Julius Caesar

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

A/N: ""Psst . . . u got a bit of violence ahead of you . ""


I let go of Augustus who stared at me in pure horror . I raised a finger to my mouth to make sure he remained shut .

The guy holding the pistol to Sam"s head opened the door allowing both of us in . Sam was already hyperventilating with her eyes screwed shut . I clenched my jaws and walked in . Augustus followed with his eyes glued to Sam . The huge man led Sam into the living room and we followed .

When we stepped in, my eyes widened . There was my father sitting on the couch with his legs crossed and a cigar between his middle and index fingers . His white suit and royal-blue tie contrasted sharply with the velvet couch he sat on .




We all seemed to talk at once and the utter horror of the situation made me snap my head towards Augustus"s direction, who was staring at me .

Did I hear right?

"Wait . What?" Augustus started with confusion .

"He"s your father?" was what I said with a lump in my throat while I stared in disbelief in his electric-blue eyes that only seemed to darken . "You were spying on me?" I spat as my heart pounded through my ribcage and in my ears all of a sudden . Augustus"s face fell . I felt the betrayal in my bones . It was hot . It was consuming . How couldn"t I"ve seen the resemblance? How- I looked down at his fingers to find a ring with an azure stone- the colour of his eyes .

I clenched my fists .

I stared at Augustus waiting for an answer, but none came . So I lost it . I lost it because, wow, I thought that he was a person I could actually lean on a bit . Because I thought he had nothing to do with who I am . With my father . Because I thought that it was possible for me to get lucky . But, oh well, look we that ended me .

"Wait . Why aren"t you saying something?!" I exploded, losing it and leaping at him, but someone caught my arms .

"Don"t you dare!" My father"s icy voice was a hard slap to reality . I fidgeted in my captor"s huge arms .

"Let me go," I said dangerously, but my father smiled . I kicked Augustus weakly as I fought against the whoever was holding me .

"JULIUS CAESAR!" Father thundered and I stopped too shocked to even think straight . He then glanced at Augustus who was standing next to me . Augustus my half-brother? My brother who spied on me and lied to me .

I felt my eyes water from the intensity of the betrayal . I really, idiotically thought I had a company . And I despicably managed to get attached to him . I was impossibly hurt and offended .

"Augustus, leave," Father said gently and I gaped at him .

Did I just witness Father being pleasant? I was confused . Why was he being so nice?

"I won"t-" Augustus replied solidly and I dared look at his traitorous face . He looked confused and shocked, and it took me all my power not to spit at him . Maybe he was the one who sold us out-

"You will, Augustus, this isn"t your scene-" Father persisted calmly and I felt bile creep up my oesophagus . I felt some incomprehensible tightness in my breath . I felt my heart expand . In pure rage . Because this was so sick . It was very disgusting .

"You cheated on my mother-" I enunciated, my voice laced with venom, but Father never looked at me . "YOU b.l.o.o.d.y CHEATED ON HER, DIDN"T YOU?!" I roared, fidgeting more in my captor"s arms as I felt my heart shatter to pieces . My mom was cheated on . My mom . My love . I felt like crying all her unshed tears . Her unshed tears for a traitor of a husband and a lost cause of a child .

So tears filled my eyes to the brim . I was too shocked to even say anything anymore . So I stared at the floor . The blurry floor . As my tears found a way to escape from raining in this harsh world . There was no way I was going to shed a tear over this . Not in front of those who"d use it against me .

I glanced at Augustus who stood, gaping at his father in horror . My father . His "dad" .

"He"s my half-brother?" Augustus then asked in a small voice .

Father got up and glared at Augustus . "What in heaven"s name brought you here anyway?" he said impatiently to Augustus . "He"s lying! And you need to leave, G.o.ddammit!"

"I won"t leave, Dad," he pressed shaking his head and frowning . "Not until I understand what the h.e.l.l is happening! And whom-the-h.e.l.l-is Julius?!" He said exasperatedly and I smirked .

