Julius Caesar

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

I sized him up, then exhaled . "Who?"

I a.s.sumed he was just bluffing and solely wanted my attention because he didn"t know the actual details . He didn"t understand the atrocity of my situation and its enormity . He didn"t really understand what it meant to kill a lover"s father for some doc.u.ments (just imagining trying to explain my "reasons" to Samantha, made me want to curl up and die) . He didn"t understand that nothing would make this even slightly better . Nothing would reverse what was done . Nothing would change who I am . Not him going against his morals to support a long lost, darkness-consumed brother .

And definitely not "distracting" me .

"Well . Who would benefit from having Samantha turn on you?" He asked with an easy smirk . And I wondered how he managed to trust me on his life . He was just sitting there, probably feigning nonchalance and talking to me like we were long life friends . He was sighing, smirking, talking unshakably, and inching closer to the tub . Closer to me .

I wondered if his core was quaking . I wondered if it was scolding him for being so stupid to follow his heart just this one time . I wondered if there was behind this confidence of his, a battle he was fighting . A battle to win his murderer of a brother . I wondered if that was why his hands were curled into fists . Was it to hind their uncontrollable shaking? One can have so much control over his body, face . But not their extremities .

Extremities, like shaking hands and tapping feet, peeled any pretence anyone is holding up . And he was hiding it from me .

"Who?" I repeated, rolled my eyes and took a deep breath .

"Who do you think?" He repeated, raising his eyebrows and looking at me as if he was still processing the idea in his head .

"I do not think . Just tell me who . " I snapped at him impatiently as my clutch around the empty bottle of Scotch tightened . And I wondered, why was I even holding it in the first place? So I let it go .

"Well," he said with a dramatic sigh . "I"ll give you some hints . " He tilted his head . "If he doesn"t trust you, gaining Samantha"s trust is going to totally benefit him . He can manipulate her an-"

Realization dawned on me and I narrowed my eyes at him, interrupting him with a scowl . "No . "

"Yes!" He said, shaking his head and leaning in to make his point . I leaned away . "It wouldn"t cost Dad a thing!"

"No . " I then repeated boredly . "That"s not his strategy . He doesn"t like theatrics . He wouldn"t invest a second in creating this intricately boring drama . You"re looking for a much more "interesting" amateur . Not Father . " I tilted my head to glare at him . I then looked back in front of me .

"Mate . " He said with furrowed eyebrows . "He"d totally do it . Jus-"

"I know better . " I closed my eyes with a sigh . I felt defeated .

"No, no," he said, standing up . "You said he killed your Audrey and your baby . " He said bluntly . "This is drama, Julius!"

I glanced at him curiously and examined him carefully . He looked provoked . His once messy hair was wet and slick . His eyes were sharp, daring me to not believe him and his cheeks were an angry red . He glared at me with his hands curled to tight fists .

"Why are you insistent about this?" I muttered under my breath, nevertheless .

"What do you mean?" He averted his gaze a little .

"What"s up between you two?" I asked casually with raised brows .

Augustus shrugged as his body relaxed a bit . He flexed his fingers and ran them nervously through his hair . "Nothing out of the . . . ordinary . "

"Right . " I almost scoffed as I let my gaze linger on him . He shifted slightly in his place before he sat down with a heavy sigh next to the tub . He pulled his legs closer to him, crossed his feet and threw his arms around his knees .

"Well," Augustus started as I watched him fumble with his fingers . "Well . All I can tell you is that things were never the same after he killed Sam . "

I studied him for a little longer . His hair was now obscuring his face so I couldn"t watch his face . I looked away with a soft sigh . Silence then settled between us .

"He didn"t know," I whispered, surprising myself . "He didn"t know," I then repeated louder, clearing my throat . "-that you had feelings for her . "

I didn"t understand why I particularly said that . I didn"t understand why I was softening his heart on my father . Our father .

"I know . " He pressed . "But he shouldn"t just go around killing anyone he thinks isn"t worthy of living . " His voice was strangled and I was scared he was going to start crying . Because Augustus"s crying wouldn"t make this any better . As it happened, I"ve had enough drama for the day .

So I scoffed .

"If you don"t defend him, you shouldn"t defend me either," I said solidly, shifting heavily in the ice-cold water . "We"re not so different . "

Augustus didn"t say a word then, but he rested his back against the wall next to the tub and stared ahead of him . "Why do you care?" he then said . "I mean, you wanted me to hate him . "

"I never wanted that . I"d prefer it, but never want it . " I pointed out . "As a matter of fact, I don"t care . But I wouldn"t want Father dead yet . Because of you . "

"You still think I"ll be the reason behind his death?" He shook his head, his voice constrained .

