Julius Caesar

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Julius"s POV .

I pressed the bell b.u.t.ton three times before it was opened by a young girl, almost six, in a pink dress and baby-pink ribbon . I raised my sungla.s.ses and stared down at her . She was smiling . I wasn"t .

"Yes, sir?" She chirped, rocking backwards and forward on her heels with a wide grin, her missing front tooth making an appearance .

I reluctantly knelt down and levelled my gaze with hers . "Where"s -er- Auntie Samantha?"

"I can"t call her," she said wrapping her arms in front of her and shrugged as I almost rolled my eyes . "You"re a stranger . "

"I am her friend," I shook my head, trying to reason out with her .

"That"s what all killers say . " She sang it and I stood up irritated by her cheeky att.i.tude . I couldn"t stand kids like her .

"Bianca!" I then heard a voice call from the inside . "Didn"t I say not to open the doo-"

Amanda . Nice .

She then pushed Bianca out of the way and stood there hands on her hips with a scowl on her face that interestingly highlighted her double chin .

"What are you doing here? Well, aren"t you persiste-" She whispered harshly and I smiled nevertheless .

"Where"s Samantha?" I cut her off and she sneered before a sweet disembodied voice filled my ears .

"What"s wrong Aman-" I inhaled sharply as Samantha stood next to her in plain baby-blue pyjamas that hugged her body beautifully and contrasted amazingly with her jet black hair . First time to see her in colours, I realized . And I absolutely loved it .

She paused for a second before breaking into a huge smile that tugged at my heartstrings . I almost rolled my eyes at my heart"s wussiness .

"Nice to see you again, Samantha," I muttered sweetly as Amanda glared at me .

"Julius, that"s just a great surprise!" She almost exclaimed as her cheeks filled with colour and I found myself staring at her as she lightly bit down on her pale-pink lips . "Please come in . "

I smirked and c.o.c.ked a daring eyebrow at a fuming Amanda before entering . I was even still having a stare down compet.i.tion with Amanda when I was surprised by Samantha holding my hand and leading me through her luxurious home, up the stairs .

She closed her room"s door behind her, grinning .

I don"t think I"ve ever seen her that enthusiastic .

"Next Thursday-" She whispered excitedly, leaning back on her door and smiling widely .

I approached her with a slight smile . "What do you mean next Thursday?"

"I"ll do it!" She blurted clapping her hands once and the pointing at her sungla.s.ses . "I"ll do the surgery next Thursday!"

I stared at her dumbfounded . "You will? But Amanda said you were permanently blind-" I stated, raising my eyebrows .

"But that wasn"t what the doctor said!" She beamed at me . "All this time I was living with Amanda, she thought I was permanently blind!"

"Thought?" I frowned a bit, but let it go as I decided to focus on Samantha"s happiness . She was so beautiful just standing and beaming as if proud of herself .

"That"s marvellous, Samantha," I muttered with a big smile -that I knew she couldn"t see- while approaching her and gently holding her arms before awkwardly dropping them . I didn"t even know why I had touched them in the first place .

I was acting like a complete, utter joke .

"I know! Best part is-" She said, dropped her voice and her head . "Amanda doesn"t know when! I"ll surprise her!"

I stared at her astonished . Was this the broken, disappointed girl I was talking to a few days ago? No wonder why my heart persisted on fluttering every time I saw her . She was sure different . Extraordinarily, beautifully mature . I just couldn"t help smiling .

"That"s great-" I tilted my head and examined her as she pushed herself off the door and stood straight . "I"m glad to see you"ve moved on-" I was whispering and hadn"t noticed that I was almost cornering her at the door . "I even love those pyjamas on you . I mean, if you see, your hair and skin," I touched her hair absentmindedly with my fingertips as I let my eyes trail down her neck, collarbones and- I cleared my throat and looked up at her, heart galloping wildly in my chest . "It all contrasts beautifully with the colour . "

She blushed furiously and I smiled almost stepping closer . Stepping closer because being that close to her was a silence I decided I loved . It was a warmth I missed . A breath I needed taking . A memory I needed capturing .