Son of a b.i.t.c.h, indeed .

"You will leave, Gus, because I said so . " My father said sharply, uncrossing his legs and I actually laughed .

"You"re giving him a nickname?" I said scornfully and bitterly, glancing at my father who acted like he didn"t hear . I licked my lips . "Didn"t know that side of you existed, Fathe-" I breathed and he turned to me, face hardened and dark-brown eyes icy .

"And I also didn"t know, that you were a b.l.o.o.d.y p.u.s.s.y . Didn"t know you"d run away crying like a baby when I shot a wh.o.r.e in front of you," he said laughing and my anger levels were high enough to break free from my captor"s grasp with a groan, take my gun out and whip it in my captor"s face . He landed on the ground with a busted nose . I then pressed my foot to his face to stop him from moving while pointing my gun at Augustus . My heart was beating loudly in my chest and my brain was a chaos .

Sam squealed in horror .

Augustus gaped at me with his lips parted as his hands rose on top of his head slowly . My father shut up . Seeing Augustus"s azure ring sparkle in the sunlight made me tighten my hold around my gun in anger . He betrayed me . He used me . He belittled my feelings and weaknesses . He tricked me . And I was an emotionally-consumed idiot .

That was unforgivable .

After a few more moments of studying Augustus"s transparent-blue eyes, Father erupted in laughter . "Another proof for why you"re a b.l.o.o.d.y coward, Julius . Why don"t you kill me instead, huh? Why don"t you point that b.l.o.o.d.y gun at my head and shoot me instead, Julius? Do it!" He roared and I smirked at Augustus who looked too shocked to my surprise .

"I"m not a coward . Father," I said, fake-grinning at Augustus who clenched his jaws in fear . "I"m just smart . I mean, maybe, just maybe, I"ll let you suffer the pain I went through, eh? The pain of losing a loved one . " I glanced at Father who didn"t even flinch . "Might as well shoot your "Gus" right in front of your eyes . In his chest," I drawled, lowering my gun to coincide with his chest . "Just like you killed Audrey and my baby . Just like you made me cry and hurt for them . What do you say? Or-" I said tilting my head to the side to examine Augustus"s face as if for the first time .

Sharp, fierce features . Angular jaws . Focused eyes . Handsome . Dangerous . The resemblance with Father was rather striking .

Sharp, fierce features . Angular jaws . Focused eyes . Handsome . Dangerous . The resemblance with Father was rather striking .

"Or you can lose him forever," I continued . "-by telling him the bitter truth . The truth of how much of a good father you are," I studied the questioning look Augustus was giving me . "Tell him about how you cheated on my mom with his saint of a mom," I said, mocking a "hurt" Augustus . "Tell him that you were doing that when my mom was dying from cancer . Tell him about the burns you gave me on my birthdays . Tell him about your delightful business, oh wait-" I turned to Augustus and grimaced . "You should already know- I mean you were spying on me for him, weren"t you?"

Augustus shook his head vigorously and I ignored .

"Tell him how you killed Audrey, my love . Tell him how it pleasured you to hear her scream . Maybe you should tell him his half-brother"s story . Tell him about Julius Caesar . Tell him everything . Tell him, Father!" I then sharply glanced at Father who was stifling his laughter and I bit my tongue in anger .

"Are you done ranting, Julius?" He mocked, clapping his hands slowly . "Done with your show?" He added, fixing his royal-blue tie . "Okay . Firstly, I think it"s high time we turned the tables . "

He snapped his fingers twice and I immediately felt a hard thing at the back of my head . My breath hitched and I closed my eyes, lowered my gun, and cursed under my breath . I could feel myself sweating despite the cold, cold touch of betrayal, freezing my bones .

Of course, there were many more of his men than the man under my foot .

I glanced at Augustus who looked relieved, and who was trying to catch my eyes .