"I don"t think," I said with a smirk . "I"m sure . "

He shook his head and I looked away .

"You really are looking for revenge now, aren"t you?" I glanced at him to find his right hand tightly clasping his left wrist . " Don"t be stupid . " I continued, closing my eyes . "He"d die for you . You think you"ll be able to carry on without him, but you"ll be disappointed when you start missing him and blaming yourself . "

And I thought how amusing it was to try "helping" him . How good it felt to divert him away from his idiotic thinking . I heard him sniff, but didn"t look .

"So you were giving me advice when you"re the messed up one?" I commented incredulously .

"I"m not that f.u.c.ked," he muttered . "You"re way more f.u.c.ked . "

"True," I said with a hint of a smile . "Just get it together . Or whatever . "

"So," he said pushing his left leg away from him as his arms lied limply next to him . "-did those French f.u.c.ks cause you any more trouble?" He referred to Maxime and Leonard .

"Actually," I said remembering how they took the four doc.u.ments without causing any trouble . "Actually, no . "

"Seriously?" He said, turning completely to me so I could see his pale visage and teary, bright eyes . "I mean you literally made them your b.i.t.c.hes . "

I smirked . "There wasn"t anything that they could do . "

"Still weird . " Augustus then added with a heavy sigh .

I looked away and sighed . They were Samantha"s half-brothers . "They"re Samantha"s half-brothers . " I found myself muttering .

"No s.h.i.t . " Augustus jolted up and I nodded tiredly .

"That"s what I first thought too . " I sighed . "It"s an awfully long story . "

"What the h.e.l.l Julius?" Augustus suddenly exclaimed and I turned to him with raised brows . "You can"t possibly be that idiotic . "

"About what?" I asked vexedly as I ran a hand through my wet hair .

"If they"re her brothers," Augustus said thoughtfully . "-and they"re breathing little, sophisticated French f.u.c.ks . They can tell her! They can dig up everything about you . And she"ll easily believe and trust them!"

"Of course not," I said looking away thoughtfully . "She doesn"t know that they"re her brothers . At least, that"s what I think . Why would she trust them? And why would she believe anyone selling anything about me if she truly loved me?"

Augustus snorted . "Well, she confronted you, didn"t she?" I looked at him and shut up . "I mean -bless her- if she had any doubt, you confirmed it, k.n.o.bhead . "

"Still-" I continued to argue despite the fact that it made perfect sense .

"Still what? They"re pretty legit . They might"ve given her some -I don"t know- papers? Or some s.h.i.t?" He said his eyes brightening as he connected more dots .

"No," I almost scoffed . "They wouldn"t have it-"

"Then they faked it to fit the story!" He said as if it was the most obvious thing . "That you killed their father! And that"s because -oh my- you"re a big, bad wolf . They wouldn"t even need to tell her who they are . I mean, did she mention anything about the company? Dad? The doc.u.ments?"

I shook my head subtly as I processed the idea more .

I shook my head subtly as I processed the idea more .

"See?!" Augustus grinned as if he got it all figured out . "They made a story up! Samantha probably wanted an explanation of her father"s death and they gave her that! And you stupidly fell into the trap and confirmed . Samantha doesn"t even know the real, murderer you!" He was too enthusiastic about this .

"Still," I shook my head . "How did she know I killed twenty people? That"s very accurate . "

Augustus sighed dramatically . "My my dear, dear, only brother -that G.o.d decided to give me when I was twenty- only to realize that he"s a walking, talking, killing moron . " I raised my eyebrows . "If anyone on Earth asks me -let"s say- how many shirts do you think you have? I"ll throw a twenty at them . How many different kinds of kisses are there? Another twenty? How many -I don"t know- eggs that-"

"You made your very idiotic point," I said almost smiling . "Which is very, very unlikely-"

"It is not unlikely . " Augustus tsked . "You just like to complicate complicated matters . It was like you"re born to do this . There"s a humongous difference . "

I sighed . "Fine . But it would be very reckless of them to do such a thing . I mean -blimey- they just set themselves on fire without realizing it . " I was surprised at my coolness . I was not angry . I was actually very calm . Maybe because I still didn"t believe it .