Samantha then cleared her throat shyly and I thought I wanted to die . Because watching her get shy and fl.u.s.tered around me was something I wanted to do for the eternity I believed existed after death . It never failed to bring a smile on my face because I realized, as I stood there that close to her, constantly hearing her breath hitch as I grazed her arms and touched her hair- I realized that my heart wasn"t the only wuss here .

"Thanks to you-" She uttered, making a way out from my proximity as she touched the walls and gripped any support to make it to her bed . And I was pleasured by the thought that maybe she needed all that support not because she was blind . But because of me . Because I made her needy of all that support . Because I broke her bones and jumbled up all her thoughts . And because that -bless her- made her unable to remember where her bed was .

I wanted her to feel the same .

"Me? What have I done?" I asked amused, dismissing all my thoughts .

"You were right when you said I had to be strong . Staying blind or wearing black wouldn"t make me able to take revenge from the one who killed Dad . So I guess, I had to change-" She shrugged lightly and I slowly headed to her huge bed with white sheets to sit next to her .

We both faced the big white, glossy piano that shone under the sun rays, streaming from the window .

"But you never told me, Caesar," she said facing the piano and smiling . "-why did you come?"

"Well . . . you never came to the park . "

"Yeah, Amanda said that the weather was terrible and I am very allergic to dust . "

I retracted my head in surprise . "Dust?"

"Yes . I mean there was a sandstorm, right?" She nodded at nothing in particular and I frowned .

"Then how did you get a doctor"s appointment?" I asked curiously .

"I went immediately after our talk-" She said, sighing exaggeratedly and I felt uneasy .

Why was Amanda lying to her? There wasn"t any sandstorm .

"Anyway, Caesar, back to business . Why did you come when you could"ve called and asked about me?" I watched her suppress a grin and fumble nervously with her fingers . And I had to smile watching her because I knew what was going on in her head .

I didn"t mainly come here to see her . It Amanda"s sweet talk that raised my suspicions and deeply unsettled me . It dragged my feet all the way here when I could"ve been sleeping . But I guess that meant that I really cared about her . Samantha .

"Don"t know really, but I"m glad I saw you again, you know? I"m glad I saw you"ve changed your outlook on life . It"s nice to see you as a mighty, fearless woman . "

Samantha chuckled, shook her head and frowned playfully all at the same time . "I"m not fearless . I"ve just decided to take the bitter medicine of reality and factuality . That"s all . "

"That"s one powerful drug, don"t you think? Worked so well-" I trailed off smiling and she blushed again . I grinned, my heart deciding on divorcing my chest and eloping with my guts .

She didn"t answer, instead, she got up and sat in front of her piano, then started playing some tune . It was a happy tune, I could tell . I laid back on her bed and stared at the ceiling .

Father should see me now, I thought . I had the girl he was looking for .

I"d bring him down .


My eyes snapped open at the sound of rushed, urgent whispers to find a concerned Samantha and a disgusted Amanda peering over me .

My eyes snapped open at the sound of rushed, urgent whispers to find a concerned Samantha and a disgusted Amanda peering over me .

"Told you, he just had a nap," Amanda said before leaving the room, slamming the door behind her .

I sat up shocked, eyes wide open and six hundred and fifty muscled tense .

Did I just sleep in any place other than my bed?

"You scared me!" Samantha"s voice snapped me out of my consuming thoughts that involved lots of well-deserved self-insults .

"I-I, oh G.o.d- I am awfully sorry-" I gasped, looking up at her clueless face, then getting up swiftly and walking toward the door in wide strides with sheer embarra.s.sment .

"Wait, where are you going?" She said, looking helplessly around her . "Don"t go, Caesar!"

I dropped my hand from the doork.n.o.b and stared at the clock . "It"s already seventeen hundred hours . I really should get going . "

"But-" She started, walking toward me, having located my position from my voice . "But, I can use some . . . company . "

I looked at her and rubbed my eyes . "I"m sorry, but I"m in desperate need of sleep . As embarra.s.singly apparent . " I had to even bite the insides of my cheeks and clench my fists so I wouldn"t punch myself in the face at my idiocy and recklessness .

