amusing, I realized . She was simple, straight-to-the-point, practical and an overall mature and independent person . And for me, it was a rarity to come across such people . So I wasn"t surprised when I caught myself smiling or grinning like an absolute fool .

"So tell me, Samantha," I said seriously as I finished off my ice cream . "Why are you always wearing black? I mean is there a reason or is it simply because you have a certain attachment to black?"

She looked up at me with a serious, uncomfortable face, then adjusted her sungla.s.ses . "There is a reason . " She said with a small voice, then looked down . "It"s a tradition we do . When someone close to you dies, we wear black to mourn their loss . "

I looked at her and frowned a bit .

"My dad died almost two weeks ago . " She said slowly, but steadily as my breath hitched . "It got unbearable for me so many times . Just the fact that I couldn"t see my dad before he died . I wished so hard to see him, but, you know, I can"t . " She chuckled humorlessly and made a random movement with her hand that held a spoon . "I was convinced that hearing him and smelling him was enough . That was true until I lost him . " She breathed as a silent tear came rolling down her right cheek and her hold tightened around her spoon . She wiped it off immediately . "But that"s okay . I"m not the only person who loses someone close to them, you know . " She tried to smile pathetically but failed .

I couldn"t interpret the feeling in my chest after she finished talking . But it felt like a double-decker was parked on my b.l.o.o.d.y ribcage . It was like- yes, yes- it was like my chest tightened and constricted . And I couldn"t do something about it except for reaching for her right hand and patting it twice as she did to me before .

"I"m sorry . Losing a person whom you loved isn"t easy . E-especially a parent . "

She looked up at me and smiled warmly . "I know it isn"t . But doesn"t listening to Sam Smith help?" She laughed and I smiled faintly .

Ah, yes . I found something I didn"t like about her . Her infatuation with music . Especially that Sam Swift guy .

"Yes . It definitely does . "

We left after that, seeing that the mood turned sour . We started randomly walking in the streets, hands in pockets, talking about the weather when I stopped dead in front of a floral shop . She stopped too with a look of concern on her face .

Well, it was obviously the most cliche move ever, but the girl was blind . I couldn"t think of anything better .

"Okay . Can you wait here for a minute, please?" I said and she looked at me startled .

"Here? Where are you going?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowed slightly .

"Just give me a second . "

I entered the floral shop and chose a couple of good-smelling flowers . After all, she wouldn"t be able to see them even if they looked beautiful . While I was waiting for the small bouquet to be wrapped and all, I called Sam .

"Where the h.e.l.l are you?!" was the first thing she yelled and I grimaced .

I hated loud voices too and she was b.l.o.o.d.y blaring loudspeakers .

"I"m in the street," I answered vaguely . "Why? Did something happen?"

"No . Thank G.o.d, of course . But I was worried sick about you, especially after what you told me about them following you too . And seeing a packed bag beside mine! I mean, I thought someone broke in and kept it! What if it contained b.l.o.o.d.y explosives or som-"

"Well, if you focused on actually using your eyes instead of rolling them, you would"ve seen me pack my own bag! Not b.l.o.o.d.y expl-" I started irritably .

"That"s no excuse for scaring the stinky s.h.i.t out of me!" She yelled more and I moved the phone away from my ears again . "I called so many times!"

"That"s no excuse for scaring the stinky s.h.i.t out of me!" She yelled more and I moved the phone away from my ears again . "I called so many times!"

"No, that"s not tru-" I then remembered that my phone was on silent . I then sighed, giving in . "Oh . I"m sorry . I didn"t hear . Anyhow, there"s something important you have to do . "

"What"s that?" She said, sounding calmer .

"I"m going to send you someone to take you to a new hotel . You"ll go there-"

"Alone?" She quickly interrupted me .

Feisty and a softie at the same time . G.o.d!

"No . Just until I come . Anyway, just go there and choose a room that has two beds, two washrooms and all basically two of everything . Just make sure you"ll be able to adjust in whatever you choose . " I sighed as I watched the florist wrap the flowers skillfully .

