Julius Caesar

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Julius had no choice . Or that was at least what I thought .

So when he held my hand, looked in my eyes and spoke, I pitied him because it was never his fault . He wasn"t born as a monster . He was reared as one . Given murder in a red ribbon as a gift from his father when he turned seventeen, he felt complied to pay for it for the rest of his life . To gain his acceptance . And it was sickening, everything he told me . The scars his father gave him . The scars, that he said, humiliated him as it remained as a reminder of his "weakness" .

He said that it was his own choice and that he had accepted his fate . He said that what broke him the most was his father killing his pregnant girlfriend in front of his eyes .

"And I guess I needed this break to fix so many things about myself," was how he explained it, eyes cast down, fixated on our intertwined fingers .

He said he constantly missed his mother and that he hated his father for cheating on her and thus giving him a brother that he met by mere "coincidence" . He whispered about how much he loved him though and I couldn"t help but smile . He said that if anything happened to him, Augustus, he would die .

He then talked about the doc.u.ments my father "stole" and I wasn"t surprised when I believed him in a heartbeat . He was surprised, though . So I told him . I told him what I saw . I told him about the videos on Maxime"s laptop and he frowned . He said it was stupid to keep such evidence . That it was quite suspicious and that he was scared for me .

He suggested I leave with him .

He told me that he"d send me to a whole new country because "it was for the greater good" . But I refused because I didn"t need him to protect me . Because I was sure Maxime wouldn"t harm me . No matter what . And I"d be gone from here after a few days anyway (so Maxime wouldn"t get suspicious) and return to my normal life .

I could see that his jaw twitched with all the things he wished he could say, maybe shout, but all he managed to utter was, "You"re free to do what you desire . "

And it hurt me . Ironically . It did hurt to see him prepare himself to cut all the ties while all I did was try to accept it in the first place . Accept that he was leaving me . Because our beating hearts brought together were too big to fit this universe . And we had to know that . That the fault lied in the hands of the galaxies that cursed us by giving him a harsh father and stealing his humanity with each stab or bullet he shot .

So when I teared up at our terrible fate, he raised our intertwined hands and pressed his lips to the back of my hand while locking my eyes . He then asked me to get closer to him . And I did . I was close enough to nestle my head next to his neck while wrapping an arm around his torso . He then sighed heavily, planted a kiss on my head and decided to tell me a "story" .

This story, he said, was about a very strong, blind girl . She was very beautiful, he murmured . "The only serenity in a beast"s demon-d.a.m.ned days," he whispered, running a hand in my hair . He talked about the guilt of the beast when he constantly fed her with lies so that she wouldn"t run away from him .

"He was afraid she"d ask him a question he"d fail to answer . A question where he"d have to tell her the whole truth about the ugliness that stained his insides . Because beasts aren"t what we see, but what we really are," Julius played with the words and I closed my eyes, tears wetting his bare torso . "He was afraid she"d ask him "Who are you?" . Little did he know that it was inevitable . That he should"ve known better . He should"ve known that he had this ugliness that just can"t be loved . Or accepted . "

We talked about second chances though . A lot . But he remained adamant to one response as he"d force out a hard, humourless laugh .

"Reality doesn"t offer second chances, love . " Yes . He said that .

And I remember telling him that I could; I could offer him all the chances he deserved . But then he"d shake his head and bring our intertwined hands to his chest, where I could feel his heart beating outrageously .

"Then how would this-" He"d mumble, tapping our hands to his chest twice . "-live with it?"

Yeah, I cried again . Because he was clearly letting go . His voice was full of resignation and I hated it . So I brought up Amanda . I told him how I"d only have Amanda to live with and that I needed something different . I needed him . And I didn"t care if he killed people because I knew he was reborn and that the past was in the past .

I remember a very long pause punctuated by his occasional sighs as he shifted . I was almost hoping that he changed his mind . I even lifted myself off him and stared in his face . His face was not comforting .