"That"s one awfully good excuse-" She said crossing her arms and raising a brow . "You slept for about four hours . On my bed . "

I looked away and winced . "For that, I"m really sorry . I don"t know wh"

She laughed and waved it off as I was caught off guard staring at her . "It"s okay . I was just joking . Will you stay with me though? Please, Caesar . Please . "

I looked at her pet.i.te lost face and changed my mind in almost an instant . "Okay," I said simply and smiled . "Oh, by the way, why were you worried?" I laughed, remembering her face expression .

"Because I actually thought you slept, but when I was trying to wake you up after lunch, you didn"t even grunt . You were like . . . dead . "

I laughed . "That"s weird . I"m a very light sleeper . "

"It"s okay, I believe you . I"m sorry you missed lunch though . You slept and you sounded tired earlier . So I let you sleep . "

How considerate, I thought and I grinned at her tranquillity, having to threaten myself not to go and give her a bone-crushing embrace . She was just so lovely and graceful .

She then sat down on her bed and I followed suit smiling at my thoughts .

"Who taught you how to play the piano?" I asked, trying to start a conversation . I mean there wasn"t much to do anyway, but that was okay .

I really enjoyed her company .

"Dad," she said smiling and stretching her dark-blue, nail-polished fingers in front of her . "You?"

"Same," I tilted my head and stared at her . I was absolutely using her inability to see me to stare and stare at her . To absorb her every feature and every muscle twitch . "My father taught me," I continued still studying her .

"I have an odd instinct that tells me you hate it . Playing the piano-" She pointed out and I raised my eyebrows .

"How can you tell?" I asked curiously .

"I can tell, Julius . " She smiled softly . "Let me prove to you-" She then got up gracefully before sitting on her piano bench . And I had to stop my perverted self from watching her body as it swayed its way to the piano . So I promptly looked down .

"Come, please-" She then ordered, patting the s.p.a.ce next to her .

I hesitantly got up and sat next to her . Our arms barely touching .

"Play something," she said and I examined her curiously, not knowing where she was going with that .

"Play something," she said and I examined her curiously, not knowing where she was going with that .

And I did . My fingers moved fluently over the keys, pressing as I clenched my jaws . The memories of having to play to my father on weekends every night while he drank Scotch and smoked a cigar were too repulsive . The memories always attacked no matter what . Even if I had the most beautiful girl sitting right next to me .

"Okay, Julius," she said softly, placing a cold hand on my arm . I stopped .

Her lips curved into a small smile . "The reason why I can tell you hate this or feel uncomfortable playing it is that you play the tune too fast, making a happy tune, sound angry and disturbed . You shift a lot, tap your feet and most importantly, you don"t hum the tune . What do you say about my a.n.a.lysis?"

I looked at her bemusedly and grinned . "Very good, but is humming really necessary?"

"Nope, but it matches the rest of the description-" She said, looking at her window and smiling widely . "So it"s true? You don"t like playing the piano?"

"As a matter of fact, I don"t like music altogether-," I said casually and she gasped .

"Not even old music?"

I shook my head . "Not even that . "

"And when I thought you were enjoying Sam Smith, you really weren"t?" She said, clapping her hands over her mouth, looking embarra.s.sed .

I chuckled and inhaled deeply . Watching her being hair never failed to constrict my chest so beautifully . "It"s not that bad when you listen to it with a stranger," I pointed out, recalling her words . "-when you"re sad . Of course . "

She tried suppressing a grin and got up from next to me, heading to the window where the sun"s weak rays illuminated half of her face . I watched her, smiled and decided to do something special for her . So I started playing the tune closest to my heart . I hated it, but it was the most tolerable .

I played it slowly and relaxedly, even humming occasionally .

When I finished, I looked at Samantha finding her wipe away some tears . Oh-

I immediately got up and walked to her, next to the window . The sun was half blinding me now .