"Okay, whatever . "

"I"ll send you my friend to help you, so you got nothing to worry about . "

"Yes . Okay . "

"Expect him in an hour or so . "

"Okay, Romeo, go to h.e.l.l . "

"Anytime," I said, rolled my eyes and hung up on her .

I then dialled Augustus"s number and he answered after the second ring . I obviously needed his services .

"Romeo, my man!"

"h.e.l.lo, Augustus . " I said and heard a disapproving "tsk" from his side .

"Gust, my friend . My name"s Gust . "

I chuckled with an eye-roll .

"Well, Gust . Will you do me a favour?" I looked at my ring and frowned in focus .

"Yeah, sure . Does it include chicks?" He said and I shook my head .

"Well . . . Not exactly . I have a friend, her name"s Sam . Anyway, I wanted you to take her from my motel to another hotel . " I said slowly .

"Ah, okay-"

I then gave him the hotel"s name . "The reservation"s name is Romeo Rendz . Let her choose a room and just see if she"s safe . "

"Ooh, she seems important to you . " He said playfully and I sighed wearily .

"Yes . She is . "

"Is she hot?" He asked after a pause .

"I don"t know about that . But I know that she"ll eat you if you tried doing anything inapt . Mate-how come you don"t know her?" I asked, raising my eyebrows .

"Am I supposed to?" he replied after a short pause .

"Yes . Her father was a very established businessman . "

"Yes . Her father was a very established businessman . "

A long pause .

"Do you mean Sam Ricardo?" He said, lowering his voice .

"Ah, yes . Her . "

"Holy blueberries, mate . She hates me . " He said and I chuckled lightly .

"I don"t blame her honestly . Just be on your best behaviour . "

"I"ll try . " He laughed and I hung up .

The bouquet was ready . Most of the flowers were white but had beautiful scents . I exited the shop and found Samantha talking on the phone while tracing circles with her shoe tip on the ground .

I smiled and walked to her . She then hung up and shoved her phone back in her pants . I then took her hand, placed the bouquet there and looked down at her with a soft smile .

"Oh my G.o.d . Julius are those- are those flowers?" She gasped and I laughed at her absolutely lovely reaction .

"Yes . "

"I love flowers!" She exclaimed looking up at me . "Let me guess . There are magnolia blossoms, lilacs and maybe even freesias . Right?" She whispered excitedly and I looked at her in awe .

"I do not know . But -wow- how do you know all that?" I commented, eyeing the flowers .

"Ha! I study plants at my university . " She said and I thought that there definitely must be universities for visually impaired people .

"That"s nice," I said, tilting my head a bit .

"Oh, thank you so much!" She said and I smiled satisfactorily .

"No problem, Samantha . It"s your birthday . Besides I"m your friend . It"s okay . "

She smiled looking down at her fingers as they gently grazed the flowers" petals .

"Okay, then . Where to next?" I inhaled deeply and she beamed .

"I don"t know . " She said and I looked at her . Her happiness was very contagious . She looked up at me like an ecstatic child as her hair fluttered in the cool breeze and into her sungla.s.ses .

I glanced at my watch . It was about thirteen hundred hours . I then cleared my throat and she shifted a bit .

"Julius?" She muttered softly and I averted my gaze to her .


"Why are you doing this?" She asked .

"Do what?" I said, distracted by her perfectly applied nail polish .

"You know- hang out with me . . . for my birthday . "

I looked sharply in her direction, opened my mouth, and closed it again, speechlessly . I actually didn"t know . So I opted for a question . "Why do you think?"

"That"s not fair . I asked first . " She said gently and I sighed .

"I don"t know . " I sighed, shoving my hands in my pockets and kicking a tiny stone . "I just admired you . The way you handle things . I can really learn a thing or two from you," I continued . "Especially, I need to learn how to be satisfied with what I have . And to adjust to what has been taken away from me . " I shrugged, remembering Audrey and my baby .
"That"s not fair . I asked first . " She said gently and I sighed .

"I don"t know . " I sighed, shoving my hands in my pockets and kicking a tiny stone . "I just admired you . The way you handle things . I can really learn a thing or two from you," I continued . "Especially, I need to learn how to be satisfied with what I have . And to adjust to what has been taken away from me . " I shrugged, remembering Audrey and my baby .