"Samantha, there"s something I need to tell you . About Amanda . "

I naturally frowned at his tone . Because what was there to tell me about her? I urged him to continue anyway .

Julius" lips then parted silently as he stared at me, weighing thoughts in his mind . Before he purred, "Get closer . "

I reluctantly lowered myself to his chest again, eyes wide open . I knew that whatever would come out of his mouth would be bad .

"After your father"s death, Amanda left to France and left you with Danielle . Your father"s third wife-" Julius stated and I was going to jump out of his arms, but his arm locked me in place .

I remember frowning deeply at his words because what was he saying? What third wife? What Danielle? Then I remembered the day of the operation . I remembered what he said about Amanda . I remembered his discomfort . He lied to me .

"I lied to you because you weren"t ready-" was his excuse when I told him . But I wasn"t taking it . So he told me the "whole" story . Of how after my father"s death, he tried hunting down his daughter, me, for the doc.u.ments . How he found a wrong one first before he figured I was the real one .

That was why he wanted me to gain my sight, he mentioned . For my safety . He told me that if it weren"t for his father"s intervention and the very fact that I was their target, he wouldn"t have talked to me ever again . And I thought, G.o.d, this is crazy .

He said he figured out that Amanda wasn"t the real one when I showed him the framed pictures . "Danielle told you, you were permanently blind, but so did your father-" He pointed out as evidence to his words . "They were both hiding this from you for opposite reasons . Danielle wanted Becky to live richly like you do, so Amanda left her the responsibility only if she pretended to be her . Your mother happily sent the money every month . Your father, however, wanted you to remain blind to his dirty work . "

Bianca, Caesar . Bianca .

"I got the doc.u.ments from Danielle and that was how Maxime found me . His revenge was to tell you about me- apparently, get you on his side and slowly morph you into a monster like himself . And here we are, heartbroken and too weak to figure out what"s right and start doing it . " He then added with a heavy sigh .

I stiffened in his hold before closing my eyes . "I was disowned by my family . They used me . " And I was almost surprised that no tears came .

"I know you mightn"t beli-" he started, but I shook my head .

"I believe you," I whispered calmly . "I really do . " Heavens, those people didn"t mind gutting babies; they surely wouldn"t mind lying to me . "But I have a question to ask-" I changed the subject, sat up and caged his torso . My face a few inches from his .

"You"re making me anxious-" he said, flashing me a weak smile, that stirred my insides as he used a hand to push back some hair strands that fell over my eyes . He then slowly shook his head . "Will you do a dare for me if I answered?"

I frowned, but not seriously . "I thought you couldn"t "do witty" . "

"I cannot . It was a request-" he said, raising a brow . "A motivation . "

I sighed . "Okay . Why didn"t you fight off my brother?"

Julius shifted carefully below me before I felt my arms hurt from supporting my weight for so long . So I lowered my head back to his chest and sighed .

"Because you love him . " He said .

"But he hurt you-"

"Well, I would hurt you by hurting him-"

I scoffed, tears in my eyes . "You can"t be that ridiculously sweet . You can"t really be a murderer, Julius . " I told him that . Yes . Because it was true .

He paused, then stroked my hair . "Ready for the dare?" He obviously ignored me .

"One more question, please-" I requested, tracing careful circles on his side .

"One more dare?"

"Okay," I said and took a deep breath . "Did you like really lick off people"s blood when you killed them?" I cringed at the question . "I mean, you said that and it haunted m-"

He then chuckled at my words, running his fingers in my hair . "Of course not-" he said . "But I did dream about it a lot for some reason . Sometimes it was too believable-" he sighed . "I mean, it isn"t too far-fetched and matched my profile . "

"So like you don"t-" I paused . "You don"t like get pleasured by blood or excited or-"

"Turned on?" He scoffed and I turned red . "No . I am not a vampire, love . "

"So how did you feel after you killed someone?" I pressed, impressed at my ability to casually interrogate a murderer about his killing style . As if it was supposed to make it any better .