"I know right!" Augustus almost cheered as I heavily got out of the water and staggered past my brother out of the bathroom . Water leaked from me as I shivered slightly .

I felt him follow me .

I was shocked to see the suite in a complete mess . Vases were broken, the TV was knocked off and there was a lot of water on the floor, soaking the carpets .

"Ah, mate," Augustus commented with a sigh . "-you must"ve had it hard . "

I wasn"t really focusing on what he was saying as I started cursing under my breath .

"What"s wrong mate?" Augustus just never stopped talking and I almost snapped at him .

I took a deep breath . "I can"t find my phone," I muttered miserably eyeing the mess in front of me .

"And you"re angry about that?"

"Acutely . " I clenched my jaws .

"You could"ve told me," he said with a smirk . "I can call . And you"ll hear it ring . Are you aware that phones can do that? Communicate with each other? Send sound waves to ou-"

"Shut up and do it . " I felt a treacherous smile creep up my lips, but I pursed it away . After a few moments, I felt a buzz in my pants" pockets .

"And it ends up on you . " He commented with a snort . "You gotta learn what it means to calm the h.e.l.l down . "

I ignored him and reached for my very wet, miraculously working phone . Guess it was waterproof . I unlocked it and was surprised to see a message from an unknown number . The same number on which a threat was sent .

I eyed it wearily before opening it .

Unknown number:


I felt my nose flare at this particular moment . Augustus was right . It was them . I clenched the phone too hard in my hand and was about to throw it away when I felt Augustus"s hand on my shoulder .

"Told you . " He said seriously . "And now, you gotta do s.h.i.t about it . Because if you don"t, they might not stop at anything to get those doc.u.ments -which by the way, I deserve an explanation to know what exactly they"re about- back in their hands . "

I squeezed shut my eyes and held my breath . I breathed out . "I"ve something on my mind," I said flipping my phone between my index and middle fingers . "Be ready to be surprised . "

Feeling furious was an understatement . I was utterly dismayed because they just awoke a hibernating monster within me . I never planned on a rivalry with them . I never planned on a battle with them .

Because, h.e.l.l . I"ll give them war .


I pushed up my sungla.s.ses over my hair and untightened my jade-green scarf (I bought a new one) around my neck before knocking on the door . It was 7: 57 a . m . And it was warmer than usual . And I thought that maybe winter was finally delivering its last words as occasional gusts of wind and drizzles .

I pushed up my sungla.s.ses over my hair and untightened my jade-green scarf (I bought a new one) around my neck before knocking on the door . It was 7: 57 a . m . And it was warmer than usual . And I thought that maybe winter was finally delivering its last words as occasional gusts of wind and drizzles .

The door was then opened by America -Father"s housekeeper- who stepped aside with a small smile . I let my eyes wipe around the inside of the house before I stepped in with a gentle sigh . America then guided me through the obviously luxurious place until I found Father sitting at the head of a dining table in a crisp, white suit, and a royal blue tie with his hands clasped on the tabletop . His fingers were ringless . His dyed brown hair was combed neatly to the side and his face was set with a knowing, teasing smile on his lips .

Powerful . Forget about the heart attack that almost killed him . Or maybe, he was acting . Trying his best not to let the real him show up . In front of me . Again .

I walked steadily toward the table as he unclasped his hands with a disturbing twinkle in his dark eyes .

"Right on time . " He said and I smirked, dragging a chair to sit on . "I"m impressed . "

I made sure I called him yesterday so that we could meet . I wanted to use him to help me .

"What can I say?" I raised an eyebrow . "I"m impressive . "

Father nodded once and then snapped his fingers twice . America was right by his side in a matter of seconds .

"Serve the food . " He said slowly with an air of authority and she nodded before leaving us with a smile, plastered on her face . Father then looked at me with the same knowing smile . "You said you wanted to discuss something that might interest me . You said you knew who had the doc.u.ments . "

"That"s true," I said, grabbing a napkin and placing it on my laps as I stared at the perfect arrangement of the utensils in front of me .

"Interesting, indeed . " He said doing the same with slow precision . I watched his stubby fingers go over the shiny utensils before he looked up and talked . "Why didn"t you bring the girl along? We could"ve had some fun with a blind girl . " He smiled and looked up .

"I would"ve if they were with her," I said ignoring the pang in my heart as America came and started serving Father"s food .

"Wow . A plot twist . " He said with fake enthusiasm . "I love those . "

I almost smirked at his remark when I was interrupted by the sound of footsteps . I turned my head to my right to find Augustus standing with messy hair, boxers and I guessed yesterday"s socks . He stared at me and I glared at him .