She then wrung her hands, her face red . "It"s just that- I get too emotional at times . I just loved it, Caesar . "

I raised my eyebrows in surprise . "Didn"t know I could be that good . "

She laughed quietly, yet tears kept coming down .

"It"s my favourite tune . Out of everything I hate," I explained, trying to lighten up the mood .

"Now, it"s my favourite too . " She murmured gently and my heart melted at her gentleness, serenity, and simplicity . It was like she was untouched from the bad . Pure . She was purity and peace . I tended to lack that in my life .

"Do you want me to play it again?" I whispered, not wanting to disturb the quietness that engulfed us and caged us between the piano and the window .

"No . Please don"t-" She whispered back, and I found myself stepping closer to her .

"Why not?" I asked, not really thinking of the question as much as of how dizzy I felt right now by her proximity .

"Because-" she whispered and I felt my heart beat uncontrollably fast . "-because, I don"t want to get bored of it any time soon . "

I smiled, getting closer . I then just got enchanted, I thought, as she grinned and looked away, blushing at something I didn"t know of, because it only pulled me closer to her . Her face was a few inches away from my neck . I looked down at her and felt weirdly numb and nervous .

Suddenly, she raised a hand and placed her palm on my chest, where fire erupted under her touch . My eyes widened and I thought I needed to drink water . Ice-cold . Because I needed to put that fire out .

She pushed me away .

"Is it me or is it getting a little hot? Let me switch on the fan-" She breathed, looking away and biting down on her lower lip before she walked away . I immediately stepped back and blinked several times trying to calm my haphazard heart .

I turned around and hit my head with a shelf I didn"t see before . It carried a lot of frames with pictures of Samantha and several other people I didn"t recognize . But I recognized her father of course when he was standing and wrapping an arm around Samantha who held a red flower and smiled shyly at the camera .
"Is it me or is it getting a little hot? Let me switch on the fan-" She breathed, looking away and biting down on her lower lip before she walked away . I immediately stepped back and blinked several times trying to calm my haphazard heart .

I turned around and hit my head with a shelf I didn"t see before . It carried a lot of frames with pictures of Samantha and several other people I didn"t recognize . But I recognized her father of course when he was standing and wrapping an arm around Samantha who held a red flower and smiled shyly at the camera .

"Samantha?" I breathed, finally finding my voice . I turned to find her, standing next to me . I immediately looked away .

"I never saw those pictures-" She said, shrugging . "-but Dad made sure he told me about them . "

She then took down one frame . I noticed her study the frame with her fingers . I then looked back at the shelf to find all the pictures in different frames with different decorations and engravings . I smirked .

Smart .

"This is me and mom," she said smiling . "I was ten . That was the last picture we took before she divorced Dad, and left to live in France, starting up a business . I visit her every year . "

I nodded, noticing how similar they both looked . "You look very alike," I voiced my thoughts and she blushed .

"She is prettier-" She said softly, replacing the frame and picking another one .

I didn"t say anything, but I knew that Samantha had a beauty in her that hypnotized me in the most unexpected way . I think it was her personality that added to that effect .

When she was done studying the frame, she grinned . "This is Amanda and me," she said . "I was twelve . She was teaching me how to ride a bicycle . Amanda was the one who always took care of me when Dad was away . Which is- most of the year . She was like my second mother . "

I frowned and looked more closely at the picture . Samantha was holding the bicycle"s frame and smiling brightly, while Amanda hugged her from the back .

I looked at Samantha"s blue eyes in the picture and felt my head turn .

"That is Amanda?" I asked shocked .

"Yeah," She laughed . "She even had this scar on her left cheek . But she said it was gone now . "

That was true . The scar was there . But that was a st.i.tches scar .

Those never fade .

"Julius?" Her voice came back to me, flooring me to reality .

What was happening?

"Julius?" She asked again, gently resting a hand on my forearm . I blinked away my thoughts and gulped down a lump forming in my throat .