"I didn"t feel-" he said seriously . "I"d drink all the emotions away . I didn"t give myself a chance to think . Or guilt would"ve killed me-"

"So you"re not like those serial killers I read about?"

"Did they use to lick blood?"

"Did they use to lick blood?"

"Yes . "

"Feel guilty?"

"Nope . "

"Then, no," he breathed, a hint of a smile, lacing his voice . "Now ready for the dares?"

"Wait, I got one more question," I said shyly . "For a dare of course . "

He chuckled lightly . "Yes, sure . Go ahead . "

"Do you love me?"

"d.a.m.n, Mantha, two dares for that-" I could still hear the smile in his voice .

"Is it that difficult?"

"Well, it is-" he breathed heavily . "You just reminded me of why we"re doing this in the first place . That this hold-" he wrapped his arm tightly around me . "-it"s temporary . "


"I don"t tell people about my emotions, Manth" he said, and I frowned, heart in mouth as I lifted myself off him and sat up, staring down into his playful eyes . He then grinned at my displeased expression . "-I show them . "

And, ah, that was so s.e.xy the way he said it . I thought I needed to slap myself to clear my thoughts . To worsen it, Julius too sat up, the blanket falling to his laps, exposing his bare chest and muscular, cigarette-scarred arms .

My breathing fastened as I watched his eyes flicker from my shirt to my lips . "Okay," he lifted an eyebrow devilishly . "I dare you to take off your shirt . "

I looked at him, tilted my head, my brain a haze as I peeled off my shirt with shaky hands and without second thoughts . Julius" eyes widened at me as I looked down at my black bra and wondered, what am I doing? I"d never done this before . This was so, so stupid .

"Oh my G.o.d, Manth" he breathed, devouring me with his eyes as I instinctively wrapped my arms around myself . Well, my body wasn"t perfect, a bit of a belly, stretch marks and oh moles . Oh, I got lots of those . I was starting to regret this .

"What are you doing?" he frowned a bit . "Give me your hands . "

I wrapped my arms around me tighter .

"Don"t be like this . You"re so ridiculously perfect-" he said huskily, scooting closer to me and reaching for my arms . He then locked my eyes and smiled rea.s.suringly . I sucked my belly and gave him my hands, feeling slightly embarra.s.sed . His warm hands caressed mine before he pulled me closer, cupped my face in his st.u.r.dy hands and grinned .

"You"re beautiful-" He whispered in my mouth, furrowing his eyebrows, tracing my lips with his thumb, and parting them, while my head was like, oh my G.o.d, oh my G.o.d, oh my G.o.d . And then he pecked my lips once, lingered, before backing away, shaking his head .

"We shouldn"t be doing this . I"ll end up fuc-making love to you when I really can"t," he said throatily, panting and I panted from the effort it took to keep my heart in my chest .

But, oh, Julius, I wasn"t taking it . So I slowly got closer and straddled him smoothly . He looked down at my cleavage, then back up again with shut eyes .

"You"re killing me," he purred huskily as I leaned in till our foreheads touched .

"I want it to be memorable . Killing you," I said playfully, raising my eyebrows and he smiled lopsidedly .

"Didn"t know you had this in you too," he said, his eyes flicking down to my lips as his hands found their way to my hips and up my spine .

"We"d make a perfect couple," I joked with a sad undertone as I wrapped my arms around his neck .

"In a parallel universe . "

"In a parallel universe . "

"Where Maxime doesn"t exist . "

"And my father isn"t a b.i.t.c.h . "

"And I was never blind . "

"And I hadn"t killed . "

"And I met you earlier . "

"And I kissed you earlier . "

"And I made you love music . "

"And I made love to you every two hours . "

"Oh, that"s a lot!" I scrunched my nose and laughed .