Idiot . Look away, is what I wanted to communicate and he thankfully got it . He masked his surprise quickly and looked at Father with a deep frown .

"You didn"t tell me we were having guests . " His voice was rough and I dared smile .

"He is not a guest, August . " My father said with amus.e.m.e.nt lacing his composed voice as he extended an arm toward me . "He is your half-brother . "

Augustus faltered and looked at me as I subtly shook my head with a slightly raised brow .

"Right . " He said with a fake grimace . "I"ll give you some time . " He glanced at me then looked back at Father quickly . "I was -uh- going out anyway . "

"Sure thing," Father said with a tight smile . "I"ll be here when you return . "

Augustus ran his left hand through his hair nodded toward the door and tried really hard not to look at me before he finally left . I looked after him until Father"s clearing his throat caught my attention . I averted my gaze back to him and he raised his eyebrows as if expecting me to continue .

"As it happens," I said, raising my eyebrows and sipping on some red wine . "Ricardo had a big, happy family . And so he decided to keep his valued possessions with his beloved sons . " I finished with a smile .

He stopped reaching for his toast, averted his gaze to me and raised his eyebrows .

"Sons?" He retracted his arm and rested his hand around the neck of a gla.s.s cup with water . I watched his index finger trace the mouth slowly .

"They finish all the unfinished business he left when he died . " I continued bitterly as I fumbled with my ring . "We aren"t their only case . "

Father studied me for a moment too long before he nodded once and picked his cup of water . "And they have the doc.u.ments?"

"Yes . They do . " I lied with a sigh . I had them .

"How did you figure out all that?" He asked, flicking his eyes up to lock my eyes .

I didn"t expect this question so I blurted the first thing that occurred to me . "It was mere coincidence . "

"Coincidence?" Father scoffed, but I was fast to come back at him .
I didn"t expect this question so I blurted the first thing that occurred to me . "It was mere coincidence . "

"Coincidence?" Father scoffed, but I was fast to come back at him .

"It goes against our rules," was what I said . And it was true . Father made sure I never believed in coincidence . That everything had a logical explanation behind it . Which in this case was very true, but there was no way I was disclosing that to him .

"You know . " He said indifferently as his sharp eyes swam around the dining room . "-I never really believe in coincidence . So if you may, explain . "

I looked at him carefully and realized I should"ve probably thought it through more thoroughly .

"If you"re lying," he started with a bored sigh . "-because you want to protect one of your beloved companions, please free me from this . "

I shifted my gaze to the pancakes in front of me and bit down on my lip thoughtfully . "In fact," I then said slowly, clearing my throat . "-I want to protect myself . "

"I thought I brought you up to be perfectly capable of that . " He said between his teeth, looking up with a forced smile .

"True . " I c.o.c.ked my head a little . "But I can"t do it for longer," I said . "Ever since they knew I know about the doc.u.ments they"ve been threatening me and preventing me from infiltrating them . And to be honest, I came here for help . "

"So your new ways are not working?" He said raising her eyebrows with a smirk . "Your new, blood-free, humane, sophisticated methods . " He almost chuckled .

I ignored him . "Are you in or should I continue doing it my way?" I cut short the undesirable chit-chat .

Father shifted in his seat . "Well . " He took the knife and dipped it in a plate of b.u.t.ter . He picked a piece . "You know my policy . Unless you"re willing to explain yourself more, I will not . " He spread the b.u.t.ter piece on his toast . "I will not help you . "

"Well . " I mocked his way . "I will do it my way and be the first person to hold those doc.u.ments in my hands . "

Father froze a bit before chuckling . "Right . " His eyes twinkled darkly . "You got me there . But let me ask you a question . " He said . "Do you know what"s in them?"

Oh, "Daddy", I know and know and know .

"Should I know?" So I asked back .

"Answering questions with questions is only a sign of lying, son . " He said wistfully with a smirk . It was one of his lessons: how to be a walking lie detector .

"Well, I do know," I said . "I"m very good at guessing, you know . It"s probably some evidence for all the dirty jobs we"ve done . " I lied "seriously", looking straight in his eyes .

He scoffed, studied me and sighed . "I"ll relieve you, though," he said . "I"ll tell you what"s in them . "

"What made you think I"d believe you?" I asked with a smile . "I mean maybe you"re hiding something about yourself . In there . "

Father pursed his lips, cleared his throat, clasped his hands and then smiled . "Maybe . "

"So?" I said with an easy smirk . "Is that a "yes"?"