Son of a b.i.t.c.h .

"Secondly, I hate that squealing b.i.t.c.h . " Father tilted his head with a displeased smirk . "Sounds like a useless pig to me . " Father then whipped out his gun and shot Sam in the chest taking as all by surprise .

My eyes widened in shock as I stood there speechless while Augustus inhaled sharply, looking between me and Sam"s faltering figure .

He must know . He must know that this wasn"t the Sam we were supposed to be looking for .

She fell to the ground with a sickening thud that reverberated in the back of my mind . I felt like throwing up .

Augustus then stared at me, eyes frantic, then back at my father with a wild look on his face . "Are you out of your d.a.m.n mind?!" He thundered, causing Father to flinch .

Father"s weakness .

Augustus then rushed to Sam and knelt down next to her . His black coat was dipped in the blood pool on the floor . He looked wildly everywhere, hyperventilating in shock as his eyes widened at Sam"s blood that stained her grey pajama and her irresponsiveness . "Someone call the d.a.m.n ambulance!" He was gasping, slapping Sam"s face, removing her hair from her sweaty face and whispering incoherent things with the grief taking any light in his eyes .

And I watched him hypnotically . It seemed so familiar . It fastened my heartbeat seeing this . It brought a torrent of memories over me .

Augustus then scooped her up in his arms with a grunt, before running outside, breathing heavily . I clenched my fists, then glanced at Father who was looking after Augustus in evident surprise .

I hoped Sam would be fine . She was strong, I thought . She"d hold on, I was sure .

"Well done . " I broke the silence bitterly, feeling a lump in my throat . "You"ve officially broken his heart," I continued, my gaze falling over to the little pool of blood that stained the floor .

Red wine sunshine .

Red wine sunshine .

I felt sick .

Father"s amused expression turned hard in a few moments before he looked at me . "How do you know him?" he then asked angrily, ignoring my remark .

I raised my eyebrows at him trying to shake away Sam"s crippled body"s image from my mind . "Why do you care? It"s none of your business!" I said disgustedly . "It"s none of your d.a.m.n business," I trailed off still feeling my heart heavy from all the revelations and Sam"s blood .

Father took a deep breath before he sat down on the couch . "Okay . Can you please sit down? Julius, please, we have important things to discuss," he said waving a hand at the person behind me to back off .

I looked at him incredulously . Was he seriously going to pretend like nothing happened? Like I"d go back to be what I was? His doormat? But I sat down on a chair opposite to him, curious as to where this conversation would go . And particularly curious as to why he came to London himself .

"Now . Julius . " He crossed his legs composedly . "Tell me . How did you get to know Augustus?"

I glared at him but decided that going against him wouldn"t make it any easier to me . And I wanted things done . "You sent him to spy on me . To become friends-" I muttered, feeling my words snap away any hope left that this was all a joke . Some really sick joke .

"You"re friends?!" Father"s eyes almost popped out and I frowned .

He cheated on your mother, I reminded myself and my jaw twitched .

"Brothers, Father . We"re half-brothers," I "corrected" him, eyeing him challengingly . I was beyond furious at Augustus"s disloyalty . How dare he? How dare he, dammit? "But why act so surprised?" I continued flatly . "Weren"t you the "mastermind" behind this skilfully orchestrated cascade of events? To bring us together . To know my whereabouts?"

"I didn"t plan that . I would never want him to know you," he said looking frustrated, his eyes glistening dangerously .

"Why? Too ashamed of me? Too ashamed of what I"ve become? Or wait, you"re scared of me?" I drawled sarcastically and miserably, laughing humorlessly and he snapped .

Oh, Mother, come and see what"s become of your son . An empty plastic bag tossed harshly everywhere by everyone, I thought to myself .

"Scared for him," he said clenching his teeth and closing his eyes as I raised his eyebrows .