She smiled slightly . "Are you sure it"s not because you feel . . bad for me?" She asked and I scoffed .

"Not at all . If you got to truly know me, I do not really feel bad for anyone . I simply believe that everyone can deal and live through what they were destined to have . Like maybe I wouldn"t handle it if I were visually impaired, but you can because that"s your problem . Maybe you wouldn"t handle losing a boyfriend and a baby, but I will-" I stopped and shut my eyes .

"You lost a girlfriend and a baby?" She gasped softly and I shut up .

Well, good one, k.n.o.bhead . That"s what hanging out with pretty, flower-loving girls with beautiful fingers do to you- I thought to myself bitterly . But it wasn"t a big deal, honestly .

"You can say that . But that is okay . " I shrugged, kicking another tiny rock on the street we stood in .

"Goodness, that"s not okay . " She said softly, taking my hand and squeezing it . "I"m so sorry for your loss, Julius . "

I laughed coldly and took my hand back gently . "As it happens, Samantha, it is okay . "

Her lips smiled sadly with a tiny frown . "I"m sorry . I shouldn"t have inquired . " She said and I shook my head .

"No . I expected you to inquire . You don"t have to be sorry for caring to ask . " I sighed and she nodded . "Okay . Now . Forget about all that . Where would you like to go?" I asked, trying to change the subject .

"We don"t have to go anywhere . You made this birthday the best . So you can-" She tried sweetly, but I interrupted her .

"No-uh, you aren"t getting rid of me that easily," I smirked and she bit a grin away .

"Okay . Lead the way, Caesar . " She whispered loudly and my eyes widened before I recovered and led the way .


We ended up in some random carnival where we took a lot of pictures despite her protests of her not being able to know whether or not she looked good .

She looked fine .

I bought her some cotton candy and popcorn to which she insisted to pay for . By the time we were back at the park, it was twenty-one hundred hours .

It was a good, lighthearted day .

"Thank you so much . " She said, rocking on her heels .

"No . Thank you for the good time I"ve had in a long time . " I said honestly and she shook her head .

"It"s just the first time I hang out with someone without them using me or feeling sorry for me, to the extent that they don"t treat me like the normal person I feel like . It"s nice . " She bit down on her lower lips and I smiled lopsidedly .

"You deserve better," I added simply and she shook her head, smiling shyly .

"Okay, Julius . I have to go . " She then stated and I nodded as I got that same, weird feeling in my chest .

"Yes, okay . " I blurted . "I"ll see you around . Soon . "

"Hopefully . " She whispered with a small smile before she turned and started walking away from me . I stood watching her, unblinking with my hands shoved in my pants" pockets .

When she was out of sight, I took a cab to the new hotel .


A/N: Again, more of a personality revealing chapter . ;) What do you think?