"Yes," I said too flatly, eyes glued on Amanda"s brown eyes in the picture . "You got beautiful eyes," I said . "So does Amanda . "

Samantha smiled . "She does!" She exclaimed, ignoring my comment on herself . "I still remember them . Wide . Darkest shade of brown, but it would reflect beautifully in the sun . "

I backed away from her as Samantha replaced the frame back on the shelf . I felt my breathing fasten and my heart beat outrageously .

I was so caught off in my twirling, dark thoughts, when Samantha"s door opened, revealing a grinning Amanda . I was filled with utter horror when she said, "Dinner is ready, kids . Come on!" as her bright green eyes sparkled under the light .


A/N: Welcome to another twist :) Thoughts?

And as usual, thanks for reading!!

RVC pleasee <>

Reviewing my book will help me improve, so plz be kind enough to drop one . Even if it was bad lol :)Juliuss POV . I pressed the bell b.u.t.ton three times before it was opened by a young girl, almost six, in a pink dress and baby-pink ribbon . I raised my sungla.s.ses and stared down at her . She was smiling . I wasnt . Yes, sir? She chirped, rocking backwards and forward on her heels with a wide grin, her missing front tooth making an appearance . I reluctantly knelt down and levelled my gaze with hers . Wheres -er- Auntie Samantha? I cant call her, she said wrapping her arms in front of her and shrugged as I almost rolled my eyes . Youre a stranger . I am her friend, I shook my head, trying to reason out with her . Thats what all killers say . She sang it and I stood up irritated by her cheeky att.i.tude . I couldnt stand kids like her . Bianca! I then heard a voice call from the inside . Didnt I say not to open the doo- Amanda . Nice . She then pushed Bianca out of the way and stood there hands on her hips with a scowl on her face that interestingly highlighted her double chin . What are you doing here? Well, arent you persiste- She whispered harshly and I smiled nevertheless . Wheres Samantha? I cut her off and she sneered before a sweet disembodied voice filled my ears . Whats wrong Aman- I inhaled sharply as Samantha stood next to her in plain baby-blue pyjamas that hugged her body beautifully and contrasted amazingly with her jet black hair . First time to see her in colours, I realized . And I absolutely loved it . She paused for a second before breaking into a huge smile that tugged at my heartstrings . I almost rolled my eyes at my hearts wussiness . Nice to see you again, Samantha, I muttered sweetly as Amanda glared at me . Julius, thats just a great surprise! She almost exclaimed as her cheeks filled with colour and I found myself staring at her as she lightly bit down on her pale-pink lips . Please come in . I smirked and c.o.c.ked a daring eyebrow at a fuming Amanda before entering . I was even still having a stare down compet.i.tion with Amanda when I was surprised by Samantha holding my hand and leading me through her luxurious home, up the stairs . She closed her rooms door behind her, grinning . I dont think Ive ever seen her that enthusiastic . Next Thursday- She whispered excitedly, leaning back on her door and smiling widely . I approached her with a slight smile . What do you mean next Thursday? Ill do it! She blurted clapping her hands once and the pointing at her sungla.s.ses . Ill do the surgery next Thursday! I stared at her dumbfounded . You will? But Amanda said you were permanently blind- I stated, raising my eyebrows . But that wasnt what the doctor said! She beamed at me . All this time I was living with Amanda, she thought I was permanently blind! Thought? I frowned a bit, but let it go as I decided to focus on Samanthas happiness . She was so beautiful just standing and beaming as if proud of herself . Thats marvellous, Samantha, I muttered with a big smile -that I knew she couldnt see- while approaching her and gently holding her arms before awkwardly dropping them . I didnt even know why I had touched them in the first place . I was acting like a complete, utter joke . I know! Best part is- She said, dropped her voice and her head . Amanda doesnt know when! Ill surprise her! I stared at her astonished . Was this the broken, disappointed girl I was talking to a few days ago? No wonder why my heart persisted on fluttering every time I saw her . She was sure different . Extraordinarily, beautifully mature . I just couldnt help smiling . Thats great- I tilted my head and examined her as she pushed herself off the door and stood straight . Im glad to see youve moved on- I was whispering and hadnt noticed that I was almost cornering her at the door . I even love those pyjamas on you . I mean, if you see, your