"I see," I said unamusedly . "That"s because he didn"t live the "hard" life . Our life . Not complaining or anything . . . but that"s what his mother would"ve wanted, yes? His mother who died of birth complications . When I was five . Did I get that right?" I said looking into the dark pits of his soul, his eyes .

Father gaped at me and I continued .

"You stayed with him . Augustus, instead of me when Mom was dying . You lied to Mother . You claimed your love to her when you were making love to another b.i.t.c.h," I said venomously, no longer able to contain my anger . No longer able to pretend that that was acceptable . "My mother who gave you her company thinking you loved her . Thinking that your loyalty lied with her and her only son! You betrayed her . You never loved her-"

"What do you know about love?" My father snapped sharply and I laughed bitterly, feeling grief break me . I made no effort to fight my grief this time . It was more than welcome . It was, at last, back home .

"Not much, maybe . " I shrugged casually . "But more than you do, definitely," My voice broke pathetically and my father smirked, rolling his eyes .

"When did you learn to become so articulate and sentimental, Julius? You were nothing but a robot that I controlled . They were just five months . Blimey, you sound like a whining baby to me . " He then actually laughed, tipping back his head as his hair followed . I smirked .

"Maybe it"s for the greater good, Father . Maybe, you should really forget about me . Live your life with your son and let me go . I could forget you too," I said bitterly and my father made a face . "I seriously am tir-"
"When did you learn to become so articulate and sentimental, Julius? You were nothing but a robot that I controlled . They were just five months . Blimey, you sound like a whining baby to me . " He then actually laughed, tipping back his head as his hair followed . I smirked .

"Maybe it"s for the greater good, Father . Maybe, you should really forget about me . Live your life with your son and let me go . I could forget you too," I said bitterly and my father made a face . "I seriously am tir-"

"But you seem to have forgotten something . Julius," he said suddenly furious . "You carry my name . If time will make us forget, blood won"t, son . But let"s leave that topic for another day, another time," he said dismissively, flicking his cigar on the ashtray and leaving it there . "I have a job for you . "

"You came all the way for me to do some "job" for you?" I raised my eyebrows . "I"ve already called it quits for the day . Go get someone else to do what you want . You should try Augustu-"

"You don"t have a choice, Julius . Or need I remind you of what would happen to you, if you don"t get what I want done?" He said smirked wickedly and tilted his head .

I was about to open my mouth to object when he beat me for it .

"However," he said smiling . "-you can choose how you want to get it done . You can do it in your way . I don"t get involved with your business, but I would expect results as soon as possible . I"ll give you your time and s.p.a.ce . Or-" he said leaning across the table between us . "-my way, Juli-"

"But you"re not dumb Father . You know what enjailing your son would do to your and Gorj"s reputations . I know you well . " I smirked, and he laughed, stopped laughing, looked down at me, raised an eyebrow and shook his head sympathetically .

"However, you insist on treating me like I"m dumb, Julius . " He smiled a twisted sort of smile . "If you truly knew me, you"d know that I have relationships that can suppress the press with a snap of my fingers . You insist on disappointing me, son . " He shook his head again and grinned, showing his pearly-white teeth .

"Then I"d rather be enjailed, Father," I said solidly, grimacing as anger pulsated in my veins .

"Not the answer I wanted . " He sighed, licked his lip once and threw a punch at the side of my face, catching me off guard .

I held his gaze in anger, before he started speaking, his cool wearing off .

"You think I"ve forgotten what you"ve done? You think I"ve forgotten that you"ve had me think that that b.i.t.c.h- was Ricardo"s daughter? You think I"ve forgotten that you started to work against me- your father?" He bellowed, looking down, then back at me with a cold smile . "I, out of fatherly mercy, decided to forgive you . So don"t you dare take that for granted . "

I sat back staring at him in raw shock . "I"m not scared of you . Fath-"

"But you should, Julius . You really should, son . I know all your moves . For instance, reserving as "Romeo Rendz" at all hotels you"ve been to, brought me here . An awfully reckless move, I think . Awfully stupid . " He added with a smirk and my heart dropped in defeat . "Besides, I must say that I"m proud of my introvert son . You"ve been socializing very well, I think . Nowadays . "

I looked at him dreadfully . I did not want to be the reason behind more deaths . I"d had enough .