"You don"t know me when it comes to this . " He winked with a grin and I slapped his face playfully, laughing .

Julius then pushed me toward him so I straddled him closer . He planted a kiss on my nose before his lips found my ears . "In a parallel universe, Samantha, I"d marry you . "

I stopped laughing at the sincerity in his voice and looked down at him . "And I"d have five kids with you . "

"And I"d be the best father and husband ever . "

Tears already filled my eyes . "And I"d literally repeat history with you . "

"How so?" He asked with a playful frown and I brushed my nose with his .

"I"d name our first son Caesarion . "

At that he tipped his head back, disconnecting our foreheads and laughing . "So you"d be my Cleopatra?"

"Yes!" I said excitedly, tears rolling down my cheeks . "And we"d have him in Egypt!"

He laughed more, tears forming in his eyes . Oh, my heart .

"You"d be the king of my heart," I said and he sighed with a sad smile .

"And you"d be the queen of my universe . "

"And I"d love you so much . "

"And I"d love you even more . "

"Oh, Caesar," I said, bringing my forehead to his again . "I love you so much . "

"I love you so much more . With every and each inch of me . I love you . " He said slowly, softly, locking my eyes, all the fun gone . I sniffed and he smiled, his emerald stones shimmering in an ocean of tears . "I"m sorry . "

"I"m sorry too," I smiled despite the tears that freely ran down my face .

"Alright, Samantha," he said quietly, sniffing and looking in my eyes . "I dare you to kiss me . "
"I"m sorry too," I smiled despite the tears that freely ran down my face .

"Alright, Samantha," he said quietly, sniffing and looking in my eyes . "I dare you to kiss me . "

I laughed, but leaned in anyway and pecked his lips with my numb ones . I couldn"t even kiss him, with all the silent crying I was doing . I backed away, sniffing and he shook his head, tears staining his cheeks .

"Come on! That was pathetic," he joked despite the pain of it all . "Our parallel future of five kids is under threat . I"ll need more than this!"

"Dammit, Caesar, have patience! I"m crying right now," I laughed and cried more as he shook his head . "I"m like shaking . "

"I"m very impatient," he pouted, puckered his lips and closed his teary eyes as if preparing himself for receiving a kiss .

I took deep, calming breaths, wiped my tears, brushed a few hair strands from his forehead and cradled his face in my hands . I then caressed his scorching lips with mine, parting them . I felt his hands travel slowly up my back where his finger hooked my bra . He then parted away with an "Oh, oh", and I closed my eyes because that was the s.e.xiest "oh" I"d ever heard .

"Scratch that," he said hoa.r.s.ely, unfastening my bra . "We"re having ten kids . "

I tried to laugh, but I couldn"t because it had reached a very sad point . So I settled for a smile .

"Come on," he whispered thickly, removing my bra completely . "Kiss me again . " He then licked his lips, stared in my eyes . "Please . "

And I did . Once, twice, a hundred times, fingers deep in his hair until I was breathless from moaning and he was panting for oxygen . We hadn"t moved from our position as we sat staring at each other speechlessly .

"If it weren"t for my back-" He said, resting his head on my shoulder . "I would have-" He banged his head gently on my shoulder blade . "I would"ve ripped you to pieces . "

"I know," I said shifting on his laps and his head shot up from my shoulder, eyes widened . I looked cautiously at him . "What?"

"You can"t do that-" He whispered, neck taut .

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I shifted more . His hands flew to my hips, keeping me in place .

"That, Samanth" He looked down, between us and I almost facepalmed at my idiocy as flames slapped my cheeks .

"Oh my G.o.d, I"m so sorry," I gasped and he laughed . And now that he"d mentioned it, I could feel it beneath me .

"Don"t move-" he said and I raised my eyebrows .

"But it feels so weird!" I was exclaiming, laughing, my laughter shaking my whole body . And his too .

