Julius Caesar

Chapter 17

Chapter 17


When the cab stopped in front of the hotel, I was surprised to see Augustus"s Mustang parked there . I raised my eyebrows, ignored its familiarity and engaged myself with questions, majorly like, why in heaven"s name was he still there?

I made my way to the room . I heard loud voices coming from inside and frowned as I used my card copy to unlock the door . I went in and almost gasped at the scene that unfolded in front of me .

"What the h.e.l.l?" I almost yelled wearily as I watched Sam hold my gun and point it at Augustus who was hiding under my bed covers, shrieking .

I pursed my lips, took a deep breath and quickly approached an incredibly frustrated and determined Sam . But I had absolutely no time or energy to engage in this utterly mundane occurrence . "Sam . Give me the gun," I demanded solidly as Augustus"s crystal-blue eyes peeped from under the bed covers .

"Not before I kill that b.l.o.o.d.y waste of s.p.a.ce . " She spat, narrowing her eyes at a weakly smiling Augustus .

"What in heaven"s name happened?" I asked with a weary sigh, and she snapped her neck in my direction .

"He tried to look under -my- skirt . " She enunciated icily and I lifted my eyebrows unamusedly .

"I swear I was picking up my car"s keys! She thinks everybody has bad intentions like herself-" Augustus protested and tsked teasingly .

"Are you even serious?" I asked rhetorically still in disbelief . I then turned to Sam seriously and lowered my voice . "Are you aware that the gun you are handling in unloaded? You are creating useless commotion and scaring someone I sent to help you . " I clenched my fists . "Would you please be kind enough to hand me the gun and quit this nonsense? At least, respect the fact that he is someone I sent for a favour . "

"I do not care . " She batted her eyelashes at me teasingly, before turning to Augustus who was apparently too busy being scared to hear .

I shook my head and sighed . "Lower the gun, Sam and just let him apologize-"

"Apologize?" Augustus sounded almost offended and I exhaled through my nose . "Why in the name of b.l.o.o.d.y dancing blueberries? I swear I hadn"t looked . And even if I had," he turned to Sam . "-as it happens, your a.s.s is flat . " He teased and she focused the gun back at him with a scowl .

"Sam- it"s a gun you"re playing around with and my time you"re wasting . Ple" I started sweetly and wondered how much longer can my patience be extended when she interrupted .

"You better apologize, Augustus . " She threatened and he rolled his eyes .

"Aren"t you tired?" He told her, then looked at me . "She has been standing with the gun in her hands ever since we came here and I dropped my d.a.m.ned car keys! G.o.ddammit, I never regretted a key-drop in my entire life as I do right now!"

I looked back at Sam in exasperation . "Okay, Sam . Please let it go . " I flexed my fingers and clenched my jaws .

"Not until that son of a b.i.t.c.h apologizes . " She said and Augustus narrowed his electric-blue eyes at her as his thick eyebrows plunged into a deeper frown .

"You did not just call me that . " His voice"s tone changed considerably as he glared openly at her .

Picking up at the obvious warning in his voice, I shook my head at Sam to cut it out . Something happened that I clearly didn"t notice -due to my lack of interest, of course- seemed to actually offend him . He didn"t hit me as the type to get easily offended .

"I . Just . Did . " Sam shot back with a sneer .

Without any warning, Augustus leapt out of the bed and knocked the gun out of her hands twisting her arm behind her back . He bared his teeth as he pulled her closer to him .

Something offended him a lot .

Overlooking the scene with a disregarding glance, I decided not to interfere as I glanced at the powerless gun on the ground . Well- one gives the gun its power, you know?

Sam let out a small surprised yelp, but then shut up . Shamelessly bemused, I watched Augustus frown deeply as his platinum-blond hair shadow his face and lean in to whisper loudly in her ears .

"One . My mom"s not a b.i.t.c.h . You are . Two . Remember . You are definitely not my type . " He then pushed her away with a grimace . She collapsed in my thankfully open arms (I wanted to see fall on the ground, to be honest, but reminded myself that that was probably a "mean" thought) and I held her easily .

She then straightened up, looked at the both of us and ran to her room which was across my room . She was probably crying or performing some emotional ritual .