Lots of love <3> Juliuss POV . I woke up at seven thirty in the morning on the sound of an alarm I made before I slept yesterday . Sam was already awake and curled on a chair next to the window with a steaming mug of something . She glanced at me as I made my way to the washroom, rolled her eyes, then looked back in front of her . You were welcome, Sam . b.i.t.c.h . I had to do a lot of things before actually heading to the park by ten . So I took a quick shower and shaved before putting on a white b.u.t.ton-down shirt pushed to my elbows and some khaki pants . I then packed all my things in a travel bag (I bought previously, obviously) and positioned it next to Sams unpacked travel bag . I grabbed my brown leather jacket and left immediately . I made my way to a mediocre-looking hotel and made a reservation by the name Romeo Rendz . Id be calling Sam in a few hours telling her to go there because I wouldnt be with her to help her move . I might even send Augustus to help her out . I then took a cab to the park . It was nine forty-five in the morning . I sat on a bench from which I could see everyone coming and leaving the park . I didnt even know what I was going to do with Samantha . I didnt know where to take her . And I thought Id start taking back the thought that I didnt regret recommending accompanying her on this occasion . But I had to find something . And something good too . But how would I know? I had zero experience when it came to entertaining people . So imagine how difficult it would be to entertain a blind person . Well, if she couldnt see, she could definitely hear, smell and feel . I then saw her walk into the park looking fresher than Ive ever seen her . She still wore black though . She had a simple black sweater on top of black pants . Her practicality made me smile . Her hair was fluttering around her relaxed face as she caned her way to a nearby bench which was three benches away from mine . I noticed her dark violet-painted nails that kept drumming continuously on the bench . I then noticed she had her mp3 player with her . I smiled slightly as I got up to talk to her . I sat next to her and she immediately grinned, taking off her new earbuds . h.e.l.lo . She said smiling removing hair from her face . h.e.l.lo, I replied and she laughed melodiously . I honestly thought youd stand me up, so I got my mp3 player just in case . She laughed again and I raised my eyebrows bemusedly . Why would I do that? I dont know . For ominous reasons . She said shrugging and I managed to smile and frown at her . Ominous? I cringed at the word she used . I would never do that, I then added seriously, clearing my throat quietly . So- are you ready for your best birthday yet? I said still having absolutely no clue what to do . She laughed and nodded . Then there was a long pause . Like awfully long . You dont know where were going, right? She asked laughing and I couldnt help, but join . I then ended that laugh with a cough and a heavy sigh . Honestly? No . I cringed again as her laughter rang in my ears . Its okay . Its already my best birthday having a person like you with me . She said facing me as an involuntary small smile curved my lips . I had to bite the smile away . I was quite embarra.s.sed by my behaviour . But thats not enough . Oh! I got an idea! I said feeling surprisingly excited . I even turned to her in antic.i.p.ation as she raised her eyebrows with a smile . Do you want to have ice cream? Her face brightened up as she nodded vigorously . Oh, yes! I would love to, Julius! I felt myself smile again as I got up . Great . Let me help you, then . I said taking her hand as she got to her feet . Do you want to take a cab or walk to the shop? I then asked diverting my gaze to the parking lot . Walk . She said immediately and I looked back at her . At her round, soft featured-face, half-concealed by her sungla.s.ses . At her parted, heart-shaped pale pink lips and hair that the wind managed to blow into her mouth . I watched her slender fingers remove her hair away . And then I remembered that she was waiting for my response . Okay, then . I suppressed a smile . Hold my hand and Ill direct us there, I said and she nodded, her lips pressing into a tight, pleasant smile . Okay . I took a deep breath, cleared my throat and we started walking . --- Once we were at the ice cream shop, I ordered one vanilla scoop while Samantha ordered two chocolate scoops with strawberry . We ate our ice cream and talked about random things . Mostly, of course, about her . And she was beyond amusing, I realized . She was simple, straight-to-the-point, practical and an overall mature and independent person . And for me, it was a rarity to come across such people . So I wasnt surprised when I caught myself smiling or grinning like an absolute fool . So tell me, Samantha, I said seriously as I finished off my ice cream . Why are you always wearing black? I mean is there a reason or is it simply because you have a certain attachment to black? She looked up at me with a serious, uncomfortable face, then adjusted her sungla.s.ses . There is a reason . She said with a small voice, then looked down . Its a tradition we do . When someone close to you dies, we wear black