"Especially that blonde one . Ca.s.sie? Caroli-" He continued to tease, but I cut off the chase .

"What do you want?" I clenched my jaws in anger .

"I want you to keep your ears open and your mind clear, for I"m going to tell you a story . " He sighed leisurely, relaxing back on the couch and clasping his hands together .


A/N: STORY TIME!! What do you think? Things are getting heated up!A/N: Psst . u got a bit of violence ahead of you . *** I let go of Augustus who stared at me in pure horror . I raised a finger to my mouth to make sure he remained shut . The guy holding the pistol to Sams head opened the door allowing both of us in . Sam was already hyperventilating with her eyes screwed shut . I clenched my jaws and walked in . Augustus followed with his eyes glued to Sam . The huge man led Sam into the living room and we followed . When we stepped in, my eyes widened . There was my father sitting on the couch with his legs crossed and a cigar between his middle and index fingers . His white suit and royal-blue tie contrasted sharply with the velvet couch he sat on . Fathe-? Dad? August-? We all seemed to talk at once and the utter horror of the situation made me snap my head towards Augustuss direction, who was staring at me . Did I hear right? Wait . What? Augustus started with confusion . Hes your father? was what I said with a lump in my throat while I stared in disbelief in his electric-blue eyes that only seemed to darken . You were spying on me? I spat as my heart pounded through my ribcage and in my ears all of a sudden . Augustuss face fell . I felt the betrayal in my bones . It was hot . It was consuming . How couldnt Ive seen the resemblance? How- I looked down at his fingers to find a ring with an azure stone- the colour of his eyes . I clenched my fists . I stared at Augustus waiting for an answer, but none came . So I lost it . I lost it because, wow, I thought that he was a person I could actually lean on a bit . Because I thought he had nothing to do with who I am . With my father . Because I thought that it was possible for me to get lucky . But, oh well, look we that ended me . Wait . Why arent you saying something?! I exploded, losing it and leaping at him, but someone caught my arms . Dont you dare! My fathers icy voice was a hard slap to reality . I fidgeted in my captors huge arms . Let me go, I said dangerously, but my father smiled . I kicked Augustus weakly as I fought against the whoever was holding me . JULIUS CAESAR! Father thundered and I stopped too shocked to even think straight . He then glanced at Augustus who was standing next to me . Augustus my half-brother? My brother who spied on me and lied to me . I felt my eyes water from the intensity of the betrayal . I really, idiotically thought I had a company . And I despicably managed to get attached to him . I was impossibly hurt and offended . Augustus, leave, Father said gently and I gaped at him . Did I just witness Father being pleasant? I was confused . Why was he being so nice? I wont- Augustus replied solidly and I dared look at his traitorous face . He looked confused and shocked, and it took me all my power not to spit at him . Maybe he was the one who sold us out- You will, Augustus, this isnt your scene- Father persisted calmly and I felt bile creep up my oesophagus . I felt some incomprehensible tightness in my breath . I felt my heart expand . In pure rage . Because this was so sick . It was very disgusting . You cheated on my mother- I enunciated, my voice laced with venom, but Father never looked at me . YOU b.l.o.o.d.y CHEATED ON HER, DIDNT YOU?! I roared, fidgeting more in my captors arms as I felt my heart shatter to pieces . My mom was cheated on . My mom . My love . I felt like crying all her unshed tears . Her unshed tears for a traitor of a husband and a lost cause of a child . So tears filled my eyes to the brim . I was too shocked to even say anything anymore . So I stared at the floor . The blurry floor . As my tears found a way to escape from raining in this harsh world . There was no way I was going to shed a tear over this . Not in front of those whod use it against me . I glanced at Augustus who stood, gaping at his father in horror . My father . His dad . Hes my half-brother? Augustus then asked in a small voice . Father got up and glared at Augustus . What in heavens name