"Great!" Augustus exhaled in frustration .

A question tickled me and I actually dared to chuckle . He turned to me with raised eyebrows .

"What"s so funny?"

"Why did you get ticked when she called you that? I mean, couldn"t you have leapt at her before and actually relieved me from the ridiculousness of it all? I mean it was just an insult . " I smirked curiously .

"She crossed her limits, mate . I cannot stand this particular insult . You know what?" He pursed his lips . "Forget it . You won"t understand . " He then averted his gaze distractedly . "So not only have I gotten insulted, but I also made a girl cry . I mean, that accounts for a lot of points" loss in my lady-business field . " He groaned and I smiled slightly .

"It is okay . Especially if you didn"t really mean to just pick up the keys . " I raised my eyebrows . "I mean, I warned you-" I tilted my head and he lifted his eyebrows .

"How dare you underestimate my abilities, mate? I don"t get intimidated . Of course, I was looking under her skirt . " He shrugged nonchalantly and I nodded bemusedly .

"She should"ve killed you back then . " I joked and he smirked .

"You"d miss me too much . " He said, heading to the door .

"Trust me, I won"t . " And it was obviously true . I found it quite funny that he said that . I mean, did he really mean it or was it an attempt to make a joke? It confused me, but I answered truthfully . "Where are you going, though?" I asked irrelevantly .

"Home?" He said as if it were obvious . "It"s already like eleven in the evening, mate . I"ve been here ever since eleven in the morning? Twelve hours, my friend, with an actual "loca Shakira" . So I really gotta go . " He then opened the door and I chuckled lightly at his comment before he closed the door behind him with a wink .

Standing dumbly in front of the door, I decided to head to Sam"s room with an exaggerated sigh .

Couldn"t a day just pa.s.s dramless?

I knocked .

"Can I come in?" I then asked hesitantly . If she was going to gratuitously sulk instead of doing something useful like saving her own life, I"d rather be there to knock some sense into her .

There was a long pause before a tiny "yes" after which I opened the door and got in . The room was smaller in comparison to the other room . It simply had a wooden bed and dresser . She was sitting on the left side of the bed, facing a window with her back facing me .

I sighed and sat next to her . And I was correct . She was crying . I stared at her for a long time calculating my steps (steps I didn"t even have as-matter-of-fact) . I didn"t even know how to approach her and was about to get back out of the room when she turned to me angrily . Her nose was red and wrinkled and her brown eyes bright from the tears .

"Well, aren"t you gonna say something?" She actually screamed at my face and I cringed .

"Like what?" I asked honestly and she narrowed her bloodshot eyes .

"Like how I deserve this? Like how crazy I am?" She shouted pointing at herself, and I shook my head immediately . I was definitely planning not to get on her bad side . So lying was basically my answer key to that .

"Like how I deserve this? Like how crazy I am?" She shouted pointing at herself, and I shook my head immediately . I was definitely planning not to get on her bad side . So lying was basically my answer key to that .

"Why would I say that?" I said feigning shock . But to be honest, I was confused .

"Because I do deserve this!" She said defeatedly and I frowned slightly .

Why was she like that? Why was she insulting herself like that? I actually thought that she was too arrogant for that .

"Deserve what? I don"t get it . " I said slowly, trying to comprehend the franticness swirling in her irises .

"Deserve how I"m living . In fear . Because I am mostly alone . Because I have no friend, no nothing . Because I don"t know how to treat people . Becau-Because I"m a b.l.o.o.d.y loser!"

I stared at her mouth wide open . I did not expect that side of her . I never thought she even comprehended insecurity . Turned out she defined it .

"But what does Augustus have to do with any this?" I managed to ask still confused and shocked .

"Didn"t you hear what he said? He said I wasn"t his type! I"m n.o.body"s type and I hate that . " She was full-on sobbing, sniffing, and moaning while I pathetically raised my eyebrows in response .

"How could you be his type if you wanted to kill him for being himself?" I smirked, shaking my head subtly .

"I don"t know!" She said exasperatedly wringing her hands, and I frowned . "I don"t even know what I don"t know . " She moaned miserably to herself as she looked in front of her .