hair and skin, I touched her hair absentmindedly with my fingertips as I let my eyes trail down her neck, collarbones and- I cleared my throat and looked up at her, heart galloping wildly in my chest . It all contrasts beautifully with the colour . She blushed furiously and I smiled almost stepping closer . Stepping closer because being that close to her was a silence I decided I loved . It was a warmth I missed . A breath I needed taking . A memory I needed capturing . Samantha then cleared her throat shyly and I thought I wanted to die . Because watching her get shy and fl.u.s.tered around me was something I wanted to do for the eternity I believed existed after death . It never failed to bring a smile on my face because I realized, as I stood there that close to her, constantly hearing her breath hitch as I grazed her arms and touched her hair- I realized that my heart wasnt the only wuss here . Thanks to you- She uttered, making a way out from my proximity as she touched the walls and gripped any support to make it to her bed . And I was pleasured by the thought that maybe she needed all that support not because she was blind . But because of me . Because I made her needy of all that support . Because I broke her bones and jumbled up all her thoughts . And because that -bless her- made her unable to remember where her bed was . I wanted her to feel the same . Me? What have I done? I asked amused, dismissing all my thoughts . You were right when you said I had to be strong . Staying blind or wearing black wouldnt make me able to take revenge from the one who killed Dad . So I guess, I had to change- She shrugged lightly and I slowly headed to her huge bed with white sheets to sit next to her . We both faced the big white, glossy piano that shone under the sun rays, streaming from the window . But you never told me, Caesar, she said facing the piano and smiling . -why did you come? Well . you never came to the park . Yeah, Amanda said that the weather was terrible and I am very allergic to dust . I retracted my head in surprise . Dust? Yes . I mean there was a sandstorm, right? She nodded at nothing in particular and I frowned . Then how did you get a doctors appointment? I asked curiously . I went immediately after our talk- She said, sighing exaggeratedly and I felt uneasy . Why was Amanda lying to her? There wasnt any sandstorm . Anyway, Caesar, back to business . Why did you come when you couldve called and asked about me? I watched her suppress a grin and fumble nervously with her fingers . And I had to smile watching her because I knew what was going on in her head . I didnt mainly come here to see her . It Amandas sweet talk that raised my suspicions and deeply unsettled me . It dragged my feet all the way here when I couldve been sleeping . But I guess that meant that I really cared about her . Samantha . Dont know really, but Im glad I saw you again, you know? Im glad I saw youve changed your outlook on life . Its nice to see you as a mighty, fearless woman . Samantha chuckled, shook her head and frowned playfully all at the same time . Im not fearless . Ive just decided to take the bitter medicine of reality and factuality . Thats all . Thats one powerful drug, dont you think? Worked so well- I trailed off smiling and she blushed again . I grinned, my heart deciding on divorcing my chest and eloping with my guts . She didnt answer, instead, she got up and sat in front of her piano, then started playing some tune . It was a happy tune, I could tell . I laid back on her bed and stared at the ceiling . Father should see me now, I thought . I had the girl he was looking for . Id bring him down . --- My eyes snapped open at the sound of rushed, urgent whispers to find a concerned Samantha and a disgusted Amanda peering over me . Told you, he just had a nap, Amanda said before leaving the room, slamming the door behind her . I sat up shocked, eyes wide open and six hundred and fifty muscled tense . Did I just sleep in any place other than my bed? You scared me! Samanthas voice snapped me out of my consuming thoughts that involved lots of well-deserved self-insults . I-I, oh G.o.d- I am awfully sorry- I gasped, looking up at her clueless face, then getting up swiftly and walking toward the door in wide strides with sheer embarra.s.sment . Wait, where are you going? She said, looking helplessly around her . Dont go, Caesar! I dropped my hand from the doork.n.o.b and stared at the clock . Its already seventeen hundred hours . I really should get going . But- She started, walking toward me, having located my position from my voice . But, I can use some . company . I looked at her and rubbed my eyes . Im sorry, but Im