to mourn their loss . I looked at her and frowned a bit . My dad died almost two weeks ago . She said slowly, but steadily as my breath hitched . It got unbearable for me so many times . Just the fact that I couldnt see my dad before he died . I wished so hard to see him, but, you know, I cant . She chuckled humorlessly and made a random movement with her hand that held a spoon . I was convinced that hearing him and smelling him was enough . That was true until I lost him . She breathed as a silent tear came rolling down her right cheek and her hold tightened around her spoon . She wiped it off immediately . But thats okay . Im not the only person who loses someone close to them, you know . She tried to smile pathetically but failed . I couldnt interpret the feeling in my chest after she finished talking . But it felt like a double-decker was parked on my b.l.o.o.d.y ribcage . It was like- yes, yes- it was like my chest tightened and constricted . And I couldnt do something about it except for reaching for her right hand and patting it twice as she did to me before . Im sorry . Losing a person whom you loved isnt easy . E-especially a parent . She looked up at me and smiled warmly . I know it isnt . But doesnt listening to Sam Smith help? She laughed and I smiled faintly . Ah, yes . I found something I didnt like about her . Her infatuation with music . Especially that Sam Swift guy . Yes . It definitely does . We left after that, seeing that the mood turned sour . We started randomly walking in the streets, hands in pockets, talking about the weather when I stopped dead in front of a floral shop . She stopped too with a look of concern on her face . Well, it was obviously the most cliche move ever, but the girl was blind . I couldnt think of anything better . Okay . Can you wait here for a minute, please? I said and she looked at me startled . Here? Where are you going? She asked, her eyebrows furrowed slightly . Just give me a second . I entered the floral shop and chose a couple of good-smelling flowers . After all, she wouldnt be able to see them even if they looked beautiful . While I was waiting for the small bouquet to be wrapped and all, I called Sam . Where the h.e.l.l are you?! was the first thing she yelled and I grimaced . I hated loud voices too and she was b.l.o.o.d.y blaring loudspeakers . Im in the street, I answered vaguely . Why? Did something happen? No . Thank G.o.d, of course . But I was worried sick about you, especially after what you told me about them following you too . And seeing a packed bag beside mine! I mean, I thought someone broke in and kept it! What if it contained b.l.o.o.d.y explosives or som- Well, if you focused on actually using your eyes instead of rolling them, you wouldve seen me pack my own bag! Not b.l.o.o.d.y expl- I started irritably . Thats no excuse for scaring the stinky s.h.i.t out of me! She yelled more and I moved the phone away from my ears again . I called so many times! No, thats not tru- I then remembered that my phone was on silent . I then sighed, giving in . Oh . Im sorry . I didnt hear . Anyhow, theres something important you have to do . Whats that? She said, sounding calmer . Im going to send you someone to take you to a new hotel . Youll go there- Alone? She quickly interrupted me . Feisty and a softie at the same time . G.o.d! No . Just until I come . Anyway, just go there and choose a room that has two beds, two washrooms and all basically two of everything . Just make sure youll be able to adjust in whatever you choose . I sighed as I watched the florist wrap the flowers skillfully . Okay, whatever . Ill send you my friend to help you, so you got nothing to worry about . Yes . Okay . Expect him in an hour or so . Okay, Romeo, go to h.e.l.l . Anytime, I said, rolled my eyes and hung up on her . I then dialled Augustuss number and he answered after the second ring . I obviously needed his services . Romeo, my man! h.e.l.lo, Augustus . I said and heard a disapproving tsk from his side . Gust, my friend . My names Gust . I chuckled with an eye-roll . Well, Gust . Will you do me a favour? I looked at my ring and frowned in focus . Yeah, sure . Does it include chicks? He said and I shook my head . Well . Not exactly . I have a friend, her names Sam . Anyway, I wanted you to take her from my motel to another hotel . I said slowly . Ah, okay- I then gave him the hotels name . The reservations name is Romeo Rendz . Let her choose a room and just see if shes safe . Ooh, she seems important to you . He said playfully and I sighed wearily . Yes . She is . Is she hot? He asked after a pause . I dont know about that . But I know that sh.e.l.l eat you if you tried doing anything inapt . Mate-how come you dont know her? I asked, raising my eyebrows . Am I supposed to? he replied after a short pause . Yes . Her father was a very established businessman . A long pause . Do you mean Sam Ricardo? He said, lowering his voice . Ah, yes . Her . Holy blueberries, mate . She hates me . He said and I chuckled lightly . I dont blame her honestly . Just be on your best behaviour . Ill try . He laughed and I hung up . The bouquet was ready . Most of the flowers were white but had beautiful scents . I exited the