brought you here anyway? he said impatiently to Augustus . Hes lying! And you need to leave, G.o.ddammit! I wont leave, Dad, he pressed shaking his head and frowning . Not until I understand what the h.e.l.l is happening! And whom-the-h.e.l.l-is Julius?! He said exasperatedly and I smirked . Son of a b.i.t.c.h, indeed . You will leave, Gus, because I said so . My father said sharply, uncrossing his legs and I actually laughed . Youre giving him a nickname? I said scornfully and bitterly, glancing at my father who acted like he didnt hear . I licked my lips . Didnt know that side of you existed, Fathe- I breathed and he turned to me, face hardened and dark-brown eyes icy . And I also didnt know, that you were a b.l.o.o.d.y p.u.s.s.y . Didnt know youd run away crying like a baby when I shot a wh.o.r.e in front of you, he said laughing and my anger levels were high enough to break free from my captors grasp with a groan, take my gun out and whip it in my captors face . He landed on the ground with a busted nose . I then pressed my foot to his face to stop him from moving while pointing my gun at Augustus . My heart was beating loudly in my chest and my brain was a chaos . Sam squealed in horror . Augustus gaped at me with his lips parted as his hands rose on top of his head slowly . My father shut up . Seeing Augustuss azure ring sparkle in the sunlight made me tighten my hold around my gun in anger . He betrayed me . He used me . He belittled my feelings and weaknesses . He tricked me . And I was an emotionally-consumed idiot . That was unforgivable . After a few more moments of studying Augustuss transparent-blue eyes, Father erupted in laughter . Another proof for why youre a b.l.o.o.d.y coward, Julius . Why dont you kill me instead, huh? Why dont you point that b.l.o.o.d.y gun at my head and shoot me instead, Julius? Do it! He roared and I smirked at Augustus who looked too shocked to my surprise . Im not a coward . Father, I said, fake-grinning at Augustus who clenched his jaws in fear . Im just smart . I mean, maybe, just maybe, Ill let you suffer the pain I went through, eh? The pain of losing a loved one . I glanced at Father who didnt even flinch . Might as well shoot your Gus right in front of your eyes . In his chest, I drawled, lowering my gun to coincide with his chest . Just like you killed Audrey and my baby . Just like you made me cry and hurt for them . What do you say? Or- I said tilting my head to the side to examine Augustuss face as if for the first time . Sharp, fierce features . Angular jaws . Focused eyes . Handsome . Dangerous . The resemblance with Father was rather striking . Or you can lose him forever, I continued . -by telling him the bitter truth . The truth of how much of a good father you are, I studied the questioning look Augustus was giving me . Tell him about how you cheated on my mom with his saint of a mom, I said, mocking a hurt Augustus . Tell him that you were doing that when my mom was dying from cancer . Tell him about the burns you gave me on my birthdays . Tell him about your delightful business, oh wait- I turned to Augustus and grimaced . You should already know- I mean you were spying on me for him, werent you? Augustus shook his head vigorously and I ignored . Tell him how you killed Audrey, my love . Tell him how it pleasured you to hear her scream . Maybe you should tell him his half-brothers story . Tell him about Julius Caesar . Tell him everything . Tell him, Father! I then sharply glanced at Father who was stifling his laughter and I bit my tongue in anger . Are you done ranting, Julius? He mocked, clapping his hands slowly . Done with your show? He added, fixing his royal-blue tie . Okay . Firstly, I think its high time we turned the tables . He snapped his fingers twice and I immediately felt a hard thing at the back of my head . My breath hitched and I closed my eyes, lowered my gun, and cursed under my breath . I could feel myself sweating despite the cold, cold touch of betrayal, freezing my bones . Of course, there were many more of his men than the man under my foot . I glanced at Augustus who looked relieved, and who was trying to catch my eyes . Son of a b.i.t.c.h . Secondly, I hate that squealing b.i.t.c.h . Father tilted his head with a displeased smirk . Sounds like a useless pig to me . Father then whipped out his gun and