He sized me up, worked his jaws, then smirked . "Tell me about them . " He said bitterly .

I grinned and relaxed back in my chair . "Maxime and Leonard," I smirked . "Want to do it your way, do it your way . "

"Are you sure they have the doc.u.ments?" My father repeated his previous question with caution . "Are you absolutely certain? I wouldn"t want to make foes with some kids, for G.o.d"s sake . "

I smiled and looked straight into his eyes . "I"m not certain . But sometimes taking a chance is better than sitting in a fancy house and wait for my housekeepers to serve me as I worry about a son who might or might not even care . "

My father"s left eye twitched a bit before he sipped on his cup of water . "We"re done here," he said . "You may leave . "

And it was done . Maxime and Leonard were no more . Or at least I hoped so .


A/N: Ugh . . . and are they really a no more?I sized him up, then exhaled . Who? I a.s.sumed he was just bluffing and solely wanted my attention because he didnt know the actual details . He didnt understand the atrocity of my situation and its enormity . He didnt really understand what it meant to kill a lovers father for some doc.u.ments (just imagining trying to explain my reasons to Samantha, made me want to curl up and die) . He didnt understand that nothing would make this even slightly better . Nothing would reverse what was done . Nothing would change who I am . Not him going against his morals to support a long lost, darkness-consumed brother . And definitely not distracting me . Well . Who would benefit from having Samantha turn on you? He asked with an easy smirk . And I wondered how he managed to trust me on his life . He was just sitting there, probably feigning nonchalance and talking to me like we were long life friends . He was sighing, smirking, talking unshakably, and inching closer to the tub . Closer to me . I wondered if his core was quaking . I wondered if it was scolding him for being so stupid to follow his heart just this one time . I wondered if there was behind this confidence of his, a battle he was fighting . A battle to win his murderer of a brother . I wondered if that was why his hands were curled into fists . Was it to hind their uncontrollable shaking? One can have so much control over his body, face . But not their extremities . Extremities, like shaking hands and tapping feet, peeled any pretence anyone is holding up . And he was hiding it from me . Who? I repeated, rolled my eyes and took a deep breath . Who do you think? He repeated, raising his eyebrows and looking at me as if he was still processing the idea in his head . I do not think . Just tell me who . I snapped at him impatiently as my clutch around the empty bottle of Scotch tightened . And I wondered, why was I even holding it in the first place? So I let it go . Well, he said with a dramatic sigh . Ill give you some hints . He tilted his head . If he doesnt trust you, gaining Samanthas trust is going to totally benefit him . He can manipulate her an- Realization dawned on me and I narrowed my eyes at him, interrupting him with a scowl . No . Yes! He said, shaking his head and leaning in to make his point . I leaned away . It wouldnt cost Dad a thing! No . I then repeated boredly . Thats not his strategy . He doesnt like theatrics . He wouldnt invest a second in creating this intricately boring drama . Youre looking for a much more interesting amateur . Not Father . I tilted my head to glare at him . I then looked back in front of me . Mate . He said with furrowed eyebrows . Hed totally do it . Jus- I know better . I closed my eyes with a sigh . I felt defeated . No, no, he said, standing up . You said he killed your Audrey and your baby . He said bluntly . This is drama, Julius! I glanced at him curiously and examined him carefully . He looked provoked . His once messy hair was wet and slick . His eyes were sharp, daring me to not believe him and his cheeks were an angry red . He glared at me with his hands curled to tight fists . Why are you insistent about this? I muttered under my breath, nevertheless . What do you mean? He averted his gaze a little . Whats up between you two? I asked casually with raised brows . Augustus shrugged as his body relaxed a bit . He flexed his fingers and ran them nervously through his hair . Nothing out of the . ordinary . Right . I almost scoffed as I let my gaze linger on him . He shifted slightly in his place before he sat down with a heavy sigh next to the tub . He pulled his legs closer to him, crossed his feet and threw his arms around his knees . Well, Augustus started as I watched him fumble with his fingers . Well . All I can tell you is that things were never the same after he killed Sam . I studied him for a little longer . His hair was now obscuring his face so I couldnt watch his face . I looked away with a soft sigh . Silence then settled between us . He didnt know, I whispered, surprising myself . He didnt know, I then repeated louder, clearing my throat . -that you had feelings for her . I didnt understand why I particularly said that . I didnt understand why I was softening his heart on my father . Our father . I know . He pressed . But he