in desperate need of sleep . As embarra.s.singly apparent . I had to even bite the insides of my cheeks and clench my fists so I wouldnt punch myself in the face at my idiocy and recklessness . Thats one awfully good excuse- She said crossing her arms and raising a brow . You slept for about four hours . On my bed . I looked away and winced . For that, Im really sorry . I dont know wh She laughed and waved it off as I was caught off guard staring at her . Its okay . I was just joking . Will you stay with me though? Please, Caesar . Please . I looked at her pet.i.te lost face and changed my mind in almost an instant . Okay, I said simply and smiled . Oh, by the way, why were you worried? I laughed, remembering her face expression . Because I actually thought you slept, but when I was trying to wake you up after lunch, you didnt even grunt . You were like . dead . I laughed . Thats weird . Im a very light sleeper . Its okay, I believe you . Im sorry you missed lunch though . You slept and you sounded tired earlier . So I let you sleep . How considerate, I thought and I grinned at her tranquillity, having to threaten myself not to go and give her a bone-crushing embrace . She was just so lovely and graceful . She then sat down on her bed and I followed suit smiling at my thoughts . Who taught you how to play the piano? I asked, trying to start a conversation . I mean there wasnt much to do anyway, but that was okay . I really enjoyed her company . Dad, she said smiling and stretching her dark-blue, nail-polished fingers in front of her . You? Same, I tilted my head and stared at her . I was absolutely using her inability to see me to stare and stare at her . To absorb her every feature and every muscle twitch . My father taught me, I continued still studying her . I have an odd instinct that tells me you hate it . Playing the piano- She pointed out and I raised my eyebrows . How can you tell? I asked curiously . I can tell, Julius . She smiled softly . Let me prove to you- She then got up gracefully before sitting on her piano bench . And I had to stop my perverted self from watching her body as it swayed its way to the piano . So I promptly looked down . Come, please- She then ordered, patting the s.p.a.ce next to her . I hesitantly got up and sat next to her . Our arms barely touching . Play something, she said and I examined her curiously, not knowing where she was going with that . And I did . My fingers moved fluently over the keys, pressing as I clenched my jaws . The memories of having to play to my father on weekends every night while he drank Scotch and smoked a cigar were too repulsive . The memories always attacked no matter what . Even if I had the most beautiful girl sitting right next to me . Okay, Julius, she said softly, placing a cold hand on my arm . I stopped . Her lips curved into a small smile . The reason why I can tell you hate this or feel uncomfortable playing it is that you play the tune too fast, making a happy tune, sound angry and disturbed . You shift a lot, tap your feet and most importantly, you dont hum the tune . What do you say about my a.n.a.lysis? I looked at her bemusedly and grinned . Very good, but is humming really necessary? Nope, but it matches the rest of the description- She said, looking at her window and smiling widely . So its true? You dont like playing the piano? As a matter of fact, I dont like music altogether-, I said casually and she gasped . Not even old music? I shook my head . Not even that . And when I thought you were enjoying Sam Smith, you really werent? She said, clapping her hands over her mouth, looking embarra.s.sed . I chuckled and inhaled deeply . Watching her being hair never failed to constrict my chest so beautifully . Its not that bad when you listen to it with a stranger, I pointed out, recalling her words . -when youre sad . Of course . She tried suppressing a grin and got up from next to me, heading to the window where the suns weak rays illuminated half of her face . I watched her, smiled and decided to do something special for her . So I started playing the tune closest to my heart . I hated it, but it was the most tolerable . I played it slowly and relaxedly, even humming occasionally . When I finished, I looked at Samantha finding her wipe away some tears . Oh- I immediately got up and walked to her, next to the window . The sun was half blinding me now . She then wrung her hands, her face red . Its just that- I get too emotional at times . I just loved it, Caesar . I raised my eyebrows in surprise . Didnt know I could be that good . She laughed quietly, yet tears kept coming down . Its my favourite tune . Out of everything I hate, I explained, trying