shot Sam in the chest taking as all by surprise . My eyes widened in shock as I stood there speechless while Augustus inhaled sharply, looking between me and Sams faltering figure . He must know . He must know that this wasnt the Sam we were supposed to be looking for . She fell to the ground with a sickening thud that reverberated in the back of my mind . I felt like throwing up . Augustus then stared at me, eyes frantic, then back at my father with a wild look on his face . Are you out of your d.a.m.n mind?! He thundered, causing Father to flinch . Fathers weakness . Augustus then rushed to Sam and knelt down next to her . His black coat was dipped in the blood pool on the floor . He looked wildly everywhere, hyperventilating in shock as his eyes widened at Sams blood that stained her grey pajama and her irresponsiveness . Someone call the d.a.m.n ambulance! He was gasping, slapping Sams face, removing her hair from her sweaty face and whispering incoherent things with the grief taking any light in his eyes . And I watched him hypnotically . It seemed so familiar . It fastened my heartbeat seeing this . It brought a torrent of memories over me . Augustus then scooped her up in his arms with a grunt, before running outside, breathing heavily . I clenched my fists, then glanced at Father who was looking after Augustus in evident surprise . I hoped Sam would be fine . She was strong, I thought . Shed hold on, I was sure . Well done . I broke the silence bitterly, feeling a lump in my throat . Youve officially broken his heart, I continued, my gaze falling over to the little pool of blood that stained the floor . Red wine sunshine . I felt sick . Fathers amused expression turned hard in a few moments before he looked at me . How do you know him? he then asked angrily, ignoring my remark . I raised my eyebrows at him trying to shake away Sams crippled bodys image from my mind . Why do you care? Its none of your business! I said disgustedly . Its none of your d.a.m.n business, I trailed off still feeling my heart heavy from all the revelations and Sams blood . Father took a deep breath before he sat down on the couch . Okay . Can you please sit down? Julius, please, we have important things to discuss, he said waving a hand at the person behind me to back off . I looked at him incredulously . Was he seriously going to pretend like nothing happened? Like Id go back to be what I was? His doormat? But I sat down on a chair opposite to him, curious as to where this conversation would go . And particularly curious as to why he came to London himself . Now . Julius . He crossed his legs composedly . Tell me . How did you get to know Augustus? I glared at him but decided that going against him wouldnt make it any easier to me . And I wanted things done . You sent him to spy on me . To become friends- I muttered, feeling my words snap away any hope left that this was all a joke . Some really sick joke . Youre friends?! Fathers eyes almost popped out and I frowned . He cheated on your mother, I reminded myself and my jaw twitched . Brothers, Father . Were half-brothers, I corrected him, eyeing him challengingly . I was beyond furious at Augustuss disloyalty . How dare he? How dare he, dammit? But why act so surprised? I continued flatly . Werent you the mastermind behind this skilfully orchestrated cascade of events? To bring us together . To know my whereabouts? I didnt plan that . I would never want him to know you, he said looking frustrated, his eyes glistening dangerously . Why? Too ashamed of me? Too ashamed of what Ive become? Or wait, youre scared of me? I drawled sarcastically and miserably, laughing humorlessly and he snapped . Oh, Mother, come and see whats become of your son . An empty plastic bag tossed harshly everywhere by everyone, I thought to myself . Scared for him, he said clenching his teeth and closing his eyes as I raised his eyebrows . I see, I said unamusedly . Thats because he didnt live the hard life . Our life . Not complaining or anything . but thats what his mother wouldve wanted, yes? His mother who died of birth complications . When I was five . Did I get that right? I said looking into the dark pits of his soul, his eyes . Father gaped at me and I continued . You stayed with him . Augustus, instead of me when Mom was dying . You lied to Mother . You claimed your love to