Julius groaned . "It feels like ten kids, Samantha . Calm down," he retorted and I slammed my head on his shoulder, hiding my face from embarra.s.sment as I laughed helplessly .

"I love you," he then mumbled, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer, hugging me .

I pulled apart and stared in his eyes with tears in mine . "Me too, Caesar . More than you can ever imagine . "

And that was the last time I looked in those beautiful emeralds of his because when I woke up in the morning, he wasn"t there next to me . His arms weren"t wrapped protectively around me with his fingers intertwined in mine and my cold feet weren"t warmed by his .

He was true to his words . He wasn"t here anymore .

And the door of the bas.e.m.e.nt? It was wide, wide open .


A/N: AND THAT CONCLUDES PART TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Julius had no choice . Or that was at least what I thought . So when he held my hand, looked in my eyes and spoke, I pitied him because it was never his fault . He wasnt born as a monster . He was reared as one . Given murder in a red ribbon as a gift from his father when he turned seventeen, he felt complied to pay for it for the rest of his life . To gain his acceptance . And it was sickening, everything he told me . The scars his father gave him . The scars, that he said, humiliated him as it remained as a reminder of his weakness . He said that it was his own choice and that he had accepted his fate . He said that what broke him the most was his father killing his pregnant girlfriend in front of his eyes . And I guess I needed this break to fix so many things about myself, was how he explained it, eyes cast down, fixated on our intertwined fingers . He said he constantly missed his mother and that he hated his father for cheating on her and thus giving him a brother that he met by mere coincidence . He whispered about how much he loved him though and I couldnt help but smile . He said that if anything happened to him, Augustus, he would die . He then talked about the doc.u.ments my father stole and I wasnt surprised when I believed him in a heartbeat . He was surprised, though . So I told him . I told him what I saw . I told him about the videos on Maximes laptop and he frowned . He said it was stupid to keep such evidence . That it was quite suspicious and that he was scared for me . He suggested I leave with him . He told me that hed send me to a whole new country because it was for the greater good . But I refused because I didnt need him to protect me . Because I was sure Maxime wouldnt harm me . No matter what . And Id be gone from here after a few days anyway (so Maxime wouldnt get suspicious) and return to my normal life . I could see that his jaw twitched with all the things he wished he could say, maybe shout, but all he managed to utter was, Youre free to do what you desire . And it hurt me . Ironically . It did hurt to see him prepare himself to cut all the ties while all I did was try to accept it in the first place . Accept that he was leaving me . Because our beating hearts brought together were too big to fit this universe . And we had to know that . That the fault lied in the hands of the galaxies that cursed us by giving him a harsh father and stealing his humanity with each stab or bullet he shot . So when I teared up at our terrible fate, he raised our intertwined hands and pressed his lips to the back of my hand while locking my eyes . He then asked me to get closer to him . And I did . I was close enough to nestle my head next to his neck while wrapping an arm around his torso . He then sighed heavily, planted a kiss on my head and decided to tell me a story . This story, he said, was about a very strong, blind girl . She was very beautiful, he murmured . The only serenity in a beasts demon-d.a.m.ned days, he whispered, running a hand in my hair . He talked about the guilt of the beast when he constantly fed her with lies so that she wouldnt run away from him . He was afraid shed ask him a question hed fail to answer . A question where hed have to tell her the whole truth about the ugliness that stained his insides . Because beasts arent what we see, but what we really are, Julius played with the words and I closed my eyes, tears wetting his bare torso . He was afraid shed ask him Who are you? . Little did he know that it was inevitable . That he shouldve known better . He shouldve known that he had this ugliness that just cant be loved . Or accepted . We talked about second chances though . A lot . But he remained