I looked at her thoughtfully . Only one thing seemed to make sense after shuffling around different scenarios .

"Do you like him? Augustus?" I asked, lowering my voice to hide my surprise .

She looked at me for a long time before bursting into more tears and nodding . My eyes widened and I almost laughed . I probably did . And I was also probably praying G.o.d to get me out of this ASAP .

"Goodness, Sam Ricardo," I breathed . "Why didn"t you say that from the beginning?"

"Isn"t it obvious that I"m all over him?" She said, crossing her arms and this time I actually laughed humorlessly .

"Well, if you call trying to kill him obvious, then affirmative . "

She sniffed loudly and I smirked, shaking my head .

"You"re unbelievable," I muttered and she frowned .

"What do you mean?"

"Is this how you treat someone you like?" I inquired, and she immediately got up, scaring me, to be honest . Her emotions were too much for me . She was either too happy, too sad, too confident, too annoying or too d.a.m.n angry . She was unruly .

"Are you saying that I don"t . . . deserve him?" She said slowly, looking at me with wide eyes, waiting for an explanation . An explanation she wanted to hear .

I cleared my throat . "Goodness, no . . . But you really ought to change your ways . How do you know him anyway?" I asked curiously, and she removed some hair strands that fell over her face .

"He"s Zig"s childhood best friend . He studies business . But in another university . He lives alone . His mother is dead and his father is somewhere around . He has no one really . " She pushed back her hair, and I smirked .

"It"s okay . You can make it up to him . " I shrugged, but she started crying again .

"It"s okay . You can make it up to him . " I shrugged, but she started crying again .

Ugh . I was absolutely revolted by her actions .

"How can I? He said-" She paused to sniff . "He said I wasn"t his type . He was my only hope in myself . "

I shook my head in disbelief . "Sam . Please . Calm down . It"s going to be okay . I"ll tell him-"

"Are you out of your mind?" She bellowed and I took a deep breath . "Tell him what?"

"Jesus, I was just going to tell him that you"re sorry . " She wasn"t making any sense . I didn"t know what was her problem .

"Do not . "

I raised my eyebrows, then shrugged . "Okay then . Suit yourself . I do not know what do you want . So when you know what you want, tell me . I"m leaving," I said exasperatedly, getting up and making my way to the door .


I turned around, sighing .

"You can tell him I"m sorry . " She said hesitantly . "Or you know what? Do not . He deserved it anyway . "

"You love him," I said irritably as if putting some sense into her . "It"s okay to apologize, even if your ego is the victim . Dammit, that"s how we do things to those whom we love . "

Okay . I believe I needed another standing ovation for that line .

She squeezed shut her eyes, rubbed them then looked at me . "Okay . Whatever . Call him or something . "

I took in a deep, calming breath and left the b.l.o.o.d.y room, closing the door behind me . I entered my room and immediately dialled Augustus"s number . I did not want an emotionally frustrated Sam . And if getting things right with Augustus was going to help, then be it .

"Goodness, what happened in the few minutes I left you in?" His voice blared in my ear .

"Nothing of much importance . Sam just wanted to tell you that she apologizes . " I said trying to sound nonchalant .

"Well tell her to go f.u.c.k herself . Because no one gets to call me a "son of a b.i.t.c.h" . Besides if she really did feel bad she would"ve called herself . " He said and I winced at the impossibility of his request . "She hates me and the feeling is b.l.o.o.d.y mutual . "

I shut my eyes and shook my head . "She doesn"t hate you," I said slowly and heard him sigh on the other end .

"Mate, I do not care about her anyway, so what"s that phone call about?" He said, and I actually felt angry at Sam . If it weren"t for her indecisive personality, she would"ve been at a much better mental state to be b.l.o.o.d.y useful .

"Okay . Never mind . Where are you anyway?" I said boredly as he yawned .

"On my bed . Why?"

"I don"t know . I was just asking," I said randomly and he laughed . It was quite random, as a matter of fact . I did not know what to say and I didn"t want it to appear as if I called him for the "Sam drama" .

"Okay . I"m on the bed eating some pistachios and watching sponge bob for some reason . " He snorted and I chuckled lightly .