to lighten up the mood . Now, its my favourite too . She murmured gently and my heart melted at her gentleness, serenity, and simplicity . It was like she was untouched from the bad . Pure . She was purity and peace . I tended to lack that in my life . Do you want me to play it again? I whispered, not wanting to disturb the quietness that engulfed us and caged us between the piano and the window . No . Please dont- She whispered back, and I found myself stepping closer to her . Why not? I asked, not really thinking of the question as much as of how dizzy I felt right now by her proximity . Because- she whispered and I felt my heart beat uncontrollably fast . -because, I dont want to get bored of it any time soon . I smiled, getting closer . I then just got enchanted, I thought, as she grinned and looked away, blushing at something I didnt know of, because it only pulled me closer to her . Her face was a few inches away from my neck . I looked down at her and felt weirdly numb and nervous . Suddenly, she raised a hand and placed her palm on my chest, where fire erupted under her touch . My eyes widened and I thought I needed to drink water . Ice-cold . Because I needed to put that fire out . She pushed me away . Is it me or is it getting a little hot? Let me switch on the fan- She breathed, looking away and biting down on her lower lip before she walked away . I immediately stepped back and blinked several times trying to calm my haphazard heart . I turned around and hit my head with a shelf I didnt see before . It carried a lot of frames with pictures of Samantha and several other people I didnt recognize . But I recognized her father of course when he was standing and wrapping an arm around Samantha who held a red flower and smiled shyly at the camera . Samantha? I breathed, finally finding my voice . I turned to find her, standing next to me . I immediately looked away . I never saw those pictures- She said, shrugging . -but Dad made sure he told me about them . She then took down one frame . I noticed her study the frame with her fingers . I then looked back at the shelf to find all the pictures in different frames with different decorations and engravings . I smirked . Smart . This is me and mom, she said smiling . I was ten . That was the last picture we took before she divorced Dad, and left to live in France, starting up a business . I visit her every year . I nodded, noticing how similar they both looked . You look very alike, I voiced my thoughts and she blushed . She is prettier- She said softly, replacing the frame and picking another one . I didnt say anything, but I knew that Samantha had a beauty in her that hypnotized me in the most unexpected way . I think it was her personality that added to that effect . When she was done studying the frame, she grinned . This is Amanda and me, she said . I was twelve . She was teaching me how to ride a bicycle . Amanda was the one who always took care of me when Dad was away . Which is- most of the year . She was like my second mother . I frowned and looked more closely at the picture . Samantha was holding the bicycles frame and smiling brightly, while Amanda hugged her from the back . I looked at Samanthas blue eyes in the picture and felt my head turn . That is Amanda? I asked shocked . Yeah, She laughed . She even had this scar on her left cheek . But she said it was gone now . That was true . The scar was there . But that was a st.i.tches scar . Those never fade . Julius? Her voice came back to me, flooring me to reality . What was happening? Julius? She asked again, gently resting a hand on my forearm . I blinked away my thoughts and gulped down a lump forming in my throat . Yes, I said too flatly, eyes glued on Amandas brown eyes in the picture . You got beautiful eyes, I said . So does Amanda . Samantha smiled . She does! She exclaimed, ignoring my comment on herself . I still remember them . Wide . Darkest shade of brown, but it would reflect beautifully in the sun . I backed away from her as Samantha replaced the frame back on the shelf . I felt my breathing fasten and my heart beat outrageously . I was so caught off in my twirling, dark thoughts, when Samanthas door opened, revealing a grinning Amanda . I was filled with utter horror when she said, Dinner is ready, kids . Come on! as her bright green eyes sparkled under the light . *** A/N: Welcome to another twist :) Thoughts? And as usual, thanks for reading!! RVC pleasee <3 reviewing="" my="" book="" will="" help="" me="" improve,="" so="" plz="" be="" kind="" enough="" to="" drop="" one="" .="" even="" if="" it="" was="" bad="" lol="" :)="">

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