adamant to one response as hed force out a hard, humourless laugh . Reality doesnt offer second chances, love . Yes . He said that . And I remember telling him that I could; I could offer him all the chances he deserved . But then hed shake his head and bring our intertwined hands to his chest, where I could feel his heart beating outrageously . Then how would this- Hed mumble, tapping our hands to his chest twice . -live with it? Yeah, I cried again . Because he was clearly letting go . His voice was full of resignation and I hated it . So I brought up Amanda . I told him how Id only have Amanda to live with and that I needed something different . I needed him . And I didnt care if he killed people because I knew he was reborn and that the past was in the past . I remember a very long pause punctuated by his occasional sighs as he shifted . I was almost hoping that he changed his mind . I even lifted myself off him and stared in his face . His face was not comforting . Samantha, theres something I need to tell you . About Amanda . I naturally frowned at his tone . Because what was there to tell me about her? I urged him to continue anyway . Julius lips then parted silently as he stared at me, weighing thoughts in his mind . Before he purred, Get closer . I reluctantly lowered myself to his chest again, eyes wide open . I knew that whatever would come out of his mouth would be bad . After your fathers death, Amanda left to France and left you with Danielle . Your fathers third wife- Julius stated and I was going to jump out of his arms, but his arm locked me in place . I remember frowning deeply at his words because what was he saying? What third wife? What Danielle? Then I remembered the day of the operation . I remembered what he said about Amanda . I remembered his discomfort . He lied to me . I lied to you because you werent ready- was his excuse when I told him . But I wasnt taking it . So he told me the whole story . Of how after my fathers death, he tried hunting down his daughter, me, for the doc.u.ments . How he found a wrong one first before he figured I was the real one . That was why he wanted me to gain my sight, he mentioned . For my safety . He told me that if it werent for his fathers intervention and the very fact that I was their target, he wouldnt have talked to me ever again . And I thought, G.o.d, this is crazy . He said he figured out that Amanda wasnt the real one when I showed him the framed pictures . Danielle told you, you were permanently blind, but so did your father- He pointed out as evidence to his words . They were both hiding this from you for opposite reasons . Danielle wanted Becky to live richly like you do, so Amanda left her the responsibility only if she pretended to be her . Your mother happily sent the money every month . Your father, however, wanted you to remain blind to his dirty work . Bianca, Caesar . Bianca . I got the doc.u.ments from Danielle and that was how Maxime found me . His revenge was to tell you about me- apparently, get you on his side and slowly morph you into a monster like himself . And here we are, heartbroken and too weak to figure out whats right and start doing it . He then added with a heavy sigh . I stiffened in his hold before closing my eyes . I was disowned by my family . They used me . And I was almost surprised that no tears came . I know you mightnt beli- he started, but I shook my head . I believe you, I whispered calmly . I really do . Heavens, those people didnt mind gutting babies; they surely wouldnt mind lying to me . But I have a question to ask- I changed the subject, sat up and caged his torso . My face a few inches from his . Youre making me anxious- he said, flashing me a weak smile, that stirred my insides as he used a hand to push back some hair strands that fell over my eyes . He then slowly shook his head . Will you do a dare for me if I answered? I frowned, but not seriously . I thought you couldnt do witty . I cannot . It was a request- he said, raising a brow . A motivation . I sighed . Okay . Why didnt you fight off my brother? Julius shifted carefully below me before I felt my arms hurt from supporting my weight for so long . So I lowered my head back to his chest and sighed . Because you love him . He said . But he hurt you- Well, I would hurt you by hurting him- I scoffed, tears in my eyes . You cant be that ridiculously sweet . You cant really be a murderer, Julius . I told him that . Yes . Because it was true . He paused, then stroked my hair . Ready for the dare? He obviously ignored