"So not p.o.r.n?" I smirked and he tsked .

"Surprisingly, no," he said and I suppressed a smile . "Okay, mate, I really gotta p.o.o.p . "
"So not p.o.r.n?" I smirked and he tsked .

"Surprisingly, no," he said and I suppressed a smile . "Okay, mate, I really gotta p.o.o.p . "

I raised my eyebrows . "Okay . Get lost . " I then hung up, took off all my clothes, wore some sweatpants and sat on the bed"s edge, my head in my good hand .

The door to my room was then barged open and I immediately got up to find Sam standing in the doorway eagerly . "What did he tell you?" She then said in a small voice, her eyes bright .

I looked at her not knowing what to say . Am I supposed to tell her that he thought she hated him and so he hated her too? How could I deliver such a message anyway without being absolutely mean? And "mean" was a word I couldn"t a.s.sociate with for a while .

"Well? Aren"t you going to tell me what he said?" She pressed and I looked up at her, shaking my head slowly, hoping she got the message .

"He isn"t happy, is he?" She said slowly and I nodded quietly, suppressing a smirk . Drama . Drama .

She shut her eyes, clasped her hands, pursed her lips, opened her eyes and turned to leave . After a few minutes, I heard the door of her room slam shut . I shook my head and sighed as I returned to bed not knowing how to help her help me .


Alexander"s POV .

"Very nice indeed," I said sarcastically . "So both, Sam and Julius disappeared . Indeed . Very nice," I clutched my phone harder .

"Sir, when we asked, they said that he left just this morning at eight," Philip said uselessly . "And when we searched other hotels we couldn"t find his name . "

"Of course you couldn"t! He changed his b.l.o.o.d.y name! I told you not to b.l.o.o.d.y underestimate him!" I breathed through my nose .

"What can we do, sir?" His voice was low and hesitant .

"Look for him! What else? He has platinum-blond hair . Not everyone has that natural hair colour . He"s young and almost always wears a jade-green scarf . He"ll be easy to spot if you b.l.o.o.d.y work on it! He"ll definitely be around the university at any time . I"ve already sent you pictures, dammit!" I clenched my jaws .

"We can"t search all of London, sir . "

"Well, what have I hired your a.r.s.es for? Playing around, you k.n.o.bhead?" I snapped, loudly .

"We"re trying-"

"He has the girl too . If you find any of them, the other will be there . It"s easy," I said firmly .

"We"re trying, sir-"

But I hung up on him with a tightened chest . I was even surprised that I started hyperventilating and sat up from my bed . I took in a deep breath and gulped a cup of water on my bedside table .

I dialled Augustus"s number, but he didn"t answer . The line was busy . I wondered who he was talking to . I frowned and laid down on my bed .

I needed to breathe .


A/N: So? What did you think of this one? Any thoughts? Rants, even? ;)