shouldnt just go around killing anyone he thinks isnt worthy of living . His voice was strangled and I was scared he was going to start crying . Because Augustuss crying wouldnt make this any better . As it happened, Ive had enough drama for the day . So I scoffed . If you dont defend him, you shouldnt defend me either, I said solidly, shifting heavily in the ice-cold water . Were not so different . Augustus didnt say a word then, but he rested his back against the wall next to the tub and stared ahead of him . Why do you care? he then said . I mean, you wanted me to hate him . I never wanted that . Id prefer it, but never want it . I pointed out . As a matter of fact, I dont care . But I wouldnt want Father dead yet . Because of you . You still think Ill be the reason behind his death? He shook his head, his voice constrained . I dont think, I said with a smirk . Im sure . He shook his head and I looked away . You really are looking for revenge now, arent you? I glanced at him to find his right hand tightly clasping his left wrist . Dont be stupid . I continued, closing my eyes . Hed die for you . You think youll be able to carry on without him, but youll be disappointed when you start missing him and blaming yourself . And I thought how amusing it was to try helping him . How good it felt to divert him away from his idiotic thinking . I heard him sniff, but didnt look . So you were giving me advice when youre the messed up one? I commented incredulously . Im not that f.u.c.ked, he muttered . Youre way more f.u.c.ked . True, I said with a hint of a smile . Just get it together . Or whatever . So, he said pushing his left leg away from him as his arms lied limply next to him . -did those French f.u.c.ks cause you any more trouble? He referred to Maxime and Leonard . Actually, I said remembering how they took the four doc.u.ments without causing any trouble . Actually, no . Seriously? He said, turning completely to me so I could see his pale visage and teary, bright eyes . I mean you literally made them your b.i.t.c.hes . I smirked . There wasnt anything that they could do . Still weird . Augustus then added with a heavy sigh . I looked away and sighed . They were Samanthas half-brothers . Theyre Samanthas half-brothers . I found myself muttering . No s.h.i.t . Augustus jolted up and I nodded tiredly . Thats what I first thought too . I sighed . Its an awfully long story . What the h.e.l.l Julius? Augustus suddenly exclaimed and I turned to him with raised brows . You cant possibly be that idiotic . About what? I asked vexedly as I ran a hand through my wet hair . If theyre her brothers, Augustus said thoughtfully . -and theyre breathing little, sophisticated French f.u.c.ks . They can tell her! They can dig up everything about you . And sh.e.l.l easily believe and trust them! Of course not, I said looking away thoughtfully . She doesnt know that theyre her brothers . At least, thats what I think . Why would she trust them? And why would she believe anyone selling anything about me if she truly loved me? Augustus snorted . Well, she confronted you, didnt she? I looked at him and shut up . I mean -bless her- if she had any doubt, you confirmed it, k.n.o.bhead . Still- I continued to argue despite the fact that it made perfect sense . Still what? Theyre pretty legit . They mightve given her some -I dont know- papers? Or some s.h.i.t? He said his eyes brightening as he connected more dots . No, I almost scoffed . They wouldnt have it- Then they faked it to fit the story! He said as if it was the most obvious thing . That you killed their father! And thats because -oh my- youre a big, bad wolf . They wouldnt even need to tell her who they are . I mean, did she mention anything about the company? Dad? The doc.u.ments? I shook my head subtly as I processed the idea more . See?! Augustus grinned as if he got it all figured out . They made a story up! Samantha probably wanted an explanation of her fathers death and they gave her that! And you stupidly fell into the trap and confirmed . Samantha doesnt even know the real, murderer you! He was too enthusiastic about this . Still, I shook my head . How did she know I killed twenty people? Thats very accurate . Augustus sighed dramatically . My my dear, dear, only brother -that G.o.d decided to give me when I was twenty- only to realize that hes a walking, talking, killing moron . I raised my eyebrows . If anyone on Earth asks me -lets say- how many shirts do you think you have? Ill throw a twenty at them . How many different kinds of kisses are there? Another twenty? How many -I dont know- eggs that- You made your very idiotic point, I said almost smiling . Which is very, very unlikely- It is not unlikely . Augustus tsked . You just like to complicate complicated matters . It was like youre born to do this . Theres a humongous difference . I sighed . Fine . But it would be very reckless of them to do such a thing . I mean -blimey- they just set themselves on fire without realizing it . I was surprised at my coolness . I was not angry . I was actually very calm . Maybe because I still didnt believe it . I know right! Augustus almost cheered as I heavily got out of the water and