her when you were making love to another b.i.t.c.h, I said venomously, no longer able to contain my anger . No longer able to pretend that that was acceptable . My mother who gave you her company thinking you loved her . Thinking that your loyalty lied with her and her only son! You betrayed her . You never loved her- What do you know about love? My father snapped sharply and I laughed bitterly, feeling grief break me . I made no effort to fight my grief this time . It was more than welcome . It was, at last, back home . Not much, maybe . I shrugged casually . But more than you do, definitely, My voice broke pathetically and my father smirked, rolling his eyes . When did you learn to become so articulate and sentimental, Julius? You were nothing but a robot that I controlled . They were just five months . Blimey, you sound like a whining baby to me . He then actually laughed, tipping back his head as his hair followed . I smirked . Maybe its for the greater good, Father . Maybe, you should really forget about me . Live your life with your son and let me go . I could forget you too, I said bitterly and my father made a face . I seriously am tir- But you seem to have forgotten something . Julius, he said suddenly furious . You carry my name . If time will make us forget, blood wont, son . But lets leave that topic for another day, another time, he said dismissively, flicking his cigar on the ashtray and leaving it there . I have a job for you . You came all the way for me to do some job for you? I raised my eyebrows . Ive already called it quits for the day . Go get someone else to do what you want . You should try Augustu- You dont have a choice, Julius . Or need I remind you of what would happen to you, if you dont get what I want done? He said smirked wickedly and tilted his head . I was about to open my mouth to object when he beat me for it . However, he said smiling . -you can choose how you want to get it done . You can do it in your way . I dont get involved with your business, but I would expect results as soon as possible . Ill give you your time and s.p.a.ce . Or- he said leaning across the table between us . -my way, Juli- But youre not dumb Father . You know what enjailing your son would do to your and Gorjs reputations . I know you well . I smirked, and he laughed, stopped laughing, looked down at me, raised an eyebrow and shook his head sympathetically . However, you insist on treating me like Im dumb, Julius . He smiled a twisted sort of smile . If you truly knew me, youd know that I have relationships that can suppress the press with a snap of my fingers . You insist on disappointing me, son . He shook his head again and grinned, showing his pearly-white teeth . Then Id rather be enjailed, Father, I said solidly, grimacing as anger pulsated in my veins . Not the answer I wanted . He sighed, licked his lip once and threw a punch at the side of my face, catching me off guard . I held his gaze in anger, before he started speaking, his cool wearing off . You think Ive forgotten what youve done? You think Ive forgotten that youve had me think that that b.i.t.c.h- was Ricardos daughter? You think Ive forgotten that you started to work against me- your father? He bellowed, looking down, then back at me with a cold smile . I, out of fatherly mercy, decided to forgive you . So dont you dare take that for granted . I sat back staring at him in raw shock . Im not scared of you . Fath- But you should, Julius . You really should, son . I know all your moves . For instance, reserving as Romeo Rendz at all hotels youve been to, brought me here . An awfully reckless move, I think . Awfully stupid . He added with a smirk and my heart dropped in defeat . Besides, I must say that Im proud of my introvert son . Youve been socializing very well, I think . Nowadays . I looked at him dreadfully . I did not want to be the reason behind more deaths . Id had enough . Especially that blonde one . Ca.s.sie? Caroli- He continued to tease, but I cut off the chase . What do you want? I clenched my jaws in anger . I want you to keep your ears open and your mind clear, for Im going to tell you a story . He sighed leisurely, relaxing back on the couch and clasping his hands together . *** A/N: STORY TIME!! What do you think? Things are getting heated up!

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