Lots of love :)*** When the cab stopped in front of the hotel, I was surprised to see Augustuss Mustang parked there . I raised my eyebrows, ignored its familiarity and engaged myself with questions, majorly like, why in heavens name was he still there? I made my way to the room . I heard loud voices coming from inside and frowned as I used my card copy to unlock the door . I went in and almost gasped at the scene that unfolded in front of me . What the h.e.l.l? I almost yelled wearily as I watched Sam hold my gun and point it at Augustus who was hiding under my bed covers, shrieking . I pursed my lips, took a deep breath and quickly approached an incredibly frustrated and determined Sam . But I had absolutely no time or energy to engage in this utterly mundane occurrence . Sam . Give me the gun, I demanded solidly as Augustuss crystal-blue eyes peeped from under the bed covers . Not before I kill that b.l.o.o.d.y waste of s.p.a.ce . She spat, narrowing her eyes at a weakly smiling Augustus . What in heavens name happened? I asked with a weary sigh, and she snapped her neck in my direction . He tried to look under -my- skirt . She enunciated icily and I lifted my eyebrows unamusedly . I swear I was picking up my cars keys! She thinks everybody has bad intentions like herself- Augustus protested and tsked teasingly . Are you even serious? I asked rhetorically still in disbelief . I then turned to Sam seriously and lowered my voice . Are you aware that the gun you are handling in unloaded? You are creating useless commotion and scaring someone I sent to help you . I clenched my fists . Would you please be kind enough to hand me the gun and quit this nonsense? At least, respect the fact that he is someone I sent for a favour . I do not care . She batted her eyelashes at me teasingly, before turning to Augustus who was apparently too busy being scared to hear . I shook my head and sighed . Lower the gun, Sam and just let him apologize- Apologize? Augustus sounded almost offended and I exhaled through my nose . Why in the name of b.l.o.o.d.y dancing blueberries? I swear I hadnt looked . And even if I had, he turned to Sam . -as it happens, your a.s.s is flat . He teased and she focused the gun back at him with a scowl . Sam- its a gun youre playing around with and my time youre wasting . Ple I started sweetly and wondered how much longer can my patience be extended when she interrupted . You better apologize, Augustus . She threatened and he rolled his eyes . Arent you tired? He told her, then looked at me . She has been standing with the gun in her hands ever since we came here and I dropped my d.a.m.ned car keys! G.o.ddammit, I never regretted a key-drop in my entire life as I do right now! I looked back at Sam in exasperation . Okay, Sam . Please let it go . I flexed my fingers and clenched my jaws . Not until that son of a b.i.t.c.h apologizes . She said and Augustus narrowed his electric-blue eyes at her as his thick eyebrows plunged into a deeper frown . You did not just call me that . His voices tone changed considerably as he glared openly at her . Picking up at the obvious warning in his voice, I shook my head at Sam to cut it out . Something happened that I clearly didnt notice -due to my lack of interest, of course- seemed to actually offend him . He didnt hit me as the type to get easily offended . I . Just . Did . Sam shot back with a sneer . Without any warning, Augustus leapt out of the bed and knocked the gun out of her hands twisting her arm behind her back . He bared his teeth as he pulled her closer to him . Something offended him a lot . Overlooking the scene with a disregarding glance, I decided not to interfere as I glanced at the powerless gun on the ground . Well- one gives the gun its power, you know? Sam let out a small surprised yelp, but then shut up . Shamelessly bemused, I watched Augustus frown deeply as his platinum-blond hair shadow his face and lean in to whisper loudly in her ears . One . My moms not a b.i.t.c.h . You are . Two . Remember . You are definitely not my type . He then pushed her away with a grimace . She collapsed in my thankfully open arms (I wanted to see fall on the ground, to be honest, but reminded myself that that was probably a mean thought) and I held her easily . She then straightened up, looked at the both of us and ran to her room which was across my room . She was probably crying or performing some emotional ritual . Great! Augustus exhaled in frustration . A question tickled me and I actually dared to chuckle . He turned to me with raised eyebrows . Whats so funny? Why did you get ticked when she called you that? I mean, couldnt you have leapt at her before and actually relieved me from the ridiculousness of it all? I mean it was just an insult . I smirked curiously . She crossed her limits, mate . I cannot stand this particular insult . You know what? He pursed his lips . Forget it . You wont understand . He then averted his gaze distractedly . So not only have I gotten insulted, but I also made a girl cry . I mean, that accounts for a lot of points loss in my lady-business field . He groaned and I smiled slightly . It is okay . Especially if you didnt really mean to just pick up the keys . I raised my eyebrows . I mean, I warned you- I tilted