me . One more question, please- I requested, tracing careful circles on his side . One more dare? Okay, I said and took a deep breath . Did you like really lick off peoples blood when you killed them? I cringed at the question . I mean, you said that and it haunted m- He then chuckled at my words, running his fingers in my hair . Of course not- he said . But I did dream about it a lot for some reason . Sometimes it was too believable- he sighed . I mean, it isnt too far-fetched and matched my profile . So like you dont- I paused . You dont like get pleasured by blood or excited or- Turned on? He scoffed and I turned red . No . I am not a vampire, love . So how did you feel after you killed someone? I pressed, impressed at my ability to casually interrogate a murderer about his killing style . As if it was supposed to make it any better . I didnt feel- he said seriously . Id drink all the emotions away . I didnt give myself a chance to think . Or guilt wouldve killed me- So youre not like those serial killers I read about? Did they use to lick blood? Yes . Feel guilty? Nope . Then, no, he breathed, a hint of a smile, lacing his voice . Now ready for the dares? Wait, I got one more question, I said shyly . For a dare of course . He chuckled lightly . Yes, sure . Go ahead . Do you love me? d.a.m.n, Mantha, two dares for that- I could still hear the smile in his voice . Is it that difficult? Well, it is- he breathed heavily . You just reminded me of why were doing this in the first place . That this hold- he wrapped his arm tightly around me . -its temporary . So-? I dont tell people about my emotions, Manth he said, and I frowned, heart in mouth as I lifted myself off him and sat up, staring down into his playful eyes . He then grinned at my displeased expression . -I show them . And, ah, that was so s.e.xy the way he said it . I thought I needed to slap myself to clear my thoughts . To worsen it, Julius too sat up, the blanket falling to his laps, exposing his bare chest and muscular, cigarette-scarred arms . My breathing fastened as I watched his eyes flicker from my shirt to my lips . Okay, he lifted an eyebrow devilishly . I dare you to take off your shirt . I looked at him, tilted my head, my brain a haze as I peeled off my shirt with shaky hands and without second thoughts . Julius eyes widened at me as I looked down at my black bra and wondered, what am I doing? Id never done this before . This was so, so stupid . Oh my G.o.d, Manth he breathed, devouring me with his eyes as I instinctively wrapped my arms around myself . Well, my body wasnt perfect, a bit of a belly, stretch marks and oh moles . Oh, I got lots of those . I was starting to regret this . What are you doing? he frowned a bit . Give me your hands . I wrapped my arms around me tighter . Dont be like this . Youre so ridiculously perfect- he said huskily, scooting closer to me and reaching for my arms . He then locked my eyes and smiled rea.s.suringly . I sucked my belly and gave him my hands, feeling slightly embarra.s.sed . His warm hands caressed mine before he pulled me closer, cupped my face in his st.u.r.dy hands and grinned . Youre beautiful- He whispered in my mouth, furrowing his eyebrows, tracing my lips with his thumb, and parting them, while my head was like, oh my G.o.d, oh my G.o.d, oh my G.o.d . And then he pecked my lips once, lingered, before backing away, shaking his head . We shouldnt be doing this . Ill end up fuc-making love to you when I really cant, he said throatily, panting and I panted from the effort it took to keep my heart in my chest . But, oh, Julius, I wasnt taking it . So I slowly got closer and straddled him smoothly . He looked down at my cleavage, then back up again with shut eyes . Youre killing me, he purred huskily as I leaned in till our foreheads touched . I want it to be memorable . Killing you, I said playfully, raising my eyebrows and he smiled lopsidedly . Didnt know you had this in you too, he said, his eyes flicking down to my lips as his hands found their way to my hips and up my spine . Wed make a perfect couple, I joked with a sad undertone as I wrapped my arms around his neck . In a parallel universe . Where Maxime doesnt exist . And my father isnt a b.i.t.c.h . And I was never blind . And I hadnt killed . And I met you earlier . And I kissed you earlier . And I made you love music . And I made love to you every two hours . Oh, thats a lot! I scrunched my nose and laughed . You dont know me when it comes to this . He winked with a grin and I slapped his face