staggered past my brother out of the bathroom . Water leaked from me as I shivered slightly . I felt him follow me . I was shocked to see the suite in a complete mess . Vases were broken, the TV was knocked off and there was a lot of water on the floor, soaking the carpets . Ah, mate, Augustus commented with a sigh . -you mustve had it hard . I wasnt really focusing on what he was saying as I started cursing under my breath . Whats wrong mate? Augustus just never stopped talking and I almost snapped at him . I took a deep breath . I cant find my phone, I muttered miserably eyeing the mess in front of me . And youre angry about that? Acutely . I clenched my jaws . You couldve told me, he said with a smirk . I can call . And youll hear it ring . Are you aware that phones can do that? Communicate with each other? Send sound waves to ou- Shut up and do it . I felt a treacherous smile creep up my lips, but I pursed it away . After a few moments, I felt a buzz in my pants pockets . And it ends up on you . He commented with a snort . You gotta learn what it means to calm the h.e.l.l down . I ignored him and reached for my very wet, miraculously working phone . Guess it was waterproof . I unlocked it and was surprised to see a message from an unknown number . The same number on which a threat was sent . I eyed it wearily before opening it . Unknown number: :) I felt my nose flare at this particular moment . Augustus was right . It was them . I clenched the phone too hard in my hand and was about to throw it away when I felt Augustuss hand on my shoulder . Told you . He said seriously . And now, you gotta do s.h.i.t about it . Because if you dont, they might not stop at anything to get those doc.u.ments -which by the way, I deserve an explanation to know what exactly theyre about- back in their hands . I squeezed shut my eyes and held my breath . I breathed out . Ive something on my mind, I said flipping my phone between my index and middle fingers . Be ready to be surprised . Feeling furious was an understatement . I was utterly dismayed because they just awoke a hibernating monster within me . I never planned on a rivalry with them . I never planned on a battle with them . Because, h.e.l.l . Ill give them war . --- I pushed up my sungla.s.ses over my hair and untightened my jade-green scarf (I bought a new one) around my neck before knocking on the door . It was 7: 57 a . m . And it was warmer than usual . And I thought that maybe winter was finally delivering its last words as occasional gusts of wind and drizzles . The door was then opened by America -Fathers housekeeper- who stepped aside with a small smile . I let my eyes wipe around the inside of the house before I stepped in with a gentle sigh . America then guided me through the obviously luxurious place until I found Father sitting at the head of a dining table in a crisp, white suit, and a royal blue tie with his hands clasped on the tabletop . His fingers were ringless . His dyed brown hair was combed neatly to the side and his face was set with a knowing, teasing smile on his lips . Powerful . Forget about the heart attack that almost killed him . Or maybe, he was acting . Trying his best not to let the real him show up . In front of me . Again . I walked steadily toward the table as he unclasped his hands with a disturbing twinkle in his dark eyes . Right on time . He said and I smirked, dragging a chair to sit on . Im impressed . I made sure I called him yesterday so that we could meet . I wanted to use him to help me . What can I say? I raised an eyebrow . Im impressive . Father nodded once and then snapped his fingers twice . America was right by his side in a matter of seconds . Serve the food . He said slowly with an air of authority and she nodded before leaving us with a smile, plastered on her face . Father then looked at me with the same knowing smile . You said you wanted to discuss something that might interest me . You said you knew who had the doc.u.ments . Thats true, I said, grabbing a napkin and placing it on my laps as I stared at the perfect arrangement of the utensils in front of me . Interesting, indeed . He said doing the same with slow precision . I watched his stubby fingers go over the shiny utensils before he looked up and talked . Why didnt you bring the girl along? We couldve had some fun with a blind girl . He smiled and looked up . I wouldve if they were with her, I said ignoring the pang in my heart as America came and started serving Fathers food . Wow . A plot twist . He said with fake enthusiasm . I love those . I almost smirked at his remark when I was interrupted by the sound of footsteps . I turned my head to my right to find Augustus standing with messy hair, boxers and I guessed yesterdays socks . He stared at me and I glared at him . Idiot . Look away, is what I wanted to communicate and he thankfully got it . He masked his surprise quickly and looked at Father with a deep frown . You didnt tell me we were having guests . His voice was rough and I dared smile . He is not a guest, August . My father said with amus.e.m.e.nt lacing his composed voice as he extended an arm toward me . He is your half-brother . Augustus faltered