my head and he lifted his eyebrows . How dare you underestimate my abilities, mate? I dont get intimidated . Of course, I was looking under her skirt . He shrugged nonchalantly and I nodded bemusedly . She shouldve killed you back then . I joked and he smirked . Youd miss me too much . He said, heading to the door . Trust me, I wont . And it was obviously true . I found it quite funny that he said that . I mean, did he really mean it or was it an attempt to make a joke? It confused me, but I answered truthfully . Where are you going, though? I asked irrelevantly . Home? He said as if it were obvious . Its already like eleven in the evening, mate . Ive been here ever since eleven in the morning? Twelve hours, my friend, with an actual loca Shakira . So I really gotta go . He then opened the door and I chuckled lightly at his comment before he closed the door behind him with a wink . Standing dumbly in front of the door, I decided to head to Sams room with an exaggerated sigh . Couldnt a day just pa.s.s dramless? I knocked . Can I come in? I then asked hesitantly . If she was going to gratuitously sulk instead of doing something useful like saving her own life, Id rather be there to knock some sense into her . There was a long pause before a tiny yes after which I opened the door and got in . The room was smaller in comparison to the other room . It simply had a wooden bed and dresser . She was sitting on the left side of the bed, facing a window with her back facing me . I sighed and sat next to her . And I was correct . She was crying . I stared at her for a long time calculating my steps (steps I didnt even have as-matter-of-fact) . I didnt even know how to approach her and was about to get back out of the room when she turned to me angrily . Her nose was red and wrinkled and her brown eyes bright from the tears . Well, arent you gonna say something? She actually screamed at my face and I cringed . Like what? I asked honestly and she narrowed her bloodshot eyes . Like how I deserve this? Like how crazy I am? She shouted pointing at herself, and I shook my head immediately . I was definitely planning not to get on her bad side . So lying was basically my answer key to that . Why would I say that? I said feigning shock . But to be honest, I was confused . Because I do deserve this! She said defeatedly and I frowned slightly . Why was she like that? Why was she insulting herself like that? I actually thought that she was too arrogant for that . Deserve what? I dont get it . I said slowly, trying to comprehend the franticness swirling in her irises . Deserve how Im living . In fear . Because I am mostly alone . Because I have no friend, no nothing . Because I dont know how to treat people . Becau-Because Im a b.l.o.o.d.y loser! I stared at her mouth wide open . I did not expect that side of her . I never thought she even comprehended insecurity . Turned out she defined it . But what does Augustus have to do with any this? I managed to ask still confused and shocked . Didnt you hear what he said? He said I wasnt his type! Im n.o.bodys type and I hate that . She was full-on sobbing, sniffing, and moaning while I pathetically raised my eyebrows in response . How could you be his type if you wanted to kill him for being himself? I smirked, shaking my head subtly . I dont know! She said exasperatedly wringing her hands, and I frowned . I dont even know what I dont know . She moaned miserably to herself as she looked in front of her . I looked at her thoughtfully . Only one thing seemed to make sense after shuffling around different scenarios . Do you like him? Augustus? I asked, lowering my voice to hide my surprise . She looked at me for a long time before bursting into more tears and nodding . My eyes widened and I almost laughed . I probably did . And I was also probably praying G.o.d to get me out of this ASAP . Goodness, Sam Ricardo, I breathed . Why didnt you say that from the beginning? Isnt it obvious that Im all over him? She said, crossing her arms and this time I actually laughed humorlessly . Well, if you call trying to kill him obvious, then affirmative . She sniffed loudly and I smirked, shaking my head . Youre unbelievable, I muttered and she frowned . What do you mean? Is this how you treat someone you like? I inquired, and she immediately got up, scaring me, to be honest . Her emotions were too much for me . She was either too happy, too sad, too confident, too annoying or too d.a.m.n angry . She was unruly . Are you saying that I dont . deserve him? She said slowly, looking at me with wide eyes, waiting for an explanation . An explanation she wanted to hear . I cleared my throat . Goodness, no . But you really ought to change your ways . How do you know him anyway? I asked curiously, and she removed some hair strands that fell over her face . Hes Zigs childhood best friend . He studies business . But in another university . He lives alone . His mother is dead and his father is somewhere around . He has no one really . She pushed back her hair, and I smirked . Its okay . You can make it up to him . I shrugged, but she started crying again . Ugh . I was absolutely revolted by her actions . How can I? He said- She paused to sniff . He said I wasnt his type . He was my only hope in myself . I shook my head in disbelief . Sam . Please . Calm down . Its going to be okay . Ill tell him- Are you out of your mind? She bellowed and I took a deep breath . Tell him what? Jesus, I was just going to tell him that youre sorry . She wasnt making any sense . I didnt know what was her problem . Do not . I raised my eyebrows, then shrugged . Okay then . Suit yourself . I do not know what do you want . So when you know what you want, tell me . Im leaving, I said exasperatedly, getting up and making my way to the door . Wait! I turned around, sighing . You can tell him Im sorry . She said hesitantly . Or you know what? Do not . He deserved it anyway . You love him, I said irritably as if putting some sense into her . Its okay to apologize, even if your ego is the victim . Dammit, thats how we do things to those whom we love . Okay . I believe I needed another standing ovation for that line . She squeezed shut her eyes, rubbed them then looked at me . Okay . Whatever . Call him or something . I took in a deep, calming breath and left the b.l.o.o.d.y room, closing the door behind me . I entered my room and immediately dialled Augustuss number . I did not want an emotionally frustrated Sam . And if getting things right with Augustus was going to help, then be it . Goodness, what happened in the few minutes I left you in? His voice blared in my ear . Nothing of much importance . Sam just wanted to tell you that she apologizes . I said trying to sound nonchalant . Well tell her to go f.u.c.k herself . Because no one gets to call me a son of a b.i.t.c.h . Besides if she really did feel bad she wouldve called herself . He said and I winced at the impossibility of his request . She hates me and the feeling is b.l.o.o.d.y mutual . I shut my eyes and shook my head . She doesnt hate you, I said slowly and heard him sigh on the other end . Mate, I do not care about her anyway, so whats that phone call about? He said, and I actually felt angry at Sam . If it werent for her indecisive personality, she wouldve been at a much better mental state to be b.l.o.o.d.y useful . Okay . Never mind . Where are you anyway? I said boredly as he yawned . On my bed . Why? I dont know . I was just asking, I said randomly and he laughed . It was quite random, as a matter of fact . I did not know what to say and I didnt want it to appear as if I called him for the Sam drama . Okay . Im on the bed eating some pistachios and watching sponge bob for some reason . He snorted and I chuckled lightly . So not p.o.r.n? I smirked and he tsked . Surprisingly, no, he said and I suppressed a smile . Okay, mate, I really gotta p.o.o.p . I raised my eyebrows . Okay . Get lost . I then hung up, took off all my clothes, wore some sweatpants and sat on the beds edge, my head in my good hand . The door to my room was then barged open and I immediately got up to find Sam standing in the doorway eagerly . What did he tell you? She then said in a small voice, her eyes bright . I looked at her not knowing what to say . Am I supposed to tell her that he thought she hated him and so he hated her too? How could I deliver such a message anyway without being absolutely mean? And mean was a word I couldnt a.s.sociate with for a while . Well? Arent you going to tell me what he said? She pressed and I looked up at her, shaking my head slowly, hoping she got the message . He isnt happy, is he? She said slowly and I nodded quietly, suppressing a smirk . Drama . Drama . She shut her eyes, clasped her hands, pursed her lips, opened her eyes and turned to leave . After a few minutes, I heard the door of her room slam shut . I shook my head and sighed as I returned to bed not knowing how to help her help me . --- Alexanders POV . Very nice indeed, I said sarcastically . So both, Sam and Julius disappeared . Indeed . Very nice, I clutched my phone harder . Sir, when we asked, they said that he left just this morning at eight, Philip said uselessly . And when we searched other hotels we couldnt find his name . Of course you couldnt! He changed his b.l.o.o.d.y name! I told you not to b.l.o.o.d.y underestimate him! I breathed through my nose . What can we do, sir? His voice was low and hesitant . Look for him! What else? He has platinum-blond hair . Not everyone has that natural hair colour . Hes young and almost always wears a jade-green scarf . h.e.l.l be easy to spot if you b.l.o.o.d.y work on it! h.e.l.l definitely be around the university at any time . Ive already sent you pictures, dammit! I clenched my jaws . We cant search all of London, sir . Well, what have I hired your a.r.s.es for? Playing around, you k.n.o.bhead? I snapped, loudly . Were trying- He has the girl too . If you find any of them, the other will be there . Its easy, I said firmly . Were trying, sir- But I hung up on him with a tightened chest . I was even surprised that I started hyperventilating and sat up from my bed . I took in a deep breath and gulped a cup of water on my bedside table . I dialled Augustuss number, but he didnt answer . The line was busy . I wondered who he was talking to . I frowned and laid down on my bed . I needed to breathe . *** A/N: So? What did you think of this one? Any thoughts? Rants, even? ;) Lots of love :)

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