shop and found Samantha talking on the phone while tracing circles with her shoe tip on the ground . I smiled and walked to her . She then hung up and shoved her phone back in her pants . I then took her hand, placed the bouquet there and looked down at her with a soft smile . Oh my G.o.d . Julius are those- are those flowers? She gasped and I laughed at her absolutely lovely reaction . Yes . I love flowers! She exclaimed looking up at me . Let me guess . There are magnolia blossoms, lilacs and maybe even freesias . Right? She whispered excitedly and I looked at her in awe . I do not know . But -wow- how do you know all that? I commented, eyeing the flowers . Ha! I study plants at my university . She said and I thought that there definitely must be universities for visually impaired people . Thats nice, I said, tilting my head a bit . Oh, thank you so much! She said and I smiled satisfactorily . No problem, Samantha . Its your birthday . Besides Im your friend . Its okay . She smiled looking down at her fingers as they gently grazed the flowers petals . Okay, then . Where to next? I inhaled deeply and she beamed . I dont know . She said and I looked at her . Her happiness was very contagious . She looked up at me like an ecstatic child as her hair fluttered in the cool breeze and into her sungla.s.ses . I glanced at my watch . It was about thirteen hundred hours . I then cleared my throat and she shifted a bit . Julius? She muttered softly and I averted my gaze to her . Yes? Why are you doing this? She asked . Do what? I said, distracted by her perfectly applied nail polish . You know- hang out with me . for my birthday . I looked sharply in her direction, opened my mouth, and closed it again, speechlessly . I actually didnt know . So I opted for a question . Why do you think? Thats not fair . I asked first . She said gently and I sighed . I dont know . I sighed, shoving my hands in my pockets and kicking a tiny stone . I just admired you . The way you handle things . I can really learn a thing or two from you, I continued . Especially, I need to learn how to be satisfied with what I have . And to adjust to what has been taken away from me . I shrugged, remembering Audrey and my baby . She smiled slightly . Are you sure its not because you feel bad for me? She asked and I scoffed . Not at all . If you got to truly know me, I do not really feel bad for anyone . I simply believe that everyone can deal and live through what they were destined to have . Like maybe I wouldnt handle it if I were visually impaired, but you can because thats your problem . Maybe you wouldnt handle losing a boyfriend and a baby, but I will- I stopped and shut my eyes . You lost a girlfriend and a baby? She gasped softly and I shut up . Well, good one, k.n.o.bhead . Thats what hanging out with pretty, flower-loving girls with beautiful fingers do to you- I thought to myself bitterly . But it wasnt a big deal, honestly . You can say that . But that is okay . I shrugged, kicking another tiny rock on the street we stood in . Goodness, thats not okay . She said softly, taking my hand and squeezing it . Im so sorry for your loss, Julius . I laughed coldly and took my hand back gently . As it happens, Samantha, it is okay . Her lips smiled sadly with a tiny frown . Im sorry . I shouldnt have inquired . She said and I shook my head . No . I expected you to inquire . You dont have to be sorry for caring to ask . I sighed and she nodded . Okay . Now . Forget about all that . Where would you like to go? I asked, trying to change the subject . We dont have to go anywhere . You made this birthday the best . So you can- She tried sweetly, but I interrupted her . No-uh, you arent getting rid of me that easily, I smirked and she bit a grin away . Okay . Lead the way, Caesar . She whispered loudly and my eyes widened before I recovered and led the way . --- We ended up in some random carnival where we took a lot of pictures despite her protests of her not being able to know whether or not she looked good . She looked fine . I bought her some cotton candy and popcorn to which she insisted to pay for . By the time we were back at the park, it was twenty-one hundred hours . It was a good, lighthearted day . Thank you so much . She said, rocking on her heels . No . Thank you for the good time Ive had in a long time . I said honestly and she shook her head . Its just the first time I hang out with someone without them using me or feeling sorry for me, to the extent that they dont treat me like the normal person I feel like . Its nice . She bit down on her lower lips and I smiled lopsidedly . You deserve better, I added simply and she shook her head, smiling shyly . Okay, Julius . I have to go . She then stated and I nodded as I got that same, weird feeling in my chest . Yes, okay . I blurted . Ill see you around . Soon . Hopefully . She whispered with a small smile before she turned and started walking away from me . I stood watching her, unblinking with my hands shoved in my pants pockets . When she was out of sight, I took a cab to the new hotel . *** A/N: Again, more of a personality revealing chapter . ;) What do you think? Lots of love <3>

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