and looked at me as I subtly shook my head with a slightly raised brow . Right . He said with a fake grimace . Ill give you some time . He glanced at me then looked back at Father quickly . I was -uh- going out anyway . Sure thing, Father said with a tight smile . Ill be here when you return . Augustus ran his left hand through his hair nodded toward the door and tried really hard not to look at me before he finally left . I looked after him until Fathers clearing his throat caught my attention . I averted my gaze back to him and he raised his eyebrows as if expecting me to continue . As it happens, I said, raising my eyebrows and sipping on some red wine . Ricardo had a big, happy family . And so he decided to keep his valued possessions with his beloved sons . I finished with a smile . He stopped reaching for his toast, averted his gaze to me and raised his eyebrows . Sons? He retracted his arm and rested his hand around the neck of a gla.s.s cup with water . I watched his index finger trace the mouth slowly . They finish all the unfinished business he left when he died . I continued bitterly as I fumbled with my ring . We arent their only case . Father studied me for a moment too long before he nodded once and picked his cup of water . And they have the doc.u.ments? Yes . They do . I lied with a sigh . I had them . How did you figure out all that? He asked, flicking his eyes up to lock my eyes . I didnt expect this question so I blurted the first thing that occurred to me . It was mere coincidence . Coincidence? Father scoffed, but I was fast to come back at him . It goes against our rules, was what I said . And it was true . Father made sure I never believed in coincidence . That everything had a logical explanation behind it . Which in this case was very true, but there was no way I was disclosing that to him . You know . He said indifferently as his sharp eyes swam around the dining room . -I never really believe in coincidence . So if you may, explain . I looked at him carefully and realized I shouldve probably thought it through more thoroughly . If youre lying, he started with a bored sigh . -because you want to protect one of your beloved companions, please free me from this . I shifted my gaze to the pancakes in front of me and bit down on my lip thoughtfully . In fact, I then said slowly, clearing my throat . -I want to protect myself . I thought I brought you up to be perfectly capable of that . He said between his teeth, looking up with a forced smile . True . I c.o.c.ked my head a little . But I cant do it for longer, I said . Ever since they knew I know about the doc.u.ments theyve been threatening me and preventing me from infiltrating them . And to be honest, I came here for help . So your new ways are not working? He said raising her eyebrows with a smirk . Your new, blood-free, humane, sophisticated methods . He almost chuckled . I ignored him . Are you in or should I continue doing it my way? I cut short the undesirable chit-chat . Father shifted in his seat . Well . He took the knife and dipped it in a plate of b.u.t.ter . He picked a piece . You know my policy . Unless youre willing to explain yourself more, I will not . He spread the b.u.t.ter piece on his toast . I will not help you . Well . I mocked his way . I will do it my way and be the first person to hold those doc.u.ments in my hands . Father froze a bit before chuckling . Right . His eyes twinkled darkly . You got me there . But let me ask you a question . He said . Do you know whats in them? Oh, Daddy, I know and know and know . Should I know? So I asked back . Answering questions with questions is only a sign of lying, son . He said wistfully with a smirk . It was one of his lessons: how to be a walking lie detector . Well, I do know, I said . Im very good at guessing, you know . Its probably some evidence for all the dirty jobs weve done . I lied seriously, looking straight in his eyes . He scoffed, studied me and sighed . Ill relieve you, though, he said . Ill tell you whats in them . What made you think Id believe you? I asked with a smile . I mean maybe youre hiding something about yourself . In there . Father pursed his lips, cleared his throat, clasped his hands and then smiled . Maybe . So? I said with an easy smirk . Is that a yes? He sized me up, worked his jaws, then smirked . Tell me about them . He said bitterly . I grinned and relaxed back in my chair . Maxime and Leonard, I smirked . Want to do it your way, do it your way . Are you sure they have the doc.u.ments? My father repeated his previous question with caution . Are you absolutely certain? I wouldnt want to make foes with some kids, for G.o.ds sake . I smiled and looked straight into his eyes . Im not certain . But sometimes taking a chance is better than sitting in a fancy house and wait for my housekeepers to serve me as I worry about a son who might or might not even care . My fathers left eye twitched a bit before he sipped on his cup of water . Were done here, he said . You may leave . And it was done . Maxime and Leonard were no more . Or at least I hoped so . *** A/N: Ugh . and are they really a no more?

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