playfully, laughing . Julius then pushed me toward him so I straddled him closer . He planted a kiss on my nose before his lips found my ears . In a parallel universe, Samantha, Id marry you . I stopped laughing at the sincerity in his voice and looked down at him . And Id have five kids with you . And Id be the best father and husband ever . Tears already filled my eyes . And Id literally repeat history with you . How so? He asked with a playful frown and I brushed my nose with his . Id name our first son Caesarion . At that he tipped his head back, disconnecting our foreheads and laughing . So youd be my Cleopatra? Yes! I said excitedly, tears rolling down my cheeks . And wed have him in Egypt! He laughed more, tears forming in his eyes . Oh, my heart . Youd be the king of my heart, I said and he sighed with a sad smile . And youd be the queen of my universe . And Id love you so much . And Id love you even more . Oh, Caesar, I said, bringing my forehead to his again . I love you so much . I love you so much more . With every and each inch of me . I love you . He said slowly, softly, locking my eyes, all the fun gone . I sniffed and he smiled, his emerald stones shimmering in an ocean of tears . Im sorry . Im sorry too, I smiled despite the tears that freely ran down my face . Alright, Samantha, he said quietly, sniffing and looking in my eyes . I dare you to kiss me . I laughed, but leaned in anyway and pecked his lips with my numb ones . I couldnt even kiss him, with all the silent crying I was doing . I backed away, sniffing and he shook his head, tears staining his cheeks . Come on! That was pathetic, he joked despite the pain of it all . Our parallel future of five kids is under threat . Ill need more than this! Dammit, Caesar, have patience! Im crying right now, I laughed and cried more as he shook his head . Im like shaking . Im very impatient, he pouted, puckered his lips and closed his teary eyes as if preparing himself for receiving a kiss . I took deep, calming breaths, wiped my tears, brushed a few hair strands from his forehead and cradled his face in my hands . I then caressed his scorching lips with mine, parting them . I felt his hands travel slowly up my back where his finger hooked my bra . He then parted away with an Oh, oh, and I closed my eyes because that was the s.e.xiest oh Id ever heard . Scratch that, he said hoa.r.s.ely, unfastening my bra . Were having ten kids . I tried to laugh, but I couldnt because it had reached a very sad point . So I settled for a smile . Come on, he whispered thickly, removing my bra completely . Kiss me again . He then licked his lips, stared in my eyes . Please . And I did . Once, twice, a hundred times, fingers deep in his hair until I was breathless from moaning and he was panting for oxygen . We hadnt moved from our position as we sat staring at each other speechlessly . If it werent for my back- He said, resting his head on my shoulder . I would have- He banged his head gently on my shoulder blade . I wouldve ripped you to pieces . I know, I said shifting on his laps and his head shot up from my shoulder, eyes widened . I looked cautiously at him . What? You cant do that- He whispered, neck taut . What? I furrowed my eyebrows as I shifted more . His hands flew to my hips, keeping me in place . That, Samanth He looked down, between us and I almost facepalmed at my idiocy as flames slapped my cheeks . Oh my G.o.d, Im so sorry, I gasped and he laughed . And now that hed mentioned it, I could feel it beneath me . Dont move- he said and I raised my eyebrows . But it feels so weird! I was exclaiming, laughing, my laughter shaking my whole body . And his too . Julius groaned . It feels like ten kids, Samantha . Calm down, he retorted and I slammed my head on his shoulder, hiding my face from embarra.s.sment as I laughed helplessly . I love you, he then mumbled, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer, hugging me . I pulled apart and stared in his eyes with tears in mine . Me too, Caesar . More than you can ever imagine . And that was the last time I looked in those beautiful emeralds of his because when I woke up in the morning, he wasnt there next to me . His arms werent wrapped protectively around me with his fingers intertwined in mine and my cold feet werent warmed by his . He was true to his words . He wasnt here anymore . And the door of the bas.e.m.e.nt? It was wide, wide open . *** A/N: AND THAT CONCLUDES PART TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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